Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 391: Anger, extremely angry!

Chapter 391 is angry, extremely angry!

Have dinner at noon.

Lorraine accompanied Jiang Yan and Lan Lan to the amusement park.

I have to say that the amusement park in Zhengzhou City is still good, at least, close to the level of amusement parks in first-tier cities. It is worth mentioning that there is also a part of the Rock Group’s investment in this amusement park.

Although, the shares are not much.

“There are a lot of people today…”

Looking at the lively scenes of people coming and going in the amusement park, Lorraine couldn’t help feeling: “Summer vacation is the peak business period of the amusement park, this is not a holiday at all.”

“Wow! Sister Yan! That’s a roller coaster, huh?… It looks terrifying…” At this moment, Lan Lan suddenly heard screams coming from a short distance, turned her head and looked around, and found out The roller coaster winding and speeding like a long dragon was startled, excited and palpitating.

“Hey, Lan Lan, are you afraid?” Jiang Yan smiled.

Lan Lan nodded: “A little bit…”

“Then do you dare to sit down?”

“Well…it seems to be fun, although I am a little scared…but I still want to try…” Lan Lan said expectantly.

“Lorraine, are you waiting for us, or are you with us?” Jiang Yan smiled at Lorraine at this time.

Lorraine froze for a moment: “Uh, okay. I’ll go with you.”

“Huh? Lorraine? What’s the matter?” Jiang Yan was surprised when she saw Lorraine suddenly stunned.

Lorraine shook his head: “Hehe, it’s okay, let’s go.”

Speaking, he helped the toad mirror used to shade the bridge of his nose, and walked forward first.

Just now… what happened to that inexplicable and ominous premonition?

Lorraine was astonished. At the moment just now, Lorraine’s heart beat unexplainably and fiercely. This intuition is a subconscious normal reaction that Lorraine has gradually formed after experiencing many things. Any reason can be followed, just intuition.

Why is there such an intuition?

Lorraine walked between Jiang Yan and Lan Lan very uneasy, feeling very worried.

The three people walked side by side, slowly approaching the roller coaster…

At this moment, Lorraine suddenly felt a killing intent coming over from the crowd not far away.

Subconsciously, Lorraine turned to look.

A short man wearing a black suit and black sunglasses put his hand in his inner pocket, then quickly took out a dark pistol and pointed it in the direction of Lorraine…Lorraine His complexion changed suddenly, and he was about to evade, but he judged from the angle… this man seemed to be… aimed at Jiang Yan! ! ! !

“Sister Yan!!!”

Immediately, Lorraine yelled.

Jiang Yan turned her head in surprise, and was about to ask what’s wrong, but suddenly she saw a man not far away draw out a dark pistol and pointed it to her side. At this time…the insurance has been opened. Pull the trigger at any time! !

Without waiting for Jiang Yan to speak, Lorraine has already pounced on Jiang Yan.

Lan Lan turned her head at this time, and when she noticed that a man in black was pointing a gun at Jiang Yan not far away, her face instantly turned pale! !

Almost subconsciously, she also blocked Lorraine’s direction: “Lorraine!!——”


A burst of gunfire broke the hot summer! !


Everyone screamed. When one of the people in the crowd was found holding a gun, the crowd broke up, holding their heads running wildly, screaming one after another!


At this moment, after the gunshot, Lan Lan fell into Lorraine’s arms, still faintly calling Lorraine’s name.

“Lan Lan…” Lorraine’s eyes widened. When Jiang Yan on the side recovered, she was also shocked. She looked at Lan Lan and tears burst into her eyes instantly! !

Lorraine hugged Lan Lan with his hands, put one hand on Lan Lan’s back, and once touched, he was full of blood…

At this time, Lan Lan closed her beautiful eyes. Maybe she saw that Lorraine and Sister Yan were okay, so… when she closed her eyes, there was a smile on her pale face. …

“Lan Lan? Lan Lan?!…” Lorraine shouted several times, but Lan Lan didn’t react at all! !

“Asshole!!! I killed you!!!” In an instant, Lorraine’s eyes were scarlet! !

Looking up, the black-clothed man who took the gun and shot just now saw that he had succeeded, and he was ready to leave! Seeing Lorraine roaring, he was also shocked. Apart from anything else, he quickly put away his pistol and ran towards the distance! !

“Sister Yan…” Lorraine’s voice trembled. At this time, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. For a moment, he no longer looked like a human being, like a wild beast that broke free from hell, staring firmly at him. The person who flees in the distance, “Take Lanlan…to the hospital, now, immediately!!!——”

Sister Yan was deeply saddened, but she didn’t go to her head. She knew what Lorraine wanted to do: “Xiao Lin, he has a gun!”

