Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 225: Suck!

Chapter 225 is bad!

Seeing that Lorraine actually took out protective products such as elbow pads and knee pads, so that Song Zhihan, who was deliberately trying to secretly stimulate Lorraine just now, ate a stuffy, and closed his mouth at this time. Speak again.

“Here, Han Xuan, yours.” Lorraine first took out a set and handed it to Han Xuan.

Han Xuan nodded: “Thank you.” As he said, she tied her elbows and knees.

“Everyone wear the knee pads slightly down. The corners of the trousers are best to be stuffed into the shoes, so as to avoid some minor abrasions.” Lorraine said, and separated the remaining knee pads and elbow pads. Pass it to Hao Dapeng, Wu Di, Gao Ren, Song Zhihan and others.

“No need! It’s not just some thorns, it’s not a piranha. Just pay attention to your feet. I have experienced many extreme survival projects in the wild before. This protection ability is still there.” At this time, Song Zhihan pushed away Lorraine’s hand that was handing his knee and elbow pads, his expression slightly proud.

“Song Zhihan, isn’t this wrong? Some protective measures are always something to take precautions.” Hao Dapeng interrupted when he saw this.

Song Zhihan shook his head: “No need, okay, classmate Lorraine, have your protective measures been completed? You know, classmate Kang Mengmeng’s current bad luck is unknown, every minute of delay Time, it’s one more minute of danger.”

When Song Zhihan said these words, he deliberately stretched his intonation a bit longer, and the meaning was self-evident.

Lorraine didn’t pay attention to Song Zhihan’s tone and demeanor at all, and tied the protective gear on his own. When everyone was ready, he stood up and said: “Since Song Zhihan doesn’t need protective gear, so please pay more attention to your feet. Are you ready? Let’s go!”

The fourth team consisting of six students walked towards the northern woods at the foot of Yanshan Mountain. As they deepened, the atmosphere gradually became heavier.

Yes, it’s heavy.

The luxuriant branches and leaves on the top of the head become denser and deeper, and the sunlight on the top of the head becomes sparser. The surrounding air also gradually became dull and moist. Looking back, it seemed to be an entrance that had long since disappeared, as if it was a monster that could only get in and out, as if it was about to swallow everything in this woods.

“Patter, patter, patter.”

Stepping on some sticky mud, the smell of mud and dust that blows on your face makes everyone’s complexion not very beautiful.

“Mengmeng!…Mengmeng, where are you?…”

While walking, Han Xuan shouted. Everyone kept yelling Kang Mengmeng’s name along the way. Han Xuan was eager to find people, and her voice was slightly hoarse.

“Stop everyone!…”

Suddenly, Lorraine blocked everyone’s way.

“Huh?” Everyone looked at Lorraine in surprise.

Han Xuan stopped shouting and asked: “What’s wrong? Lorraine.”

“There is a large area of ​​thorns ahead.” Lorraine’s eyes were sharp, and he found the thorns hidden in the shadows and weeds at a glance. “The other directions are more complicated. If Kang Mengmeng lost herself, We should only walk towards the only way in front of us, so we will undoubtedly wade through this thorny area.”

“As long as you can find Mengmeng, it doesn’t matter if you step across the thorny area!” Han Xuan also saw the sharp thorns all over the ground at this time, her complexion was slightly pale, but she gritted her silver teeth with a firm expression.

“Yeah.” Lorraine nodded, then looked to Song Zhihan, “Song Zhihan, are you sure you don’t need protective equipment?”

Song Zhihan saw the sharp thorns all over the ground, the look on his face changed slightly, but before he entered this area, he had already spoken to that point. How could he go back? Doesn’t it mean you slap your own face?

“Hmph, it’s just thorns. I don’t need any protective gear at all. I’ll show you the way!…Student Han Xuan, you have to be careful, if you get a cut, the wound will be very painful.” With that, Song Zhi Han actually strode forward and stepped into the thorny area, looking like a pioneer.

Lorraine saw it in his eyes, and felt a little contemptuous in his heart, but this guy was willing to be a hero, so let him do it.

The gods need to pay attention to the origin of character to save people! Let alone Lorraine? This Song Zhihan, if you don’t let him deflate, he won’t be subdued.

“Left…right…jump…” Don’t say, this Song Zhihan’s physical fitness is quite strong. Looking at the landing site now, he meditated in his heart, jumping up and down, the soles of his feet suddenly clicked. Above the thorny area, shuttle freely.

Lorraine judged at a glance that this Song Zhihan must also be a practitioner! Obviously it is the foreign kungfu that has been trained, I don’t know, is it the national martial arts, or the fighting skills of genres such as taekwondo, karate and judo?


Sure enough, as Lorraine expected, when he jumped up and down from Song Zhihan, he fell into a dead end under his feet. The first foot was cut by thorns in the next step. , And then the whole body lost the balance of the center of gravity, and the other foot supported it, not wanting to be scratched by the thorns again! He frowned and screamed softly, and then the man fell backwards!

“Ah! What a mess!” Han Xuan clearly saw at this moment that there was a cluster of thorns under Song Zhihan! ! The sharp thorns were shocking. If Song Zhihan’s whole body fell on it, it would definitely be hurt!


Lorraine suddenly wrinkled his brows, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and his figure suddenly swept towards Song Zhihan. Under his feet, like a gust of wind, he suddenly rushed to Song Zhihan with a thunderous force, and then both hands. With a support, he held Song Zhihan’s body that had lost his center of gravity and fell backwards!

So fast! !

