Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 137: What’s the matter?

What happened in Chapter 137?

“Hehe, Sister Yan, have you eaten yet?” Lorraine didn’t have the slightest fatigue in his tone, and he felt like he was laughing and joking as usual.

Hearing Lorraine’s voice as usual, Jiang Yan relieved her heart, and groaned in a bitter voice: “Smelly boy, you are finally willing to turn on the phone! Do you know that I call you a lot, you It’s all turned off, how worried am I???”

The two have never contacted since that day after the beautiful lady had an appointment. At that time, Lorraine sent Jiang Yan to the apartment, and then left in a hurry, telling Jiang Yan instinctively that Lorraine was probably Do some very important things. She had never seen Lorraine suddenly showing that solemn expression, so inferring from this, the things Lorraine was going to face must be extraordinary. That night, Jiang Yan went back to the apartment in a daze, and couldn’t fall asleep over and over again. She wanted to call Lorraine, but was worried that it would delay his affairs. In the end, she decided to call Lorraine the next morning. Lorraine never sleeps late in the morning, Jiang Yan knows his habit, but in the next morning, Jiang Yan dialed Lorraine’s cell phone, but it showed that it was turned off, which made Jiang Yan mutter. .

For the whole day, Jiang Yan made one or two phone calls every hour or so, and she was still shutting down. Until this morning, Lorraine’s cell phone had never been turned on.

This time, Jiang Yan was completely anxious. The whole morning was like Liushen Wuzhu. It is because there is no need to deal with any major cases in the bureau, otherwise something must go wrong.

At this moment, Lorraine suddenly took the initiative to call, and it sounded like nothing had happened. Jiang Yan was completely relieved.

“Sister Yan, I think you have called me a lot, is there something urgent?” Lorraine asked a question that was not a problem at this moment.

Jiang Yan was a little angry right now, and said angrily: “What’s the urgent matter? You unscrupulous brat, I’m almost worried about you! Check it out for yourself, how many calls I have called you There is a phone call every hour, your sister and I call you 24 hours a day except for bedtime!~~”

Across the phone, Lorraine scratched his head embarrassedly. Regarding the simple things, Lorraine needed to keep everyone secret, including his family. Not that he didn’t believe them, but he didn’t want to implicate them in. Nowadays, it is still unknown whether this ancient jade slip only knows its existence. In case there are some powerful characters who intend to take the ancient jade slip, who knows more, the more dangerous it will be. This is common sense.

“Sister Yan, let’s go, I’ll go out now, please have a meal, okay?” Lorraine still feels warm in his heart for Jiang Yan’s concern. The relationship between the two people is very delicate now, um, that’s it. This kind of relationship is similar to love, close to love, and may evolve into love anytime and anywhere.

“Now…” Jiang Yan paused for a while, and then said helplessly, “Now I can’t go away. An urgent notice came down from above just now, saying that there will be an important meeting in a while, then… How about you invite me tonight?”

Obviously, Jiang Yan also wants to see Lorraine now, as she can tell from her somewhat unwilling tone.

Important meeting?

Lorraine’s thinking is very keen, and he subconsciously thought of the violent death of pythons and bobcats on the street. Could it be that a meeting was held for that matter? ?

Think about it carefully. I didn’t seem to have left any clues before, but I was afraid that the slivers could follow the vine to find some clues. In this case, the law enforcement department can’t take the Sky Eye organization, so it has to use itself to open it up?

“Sister Yan, what is an important meeting?” Lorraine was very concerned about this issue, and he blurted out after a moment of pondering.

Jiang Yan heard that Lorraine suddenly had a serious tone, her eyebrows frowned slightly, don’t this stinky boy have been missing in the past two days and stabbed something?

But it should have nothing to do with this meeting. Just now, an emergency notice came down, saying that there was a serious homicide. The death of the deceased was extremely miserable, as if he was killed by an explosive weapon. Preliminary inference is very likely. It is related to terrorists or bandits, or it may be a gang struggle. The deceased may have been shot to death by a certain type of extremely powerful shotgun.

Jiang Yan thought to herself, although Lorraine is sometimes more ruthless, but if he breaks through the sky, he will kill people half to death and will never kill people by himself. At this point, Lorraine still has it. What’s more, Jiang Yan couldn’t connect Lorraine with terrorists, thugs, gangsters, and the like. After all, they are a rich second-generation alive and well. Is it necessary to participate in such dangerous activities?

So naturally, Jiang Yan excluded Lorraine, even though Lorraine’s tone at this time made people feel a little suspicious.

“Nothing. There was a murder case and two unidentified men died. They are under investigation. Going to a meeting later should be the next step.” After that, Jiang Yan sighed, “Luo Lin, the city of Siyang has also been a little uneasy recently. In the future, you should try to avoid going out and walk around, so that I can finish the whole month of school honestly, you know?”

