Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 297: Mysterious guest

Chapter 297 Mysterious Guest

As soon as I said this, I could clearly feel the hand held by Ma Chaoxian and himself, and there was a slight stiffness. Lorraine followed Ma Chaoxian’s words and laughed: “Hehe, it’s also a joke, I hope you don’t mind.”

Ma Chaoxian’s face suddenly stopped when he heard the words.

Unexpectedly, this Lorraine is still such a hardened lord with sharp teeth? !

Not only Ma Chaoxian was stunned, everyone present was also stunned, Han Xuan, Han Xuan’s three new friends, including Song Zhihan and even Kang Mengmeng, who is not so sensible. , I also know the background of this Ma Chaoxian. That’s all for her. As a daughter of the Kang family, one of the four giants, she naturally doesn’t need to buy Ma Chaoxian’s account. Besides, she is just a little girl. Even if Ma Chaoxian is unhappy, she will think this at best. It’s just the little girl’s temper.

Lorraine is different. He is only the heir of a small foreign merchant house. Although he is an only child, the Rockwell Group is really not a big enterprise. Perhaps, going out from here, Lorraine can still use his own identity to show off a little bit, but in this capital college student themed ball, all are the children of wealthy families without exception. To put it simply, among all the people present, perhaps only Lorraine is the most “soy sauce”.

In the eyes of others, Lorraine’s words just now are undoubtedly too loyal. Just rely on him, dare to fight against the young master of the Ma family?

Although Lorraine is right, this Ma Chaoxian is not Marley, but after all, he is a young man in the Ma family, just like Kang Shaojie of the Kang family! That is also a very detached existence!

However, the only difference between Kang Shaojie and Ma Chaoxian is that Kang Shaojie does not accept his lobby brother Kang Cheng, but wants to revitalize his own line of business. But Ma Chaoxian was different. His line, in the Ma family, belonged to the vassal of Marei’s line, as the saying goes, hugs the thigh.

Ma Chaoxian didn’t have any ambitions, and was willing to eat and drink behind Marai’s ass.

Just like just now, when Ma Chaoxian introduced himself, he also emphasized the background of his Ma family and the name of his Gomarai in order to shock Lorraine. On the other hand, when Ma Chaoxian moved out of his Ma family or his elder brother Marais title, all the people who heard it were shocked. The children of the wealthy who were a little dissatisfied with Ma Chaoxian, after hearing his self-introduction , They will replace one of them to flatter and pleased.

And this Lorraine is an alternative.

To be precise, it was the first such arrogant person Ma Chaoxian encountered in this situation.

“It’s ridiculous. I don’t know how high the earth is, you can be regarded as offending Ma Chaoxian this time. No one in the entire capital knows that Ma Chaoxian is a well-known person who must report to him?” Song Zhihan never said a word. , At this moment, watching this scene with a cold sneer, I was grateful for Lorraine’s recklessness in my heart.

Very good, very good.

In this way, Ma Chaoxian must be slightly hostile to Lorraine, and Song Zhihan, who is the province, will encourage him again.

At this time, Song Zhihan and Ma Chaoxian have a common enemy: Lorraine.

The young master of the Song family and the young master of the Ma family, together, can’t make a thorny kid?

With a sneer, Song Zhihan pretended to be amiable and walked forward with a smile: “Student Lorraine, this is your fault. How can we talk to Master Ma like this.” … Chaoxian, don’t mind too much. This Lorraine classmate and I are classmates from the same school. He is such a straightforward temper. Sometimes he can’t stop his mouth, but he has no malice. He is not an unqualified person. People, I hope Madam Ma will not take it to heart.”

On the surface, this Song Zhihan looks like a peaceful old man, but in fact he sneered Lorraine a little bit. By the way, it also eased the slightly embarrassing atmosphere at this time, regardless of what he said at this time. Lorraine wouldn’t be able to say anything if it was pleasing or not, otherwise, he would be labeled as “unqualified”. It can be seen from this that Song Zhihan is also an eldest and uncomfortable young master. In fact, the young masters and daughters in this circle are all masters of clever rhetoric. When they are good to you, they are full of praise, but they can also make you unable to hear them deliberately. Make you very comfortable.

However, when these young masters and daughters are hostile to you, there is something in the words, a beautiful sentence, without a dirty word, and there is no obvious malice, but it happens to be able to ridicule you. , And you can’t find any flaws at all.

This is the speech technique. All the children of the rich family who were present have cultivated to perfection in this respect.

“Of course, we just made a joke. Master Luo, don’t you think?” Ma Chaoxian naturally knew what Song Zhihan was thinking about. After a while, he squeezed out a smile and glanced at Luo. Lin glanced.

Lorraine shrugged: “It’s obvious. ——Classmate, I didn’t expect us to meet here.” As he said, he looked at Song Zhihan and stretched out a hand.

