Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 166: You can figure it out

Chapter 166 You figure it out

Lorraine knew exactly what kind of character Hu Yidao was. He can have today’s position, in addition to excellent leadership skills, but also a wise head. First of all, you must always know how to place your position.

It’s like now, Hu Yidao sent Lu Chuan to take care of Lorraine. Although he himself never showed up, Lu Chuan has always been on his side to help. This is enough to explain Hu Yidao’s position. However, there are many different positions. At least, for a smart big man like Hu Yidao, it is the most important premise and bottom line to take a 10,000 step back and protect himself.

Today, the behavior of Liu Zhuangyang and Qian Wanwan has touched Lorraine’s bottom line. Smart as a slash, he would surely guess more or less that Lorraine would make some radical behaviors. Then Hu Yidao’s attitude at this time becomes the key. If he says: Let go and do it, even if you kill Liu Zhuangyang, my brother will give it to you.

So needless to say, in Siyang City, even if Lorraine copied Liu Zhuangyang’s home, it would not be a problem.

But if Hu Yidao said: I hope you don’t make behaviors that are too difficult to end.

Then it is tantamount to telling Lorraine not to go too far, at least, to leave everyone with a little room for negotiation and maneuver. After all, the aftermath is huge and complicated, especially when dealing with a big figure like Liu Zhuangyang who has some means and status.

At this time, Hu Yidao’s words from Lu Chuan, the so-called “Always stand on the side of victory”, were actually conveying a meaning to Lorraine: I, only cooperate with smart people.

In other words, Lorraine, look, I’m even sending Lu Chuan to fight with you now. I value you very much. This attitude is very clear, so just take care of it. I hope you can handle this matter as best as possible. Don’t make everyone unable to get off the stage at that time. As long as you can find a way to deal with it properly, just let it go.

Lorraine is very grateful for this.

Lorraine should be regarded as the first one to help such a figure like Hu Yidao, who is so powerful in Boyang City.

Time passed, Lorraine and Lu Chuan walked slowly in the warehouse with a group of people in black. Qianwanwan was tied to a chair by the five big flowers, making a look of dementia and horror. There is still no way to believe that how did Lorraine achieve the extreme movement in that moment? ? And beside him, Liu Danghua, who was also tied up, also slowly woke up unknowingly, and suddenly realized the environment and situation he was in at this time, with his mouth wide open, stupidly looking to his side. The money he encountered was millions, and his head was covered with high gauze. A very funny sentence came out: “Huh? Uncle Qian? Are you here too?”

This sentence almost didn’t suffocate Qian’s millions!

What happened to Liu Danghua? What’s wrong with being stupid? ? Both of Nima’s people were kidnapped, and it was like a **** encounter! Your **** brain is convulsed!

Liu Danghua’s consciousness at this time is indeed not sober. From the moment he woke up and found that he was tied to a chair, it was doomed that he was only a joke at best, but he could not break free from Lorraine at all. Palm heart.

“Smoker?” Lorraine walked slowly to the door of the warehouse at this time, seeming to lean somewhat casually on the edge of the warehouse door, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one, and tentatively faced him. Lu Chuan asked with a serious face not far away.

“Come on one.” Lu Chuan nodded, took the cigarette from Lorraine, and then they lit each of them.

Since just now, Lu Chuan has specifically looked at Lorraine, and soon Liu Zhuangyang is coming. Such a young man who is less than 20 years old has to face a middle-aged man who is very powerful in Boyang City. , What will he do?

He doesn’t know.

But at least, he can’t see even the slightest anxiety in Lorraine’s eyes now. This Lorraine’s psychological quality is really not the usual tough…

The calm and introverted temperament concealed in Lorraine’s eyes made Lu Chuan feel no shiver in his heart…The bottomless sense of wisdom really subverted his concept of age-determining experience. the opinion of.

Finally, the corners of Lorraine’s mouth twitched slightly, his eyes gradually narrowed into a slit, and his gaze from the distance slowly closed back, and said faintly: “Here.”

“…” Hearing this, Lu Chuan’s breath couldn’t help tightening, and he followed Lorraine’s eyes and looked to the front not far away. A black off-road vehicle took the lead, followed by two silver-gray vans, pressing toward this side mightily. Although it was dark at this time, the dust on the ground was still illuminated by the lights. Pull pervasively. Looking at the battle, it was clear that I wanted to overwhelm Lorraine from the momentum first!

However, in Lorraine’s eyes, all this was in vain.

“Mr. Lu.” Lorraine gave Lu Chuan a wink, without saying anything, the latter nodded with understanding, and the two slowly walked back into the warehouse one after the other, and walked straight towards Liu Danghua. And millions of dollars.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”——

The sound of opening and closing the door several times came heavy, and soon Liu Zhuangyang took the lead in jumping out of the leading commercial car, and then yelled and walked towards the warehouse: “I’m here! Lorraine! You can let them go!!”

As soon as I heard this, the money in the warehouse and Liu Danghua were in a pleasant surprise together! !

Aphrodisiac! ! Dad! ! ! You are finally here! !