Hearing Jiang Yan’s description, Lorraine directly thought of the dead python and lynx. …It seems that this case has already been investigated.

Hope, I didn’t leave any hints. Moreover, he and Long Er were rescued by someone with Hu Yidao. If Hu Yidao was genuinely harmless to him, he would help him destroy some of the evidence that was present. I have to say that Lorraine’s muddy water is very Hurry, but at least he saved Long Er and got the mysterious simple jade slip. Often the greater the reward, the greater the sacrifices that accompany it. This is the truth.

“Okay, I know Sister Yan, then you can call me when you get off work at night, I will pick you up.”


One afternoon passed quickly. At about six or seven o’clock, Jiang Yan called, and a slightly tired voice came from there: “Hey, I’m off work…”

“Well, Sister Yan, are you tired? Wait for me in the game, I will pick you up right now.”

“Pick me up? How do I pick up?”

“Hehe, take a taxi.”

When Jiang Yan was exhausted, she didn’t forget to joke: “Really, I was taking a taxi to pick up my sister. It was a taxi. It was too ostentatious and not sincere enough.”

Lorraine smiled cheekyly: “No way, family is not good, poor…”

“Go to hell!…Don’t fight with you, come hurry up, sister, I’m almost exhausted. If I can’t see you in 20 minutes, I’ll…I’ll be asked to leave by someone else. “Jiang Yan groaned, trying to arouse Lorraine’s nervousness.

But I didn’t want Lorraine’s ability to be super immune to Jiang Yan’s trick, so he laughed and said: “Okay, I will arrive in 21 minutes. If you are asked to leave, then I have to go on a date with someone else.”

“I want to die for you!!~~”

Jiang Yan was a little sullen over there, but Lorraine hung up the phone quickly, walked out of the campus quickly, walked up the road and stretched out his hand, a taxi stopped, and Lorraine sat on it.

“Mr. Luo, where are we going?”

Before Lorraine could tell where he was going, the taxi driver turned his head and said with a smile.

Lorraine was stunned for a while, and raised his eyes to see a familiar face: “…Lu Chuan?…”

This taxi driver is not someone else, but the person next to Hu Yidao. He once followed Lorraine from Zhengzhou to the city of Siyang as a taxi driver. Later, his identity was exposed, and Lorraine also officially met with Mr. Hu Yidaohu, so Lorraine dispelled his hostility towards Lu Chuan. It’s just…Why is this guy squatting on me again? Are you still following me? In this case, Hu Yidao would be too unnatural, right?

However, this situation should not be tracking himself quietly. After getting in the car, Lu Chuan greeted himself first, even if it was tracking, it was a clear tracking!

Lorraine raised his eyebrows, knowing that Lu Chuan was not malicious, and was not in a hurry to tell where he was going. He clasped his arms and smiled nonchalantly: “Mr. Lu, may I ask if you are driving the taxi? Your hobbies, or your part-time job?”

Lu Chuan chuckled: “Mr. Luo, sorry, I am not following you, but Hu Xian’s life. I will tell you something. You are a student now, and I have been with Mr. Hu better. Many people in the city of Siyang know me, so I drove a taxi to cover people’s eyes. Please don’t be offended.”

Lorraine squinted his eyes and nodded slightly, not knowing what was thinking in his mind, and immediately waved his hand: “Say, what’s the matter?”

“Last time Mr. Luo and your friend walked in a hurry, Mr. Hu failed to leave you contact information.” As he said, Na Luchuan took out a white business card from his pocket and gave Lorraine with both hands. “This is our Mr. Hu’s contact information. He hopes that you can give him a call. There are some things that I can’t pass on. It’s better for Mr. Luo to communicate with Mr. Hu.”

Lorraine took the white business card and glanced roughly. There was no company signature, no position, but a simple title and a number “Mr. Hu. Mobile: 137xxxxxxx”.

After a moment of hesitation, Lorraine waved his hand: “Mr. Lu, first take me to the Municipal Bureau of Puyang City. I will call Mr. Hu’s phone when I walk on the road.”

“Well, good.” Lu Chuan nodded, stepped on the accelerator under his feet, and the taxi drove out slowly.

What does Hu Yidao want to tell me? ? …

The car was moving faster and faster, and the road became smoother and smoother. Lorraine took out his mobile phone and hesitated for a while. In the end, he entered Hu Yidao’s mobile phone number according to the numbers on the white business card. Guess, it is better to make a phone call to confirm that it is quick and clear.

Press the dial key, and soon, the phone was answered over there, Hu Yidao’s calm and nasty voice came: “Brother Xiaoluo, I am very happy that you can call me personally. Phone.”

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