Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 287: Wait to collect the corpse for me!

Chapter 287 is waiting to collect the corpse for me!

“Sorry, Senior Sister Tianya, it was my wording mistake.—Actually, I wanted to say, can I teach me some knowledge of Chinese medicine? For example, in terms of human breath?—” Lorraine changed his question. Law, re-sent.

At this time, Senior Sister Tianya finally raised her head and looked at Lorraine, with a faint flash of emotion in her eyes: “Do you also know that Chinese medicine is exquisite in terms of human breath?”

Lorraine nodded: “Yes, I feel that Huaxia Guwu and Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine are the quintessence of the Chinese people. Although they have not been promoted as much as possible, they still cannot deny their importance. As for the breath in the human body, whether it is in Huaxia Neijia Gongfu or Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is slightly involved.”

“It’s not a slight involvement.” I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Upon hearing Lorraine’s words, Senior Sister Tianya showed a slightly interested look, “It’s based on qi, you didn’t say anything. Wrong, in terms of human breath, Huaxia Guwu and Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine have their own research and insights. We ancient Huaxia believe that everything in the world is born of luck, not just the unique temperament of human beings, any creatures , Including mountains and rivers, and various things in nature, all have their breath.”

Lorraine suddenly realized, but she felt a little bit knowledgeable.

Everything in the world has its own breath? Everything is born by luck? It’s kind of interesting.

At this moment, Lorraine seemed to have caught a breakthrough point where he could find his own violent breath.

“So, how can one feel the breath of the human body? And, is there any obvious difference between the breath? If it is in a person’s body, I mean if, in this case, is there Maybe two breaths coexist?” Lorraine thought of the violent breath and soft breath lurking in his body. Although these two breaths sometimes repel each other and are as incompatible as water and fire, they still exist together in the body after all.

Senior Sister Tianya paused gently, then replied faintly: “In theory, two breaths can coexist, or even three, four, and ten breaths. But this is only theoretical. You know, Everything in the natural world has its own laws of nature, just like human beings. The breath in the body comes from its own origin. For example, some people have the constitution of the palace cold, and the more serious ones will suffer The hands and feet are cold throughout the year; and some people have blood-heated physique, even after being exposed to ice and snow in winter, they can recover their original body heat in a short time. ——You can imagine that a person may be in the body. While it’s hot, do you have the physique of Gong Han?”

Lorraine thought about it carefully, and shook his head: “The hot and cold counterbalance, either hot or cold, or ordinary.”

“Yes, so few people have two breaths together.”

“Senior sister just said…In theory, two breaths can coexist?…”

“Theories, after all, are theories.” After a little indulging, Senior Sister Tian Gu continued, “It is possible, but I have not met such a person so far. One of a million people is this. This kind of system is really rare, and this kind of person will definitely have breath disorder, serious, and even life threatening. From a certain point of view, although this is the coexistence of two breaths, this person, But it is the pain of the two breaths resisting each other. So to be precise, the two breaths, especially the mutually exclusive breath, cannot coexist for a long time.”

“Oh, I understand.” Lorraine nodded, recalling how the two breaths on his body resisted each other that night, still lingering in his heart, a little scared. This Senior Sister Tianya is right, it is really difficult for the two breaths to coexist in the same person. After all, people have flesh and blood, not a laboratory.

Hehe, this elder sister, she’s very good! Lorraine felt that she had benefited a lot from the words of Senior Sister Tian.

Just when Lorraine was silently thinking about it, this Tianya-senpai seemed to have thought of something again. She turned her head and said, “But there is a way to make two kinds of breaths coexist in the body. ——Just this way, only It exists in theories and legends, almost illusory.”


When I heard this, Lorraine raised his brows and his eyes lit up: “What method?”

“Tolerant. In other words, it means’surrender’. One breath surrenders to another breath. The premise is that this surrendered breath must have a sufficiently tolerant texture.” Senior Sister Tianya looked a little bit Seriously, “The old saying goes-tolerance is great. The ancients have been studying breath. There are many exercises in the ancient Chinese martial arts to regulate the breath in the body. Just like the orthodox “Five Animals”, you should I know that this ancient martial art routine was developed by the genius doctor Hua Tuo. From this point, it can fully explain that orthodox Chinese medicine and orthodox Chinese ancient martial arts can be connected. Of course, the orthodox Wu Qin Xi has long been lost.”

Senior Sister Tianya paused for a while, and continued: “Or ancient Taiji, where every action and every action affects the natural breath, to match the yin and yang, to achieve a natural state. If you train to a certain level, you can tolerate any breath, the world Breath, only yin and yang, yin and yang can be reconciled to reconcile the breath of all things, and then to contain the breath of all things.-Note that I am talking about ancient Tai Chi, not the kind of fancy Tai Chi that the whole people are now practicing.”

“Ancient Taiji?!” Lorraine was surprised when he heard this!

