Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 142: Dazzled and infatuated

Chapter 142 Dazzling and Delirious

Entering the gate, Jiang Yan stored her bags and handbags at the counter, and then accompanied Lorraine and the other two through the security check, turned around and walked into the interior of the “Jiangnan Luo” bar.

Walking into the largest and most luxurious bar in the entire Jiangnan Province, Lorraine and Jiang Yan felt a strong taste of nightlife. At this time, the music played by the dj station was deafening, and the waiters were busy shuttled between the various wine seats. The feasting and feasting were at the wrong place. A man with a dog-like appearance or a gorgeously dressed-up woman became one piece, each face All of them are full of laughter, some are sincere for fun, while others are hiding knives in their smiles, not knowing what kind of ghost idea they are hitting.

The interaction between people is so complicated. Sometimes, the brighter a person smiles at you, the more you have to guard against it. The more comfortable what he says makes you feel comfortable in your heart. The more you can’t listen, it’s likely to make you paralyzed, and then, without you knowing it, stabbing you in the back.

Hu Yidao’s first impression of Lorraine was like this, with a smile on his face all the time. Of course, this can’t be generalized. Maybe Hu Yidao is a smiling tiger character, so who should be treated. If this Hu Yidao is really a person that Han Zhennan values, then he must be exceptional. No matter what kind of character Hu Yidao said from the bottom of his heart, at least, his proposal this afternoon looked even more alluring at this time.

Looking at the prosperous business of the largest bar in Jiangnan Province, Lorraine couldn’t help but feel a little eager. When the Luos Group successfully entered the leisure and entertainment industry in Siyang City, how much revenue will it bring…

Jiang Yan and Lorraine held each other’s elbows, and under the reception of the waiter, they came to a corner of the bar far from the dance floor. The two came here just to have a drink and relax a little. They don’t plan to go to the dance floor like those crazy intoxicated men and women, so sitting in the corner is the best choice.

Ordered a bottle of Brother Gran, two bottles of 7-up, a few plates of snacks, and simply mixed the base wine and drinks, and the two started talking while eating and drinking.

“Lorraine, do you often come to such occasions?” Jiang Yan frowned when looking at the crazy men and women on the dance floor. Obviously, she didn’t like the atmosphere very much. “These people are like crazy people. , Doesn’t it hurt to dangle your head like that?”

Lorraine followed Jiang Yan’s eyes and found that a few buddies on the dance floor were surrounding a woman, their heads swayed like waves, and their mouths were still screaming. The wailing yelling, let alone, there is a sense of rhythm with the dj music.

“Hehe, I used to come when I was young, but later I didn’t come to sit very often.” Lorraine took a sip of the Sprite drink and said naturally.

“When you were young, it was as old as you are now…” Jiang Yan grinned.

Lorraine smirked, did not speak, looked at the silly young men dangling on the dance floor with a pair of eyes. His thoughts instantly went back to his own dude era in the last life. Once, he was also the kind of nightlife who loved nightlife. Lord, that period of youth has been frivolous, arrogant, confused, decadent, and bitter…

Nowadays, Lorraine’s mentality is like a hermit who has gone home, no longer thinking about those useless things.

A young body, a precipitated soul, this makes Lorraine so different.

Lorraine heard the crazy dj music now, but it was like a plain and pale cry, and he could no longer make even the slightest ripple in his heart. He looked at the dance floor, his eyes gradually narrowed into a slit, and there was an imperceptible sense of loneliness in his pupils. Yes, now he is no longer crazy, but he is no longer innocent.

The loneliness of simple people is mostly empty and sickly moaning. The loneliness of a complicated person is the inability to remember the passing years.

This reminded Lorraine of a deeply touching conversation he had seen, saying that it was a man who walked into a restaurant called “Life”:

“Boss, come to be lonely.”

“Sorry, sir, this shop is only empty.”

“Are you happy or happy?”

“Yes, parallel imports.”

“Is it true?”

“I bought him a fake sentiment yesterday.”

“Are there any lovers?”


“Come on, give me some promise.”

“Now the promises are all false.”

“How can I sell that confidant?”

“This is precious, one for every fate.”

“Come here.”

“Then you have to meet.”

Thousands of thoughts surged in my heart for a while, and the reborn Yi Ma Pingchuan immersed Lorraine in a sense of victory and superiority. I don’t know how long it took him to feel the feeling of psychological adversity. Is he becoming stronger now, or has he become terrible? ?

I always think that silly smile looks like a smiling tiger, what about myself? In the eyes of some people, is he also a smiling tiger character?

However, Lorraine is still lucky. At least, there are many people around him who trust him, leaving his relatives aside, there are brothers, Xiaochuan, Liangzi, Jiadong, Chenggong, and Li Nan; Qin Wanshu, Song Meiyuan, Lan Lan, Perhaps Long Er is also worthy of trust… and Jiang Yan in front of him.