Lorraine and Song Zhihan have known each other a long time ago. That was the last time the school organized a camping event. When looking for the missing Kang Mengmeng, they were in the same search team with him. At that time, Lorraine made a comment on Song Zhihan: a hypocritical villain on the surface and a cunning heart. … And he knew very well what Song Zhihan meant to Han Xuan, but he didn’t expect that Song Zhihan turned out to be a wealthy young master! I really underestimated him a bit before.

And that Ma Chaoxian, from the words and eyes, it is not difficult to see that he has a bit of interest in Kang Mengmeng.

Thinking about it this way, Lorraine can easily figure out the meaning of these two people’s coming-in fact, to demonstrate to him, after all, Han Xuan and Kang Mengmeng stood beside him at the same time. It seems that they are listed as potential rivals, right?

At this moment, the scene of looking at Ma Chaoxian and Song Zhihan at this moment reminded Lorraine Saina of the encounter with Pan Jiajun in the previous life.

That was the Beijing Investment Promotion Conference in 2008. Although Rock Group was not too strong at that time, it was fortunate that the Investment Promotion Conference was for group companies at all levels. And Lorraine of the previous life was so stupid that he choked with Pan Jiajun of the Pan family, one of the organizers of the investment conference. According to his current knowledge, the original self was undoubtedly looking for death. It just so happened that Pan Jiajun was interested in Han Xuan, so Lorraine naturally became an alien to be eliminated by the other party…

Two lives, Lorraine thought about the scene in the previous life, looking at the picture in front of him, a little lost.

Due to my own efforts, the time track may be experiencing an incredible butterfly effect. Suddenly, he stepped into the upper-class social circle of the capital’s giants in advance. You know, Lorraine in the previous life had spent his entire life and failed to enter the real upper-class social circle in Beijing. I was able to meet with Pan Jiajun in the previous life only because the Beijing Investment Promotion Conference in 2008 was an enterprise group for all walks of life.

Look at the two people in front of me. One likes Han Xuan and the other likes Kang Mengmeng. There was obvious hostility towards himself, and Ma Chaoxian’s appearance was slightly similar to Marley, so Lorraine unconsciously overlapped the two figures together.

Hehe, life, time and space, is really a wonderful existence.

Lorraine sighed that Han Xuan, who hated him so much in the last life, stood by her side in this life, and she still “buy one get one free”, which is so cute and savage Kang Mengmeng. Xiao Nizi.

“Student Lorraine, I didn’t expect us to meet here. I always thought you were extraordinary. I didn’t expect you to be the master of the Rockwell Group, a large international conglomerate. Luo! Young Master, it’s a pleasure to meet! Fortunate to meet!” Song Zhihan was full of praise, which raised the Luos Group incredibly.

In fact, it’s a bitter irony. Because no one in the room has put the Luo Shi Group in their eyes, Song Zhihan said so, the ridiculous meaning is very obvious.

Lorraine and Song Zhihan shook hands, smiled indifferently, and were about to say something, but suddenly saw a person coming in at the entrance of the gate.

Under the quiet blue light, an elegant virgin that seemed to be indifferent to fireworks appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Notice Lorraine’s eyes, everyone couldn’t help but look, Song Zhihan and Ma Chaoxian, Han Xuan, Kang Mengmeng, and the three approachable daughters looked over there.

A woman wearing a simple shirt and simple jeans appeared at the ball and walked straight to the stairs at the end of the ball, holding a small dark brown wooden box lightly in her hand.

People around are surprised: Heh! Okay! What happened to this dance today? How can all kinds of people be included? Here comes another character who does not wear formal clothes, and is a woman!

Lorraine narrowed his eyes, and he recognized this woman at a glance-Senior Sister Tianya!

This strange woman, what did she do just now, why did she come here now?

Lorraine didn’t even think about saying hello. Seeing the figure of Senior Sister Tian Biao walking straight to the stairs, a trace of doubt arose in her heart: I remembered that she told herself that she came here to meet someone. Could it be… The character in a room in the building?

That must be a big man, at least, in the eyes of all the giant college students of the same age present.

Can the organizer of this prom be good?

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that there are people who are as maverick like Luo Dashao!” Ma Chaoxian also noticed the casual clothes on Tian Gu, and then turned to look at Lorraine’s “plain clothes” with a chubby smile. The way.

Lorraine chuckled lightly, without speaking.

At this moment, the sky was watching, walking higher and higher up the stairs, and finally stopped at the door of a room. She said a few words to the person who looked like a bodyguard at the door, and then the bodyguard entered the door and made a notification, and soon came out and nodded to Tian.

Tian Gu walked into the room with the door of the gold-inlaid room closed without expression, and then closed the door.


All the people present were stunned when they saw this scene. ——What is the identity of this strange woman in casual clothes? ! You can actually enter that room! !

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