Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 1050: The big move of the Pan family

Pantene was silent.

Now she has a very special feeling, a feeling that she has given Lorraine a new life.

She knows very well that now Lorraine is escaping with her, and she is still in such a severely injured situation, so…

They cannot use real names.

“This is a Miao village, on the southwest border of China. I am not a Miao, but I have lived here for almost fifteen years. You can rest here with peace of mind. The people here are very friendly.” After speaking, he turned around and opened a drawer.

“By the way, there are three leather books or jade slips here. They look very worn out. I found them on Xiaotian when I was healing him. You can help him put them away first.”

Uncle Yao gave these three classics to Pantene.

Pantene glanced slightly, and found that these three books really looked dilapidated, and more importantly, she really didn’t recognize the fonts on them.

“What is this.”

Pantene frowned slightly…

These three books look very unusual, and Lorraine is carrying him, maybe… Pan Jiajun has been killing Lorraine, maybe it is for these three books.

This possibility became stronger in Pantene’s mind. She wanted to wait for Lorraine to wake up and ask her questions.


Slightly selfish thinking, she hoped…Lorraine was in a coma for a few more days.

At least, in the past few days when Lorraine was in a coma, Pantene could walk to Lorraine’s bed countless times, and then look at Lorraine with a very close attitude.


That’s it.

Pantene is recuperating in the house of this mysterious Uncle Yao in this unknown stockade.

And Lorraine is also performing the so-called “herbal gas therapy” every day, and unknowingly, it has already been a week.

I don’t know what kind of method this uncle Yao uses can make Lorraine who has been in a coma for a whole week and still maintain the breath of life. Pantene only knows that this uncle Yao has been performing acupuncture on Lorraine and so on. The bizarre treatment.

Pantene gradually got out of bed and walked away. She also strolled in the stockade a few times. Many Hmong aunts, older sisters, grandfathers, children, and people are really friendly. There is a place in the noisy world outside. Unseen ease and friendship.

She quietly figured out a lot of things these days.


This is the life she really wants.

Perhaps… this kind of comfort and happiness is the peach blossom that she has always kept in her dream and dare not speak.

And what makes people happier now is Lorraine, who really appeared here together as in his dream.

The only difference is that Lorraine… is still unconscious.


This Miao Village, where almost no outsider has ever set foot, is comfortable, natural and comfortable.

On the other side, the Chinese world business circle has already set off layers of storms.

“Yes, that’s right, we have now completed 70% of the commercial acquisition of Songshi International’s industry, that is to say, starting today, Songshi International will no longer exist, and replaced by We at Pan International will say that Song International will become a vassal of Pan International, and I, Pan Jiajun, are here today on behalf of our Pan family to tell you that in the future, our Pan family will undoubtedly lead the Chinese entertainment industry. As well as the Chinese catering industry and other leisure industries, and will also carry out various active cooperation internationally. I believe that this is only the beginning for our entire Chinese world. Our Pan family is confident of doing this new The helmsman of Century Chinese Business has been working hard before, now working hard, and working harder in the future.”

Crack, click, click.

The on-site camera flashes continuously, and Pan Jiajun’s eloquent appearance is captured eternally and is preserved in commercial history.

The Pan family turned out to be acquiring the property under the name of the Song family. You must know that when the Han family was the most arrogant in the past, they did not purchase any of the four giants. Later, Lorraine came under the name of Lorraine. When the Luo family is in full swing, although it is buying the property of the Ma family and the property of the Xu family, it is also sharing a cup with many other cooperative alliance families. What is this? This is the overall situation. This It’s called exclusion.

But now the Pan clan swallowed the Song clan as a whole, and only vomited a bit of dispensable chicken ribs.

Yes, the Alnas family, which has some cooperation with the Pan family, has obtained some benefits, but that little benefit is not at the same level as the benefits obtained by the Pan family.

Will Alnas be ambiguous.

This is an issue that everyone cares about.

But it is very interesting that the Alnas family has never said much.


The next move of the Pan family made Alnas feel a little bit afraid of the Pan family.

Yes, fear.

After Pan Jiajun announced that he had acquired more than 70% of the property under the Song family, he immediately told the world that their family had already cooperated with the American Gambino family.

