Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 291: Tian Gu practice medicine

Chapter 291 Heavenly Practicing Medicine

Lorraine nodded and smiled, took out the invitation letter and shook in front of her eyes: “If this is true, I will appear on the top floor of the Kyoto Hotel tonight.”

“Yeah! Great!” Kang Mengmeng almost jumped up excitedly, then turned to Han Xuan, who was always smiling on the side, and said, “Sister Han Xuan, Lorraine also has an invitation letter, which means he can talk to Let’s go together!”

Han Xuan nodded with a smile, slightly surprised in her heart.

She knows that Lorraine is the eldest of the Luo Family, but the Luo family’s background can only be regarded as a rising star in Yanjing City. You know, this is Yanjing, a place full of miracles and luxury, and there are many companies with a market value similar to that of the Rock Group. And this college student themed dance party will invite dozens of young people in college at most, and the number of places is limited.

I want to come, in order for Lorraine to get this invitation letter, it is estimated that the family has spent a lot of effort.

However, Han Xuan was only slightly surprised. If it were a few months ago, Lorraine said that she had the opportunity to participate in this Beijing University Student Theme Dance Party, which would be a bit surprising. But now it’s different, because the reputation of Luoshui International has quickly gained popularity in the capital within a short period of time. At least many people in the industry are aware of such a powerful foreign merchant family as the Luoshui Group.

However, as everyone knows, this invitation letter was given to Lorraine by Kang Mengmeng’s brother Kang Shaojie.

Unfortunately, Kang Shaojie was unable to attend this college student themed dance because he was no longer a college student.

Lorraine is looking forward to it. He wants to know who is hosting such a large-scale college student themed dance this year. According to the usual practice in previous years, the sponsor must also be a college student. Of course, he must first have a fairly strong background.

“Lorraine, the time for the prom to start is 19 o’clock in the evening, and it’s not 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Where are you going?” Han Xuan asked.

Lorraine put the invitation letter away, thought about it, and replied: “I’ll go to the association.-Oh, I am now a member of the ancient culture research association of our school.”

“Ancient Culture Research Association? What is it researching? Ancient culture?…archaeology?” Kang Mengmeng asked, blinking at the side.

Lorraine didn’t know how to explain it, so he nodded and smiled vaguely: “Forget it.”

“Well, Mengmeng and I are going to go home separately now, and let my family send a car to the Kyoto Hotel. How do you plan to go? Does your family send a car to pick you up?” Han Xuan asked.

This time the college student themed party is very special. From the pomp, the costumes you wear, including the people you are going to make friends with, you must prepare in advance and be very particular about it. The annual opportunity is rare.

So, Han Xuan and Kang Mengmeng need to go home and dress up.

The Han family and the Kang family are detached in the capital. These two beauties, one big and one small, are young adults. This college student themed ball will also be their first independent appearance in an upper-class social venue. Naturally, it can’t be big. After tonight, they will undoubtedly become the hotly discussed celebrities in the capital’s upper class society.

Don’t think that you are a daughter, you can look pretty, even if you have the best cosmetics or clothing, you need to have enough pretty foundation as a foundation. Kang Mengmeng and Han Xuan have different flavors. Beautiful women with style and style, even in the circle of celebrities, are all shining.

Lorraine is also convinced of this.

Actually, at the dance tonight, there must be a lot of young men and women who have made an independent appearance in public for the first time. Therefore, for this so-called college student theme dance, some wealthy families also attach great importance to it.

“Me? I don’t need my family to send a car to pick me up. My parents are busy and don’t want them to worry about it.” Lorraine smiled and answered Han Xuan’s question just now.

“Or else, I will send someone to pick you up?” Han Xuan knows the importance of this dance party tonight. Those wealthy children are mean. If your pomp is not bright enough, you will definitely not look straight at you.

Lorraine waved his hand: “No, after I get out of school, I take the subway and then transfer to a taxi.”

“What?” Kang Mengmeng was surprised when he heard the words, and blinked, “Are you kidding?”

“Of course not. What? I went to school. See you tonight!” After speaking, Lorraine turned around and opened the door and left the apartment before the two girls answered.

“Sister Han Xuan, this dead villain, has his brain flooded?…Where can anyone go to such a place and take a taxi?” After Lorraine left, Kang Mengmeng pouted, yes. Han Xuan said.

Han Xuan pondered thoughtfully, then she smiled: “Haha, forget it, let him go.”

She knows that Lorraine is the kind of man who likes to go his own way, eclectic. However, this is exactly where his attractive charm lies.

“Lorraine, I hope you can gain something tonight. I believe there will be people who appreciate you at the dance party.” Han Xuan looked at the closed apartment door, secretly confident in her heart. .

Come to school.

Lorraine went straight to the work place of the Ancient Culture Research Association.

Open the door…

“Huh?” Lorraine was taken aback when he saw the scene in the room.