“Go to the hospital!!!!——”

Lorraine yelled again. This was the first time he spoke loudly to Jiang Yan, his eyes were so terrifying.

But Jiang Yan was not afraid. On the contrary, she knew she couldn’t stop Lorraine, so she nodded quickly, then took off her high heels, carried Lan Lan on her back, and rushed towards the gate of the amusement park. Thanks to her being an excellent and capable police officer, she has good physical fitness, at least, she runs faster than some men!


After Jiang Yan left Lan Lan with the blood flowing on her back, Lorraine suddenly stood up, and quickly exerted force under her feet, and the whole person rushed towards this person at an incredible speed. ! ! ——

And the person who committed the crime just now ran ahead, thinking that he was running very fast. At this moment, slightly tired, he glanced back subconsciously.

However, the next second will make him unforgettable.

To be precise, it was the last picture of his life.

Lorraine’s legs are running fast, like a swiftly rotating pendulum. Afterimages, rolling up high sand on the ground, Lorraine’s figure is at least five times taller than this person. Running at the above speed! !

So, what caught his eyes was Lorraine’s hideous face that was already very close! !

And, those wild eyes that are not human at all! !

“Asshole! Go to hell!!!——”

With a roar, Lorraine punched the man’s abdomen fiercely!


With a terrifying sound, the man took a halt, looked at Lorraine in horror, then lowered his head and saw Lorraine… the arm that had been submerged in his body.

Penetrated! !

Lorraine’s punch used up all his strength and penetrated his abdomen fiercely! !

“Puff!!——” A mouthful of fishy blood came out of the black-clothed man’s mouth, nostrils, and ears! !

However, Lorraine did not stop, but…




One punch, then another punch; a punch is heavier than a punch! !

One punch and one punch penetrates this person’s body!

At the end, it penetrated directly from the person’s abdomen to the back! !

“Crack!” “Crack!”

Under the fierce fist, this man’s backbone was all shattered!

And this person, at this time, has no sound, it seems…has been dead.

Lorraine was like a bloodthirsty beast, without any intention of stopping…At this moment, Lorraine’s brain was completely replaced by anger, and there was nothing in his eyes. , Only, hatred! !

This person, just shot…killed Lan Lan! !

I’m going to kill him! !

No…Lan Lan doesn’t necessarily die! Just hit the back! Now if we rush to the hospital in time, there will be help!

It was such a sudden thought that made Lorraine’s eyes blinded by hatred a glimmer of enlightenment flashed.

At this moment, he suddenly woke up.

At this time, his body was gradually stained with red blood, and the person in his hand had become a **** corpse. His sunglasses were gone, and his eyes were horribly open. To the extreme, until death, he did not understand how a human being could have such a fast speed, how could a human being have the power of a punch through the body…

Raising his head, Lorraine found the crowds around, staring one by one, or covering their mouths, looking at the **** Lorraine, all frightened.

This time…I killed someone in a crowd…

Lorraine figured out the seriousness of this matter in an instant!

Fortunately, he is now wearing a pair of sunglasses, and others cannot see exactly what he looks like.

No…not to stay here for long!

Lorraine put the body on the ground, and suddenly realized a problem, this person…why suddenly wanted to kill me?

Is it possible? ! …

Aside from anything else, Lorraine quickly put his hand into the pocket of this man’s clothes and found a mobile phone.

At this time, Lorraine didn’t care about that much, holding this phone, he started to run wildly, running at a terrifying speed! ! When a wind blows up, it is no longer visible!

Soon, Lorraine ran to a remote wooded area not far from the amusement park.

At this time, he stopped, took out the phone that he had searched from the man in black just now, and opened the recent call log.

The next second, “Sister Ran” suddenly jumped into Lorraine’s eyes! ! ——This is a very unprofessional killer. He even carried his mobile phone and kept call records when he acted. However, it is more helpful to Lorraine’s investigation!

Sister Ran…Wang Ran? !

Damn it! ! ! It really is this stinky bitch! ! !

Kill her, I must kill her! ! !

Lorraine’s body was trembling. He took out his cell phone again and dialed Jiang Yan’s number: “Hey, how is Lan Lan?”

A choked voice came from Jiang Yan: “Lan Lan is still bleeding, bleeding ceaselessly…”

“Sister Yan, don’t panic! Are you in the car now, which hospital to go to?!”

“The nearest…Zhengzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital…”

“I’ll rush over!!!” Hung up the phone, Lorraine changed direction, took off his blood-stained coat, wore a black vest, and ran towards the border of the wooded area!

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