Oh, to be precise, it was a collaboration with the Big Raul of the American Gambino family.

This line was led by Pan Jiajun himself. In other words, the Alnas family didn’t know about it until Pan Jiajun and the Gambino family announced their public cooperation.

More interesting is…

In this matter, Pan Jiajun did not say hello to his father, King Pan.


After Pan Jiajun returned home, Pan Wang called him to his study.

“…Why did you cooperate with the Gambino family? Why didn’t you report to me before deciding on this matter.”

Wang Pan’s expression was sullen, and he said in a deep voice.

Pan Jiajun nodded respectfully, and then said: “Father, didn’t you mean that you have now given me all the power of the head of the family? Although I don’t have the name of the head of the family, I own you. The same power, so, I think, it should make you feel that I have a unique leadership ability. In fact, this time, I want to give you a surprise.”

When Pan Jiajun said these words, his face was calm and his tone of voice was calm, even King Pan couldn’t understand his thoughts.


Pan Wang was silent for a moment, then said, “Yes, I said this, and also acquiesced in your all-time actions, but… after all, you have not inherited the status of the family, now you have made this kind of I did not hold a meeting with the other elders of the family. This will attract a lot of criticism and make people have opinions on you. Do you understand that although the head of our family is a single pass, but the prosperity and maintenance of a family, It can’t be done by one person. It requires the unification of the consensus of the various factions of the entire family, do you understand.”

“Yes, what my father said is, I will pay attention next time.”

Pan Jiajun nodded deeply.

“Have you found… your sister’s body.”

Seeing Pan Jiajun’s promise, Pan Wang’s complexion was slightly relieved, but when he changed his mind, he was replaced by a trace of heavy haze and grief.

Although he suppressed this emotion as much as possible, but his own children, but their hearts, King Pan couldn’t help but feel distressed. In the dead of night, King Pan cried more than once, and in his heart , I also hate Lorraine and the Luo Family.

Also, those partners of the Low family will also hate it.

When Pan Jiajun came back, he also brought back Pantene’s bad news. Of course, he was talking about his own version, the fictitious version.

He said that Lorraine planned to kill him Pan Jiajun. Pan Jiajun had just received Pantene that day and was about to take a ferry to go back leisurely and leisurely. Unfortunately, Lorraine conspired to besiege him.

Fortunately, Pan Jiajun was prepared for a long time, and it took a lot of effort to kill Lorraine head-on.

In order to enhance the sense of reality, Pan Jiajun reluctantly stabbed himself in the abdomen. This guy is also a talent. He didn’t know which part of the body would not cause serious damage and looked serious enough, so he asked for advice Clay, who was sent by the Demon Gentlemen Alliance to protect him, was the contempt in Clay’s heart at the time. For a long time, Clay felt that their Demon Gentlemen Alliance was the most evil and darkest existence.

But when he saw Pan Jiajun’s nauseating face, he realized…

The really sinister thing turns out to be the so-called celebrities among these worldly people.

Moreover, the bigger the name, the more evil it is.

They can let go of the most important thing as a person, that is…


Not funny at all.

However, the appearance of Pan Jiajun when he stabbed his stomach with a knife made Clay really want to laugh.

A masochistic appearance, it looks really funny.

But after this ridiculousness.

What are you seeing.

What Clay saw was Pan Jiajun’s depraved human nature, and what he saw was the gloom of human nature.

Very dark.

“Not found yet.”

Pan Jiajun’s face is full of solemn grief.

This kind of grief was not pretended by him, but real grief. After all, he also felt sad for the death of his sister.

As for self-blame… there may be some, but it’s almost negligible.

Because he has successfully transferred all his faults to Lorraine.

“The Luo Family…must be destroyed.”

Wang Pan’s complexion was a little green, he kept as calm as possible, but his voice still trembled slightly.

“Father, don’t worry. Now we have removed the Song family. The next step is the Kang family. You know, there is another Kangcheng in the Kang family who is very dissatisfied with his grandfather’s actions. He is a very worthy target. As long as we successfully win the Kang family in the next step, we can directly face the Luo family. Even if there is a Situ family behind him, it is hard to escape the catastrophe.”

“Don’t forget.”

Wang Pan frowned slightly, “Beside the Luo family, there is also a Han family.”

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