Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 402: Legend, from now on

Chapter 402 Legend, from now on

“Chinese membership card?”

In the office of a company’s chief executive officer, a handsome, handsome man shook his head slightly, looking at the news and materials coming from his subordinates.

There is always a smile on his face, there is no happiness or anger, but more of an emotion, which is playful.

“Chinese supreme, from high-end consumption to the masses, should I say this decision is wise? Or is it sloppy?”

Lightly nodded his finger, the man turned a thoughtful look in his eyes, seeming to speculate about the planner behind the Chinese Supreme.

“This Lorraine is really not easy…” Finally, the man came to a conclusion, “In this way, Old Ghost Song is very foresight, and he has worked with the Luo Family Young Master in the Luo Family Group in advance. The cooperative relationship, the rise of the Chinese Supreme, has brought a lot of benefits and even prestige to the Song Group, right?”

This handsome man is the eldest son of the Pan family and the first of the Four Young Masters in the capital-Pan Jiajun.

Of course, he has another identity, and that is the old enemy that Lorraine vowed to be destroyed one day after being reborn. It’s just that he didn’t know this secret. To be precise, only Lorraine knew. Pan Jiajun and Lorraine had no cooperation at all.

It’s a pity that Pan Jiajun now has a vague idea of ​​wooing Lorraine.

In this world, no matter what field or industry, there will always be two identities: Bole and Maxima.

At this time, Pan Jiajun clearly positioned himself in the role of Bole, and Lorraine is the Maxima with the strongest potential in his heart and the most worthy of promotion and exploration.

“However, the current Chinese Supreme, although full of enthusiasm, has yet to show another level of expansion.” Pan Jiajun thought silently, “Now the second issue of the Chinese Supreme should be the issue of this Chinese. To be precise, membership cards are still in this form, and they have not shifted to other market strategies by a large margin.”

Pan Jiajun’s so-called other marketing strategies are that in addition to the form of identity cards, there are other expansion situations. For example, relying on the huge source of customers from the Chinese Supreme to carry out new business expansion. As for how to use these The huge passenger flow resources depend on how Lorraine operates.

Now, the Rock Group has such a powerful partner as the Song family. If Pan Jiajun is at this juncture and talks about cooperation with the Rock Group, this will undoubtedly anger the Song family, obviously not giving the right side, dismantling Opposite’s station. Therefore, Pan Jiajun is not currently planning to directly discuss cooperation with Lorraine.

It’s…waiting for Lorraine’s next act of market strategy.

Yes, he is still waiting and watching. He always has the idea that the more lofty his identity, the more he has to wait until later, so that he can reflect his nobleness and difference. This is what he does. Motto and principles.

“If…this Lorraine is really as capable as I thought before… the next issue of market strategy will definitely be another great innovation. At that time, I will discuss cooperation with this Lorraine. The timing is just right. It does not appear that the Pan family has fallen in price, and it also gave the green light to the Luo Family’s plan to a certain extent. You know… our Pan family is stronger than the Song family in many respects. Of.”

I figured this out, and Pan Jiajun put on a confident smile on his face.

“And during this period…Whether it is Cannes, Marley, or Xu Tengfei, if you want to be hostile to Lorraine…I still don’t want to be friendly.” Pan Jiajun’s eyes flashed slyly. color.

Actually, the other three people in the Fourth Young Master in Beijing didn’t know that Pan Jiajun was a very noble decision maker on the surface, but in fact, he had a treacherous heart in his heart. To put it bluntly, if Lorraine forms an alliance with the Song family, the Shen family and even some forces in the hands of Kang Shaojie in the future, it is likely to conflict with the interests of the Fourth Young Master and the Third Young Master in Beijing. At that time, when the two parties engage in a certain degree of commercial confrontation, they will definitely fall into a losing ground, and at least, there will be a situation of mutual restraint.

And that situation is what Pan Jiajun is most willing to see.

Imagine that Pan Jiajun saw the development of the situation clearly, got out, and watched with cold eyes, watching the two sides fighting each other hard, recharging themselves, waiting for the best time, and carrying out a supportive behavior similar to sending charcoal in the snow. He is not afraid that the other party will not listen to his own words honestly in the future.

His idea, no matter where it is placed, is a very clever strategy.

Take a real example.

During World War II, one side was a few centralized countries full of Nazism and Nazism, and the other side was an anti-Nazi alliance country. At that time, powerful countries such as Britain and France, and even China, which was in a bad situation, participated in the anti-Nazi war.

