Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 333: The filial son Pan Jiajun

Chapter 333 Dutiful Son Pan Jiajun

“I wish you all a happy new year, all the best, and a happy family!”

In the TV Spring Festival Gala, several well-dressed hosts congratulated the national audience in front of the TV with joy.

This is a day of national celebration.

Regardless of poverty or wealth, as long as there is a TV at home, as long as the family can gather for a New Year’s Eve dinner, even the lonely elderly people will turn on the TV and watch the Spring Festival Gala. This is a New Year’s Eve dinner, whether it looks good or not, it is deeply filled with the flavor of the New Year.

As a filial son, he should be able to go out after watching this sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner with his family at home. ——Pan Jiajun is no exception.

He is 26 years old this year, and he is in his prime of life. Strictly speaking, in the entire capital, well, it should be said that in the entire capital circle, he and Pan Jiajun are both famous filial sons. . Many young people at his age only think that having fun is the most important thing, but he is different. No matter how much socializing outside and how many friends are urging him, he will wait for the elders at home to finish talking and sleep before going out. . Of course, this is during the Chinese New Year.

Don’t think that wealthy families don’t need Chinese New Year. They are also mortals, and when the first ray of sun shines into the window on the first morning of the new year, they will place a pot of dumplings, and then let the whole family warm their bodies and nourish their stomachs.

As the first of the four giants in the capital, the Pan family, the second-generation eldest son of the current owner, Pan Jiajun’s father, King Pan, the mainstay of the capital’s business celebrities-known as one of the four great kings, he is a man who can afford it. The kitchen is a good man who can get out of the hall, can talk about business, and can support the countertop.

It is hard to imagine that for the New Year’s Eve dinner tonight, a table of delicious dishes with meat and vegetables all came from him alone.

“Dad, come on, take off the apron, it’s almost twelve o’clock, and you will be busy until next year.” Pan Jiajun watched his father come out of the kitchen wearing the apron, smiled and greeted him. Untie the apron full of white flour for his father.

Wang Pan smiled and said to his son gratifyingly: “Jiajun, don’t worry about me. I know you young people are socializing a lot. It’s already twelve o’clock. I see your friends, one Just call for a phone call. If not, you can go out first and pay attention to safety.”

Pan Jiajun is still with that impeccable smile: “Dad, it’s okay. Today on New Year’s Eve, the whole family spends the New Year together, once a year, and you are so busy that you have spared a day at home. During the Chinese New Year, I also cook myself. As a son, I have to learn like you… In any case, I have to wait until the firecrackers are set off at twelve o’clock before leaving.”

“Hehe, old man, my son is right, so don’t be busy, and quickly untie your apron, come and eat something to cushion your stomach.” It was Pan Wang’s wife, Pan Jiajun’s mother, Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu was also a well-known family, but the Zhou family was sparsely populated, so the development was not very strong. However, with the Pan family standing here, no matter how bad it is, it won’t be bad.

Pan Jiajun’s mother, Zhou Yu, if she said she was the happiest woman in Beijing, no one would dare to challenge her.

Indeed, there is such a talented person who achieved a great career at a young age and became the son of her husband’s right-hand man. There is also such a good man as a husband. His family is beyond description. If she said she had lived Not happy, that really slaps the faces of most women in the world.

Pan-style mansion, several floors upstairs and downstairs add up to more than 3,000 square meters, of course, this does not count the area of ​​the golf course behind and the garden swimming pool.

In the living room of Norwegian University, a family of three, so humble and harmonious, it is hard to imagine that this is the main direct member of the Pan family, who is a huge existence in the entire capital. Especially King Pan, his appearance of doing housework at this time really makes it impossible to associate him with the legendary figure “King Pan” in the circle.

Many people who don’t know think that “King Pan” is his nickname.

Not so.

Pan Wang’s father’s surname is Pan (this should be certain), and his mother’s surname is Wang, so his name is concise and concise, just two words “Pan Wang”.

Since King Pan is now the head of the Pan family, the entire Pan family, more than 20 people, spend the New Year here.

This New Year’s Eve dinner used a long table in the style of a royal dinner, and everyone was sitting in the table. In the Pan family, King Pan is very much loved. No one would say that he is not good. This is from the sincerity, because his actions are indeed very respectable.

In fact, most people are also very cheap.

For example, a person who doesn’t know each other is wearing two T-shirts with a price of 30 yuan on the ground. If he drops a bun on the table, he picks it up and washes it. If you continue to eat, most of the people around you will probably feel contempt for him: this person must be a poor person, really worthless, really dirty, really what kind of, in short, will not be too willing to take the initiative in this way. People make friends.