Is it the set of Tai Chi exercises you practiced? !

It is very likely that that night Lorraine felt that two breaths in his body were madly confronting each other. In the end, it was the gentle breath in his body that successfully suppressed the violent breath. He knew very well that the gentle breath was the breath that was derived from the Tai Chi technique he had practiced in his body.

Speaking of which-is it possible for Lorraine to merge the two breaths? !

Understanding this point, Lorraine asked eagerly: “Senior Tianya, is there any way to achieve the effect of tolerance?”

Senior Sister Tianya shook her head gently: “It’s useless, ancient Taiji has also been lost.-But there is a way, that is, to give the inclusive breath derived from the Taiji breath in the body. The guidance and induction is more prominent and powerful. This is a huge project. It requires not only unimaginable high-strength tempering, but also guidance from external objects.”

“Foreign objects to guide?” Lorraine questioned.

“For example-acupuncture in Chinese medicine can accurately find the acupuncture points on the human body, and use the authentic acupuncture method of ancient Chinese medicine to guide and induce…. It is unfortunate, whether it is ancient Taiji, It’s still an ancient Chinese medicine, and it has all been lost.” Senior Sister Tian’s words were a little sad, but Lorraine didn’t notice any expression floating when she looked at her.

At this time Lorraine was silent, but under the calm appearance, there was indeed a heart beating wildly! !

Found it! Found a way to suppress that violent atmosphere! …If it is really like what Senior Sister Tianya said, then Lorraine can not only escape the potential life crisis, but also be a blessing in disguise. After the two auras merge, his own strength will undoubtedly fly again. !

“Senior Sister Tian, ​​thank you for your advice.” Lorraine suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and smiled on his face.

“Yeah.” Senior Sister Tianya nodded softly, and then continued to read the “Acupoint Dao Jing” in her hand.

Lorraine checked the time, and it was late, and it was about to be dinner time. Why didn’t this Kang Shaojie call herself?

“Sister Tianya, I’ll leave first, see you tomorrow.”

Tian Mou still faintly responded, Lorraine smiled and left the Ancient Culture Research Association.

Along the way, Lorraine’s cell phone rang suddenly as soon as he arrived at the gate of the school.

At first glance, the electric display—Kang Shaojie.

Laughing lightly, Lorraine picked up the phone and joked, “Hehe, I asked you when you will be here at noon today. You said you came to call me in the afternoon, why did you contact me until now? You are not busy soaking in mm. Forgot the time, right?”

Kang Shaojie over there didn’t answer Lorraine’s question at all, but some donkeys were “surprised” and “angry” and said, “Lorraine!! You stinky boy!! You” Let me come to find you where you live! Why didn’t you tell me that you still have two female tenants here?——Do you know that one of your roommates,’Kang Mengmeng’, is my sister!!! How could it be so coincidental? Tell me honestly, what are you trying to do with my sister?! Did you deliberately approach me in order to pursue my sister?!”

“Uh–” Lorraine was speechless when he heard Kang Shaojie’s words.

This, what is this situation? ?

Lorraine was depressed and didn’t know what Kang Shaojie was playing. Before he could speak, Kang Shaojie’s incomparably broken call came from the phone: “Smelly boy, come back quickly and give me a satisfactory explanation! You will show up in front of me within ten minutes, otherwise… hum ! Your kid just wait to collect the corpse for me!”


The phone hangs up, and Lorraine has three black lines on his head.

The threat, the threat of the red fruit! My son Kang, what tricks are you playing? ?

On the way back to the front garden from the school gate, Lorraine gradually figured out what was going on, and smiled bitterly: Dare to love, this Kang Shaojie is worried that his sister Kang Mengmeng will find out that he arranged for him to live in. He acted first, and it became his Lorraine who deliberately approached him to make friends in order to pursue his sister.

I did a good job, Kang Shaojie, you are so easy to sell Lao Tzu!

With a hint of tears in his heart, Lorraine returned to the apartment. Grandma, anyway, buddy, I have to cooperate with you to finish this play……

Actually, Lorraine didn’t know that Kang Shaojie was too “feared” of his sister. Kang Shaojie had the courage to know people, but he was only afraid of his sister. Since childhood, Kang Shaojie has never had a bruise on her face. They are all masterpieces of Kang Mengmeng.


Opening the door of the apartment, before Lorraine waited for a greeting, he saw three figures standing in the living room-Kang Mengmeng, Han Xuan and Kang Shaojie.

Lorraine was about to speak, and suddenly a huge ceramic vase flew towards Kang Shaojie’s head fiercely. Kang Shaojie took advantage of the situation, and the huge ceramic vase whizzed towards Lorraine.

Damn! What about the war? !

Lorraine reacted swiftly, and his body suddenly dwarfed in anxious situation. The ceramic vase rubbed Lorraine’s head and straps with a strong wind “pop!!”, and hit the wall fiercely and shattered. Splash!

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