At that time, the United States had always maintained its neutrality, and took advantage of the war period, began to frantically develop and manufacture arms, and then sold them to the Nazi country and the anti-Nazi alliance, earning considerable wealth from both sides. , And then use the transferred money to develop their own country.

At the end, Lao Mei saw the situation clearly, suddenly declared the end of neutrality, and went to war. It was precisely because of the participation of the United States at that time that the Second World War, which had lasted for many years, ended.

When the smoke died down, those countries such as Britain, France and Germany, which were originally quite powerful, suddenly came to their senses…It turned out that this old beauty has always chosen to make a fortune in a muffled voice and reap the benefits of the fisherman. !

Since then, the United States has undoubtedly become the world’s premier superpower.

Look, this is the benefit of neutrality, and this is the reward brought by the early wait and see!

And Pan Jiajun has the essentials.

He has now decided that he will not take action against the Luoshi Group anyway, and even if the other three young masters want to fight against the Luoshi Group in the future, he doesn’t mind making a mess in the middle, the two sides fight more and more. It is not open, and in the future, he will get more benefits.

Don’t look at the Pan family behind him as one of the four giants, but who said that there is no stake between the four giants?

They are only temporarily forming a superficial alliance, they are all waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity that can weaken the other three parties, so that they can become the highest power!

The emergence of the Luoshi Group and the emergence of Lorraine, a talented man of heaven, gave Pan Jiajun an opportunity! ——Of course, in order to achieve the situation that Pan Jiajun hopes to see, first of all, Lorraine must be a very good character, at least, he must be able to bear the title of “Little Business King”!

“Hehe, the kid surnamed Luo, don’t let this young master disappoint me…” Pan Jiajun gently lifted the goblet on the table, sipped his mouth and tasted the sweet red wine, eyes Slightly squinted, swaying, the scarlet wine, under his sight, swayed irregularly…


The next day.

In the morning, the Chinese membership card is officially on sale throughout Beijing!

The pre-sale of Chinese membership cards has reached an unprecedented level of popularity!

Since seven o’clock in the morning, there have been people queuing at the service station gate. Not because of anything else, because Lorraine ordered the following to send a message that the Chinese Supreme, every month, only the first week, will be on sale. Every week, there is a limited sale of 7,000 copies, and a daily limit of 1,000 copies, and this 1,000 copies will be evenly divided among the ten regional service stations.

In other words, each service station, in the first week of a month, will only sell 100 copies a day!

Calculated like this, in a year in December, there are only 7,000 copies sold each month, and a year, only 84,000 copies! !

84,000 may be a lot, but first of all, we must consider the total population of the capital at present—because this is the capital of China, the population far exceeds that of other cities. Here, there is a population of more than 15 million!

What kind of data is this?

Assume that out of 15 million people, one million is the home of the rich; there are four million people who are at the bottom. Of the remaining 10 million people, half, that is, 5 million people, belong to the well-off or sub-well-off level in Beijing.

So…the sale of more than 80,000 copies only accounts for…6% of the five million people who are enough to consume!

In other words, only 6% of people are likely to snap up this Chinese membership card at a price of only 10,000 yuan! If other actions are slow, then I’m sorry, but I have to wait until next month.

Many people in the Rock Group object to this limited sale. They feel that if this is the case, the income will be very low. Only 84,000 copies will be sold a year. Why bother?

But Lorraine vetoed everyone’s opposition.

From today’s point of view, his decision is correct.

This is the reason why strange goods are scarce. Lorraine precisely grasped the supreme nature of the Chinese and the mentality of consumers.

In fact, in terms of developments in the next week, Lorraine’s decision is simply horribly wise!

On the first day, a thousand Chinese membership cards were sold hot. Ten service stations were blocked by the crowd. The record on that day was 10:30 in the morning, and it took less than two and a half hours to sell. , One hundred Chinese membership cards at each service station are sold out!

The next day, one thousand Chinese membership cards were sold out. The time was nine o’clock in the morning.

The third day… 8:46 am.

Day four… nine ten in the morning.


On the seventh day… at 8:25, it was sold out.

At this moment, it is also announced that this month’s limited sale of Chinese membership cards is over!

With some regretful sighs, and the madness of the remaining heat.

Lorraine’s name made the headlines of the Beijing Business Times! !

“Business ghost, Lorraine-a young legend, from now on.”

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