Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 385: self-inflicted

Chapter 385 Self-inflicted guilt

“Brother Daqiang!!!” “Brother Lin!!!” “Tsunko!!!”

The brothers yelled in unison, and even Qiang’s sister-in-law was yelling, their voices were mixed, but they broke out at the same time.

When everyone exclaimed…

Lorraine suddenly stopped as he was approaching quickly. He looked at the bullets that were blurry and clear, from far to near, from small to large, while he was pleasantly surprised, but at the same time he felt extremely shocked! !

This is the first time he has intersected with the bullet trajectory!

He can actually see the trajectory of the bullet now! In addition, he can faintly see the trajectory of the bullet being distorted in the air due to its extreme speed! This is too exaggerated! You know, it is impossible for any normal person to see this moving ballistic!

Lorraine knew that his current dynamic visual ability had reached a very powerful level! If this fits into one’s own body skills, it will surely be even more powerful!

However, apart from the surprise, Lorraine was also a little bit frightened.


The visual ability has been enhanced, but Lorraine’s speed has now been mobilized to the extreme, while the bullet’s speed is a bit outrageous. Fortunately, the pistol used by Wang Gang is a soil spray. If he uses a medium-caliber sand eagle with amazing destructive power, I am afraid that even the super athletic Lorraine will not escape the bad luck of being shot!

At least for now, Lorraine feels a touch of crisis!

“You can’t do it hard! Flash past!!!”

Lorraine secretly stunned, at the moment of the moment, Lorraine’s footsteps quickly adjusted, and his figure suddenly twisted into an incredible arc, flashing toward a forty-five degree inclination angle! However, even so, Lorraine still did not escape the trajectory of this bullet! …


In the subconscious mind, Lorraine’s thinking is extremely active, and his conscious reaction speed is even faster than the speed of material movement. From the bullet shot to this moment, it is only a few tenths of a second, but Lorraine’s mind is flying. Channeling.

At this time, the bullet has reached the tip of Lorraine’s nose! ——Lorraine leaned hard to the side and rear at this time, but still did not completely hide!

Wipe, the bullet is about to hit the bridge of the nose, is it possible to break the picture? !

At this time, I don’t know what happened. Lorraine followed the movement of his dumping, and under his dynamic visual gaze, the scene at this time became slow. At this moment, Lorraine seemed to accidentally enter In a state of enlightenment, it seems that everyone’s movements have slowed down, and his own movements have also slowed down, even… the speed of the bullet has also become slower.

The bullet burst out a ballistic air current, which was clearly visible in front of Lorraine’s eyes, just like the long jet exhaust of a rocket!

With a thought, almost subconsciously, the two extreme auras of yin and yang in Lorraine suddenly started to revolve! I don’t know if it is an illusion. In Lorraine’s ears, it seems that I can hear a buzzing in the body! With this buzzing sound, Lorraine felt that the pores all over his body seemed to be transparent, and the huge internal energy merged and merged together, which was transmitted to every vein, muscle, and even the skin all over the body! The scent of breath is sprayed out from the surface of the skin, yes, it is sprayed out! The impact is extremely powerful, because the pores on the body are dense, so, at this moment, Lorraine’s body is enveloped by an invisible transparent breath film!

In Lorraine’s sharp eyes, he clearly saw that his whole body was filled with a hazy breath film!

At this time, a miracle happened.

The bullet that was about to hit the bridge of Lorraine’s nose, because of the aura that suddenly radiated from the body on the epidermis of Lorraine, it was strongly propped up, so that the bullet’s orbit touched the body of Lorraine. At the same time as a layer of breath, the trajectory changed in an instant! !

Although this trajectory has not changed much, it has already saved Lorraine from the danger of being “disfigured”! !

Others don’t have such powerful dynamic visual ability as Lorraine, so naturally they can’t see the subtle trajectory change, but Lorraine is shocked to the extreme! !

What is going on here? ! !

Due to my own breath, the trajectory has slightly changed! Fuck me! What kind of ability is this, it’s amazing!

For an instant, a series of words similar to “super power” and “superman” appeared in Lorraine’s mind, but he knew very clearly in his heart. It is the reason why I have insisted on practicing inner family skills for a long time. Ancient Taiji, coupled with the practice method of mysterious skills on the ancient jade slips, has given Lorraine a powerful control over his breath. Coupled with the dangerous treatment of Lorraine by Senior Sister Tianya, a blessing in disguise, the two resisting breaths showed signs of fusion. Later, the two breaths calmed down, and Lorraine had no chance to use it. Therefore, no more powerful value has been discovered from it.

And today, this opportunity to choose a day is not as good as hitting the sun, unexpectedly Lorraine accidentally hit the critical point of breath, let the breath be released from the whole body, and reached the state of exhaling breath.

