Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 179: Lock the target!

Chapter 179 Targeting!

“I just forgot my name, and I can’t forget you, Yanyan.” After seeing Jiang Yan, Lorraine couldn’t help being in a good mood, and couldn’t help but confuse.

I don’t know that Jiang Yan suddenly changed her expression at this time, showing her old cold police flower appearance, pretending to be proud and lightly looking at Lorraine: “It’s not Yanyan, it’s sister Yan.”

“No call.”

Jiang Yan raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and stretched out two small tender hands, making a gesture to use the tickle nirvana: “Sell or not?”

“Ah, Sister Yan, look, there are meteors in the sky! Hurry up and make a wish…” Lorraine slapped over with a sloppy eye, pointed at the sky exaggeratedly, and pretended to make a wish, “Well, God’s gift I’m a big beauty… Ah, no, no, isn’t this embarrassing God? No matter how beautiful, is there our beautiful sister Yan…”

Jiang Yan couldn’t hold back immediately, and was amused by Lorraine’s behavior. She went up and patted Lorraine’s shoulder lightly: “I hate it, it’s not serious.”

“Hehe, let’s go, I invite you to dinner.”


Jiang Yan nodded, then blushed, went up and put Lorraine’s arm on her shoulders: “What are you going to eat? Do you still have an appointment with Jiaren?”

“Okay.” Lorraine nodded, raised his hand and intercepted a taxi.

The two got into a taxi and went straight to the Jiarenyou couple restaurant.

Soon, I came to the restaurant.

Simple couple set meal, two people talk and laugh face to face.

Finally, Jiang Yan’s expression gradually became a little dignified: “Lorraine, have you heard of it?”

“What did you hear?” Lorraine blinked, then ate the food in front of him.

“Hmph, don’t pretend to be confused.” Jiang Yan looked a little unhappy, and a trace of worry gradually rose between her eyebrows, and said tentatively, “From your mind, you must have known it a long time ago. Tell me , Liu Zhuangyang issued a black wanted warrant for you, is it because of that night?”

Obviously, Jiang Yan was referring to her being taken away that day. Although she didn’t know who was behind the scenes, she was related to the recent ups and downs of black wanted warrants circulating in the city of Siyang. Things, they noticed some signs of uneasiness. After all, she works in the Interpol Brigade of the Municipal Bureau of Siyang City, and she has relatively clear information about this kind of information, although she is still not sure who the person Liu Zhuangyang wants to be wanted is, but she is smart, naturally a little bit. With careful consideration, it is easy to connect the two things together.

Lorraine stopped for a moment when he heard the words in his hand, and then resumed his laughter again: “Hehe, black wanted, what is it, can you eat it?”

“Bad guy! Be serious!” Jiang Yan stepped up angrily and slapped Lorraine on the shoulder, “Do you know, I’m going to be so worried… Tell me, what is this matter with you? Does it matter? Liu Zhuangyang wants to…the one to kill, is it you?”

Lorraine paused after hearing this, and he didn’t want Jiang Yan to worry about him, so he never planned to tell Jiang Yan these things. This would only make her worry more. In fact, through Hu Yidao’s relationship, he has hired several good-quality bodyguards to protect Jiang Yan from close range. Of course, these bodyguards are good at hiding in addition to being good at fighting, so Jiang Yan hasn’t noticed it so far.

“Hey, Liu Zhuangyang does have some grudges with me, but he doesn’t want to issue a black wanted order to such a little guy like me?” Lorraine shrugged and comforted Jiang Yan with a white lie. “I have indeed heard some rumors, and even some people said that Liu Zhuangyang named me by name and wanted to kill me. That was just a rumor by others. You know, rumors are the least credible, Jianghu You don’t have to take it seriously. Besides, if I were really a figure in the black wanted order, would I dare to ask you to have dinner so much?”

When Jiang Yan heard this, she looked at Lorraine with some disbelief, obviously shaken.

Lorraine stepped forward and gently squeezed Jiang Yan’s pretty face and smiled and said: “Okay, don’t think about these useless, big beauty, talk about having dinner for a while, where are we going?”

Jiang Yan frowned slightly, still a little worried: “Since you said it’s okay, I will believe you for the time being, but I remind you that this black wanted order is not trivial, and even some of our law enforcement agencies can’t enforce it. , After all, there are many doors and roads involved, and the water is very deep…. If you are determined to hide from me, I will not force you, I just remind you, if you really can’t hold it, you will call the police. Sister, I will lead the team to help you!”

Obviously, Jiang Yan is a smart woman, and she also knows that Lorraine’s foundation may not be as simple as they felt when they first met. But there is a saying that for men, some questions can be asked, and some questions should not be asked. If Lorraine is hiding from her, there is only one reason, that is, she does not want her to worry. This shows that Jiang Yan is very important in his eyes. She can understand and even feel a little happy, but there are some things that need to be explained. Right now, she can only investigate this matter in a way that she can, through legal means, so that if the person involved is really Lorraine, she might be able to help. Busy, even a little bit will do.

She has an instinct, Lorraine, that she might have an affair with the underworld characters.

