Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 193: Go ahead!

Chapter 193 Let’s do it!

People nowadays, old and young, men and women, poor and rich, big and small, long and short, deep and shallow, and those who have undergone plastic surgery and have not undergone plastic surgery (Uh, cough (Cough)…It’s all looking at money. In these years, greed has become a common situation. Even the wealthy and wealthy family can’t avoid the vulgarity. People’s ambitions are unlimited, and they can’t be satisfied with how much they get.

Thinking of this sad social situation, Lorraine could only shake his head helplessly. He who died once, deeply understands what life is for. Life does not lead to death and does not take away. Pursuing life for the sake of money and wealth is really a foolish life.

Fortunately, the people who appear next to me are also more reliable, at least they are not fascinated by the interests, power and wealth.

And Jiang Yan’s father’s step-by-step arrangement for his daughter is beyond reproach. Even if she is thinking of letting her marry a wealthy family in Beijing, there is nothing wrong with this thought. It’s understandable. After all, who doesn’t want to Let your daughter live a happy and prosperous life?

After returning home, Lorraine took a bath and fell asleep. The next day he woke up and went to the park to exercise. After breakfast, he went to school. After going through the relevant procedures, it was already noon. time.

I made a call and learned that Brother Daqiang and Ayao the wolf dog had both gone back to the big restaurant in the commercial pedestrian street, and took a taxi straight to the place. Of course, he also pulled Liu Wanchuan over with a phone call. Now Liu Wanchuan doesn’t go to school, and he has experienced so many things in Siyang City with him, so many plans can be made known to him. As for Liangzi and Lin Jiadong, they are still in school. It’s okay to have fun at ordinary times, but it’s better not to let them mix up with things that really get involved in the underworld. If they want to mix up, there will be opportunities in the future, but at least what’s in front of them After completing their studies, don’t those who are gangsters still have college students? As far as Lorraine knows, Na Hu Yidao has just passed a master’s degree in e-commerce and law in the first two years.

Therefore, in this age where everything is mind-conscious, there is no conflict between blackmail and academic qualifications.

“Boom, boom, boom.” Lorraine and Liu Wanchuan rang the lounge of the hotel.

“Please come in.” The door opened, and Brother Daqiang and the wolf dog A Yao were already sitting at their desks waiting for Lorraine’s arrival.

So a few people sat on the sofa and went straight to the subject.

Lorraine lit a cigarette he received from Daqiang, then slowly spit out white lingering smoke, squinted a pair of eyes, and slowly said: “Brother Daqiang, Brother Ayao , You… have heard of [Jiang Gang]?”

“Jiang Gang?”

When I heard this, Brother Daqiang and the wolfdog had a meal together, and their expressions changed slightly: “How come you haven’t heard of this, the eldest brother of the Jiang Gang, Hu Yidao, what kind of character is that? Our Jiangnan Province can be called a godfather-level existence!”

Lorraine didn’t read it wrong, the face of Daqiang, who has always been relatively stable, has a slightly admiring color on the face.

It is understandable that no matter which industry person you are in, there will always be a role model who your peers look up to. On Jiangnan Provincial Road, Hu Yidao plays such a powerful role. No matter how good Brother Daqiang is, he only eats a lot in Zhengzhou City. After all, he is not scaled, organized, and has no means of reaching the sky.

Lorraine saw the expressions of Daqiang and Wolfdog, smiled and nodded: “Both brothers, there is good news to tell you… Jiang Gang’s Hu Yidao has reached some kind of agreement with me, as long as We can stabilize the underground order of Zhengzhou City, at least, we have to support one brother. In this way, we will respond to each other with the Jiang Gang in Silk Yang City, and we will be members of the Jiang Gang. Oh, to be more precise, It should be the head of the Jiang Gang in Xintangkou, Zhengzhou City.”


Brother Daqiang and the wolf dog didn’t believe their ears a little, thinking Lorraine was joking, but then they realized that the look in Lorraine’s eyes was very serious…

I’m a good boy, don’t it be true?

Master Luo went to Siyang City this time. Could it be that he was going to the Jiang Gang of Hu Yidao? ?

If this is the case, then Master Luo is really thoughtful. Hu Yidao, you can’t see it casually, this Lorraine actually saw him, not only that, but also reached some kind of…cooperative agreement with him?

Oh, to be precise, it is an agreement to cooperate and develop the Jiang Gang.

This kind of wrist is really surprising.

“Young Master Luo, is it true?” Even though Brother Daqiang knew that Lorraine never made a joke about this kind of thing, he asked again in disbelief.

Lorraine smiled and nodded, and then pointed to Liu Wanchuan next to him: “This time I was in Siyang City, and Xiaochuan was by my side. I experienced a lot of things. As for Hu Yidao himself, he also followed me. After that, when the agreement was reached, Ogawa was by my side.”

Hearing this, Brother Daqiang and Wolfdog subconsciously turned their heads to look at Liu Wanchuan.

The latter nodded earnestly to the two brothers, his eyes full of affirmation.

“Ah…Jiang Gang…The partner of the cooperation is Hu Yidao…” Brother Daqiang was stunned for a long time, and finally came out such a sentiment, the cigarette in his mouth slowly vomited. After a while, gray-white smoke lingered above his head. He stared at Lorraine for a long time before shook his head with a smile, “Lord Luo, Young Master Luo, let me tell you how you are. ……Although your family background is very superior, but…… at your age, how dare you go to Siyang City alone to negotiate with the Jiang Gang giant Hu Yidao, I am at your age, at most I have a little hard work, but Without your courage and vision.”