In this case, in the jargon of the internal kung fu practice, it is: “Heaven and man are one.”

Everything in the world is transformed into vitality, and breath is the foundation of everything. Only by being able to control the breath can we develop ourselves and sense nature. In Lorraine’s situation today, it was the first time that he released his internal energy to the outside, and there was a qualitative leap.

This is a bottleneck, Lorraine broke through at the cost of almost losing his life that time.

It is conceivable that in this world, there are only a few practitioners of internal martial arts, why are they only mediocre, and there are only a few masters of internal martial arts who have become great masters in the real sense. Experts from outside the world are hidden in the dark, or hidden in the city.

At this time, Lorraine escaped the bullet.

Only he knows what wonderful things happened just now. Others may just think of luck in a simple sense and avoid the past.

However, before everyone can react to the changes in this scene, the bullet changed its direction due to the slight collision of the Lorraine breath and hit the corner of the wall. As we all know, the penetration force of the bullet is Not enough, but full of momentum, so when it hits the corner of the wall, it will splash to other locations.

But, even more unfortunately, the bullet splashed into the corner on the other side, so it splashed and bounced again!

So, in the office, there were several “booms”, “booms” and “booms”.

Finally, a subtle “flutter” sound…

Everyone came back to their senses afterwards. Although they didn’t have Lorraine’s dynamic vision ability, they also knew that a bullet had happened just now.

Fortunately, no one was shot, just a false alarm. But… the last sound, who was shot? !

So, everyone, wolf dog, Liu Wanchuan, Liangzi, Lin Jiadong, Li Nan, Li Chenggong, and Qiang’s sister-in-law “Wang Ran”, and…Lorraine, almost subconsciously turned their eyes to Big Qiang and Wang Gang. s position.

From the location where the sparks sputtered just now, they probably inferred where the bullet fired from the gun just sputtered…


Brother Daqiang noticed the gaze that everyone was projecting toward him, and he paused in his heart-he didn’t feel any pain on his body… In other words, this bullet did not hit him. On the body, that…

Aware of this problem, Daqiang’s heart trembled suddenly!

In the next second, he felt that the arm behind his neck was faintly losing strength… Almost conditioned reflex came out of Wang Gang’s hold, turned around, and looked at the same look of astonishment. Wang Gang looking at himself.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Wang Gang’s eyes were filled with unbelievable, unwilling, shocked, stupid and other emotions, which were completely and vividly expressed at this time…He was stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of astonishment in his eyes. Then, just like a okay person, he naturally used his other hand that didn’t hold the gun and wiped it towards the back of his head…

In an instant, a **** sticky sensation covered his hands.

Then, Wang Gang put one of his hands in front of his eyes, a piece of red, full of his eyes…

At this time, Wang Gang, who was a little bit back in the light, opened his eyes wide, and said with confidence and joy: “Fuck me…”

Before speaking, there was a “click” and the pistol fell to the ground.

Then… With a “bang”, Wang Gang directly planted his head straight on the floor. Unconscious and unconscious!

While lying on the ground, he exposed the back of his head to everyone’s eyes. A shocking gunshot wound, unbiasedly touched between the back of his head and neck, blood, from the gun wound. In the middle, it gurgled out, and soon, the red blood soaked the blanket on the floor…


The Qiang sister-in-law, who realized afterwards, finally came back to her senses, her eyes were filled with grief, and she screamed and rushed to Wang Gang!

Brother Daqiang also blinked his eyes at this time, and then rushed forward, putting his hands on the wound on the back of Wang Gang’s head: “Tannako! Tsunako… hold on, Tsunako!”

Lorraine did not expect that at this time, the situation would develop in this direction. This Wang Gang shot himself and killed himself. ——No, not necessarily dead, now it may be too late to save!

Aware of this, Lorraine quickly told Liu Wanchuan: “Quick! Xiaochuan, get down and pick up the car!!”

Liu Wanchuan rushed out with a sharp spirit! The reason why it is not called an ambulance is because… someone’s attendance rate is really not flattering. No way, this is the status quo of society.

Lorraine didn’t care so much, he went up and hugged Wang Gang, and he was still the princess. This, for Wang Gang, who had thought of killing Big Qiang with a single shot, and even almost killed Lorraine, and had always done everything, Lorraine was already very righteous to him.

Just imagine, if Lorraine was lying on the ground at this time, would Wang Gang do this?

Twenty minutes later.

Outside the emergency room.

Containing a group of people, Lorraine was leaning against the wall at this time, and he clearly caught a glimpse of the opposite person sitting on a chair, and with a pair of scarlet eyes that seemed to be swallowing Lorraine skin…strong sister in law.

Wang Ran, now… I really want to kill Lorraine, the kind of dead body without a whole body.

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