Thinking of this, Lorraine raised his head and looked at Jiang Yan with a smile. There was a faint expression in his eyes. I have to say that Jiang Yan, who had no trouble with him in the previous life, met in this life and seemed to be born again from heaven to give. Mysterious gift of myself. This gift, I don’t know when it started, so that Lorraine has become the heart of the ice cave, melting his emotions…

“Hey, little idiot, what is it?” Jiang Yan came back to her senses and found that Lorraine was looking at her affectionately, her heart trembled, her complexion flushed, fortunately the light in the bar was dim, so Luo Lin was looking at her affectionately. Lin didn’t see Taiqing Jiang Yan’s alluring shame.

“Oh, hehe…it’s nothing, just look at sister Yan you…” Originally, Lorraine wanted to casually praise Jiang Yan for being beautiful, but I think that she is also a lot of praise for Jiang Yan, although it is true that she is beautiful Speaking at this time also seemed a little casual. Then Lorraine paused and stopped talking. Lorraine slightly peeked forward, face to face with Jiang Yan. The distance was very close. The small desktop was only the length of Lorraine’s arm. He stretched out a hand. , Gently grasped Jiang Yan’s slender hand on the table. Under the dim light, Lorraine’s face was clearly contoured. A pair of pitch-black eyes faintly shone with this deep look, just like singing from a world away. , Feeling the warmth of her little hand being wrapped, Jiang Yan accidentally fell into an intoxicating sense of loss.

“I…what?…” Jiang Yan flew two red clouds on her cheeks, her eyes were silky, her breathing was unconsciously rapid, she felt the breath of Lorraine getting closer, she bit her scalp softly Asked this sentence back.

Lorraine and Jiang Yan’s attractive faces are very close at this time, only a palm apart, and even the breath of the two can clearly feel each other: “I want to say… Maybe you are… this life God gave me the best gift.”

At this moment, Jiang Yan’s heart seemed to be suddenly pierced by the arrow of love, and she trembled fiercely, her crimson face and neck were hot, her eyes were full of autumn, and she seemed to be moisturizing. .

“Smelly… guy, you just say something shameful…ah…”

Without waiting for Jiang Yan to finish, Lorraine’s mouth had suddenly pressed against her red lips, and the soft and warm touch instantly spread to every corner of her body. Lorraine’s strong nose was blowing hotly on Jiang Yan’s pretty face. At this moment, she felt her whole body numb. She was dazzled, and she closed her eyes subconsciously, and her body warmed. Rising rapidly, as if it was about to burn and evaporate in an instant, all the strength of the limbs seemed to be drawn, the whole person was soft and weak, she did not resist at all, let Lorraine’s domineering mouth bully her…

The music in the bar is still deafening, the dance floor is still noisy, and under the dim light, no one can notice the kiss between Lorraine and Jiang Yan. But at this moment, for Lorraine and Jiang Yan, it seemed to be as long as a century.

Jiang Yan was intoxicated by Lorraine’s overbearing bullying, buzzing in her head, she didn’t even know where she was now. At the age of 24, she has never had a boyfriend before, or even touched her hands by any opposite sex. As a beautiful beauty, Jiang Yan is really a rare case. The twenty-four-year-old woman is in the midst of sweet love and even marriage. Since the relationship with Lorraine has deepened, she has already throbbed in her heart. Lorraine has done all these things to herself, and she has never shown the slightest disgust. For a steadfast woman like her, this is a hint to the utmost.

However, this kiss from Lorraine tonight is a bit abrupt, but it is just right. At the moment when the iceberg of Jiang Yan is gradually disintegrating and is on the verge of collapse, this kiss has moved the world. At least, it has made Jiang Yan. She fell into the intoxicating world she had never experienced but yearned for.

More importantly, this first kiss of myself was dedicated to the first man she likes-Lorraine.

Jiang Yan feels that she is about to die of happiness, and the feeling of kissing her beloved is so **** that her body is trembling slightly, her breath is getting more and more rapid, and she is almost out of breath suppressed by Lorraine. , Finally, she opened her pink lips softly. She didn’t pant, but was greeted by Lorraine. In the next second, the two changed from zero-distance contact to negative-distance contact. She only felt that each other was overbearing. Sucking her own tongue, it seemed like she was trying to **** her own soul away. The lingering in her mouth made her feel like the sky was spinning. Under the emotion, Jiang Yan also tried to cater to Lorraine. Her clumsy little tongue entangled with Lorraine. Fighting together, time passed, she felt that her whole body was about to burn, her mouth was extremely moist, but she felt her throat dry, and her body was itchy like a fire…

The strange feeling faintly conveyed from her body was something Jiang Yan had never experienced before. She couldn’t tell what it was like. She had to make a soft “Um…” in her drunkenness, her delicate body almost melted, and there was something in her heart. Thousands of young deer bumped into Lorraine’s gentle and domineering trap, unable to extricate themselves…

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