Today is a little different from usual. In the past, when Lorraine opened the door, he could only see the seniors and senior sisters sitting there and studying, but this time, they saw a few seniors standing in line. , Sitting in front of Senior Sister Tian Gu, one by one, and then got her pulse one by one by Senior Sister Tian Gu.

Take the pulse, that is, the pulse number.

What is this for?

Closed the door, Lorraine walked gently into the room, noticing the quiet surroundings and the silent pulse of Senior Sister Tianyao, Lorraine couldn’t help softly asking the senior standing at the end: ” Senior, Senior Sister Tianya, is this a pulse?”

“Yes.” The senior nodded, and replied in a soft voice: “Senior sister has finished studying the volume and pulse-related collections today, so she is ready to practice. Listening to senior sister, the diagnosis of Chinese medicine requires careful attention, smell and inquiries. Pulse cutting is a very important part, and it is also the decisive way to determine the disease. Now the senior sister has to carefully record the pulse rate of each of us, and then tell us the potential disease in the body.”

“Illness? I think several seniors are quite healthy.” Lorraine said.

“Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to health preservation, and occasionally performs some Chinese medicine conditioning to maintain a good body. The school sister told us that there are many hidden diseases in the human body that cannot be diagnosed by Western medicine.”

“Oh, that’s how it is.” Lorraine suddenly realized.

At this moment, the senior who was talking to himself sat in front of Senior Sister Tianma, who was still indifferent at this time, as if a porcelain doll with no emotions.

“Looking at the complexion, the complexion is good, but the complexion is too ruddy, has it been getting angry recently?” Tian Miao said indifferently without any emotional ups and downs.

The senior was overjoyed when he heard the words: “Yes, in the last two days, I woke up in the morning with a burning sensation in my throat, but after drinking a glass of warm water, it’s much better.”

Senior Sister Tianya nodded faintly, and then motioned for everyone to calm down, slightly lowering the pure and beautiful indifferent face, which seemed to be listening carefully. After a while, she changed her mind and said: “Listen to you My breathing rate is a little too fast. Has my mood been inexplicably irritable recently?”

The senior thought about it, and then nodded: “It seems to be…oh, it should be. For the past two days, I have been doing a study of ancient paintings. I have read and sorted out a lot of materials, but I still don’t see any gains. Anxious and very upset, sometimes it’s easy to get distracted when doing things, and sometimes inexplicably irritable in emotions.”

Nodding lightly, Senior Sister Tianya said lightly: “Extend your hand.”

The senior knows that Senior Sister Tianma is going to give him a pulse, so she stretches out her sleeves cooperatively, and then reveals her wrist.

Senior Sister Tian Mo gently put her slender fingers on the pulse of the senior, quietly signalling her pulse. After a while, she took her hand away and made the final diagnosis: “Confirmed. You are irritated by the intermittent renal function. After you go back, drink more honeysuckle tea that clears the heat and removes the fire. In addition, appropriately reduce the frequency of **** and life.”


As soon as Senior Sister Tianbo said this, everyone around her was shocked, including Lorraine.

Appropriately reduce the frequency of **** and life?

This senior who has been pulsed looks like a frog prince-level otaku dinosaur, with upturned nose, well-mouthed mouth, and four-eyed frog. How can there be any girlfriends? But what Senior Sister Tianya means is that this buddy has too much **** recently?

Looking at his appearance, he doesn’t look like a nouveau riche who can go to the kiln three times a day?

Then there is only one possibility…it’s this stuff, often…cough cough…you know.

The people present all figured out what was going on. The senior was blushing in an instant, a little embarrassed, and awkwardly coughed, he quickly stood up and said to everyone: “Dear students, I have something else. Let’s go first, bye!” He said, and fled the scene.

Tian Gu looked at the back of the man who opened the door like Fei Ye, a little surprise flashed in his faint eyes. Obviously, among all the people present, she was the only one who didn’t figure out what was going on.

It can be seen that the terrifying and indifferent Tianya-senpai has a very simple thinking.

“Next.” Senior Sister Tianya said lightly.

Lorraine was stunned when he heard the words and looked behind him, only to find that there was no one beside him, but then he thought about it, the next one is me?

Thinking about it, Lorraine sat in front of Senior Sister Tianya, and it was not bad to be diagnosed. Although Lorraine didn’t think he had any symptoms, he wanted to feel the charm of Chinese medicine. , This Senior Sister Tianya’s knowledge of Chinese medicine is still very rich, and she looks quite sophisticated when she practices medicine.

“His complexion is normal and healthy.” Tian Yan looked at Lorraine’s smiling face and nodded his head. “It’s rare to see a healthy person like you now. ——Extend your hand.”

“Oh.” Lorraine honestly reached out and rolled his wrists.

Tian Ya slowly put his slender, satiny fingers on Lorraine’s pulse. However, after a short period of time, Tian Ya suddenly stopped, and his eyes showed a clear look of horror! Yes, it is the color of horror!

Lorraine saw this strong reaction from Senior Sister Tian, ​​he was also shocked. ——Since I met Senior Sister Tianya, I have never seen her show such obvious emotions! !

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