But if you say it is a wealthy and successful giant, it is like Pan Wang. He often does this kind of thing. The food that falls on the table will be picked up and eaten without hesitation, and strictly Ask your family not to leave a grain of rice dregs in the bowl when you eat. Just such a person, others will think: Wow, this person is too character, really has a personality, must be very approachable, what kind of frugality.

Look, this is the gap.

The vast majority of people in China have a trait, which is also the root of inferiority, that is, they dislike the poor and love the rich. This may be understandable, but it is not worthy of agreement.

Actually, rich people, the golden halo above their heads, is plated on them by people who yearn for or pursue wealth. It is true that in the circle of rich people, most people who have achieved success through their own efforts will understand a certain truth: that is that everyone is human, rich and poor, they have to eat, sleep, and eat and drink Lazarus. . The difference is that people who become rich by their own strength are hardworking, they are lucky, they are lazy and do nothing, they are poor, they have no background.

That’s it.

So Pan Jiajun grew up in such an environment.

He possesses the luxurious temperament of a rich child, he is courteous, very self-cultivating, with an open smile, with a city inside, and looks impeccable. In addition, having a very strong wrist is a rare talent, which is also rare in the entire wealthy circle.

Otherwise, the remaining three people of the Fourth Young Master in the capital would not be willing to recognize him as the eldest brother, let alone look at him as the head. ——Although these four people have never worshipped a handle, their nature and relationship are not different from those of a handle. The reason is that they are tacitly disdainful of the vulgar tradition of worshipping handles.

After having dinner with a large family and letting off the firecrackers on New Year’s Eve, Pan Jiajun greeted his family and asked the driver to send him out.

Now, he wants to rush to the annual gathering of the Fourth Young Masters in the capital. Drinking must be indispensable, so he will never drink and drive. He is a law-abiding person. Of course, he can completely ignore the laws and regulations. With his background, in the entire capital, there are really few people who dare to oppose his writings.

Oh, in fact, it is impossible to say how many lives Pan Jiajun took in his hands, maybe he hasn’t calculated it himself. When power and means are powerful to a certain degree, the life of the enemy is like a dog, isn’t it?

Actually, Pan Jiajun, who is resolute and resolute, dares to take responsibility, and even can support some of the enemies’ screams in his stomach, is inherited from his father, King Pan.

How many people have been killed by King Pan, maybe, he can’t even count.

Don’t disdain it. Some stubborn enemies don’t cut the grass and roots. The spring breeze will bring endless troubles. There is no good thing for anyone who can get to their position-please believe this sentence firmly.

As we all know, in many capitalist countries, the head of state is determined by the voting system and democracy, and behind the head of state, it is generally supported by the big capitalists. For example, the American Mafia Gambino family, on the surface, is a super-large hereditary family. Who dares to say that a president who was once in power did not step on the corpses of many competitors. Where’s the location? No one is sure.

This principle may apply in any country.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Adhering to this creed of life, Pan Jiajun is based in the young circle of the capital’s rich and powerful, and always has an approachable smile.

“Master, is this private soho-style bar? It’s the same place as last year, I remember.” The driver parked the car at the door of a small bar. Although the area of ​​the bar is small, the decoration is very good. . Anyone who knows the insider knows that this soho bar is the usual meeting place for the four young people in the capital. Marais called this “happy den”. In it, even if they are murdering, they are not afraid. Here is their territory, their base camp.

“Good memory, Xiao Huang, you didn’t go home to celebrate the new year. You have worked hard, here, this is the red envelope I prepared for you. Take it.” When Pan Jiajun got out of the car, he took it out of his pocket. A thick red envelope was stuffed into Xiao Huang’s hand.

Xiao Huang looked at the thick red envelope and was moved in his heart: “Master, this…you gave it to me last year…”

“Once a year. After this year, take a few days off. Go back to your hometown, buy some good supplements for the elderly, and bring me greetings by the way.” Pan Jiajun smiled and got out of the car.

“Thank you, Master!” The driver Xiao Huang was moved. He has always been willing to follow the Pan family as the driver, because the master, the wife and the young master are not thin to himself.

This heavy red envelope is at least 100,000 yuan. This is a common practice. Every Spring Festival, there is only a lot more.

“Haha! Master Pan, filial son of Pan Da, you are here!” As soon as he went to the second floor, Pan Jiajun saw three handsome and handsome men approaching him with smiles and greetings.

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