However, Liu Danghua may be able to keep his joy all the time. It is different with millions of dollars. After a short surprise, he suddenly realized that he and Liu Zhuangyang are nothing more than the so-called “following each other”! How can it be compared to the love between the father and son of Liu Danghua and Liu Zhuangyang! ! If you have to negotiate for a while, you are still the most dangerous person!


Qian million eyes, from the moment Liu Zhuangyang got out of the car, he carefully looked behind Liu Zhuangyang, searching to see if he could find his son, Qian Hu, but it was too late. Did not find…

Is it possible that Lorraine Pit lied to yourself before? Liu Zhuangyang didn’t think about swapping Qianhu for his son? ?

Thinking of this, Qian Hu had a fluke in his heart. If so, then it would be the best! ! Even if you were cheated by Lorraine Pit, it was worth it!

“Dad!!! Dad!!! I’m here!!!” Liu Danghua saw his father, and he almost cried out of excitement. After a brief stupefaction, he roared hysterically. Howling out of the warehouse with his voice.

Because of the dim sky, there were no lights in the warehouse, only the light from the car lights shining brightly. Before Liu Zhuangyang could see the situation in front of him clearly, he heard the cry of Liu Danghua’s desperate guy. Liu Zhuangyang hated iron but not steel, his eyelids thumped fiercely, saying that he was not distressed, but that was fake.

Soon, the picture in the warehouse before his eyes gradually became clear.

Qian million million and his son Liu Danghua were tied to two chairs respectively. Not far behind them, there were twenty useless rice buckets rushing towards them, yelling: “Boss ! Boss!…”

When Liu Zhuangyang saw those twenty people, he felt disgusted and angry. This group of people is too **** useless, more than twenty, so they dare not smash each other? ? But when I thought about it, I understood that, after all, his son and Qian Million were in the hands of the other party, Lorraine. If Lorraine threatened to hurt his son or Qian Million, these people would not be able to explain it.

Soon, these twenty people occupied Liu Zhuangyang’s side, and one by one they bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes and said one after another: “Boss, that kid holds the young master in his hand. We dare not act rashly!! We are afraid of the young master. In case something goes wrong…”

Liu Zhuangyang’s complexion was extremely ugly, he snorted coldly, kicked the person standing in the front: “Fuck me away!! Useless rice bucket!!”

Speaking, he strode quickly towards the warehouse. Behind him, he followed four or five sturdy figures. At first glance, these people have experienced a lot of tempering, and they are definitely not comparable to other bullies. of!

“Lorraine! I’m here! You let go!!” Lorraine didn’t answer the shout when he got out of the car just now. Liu Zhuangyang knew that he was standing up, so he brows fiercely. Clench your hands tightly and try your best to suppress the anger, so that your anger will not affect Lorraine’s emotions, otherwise he will be angry with his precious son!

As Lorraine and Lu Chuan gradually approached the warehouse, the figures of Lorraine and Lu Chuan became clearer in Liu Zhuangyang’s eyes. Behind them, there were more than a dozen sturdy men dressed in black.

That woman…is gone…

Although he had faintly guessed before that Lorraine might have successfully rescued the policewoman named Jiang Yan from Qian million, but after seeing the actual situation, Liu Zhuangyang still felt a chill in his heart.

Damn…the most important bargaining chip is gone…what should I do…I wanted to exchange that woman for my son…but now…

Thinking of this, Liu Zhuangyang gritted his teeth and said bitterly: I blame myself for not cultivating his subordinates properly. There are more than 20 people, and there are still more than a dozen people in the family! ! If the gang of **** under their hands give a little bit of energy, how can they be so passive now? ? !

The current situation is very unfavorable for Liu Zhuangyang. He hasn’t spoken for a long time, waiting for Lorraine to make the offer.

He knew that Lorraine was waiting for him until now, just to tell him that there is still room for discussion on this matter. This situation, for the current Liu Zhuangyang, is at least a blessing in misfortune!

At this time, Lorraine put his hands in his pockets, with a half-burning cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and the sparks flickered in the dark, undoubtedly setting off his position as a focal point. The corners of Lu Chuan’s mouth next to him were closed tightly, his eyes condensed into two thin slits, watching any subtle changes around him vigilantly. In fact, the current situation is not necessarily optimistic for them.

After all, Liu Zhuangyang is now bringing a team of people to kill, he must have come prepared, and this warehouse is obviously the site under Liu Zhuangyang’s hands, the front is head-to-head, he holds a bargaining chip in his hand, and Lorraine is quite skilled. There is no problem with being strong and having an advantage. I was afraid that the other party would put a cold arrow in the dark. Except for the bright light of a few car lights, the other places in the warehouse are all in darkness. God knows if a terrible killer will suddenly jump out!

“Liu Zhuangyang, do you want me to let go, don’t you?” Lorraine’s slightly playful voice came.

Liu Zhuangyang’s expression became more solemn, and he nodded cooperatively, without answering.

“Yes.” Lorraine’s seemingly indifferent, indifferent words contained a deep breath. The voice was not loud, but it was extremely loud, and it clearly reached the ears of everyone present, “but I can only Put one, you figure it out.” As he said, he pointed to Liu Danghua and Qian million who were **** behind him.

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