From the bottom of my heart, she still hopes that Lorraine will not go in the dark, but… Lorraine is a man with ideas, she can’t stop him, as his woman, all she can do is silently behind her back. support him.

It’s that simple.

“Hey, Yanyan, what do you think?” Seeing Jiang Yan’s sudden loss of consciousness, Lorraine stretched out his hand and shook in front of Jiang Yan’s eyes.

Jiang Yan hurriedly cleaned up her emotions at this time, showing a slightly reluctant smile on her face, and opened her mouth jokingly: “Dare to call me Yanyan, call me sister Yan.”

“Uh…” Lorraine felt helpless, “I’ve been wondering, is there a difference between this…? Our relationship is already like this… I keep calling you sister Yan, isn’t it appropriate?”

Why didn’t I think that as soon as this was said, Jiang Yang raised her ruddy lips and pursed her lips and smiled: “Then I am also your sister. Tell you, sister, I am a very feminist person… “

Lorraine was choked by the answer that was not an answer, and was helpless to support his forehead: “Well, I can barely accept your reason…”

“Okay, hurry up and eat. I have to go back to the game after eating!” Jiang Yan said, and put a large piece of beef on the fork, put it into Yinghong’s little mouth, and chewed her cheeks. She looked cute.

“Back to the game?” Lorraine asked after hearing the words, “So tired? Need to work overtime?”

Jiang Yan swallowed beef into her stomach with difficulty, and then she sighed helplessly: “It’s not because of Liu Zhuangyang’s relationship that he didn’t care about a word. Now the entire city of Siyang is fighting hard.” , Looked up at Lorraine’s expression, “…If this matter is related to you, this account will be counted on you, huh, I have to work overtime for my sister…”

Lorraine smirked. He knew that Jiang Yan was a very intelligent woman. He didn’t expect the other party to believe in herself completely, as long as she could properly comfort her, she spread her hands and said, “Then you find this scum. After that, I want to tell me that I am looking for him too. It is really harmful, so that I can’t accompany my dear Yan…cough cough, sister Yan…”

“Punch.” Jiang Yan drank the juice and couldn’t help but smiled, “Just count you the poorest…”

After dinner, Lorraine sent Jiang Yan back to the Municipal Bureau of Silk Yang.

It’s okay for her to work overtime, at least, in the city council, she is the safest. Lorraine didn’t want the last tragedy to happen again.

Looking at Jiang Yan entering the city bureau unit, Lorraine turned around and walked slowly to the side of a telephone booth, facing forward, without squinting to a casual man reading the newspaper and drinking juice. “I’m optimistic about this policewoman, don’t let her have any accidents, if after the matter is over, if you can successfully complete your mission, I will give you bonuses again.”

This casual man who thought he was hiding well, heard Lorraine’s words, and immediately became stiff, and he did not speak for a long time. The juice in his mouth almost choked him.

Lorraine had already turned a corner without waiting for this person to speak, then intercepted a taxi and slowly left.

That man was one of several full-time bodyguards sent to protect Jiang Yan… Although he knew Lorraine was the employer, Lorraine hired them through Hu Yidao. It stands to reason that he should not recognize them. Besides, they have done a proper disguise to hide, even if friends in life pass by them, they will not necessarily be identified. But this Lorraine…

This person thinks that his concealment skills are already very high, but he was still discovered…but fortunately, it was discovered by the employer.

Looking at the appearance of Lorraine rushing into the taxi and gradually leaving, this person kept drumming in his heart: This young employer is not easy…Although he is not regarded as the top professional bodyguard in China, if not It has excellent anti-reconnaissance capabilities and is absolutely undetectable.

However, he couldn’t think that Lorraine could find him because of his breath.

Just when he sent Jiang Yan back to the city bureau, Lorraine clearly felt that on the street opposite the city bureau, at the entrance of the hutong, beside the telephone booth, and on the second floor of a certain coffee shop, there were several messages. A slightly sneaky sight.

Professional bodyguards possess a spirit that is good at fighting. This spirit is hidden by ordinary people. Even in life, this faint spirit will be revealed naturally. Lorraine used this subtle aura to infer the location and identity of these people. They were sharp but not murderous, which meant they were friends and not enemies.

Lorraine was sitting in the taxi at this time, closing his eyes slightly. After a period of time to study and practice the mysterious techniques on the ancient jade slips, his ability in regulating luck and controlling his breath became more and more advanced. The powerfulness of, has been able to feel the stimulating breath brought by the outside world unexpectedly.

In this way, he can have excellent anti-reconnaissance capabilities. When he encounters some criminals who are plotting against him, he will find out in time and make corresponding countermeasures.

At the same time, Liu Zhuangyang was sitting in his office and received a phone call that surprised him: “Hey, boss, the location of Lorraine has been determined! Just now I got a taxi at the Municipal Bureau of Siyang City. Driving towards the east section of Changjiang Road!!!”

The target is locked! Great! !

Liu Zhuangyang finally showed a smile on his face: “Quick! Keep up with him, don’t let him go again, this time, we must do it steadily!!!”

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