Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 99: Flash dust

Shadow Priest, use Ensnare!”

Ensnare technique!

The action of Elite Manticore is like a sudden jam, which stalls for a moment.

The effect of Ensnare is less than one second, but effect is obvious.

Magic poured down like rain, Elite Manticore‘s Health dropped by about 2%, it fell into Wild state, Attack skyrocketed by 300%, the pressure of Wild Waves Freely Coil suddenly increased, and the Heal of Priest do n’t want money Desperately thrown at Wild Waves Freely Coil.

As soon as Nie Yan moved, a ball of White powder appeared in his palm, and he spilled it out.

Well, these White powders burst open, and in the center of these powders, a dazzling white light, the dazzling light penetrates into the eyes of Elite Manticore.

The team members were also sounded by this white Light and Shadow, but the impact was small, unlike Elite Manticore, which completely lost Field-of-View.

This is the flashing dust that Nie Yan bought from Somalia. This thing can release a strong light instantly and burn the target enemy’s eyes for several seconds. Players can take advantage of the enemy to lose Field-of-View, kill opponent or run away Although the price is a bit expensive, it is extremely easy to use.

“Keep the output, don’t stop!” shouted Nie Yan.

The team rioted for a while due to the strong light from the flash dust, but soon calmed down. They found that the flash dust was made by Nie Yan, and Elite Manticore was in blindness, so Magic hit the Elite Manticore more fiercely.

Elite Manticore finally sobbed and fell to the ground.

Theoretically, when Elite Manticore Health has 5% left, it is the craziest and most dangerous, but under the action of Ensnare and flash dust, it basically did not exert any Combat force and fell to the ground.

If you switch to normal, and encounter Elite Manticore, how can it be so easy to end Easy!

“What’s going on?” Nie Yan asked, looking at Sleepy Fox.

Sleepy Fox picks up the things dropped by Elite Manticore. It is Dagger and Dark Gold of Thief.

Blood Pact‘s dagger (Dark Gold): Level Requirement0.

Attribute: Attack23-26, Agile/Dexterity + 11, Critical + 12, Life-steal3%.

Attack speed: 2.3

Weight: 3 pounds.

Restriction: available for all factions.

“It is Dagger of Thief!” Sleepy Fox shared the attributes of the Blood Pact dagger.

Nie Yan took a look. It is a level Dark Gold Dagger. The attributes are really good. Attack is only a little lower than level Gold Equipment Assassin’s Decree. The additional attributes Critical and Life-steal are obviously better than Assassin’s Decree.

It is finally possible to change to Dagger.

The Blood Pact from Agmota Muddy Swamp is the best in Level 0 Dagger.

“I want Blood Pact.” Nie Yan said to Sleepy Fox.

Such a good thing, Group‘s Thief are staring at it. As soon as Nie Yan opens, all Thief understand that they are out of play. Think about it, Blood Pact dagger, how can Nie Yan not.

Sleepy Fox traded the Blood Pact dagger to Nie Yan, and Nie Yan took them over to Specialist Level Agmota Muddy Swamp. Without Nie Yan, they would not be able to go now, but Nie Yan did not get anything except a Gold Level Leg Guard. He also felt a little embarrassed, this time out of the Dark Gold Equipment of Thief, naturally selected by Nie Yan first.

Nie Yan replaced the ox horn dagger in his hand and replaced it with the Blood Pact dagger. Attack is a lot taller. It is estimated that it will be able to wear a black blood set in a few days. At that time, Equipment will be able to upgrade another level.

According to the same method, Nie Yan introduced two Elite female Manticores around Manticore king and killed them one by one. The two Elite female Manticore also produced two good Equipment, but not Thief. Something that Nie Yan ignores automatically.

“By the way, what was the burning Manticore eye that you just used?” Sleepy Fox finally couldn’t help it, and asked.

At dusk, Stone and other people ’s attentions have also turned around. The thing just now is indeed a good thing. When Combat burned the eyes of others, they could receive wonderful results at critical moments.

“Flash dust, Special Items, but it can only be used against monsters below level 10.”

“Are there any more?”

“Yes, I have only nine copies here.” Nie Yan thought for a moment, since Sleepy Fox and others have seen it, there is no need to hide it.

“Is this thing very rare? How about I buy two copies at the price of one silver coin(s)?” Sleepy Fox said, this thing can receive magical effects when brushing BOSS or PK, even a silver coin(s) It’s not expensive.

The words of Sleepy Fox made Nie Yan shine. Sleepy Fox would buy a flash dust from silver coin(s), so there must be more people willing to buy these gadgets at high prices. Sosomia is a CloakingNPC. No one has found him yet. If he buys a lot of things such as flash dust and spider web scroll and put them on the market, it is estimated that he will make a lot of money.

At least ten levels ago, Players‘s Requirement for Basic flash dust, spider web scroll, polymorph scroll was very large.

“Go back and talk about it first, pierce Agmota Muddy Swamp first.” Nie Yan said, after instance, he can put some of these things on the market to see the situation.

“Okay, if there are more, sell more to me.” Sleepy Fox said that money was not a problem for him. He saw the role of flash dust and was desperate to get it.

Only the last Manticore king is left, and Quest has reached the final moment.

This Manticore King is much stronger than Manticore King on Easy and Normal level difficulty. tall, Sleepy Fox and others secretly startled.

This is the first Lord-class monster they encountered!

The hearts of the team members can’t help but feel a little hesitant. Although they have witnessed the miracle under the leadership of Nie Yan, this is definitely Strength, which is really frightening.

Paladin is good at Protection Against Evil, Priest should pay attention to Heal Wild Waves Freely Coil, and save Magic. In the face of King Manticore, there are definitely deaths and injuries. Others in this team can die. Wild Waves cannot die. If he died, basically The group is destined to die, so the Priest‘s Heal can only give Wild Waves Freely Coil. If the other melee is red blood, immediately leave Battlefield, no one will Heal you, you go to Battlefield outside health recovery. Shadow Priest‘s Ensnare technique must be retained And when I need you, I will remind you. “Nie Yan assigned the work to be done little by little.

The players listened intently, and didn’t dare to miss it.

“As for the other, nothing is too much, in fact, the Manticore King is like that, there is nothing to be nervous about.” Nie Yan said casually.

Sleepy Fox, dusk and other people looked at each other, but their hearts were grinning, I am afraid that only Nie Yan dare to say such a thing, it was a Lord level strange!

~~ Insert incense and pray for recommendations

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