Hao Dapeng, Wu Di, Gao Ren, and even Han Xuan felt a trace of Gaussian blur similar to afterimages before their eyes, and Lorraine flew behind Song Zhihan in the next second, and borrowed his ingenuity. He rescued him.

An illusion, it should be an illusion, how can humans have Gaussian blur afterimages? It should be too tired, dazzled, um, yes, too tired.

“Huh!…” Everyone secretly wiped a cold sweat.

However, at this moment, Han Xuan, who was sharp-eyed, found a trace of blood leaking from the corners of Lorraine’s pants!

“Lorraine…you!…your ankle was cut!…Hurry up, stop the bleeding!” Han Xuan looked worried and pointed at the corner of Lorraine’s trousers.

Lorraine heard what Han Xuan said, and turned around and smiled kindly, and then shook his hand: “It’s not a problem, it’s Song Zhihan, do you agree to wear protective gear now?… …It’s a coincidence that I rescued you this time. Next time, I won’t be so fast.”

Song Zhihan felt the pain in both ankles and calves at this time. He gritted his teeth and straightened up. He didn’t want to be held by Lorraine anymore. His complexion was a bit ugly, his brows were slightly frowned, and he didn’t speak.

“Song Zhihan, you should put it on. In any case, everyone’s safety comes first! If any of the six of us has some small accident, it will undoubtedly hinder our search progress! “At this moment, Han Xuan saw Song Zhihan’s stubbornness not willing to give up, and she simply offered comforting words.

Hearing Han Xuan’s encouragement, Song Zhihan nodded, but said: “Since Han Xuan is so worried about my safety, then I can’t continue to be self-willed…. It’s just that I am completely. I didn’t expect that the thorns would be so dense.”

At this time, Lorraine and Song Zhihan retreated from the thorny area.

Lorraine felt a little disgusted with this Song Zhihan in her heart. He saved him by himself, not to say a word of thanks, but turned out to be even more hostile to himself, as if to steal him from the limelight. It was really naive. A character. Of course, Lorraine didn’t say anything on the surface. Instead, he pulled out a set of protective gear from the package, and then took out some simple emergency bandaging gauze and wrapped it around his just-cut ankle. I threw some to Song Zhihan, and then Song Zhihan hesitated for a while, and still bandaged the wound himself.

“Okay, everyone, please be careful, follow my steps, don’t worry, come step by step!” After the wound was wrapped, Lorraine straightened up and stepped into the thorny area step by step, Han Xuan tight After that, the few people behind him also followed closely.

As the crowd deepened, the thorns in front of a few people became denser and denser. Unknowingly, everyone’s back was covered with sweat because of the nerves that were always on the alert.

However, under Lorraine’s leadership, no one was cut by the thorns. Although Song Zhihan didn’t say anything, but in his heart he had to admit that Lorraine’s ability to adapt to the environment was very strong and rigid. At the beginning of walking in this thorny area, it still seemed a little awkward. After walking along the way, he gradually mastered the technique of avoiding the thorns.

“Huh?!…” A few people walked slowly, and suddenly, Han Xuan’s figure stopped in amazement! !

“Huh? What’s the matter? Han Xuan?” Lorraine turned around and asked in surprise.

However, when he saw Han Xuan’s expression, his heart was stunned. At this time, Han Xuan’s face flushed, in surprise, with a strong sense of worry, one finger pointed at the person not far in front of him. A group of thorns said with a trembling voice: “That…that, these are cute shoes!!!…She must be nearby! She must be nearby!!!”

“It’s nearby!?” Lorraine’s heart tightened when he heard the words, and looking in the direction of Han Xuan’s finger, he found a white tennis shoe, and an ominous premonition hit his mind.

How come there is only one? !

Furthermore, they came here just now and they kept calling, but they didn’t hear Kang Mengmeng’s reply at all! So it’s impossible to be nearby! ! Is it possible that what happened to her? !

Aware of this, Lorraine did not say it, but stabilized everyone’s a little uneasy and nervous emotions: “You stand here, don’t move, there are too many thorns and too dense here! I’ll go Pick up the cute shoes and see if there are any clues!”

While speaking, without waiting for others to speak, he walked carefully in the direction of the white tennis shoe step by step.

One step, two steps, three steps…

Although Lorraine’s skill looks very agile, everyone behind him still feels a little nervous. Of course, that Song Zhihan is nervous on the surface, but he is waiting to see a joke in his heart. Mentality.

“…Strange, how come there is only one shoe?” Soon, Lorraine came to the tennis shoe and reached out to pick it up, “There are no cliffs around here, it’s just a forest. There is no reason to drop a shoe…”

However, just as Lorraine frowned and meditated, he suddenly felt the weeds and thorns loosen under his feet. Then, the soil became slippery, and he looked down and saw that in front of him, he There is a looming hole beside the place where you are standing? …

“Huh?…Oh, oh!?!”

Lorraine, who has always had a strong sixth sense, immediately yelled badly. Before he could subconsciously jump away, the soil under his feet slipped, and then the whole person suddenly tilted, and then, “Wow! With a sound, the sounds of branches, thorns, stones, soil tilting, collisions, and breaking sounded loudly, and a big hole suddenly appeared in the area where he stood just now! ! ! Yes, a black hole hidden under the thorns, weeds and branches! !

And Lorraine, who didn’t even have the opportunity to shout, directly from this foot can be incorporated into a person’s hole, and fell into the depths involuntarily! ! In a blink of an eye, it disappeared in everyone’s eyes! Fall into this hidden hole! !

“Lorraine!!!” Abnormal change suddenly occurred! Han Xuan, Hao Dapeng, Wu Di and Gao Renqi all turned pale and shouted!

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