Lorraine smirked and didn’t discuss this issue more, but went straight to the topic: “So… this time, I want Brother Daqiang and Brother Wolfdog to help me. Let’s work together. The underground order in Zhengzhou City has been levelled.”

Hearing this, Brother Daqiang finally knew Lorraine’s purpose.


Slightly paused for a more turbulent mood, Brother Daqiang asked: “You and Hu Yidao are verbal promises? After all, you can’t sign a written agreement for this kind of thing…. And if you have a verbal agreement, What if he breaks his promise? What if we knock down the mountains and rivers of Zhengzhou City, and after he is included in the Jiang Gang, we will be expelled, what should we do?”

Lorraine smiled: “Don’t worry, Hu Yidao is not such a shameless villain. And… Jiangshan was created by ourselves, just to respond to him. He himself wants to come to Zhengzhou to play Dafa in person. But the elbow is not long enough to stretch it out. We just borrowed his name from the Jiang Gang, he slapped a knife, and also borrowed our identity as a native of Zhengzhou. This is a win-win plan, not to mention. , Hu Yidao has a lot of business cooperation with our Rock Group, and he will not make excessive moves.”

From Lorraine’s words, Brother Daqiang carefully scrutinized it, and can faintly guess how the two discussed in the first place.

With Lorraine’s heart, it should be that he wants to go to the river to help this mountain. In the future, even if the Luos Group moves to the capital market, Jiangnan Province can still operate without any worries. If the Jiang Gang gradually develops and grows, for the Rock Group, the underground backer is getting bigger and bigger, and it may even help the commercial development in Beijing.

I have to say, this abacus is playing very loudly.

There is also a very important point. After finishing the college entrance examination, Lorraine will soon return to the capital. Under the so-called 30-year Hedong and 30-year Hexi, and now the rapid development of the economic model, the survival rate of the fittest in all walks of life is very high. Gao, when he left, he naturally couldn’t worry about those brothers who hadn’t graduated yet.

Speaking of, Brother Daqiang and Wolf Dog are already very loud characters in Zhengzhou City. With a few tricks, the unclimatic underground order that is basically the same as scattered sand can be calmed down, just like playing. In addition, there is the support of the name of the Jiang Gang. It is estimated that without even grabbing the site, it can unify the underground order of Zhengzhou City. Before, the reason why Daqiang and Wolfdog didn’t want to support such a boss was because they knew they couldn’t become a climate. There was no organization and no scale. Whenever they put pressure on them, they would be the first to fight. Early bird.

Now it’s different. The agreement between Jiang Gang and Lorraine is here. Brother Daqiang and Wolf Dog instantly felt a rising enthusiasm in their hearts. If they can be included in Jiang Gang, they will become Zhengzhou City. As for the hall master-level characters at the entrance of the branch hall, with the development of the Jiang Gang in the future, I am afraid that his status will also rise! There are many businesses and things that you dare not do, and under the umbrella of the Jiang Gang, you can go defensively!

Lorraine didn’t speak at this time, silently spitting out a cigarette, his eyes carefully observed the changes in the expressions of Brother Daqiang and the wolf dog.

Finally, Brother Daqiang weighed all the pros and cons in his heart, raised his head, a trace of long-lost heat flashed in his eyes, and grinned: “Master Luo, this good news really sounds great… So, when shall we start?”

Lorraine shrugged: “Actually, since the money was smashed by a million dollars, our Zhengzhou city has no decent underground power. At most, it is the gang of turtles at Xijiao and Shachang South Street. You can start now. Do, those who are willing to surrender, give them some benefits, those who are not willing to surrender…” After a pause, Lorraine’s eyes faintly flashed a cold light, “Just do it directly, killing chickens and monkeys, sometimes it’s better than using it. It’s more efficient to speak with your mouth.”

Hearing Lorraine’s words, Daqiang’s heart jumped suddenly. He could clearly detect that Lorraine’s visit to Silkyang City during the month he may have experienced many things that he could not imagine. And the introverted and restrained killing spirit, occasionally overflowing, will make him feel a terrifying aura.

In a month’s time, if you want to have an obvious transformation, you must experience things that ordinary people cannot experience.

Including Liu Wanchuan’s body, all faintly exudes a kind of restrained brutality.

This Lorraine… is more ruthless than his father and uncle. Once the strong son and the wolf dog discussed the potential of Lorraine, he said that he had the long-term vision of the businessman and the wise mind of the leader. Now, one more…He still has a kind of decisive and decisive aura!

It seems that when his strong son chose to befriend Lorraine, it was really a wise decision.

“Okay! Now, Ah Yao and I will order to go down, starting from the spinning mill, all the way to the western suburbs!”

In the middle of the night, the weather is getting colder.

At the south street of the yarn factory, Yaye’s ballroom, a dozen people dressed in black are pouring in, and the noisy dj music comes to an abrupt halt with a roar: “In one minute, the land-duck will come out. Otherwise…” The leader raised an ashtray on the deck and smashed it to the ground, “Smash the shop!!”

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