Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 965: The challenge of Mad Rogue!

Chapter 96 challenges of Mad Rogue!

If you change to Normal Players, even if you give them a few Strong pets, they may not be able to control like Nie Yan.

Nie Yan‘s control of Pet‘s skill has almost reached the point where the fire is in full swing. I am afraid that I can’t find a few at his level in the entire Conviction.

Demon King Guard‘s Health is consumed little by little, because its Health is too thick, Nie Yan can’t see how much blood it has, and after a long time, it was found that the blood strips of Demon King Guard only dropped a trace.

It’s so thick Health, I don’t know when it will be able to kill this guy!

But Nie Yan is not in a hurry, grind it little by little, until it is worn away.

Demon King Guard already is in a state of rage. He waved the huge axe in his hand and chopped Lil’ Gold out. It was preparing to take a step, and saw that Purple-eyed Land Dragon was stuck at its feet.

Well, Purple-eyed Land Dragon was also hit.

Demon King Guard thought about Assault again, and found that Lil’ Gold, which was struck by himself, got up again and got stuck under the feet of Demon King Guard.

Demon King Guard basically has no way to deal with this kind of entanglement.

There are not many Bosss with Mental Intimidate. Fortunately, Demon King Guard does not have Mental Intimidate, otherwise this tactic will not take effect. Nie Yan thought a little bit gratefully.

It is not only Light and Dark Sacred Dragon that keeps output, but Nie Yan also goes up from time to time, causing Combo damage to Demon King Guard. Since Demon King Guard and aggro are basically concentrated on Light and Dark Sacred Dragon, Nie Yan damage has not received much attention.

The pk over Doomsday Gorge has become fierce. Smoke Stub, Smile Not For Me and Black Hell have been defeated consecutively. Although Duoduo (a lot) won’t be easy to win, and every time it is almost exhausted, Minotaur League is always lost.

Duoduo (a lot) won three games in a row, which reduced the morale of Angels Fall to the lowest point. Finally, there was some recovery. Everyone cheered for Duoduo (a lot).

Duoduo (a lot) smiled bitterly. In fact, although he won three games in a row, he couldn’t laugh at all. After a few pk, he had a general understanding of the strength of Minotaur League. He originally wanted to test the strength of Minotaur League through this pk to determine whether to attack Radiant Camp. I did not expect that the carefully prepared pk almost became a Minotaur League performance Show. With the strength of Minotaur League, if they now attack Radiant Camp, I am afraid they will take their humiliation. The thought of attacking Radiant Camp in his heart was hesitant.

But this pk, he still has to fight, but the purpose is different, he wants to defend the honor of Angels Fall!

There are six people on the field, Resplendent Bladelight, Sun, King of the World, Lei Su, Desire to Encroach on Youth, and Yao Zi, but he has no further hands. Even several High-Level Magics that require several Day to Cooldown.

Duoduo (a lot) looked down at a Warrior, and said quietly: “Bring Equipment all over, I want to change another set!”

The Warrior stepped up respectfully and put a lot of Equipment on the trading bar, all of which are Primal Chaos Armor level, many of which are Additional Skill. All the better Equipment of Angels Fall‘s Darkness Pontiff are basically here, Duoduo (a lot) selected a few, Changed up.

Changed to the new costume Duoduo (a lot), took out his Darkness Speaker scepter and walked towards the field.

Desire to Encroach on Youth was already waiting on the court at this time, and saw that Duoduo (a lot) took out the Darkness Speaker scepter with a slight look.

Nie Yan glanced at the video. I did not expect that not only Smoke Stub, Smile Not For Me and Black Hell also lost.

Damn, Nie Yan is a little irritable, he guessed that Duoduo (a lot) has swelled uncontrollably since he got Speaker of the Dark Council Title. With his appearance, Duoduo (a lot) is even more stimulated. The reason why Angels Fall challenged Minotaur League was Easy, which was to test the strength of Minotaur League. I don’t know if Duoduo (a lot) will launch a war, of course, Minotaur League will never fear war.

Nie Yan also hopes that the war between the two factions will be dragged back as far as possible, so that he can recover his strength first, and if there is any accident in Minotaur League, he can also control it.

Can’t fuel Angels Fall‘s ambitions, then only Duoduo (a lot) can be hit!

If you can kill Duoduo (a lot), it will be perfect. I don’t know if Resplendent Bladelight, Sun and others can complete this Quest.

If you give me more than three months, it should be okay to hit the 190th level. Even then, if you face more than 200 Duoduo (a lot), the Nie Yan will not have any fear. Within the twenty levels, they are all under control!

If Resplendent Bladelight and others can beat Duoduo (a lot), it is estimated that in the near future, Angels Fall should not have the idea of ​​attacking Radiant Camp.

Nie Yan understands that at this moment, even if he is no longer worried, it will not help, and he can only focus on the Demon King Guard while occasionally glancing at the video. What he didn’t know was that the idea of ​​Duoduo (a lot) attacking Minotaur League already began to shake. His current purpose is just to defend the glory of Angels Fall.

With the passage of time, under the intense Magic output of Light and Dark Sacred Dragon, the Health of Demon King Guard is finally consumed by 10%.

Nie Yan looked at the time, nearly 20 minutes, consumed 10%, damage output is considerable.

If the Playerss know that Nie Yan uses a considerable amount of adjectives to describe the damage output of Light and Dark Sacred Dragon, it is estimated that Nie Yan will be flattened. It is almost hungry and hungry, even the first Tang Yao and damage on the list. The output is probably better than the Light and Dark Sacred Dragon that releases Magic at the same time with both heads! The so-called turret Tang Yao is still so, let alone other Players.

Nie Yan hasn’t been online for a long time. I don’t have an exact understanding of the current strength. I only know that Light and Dark Sacred Dragon is strong, but I can’t imagine that damage output from Light and Dark Sacred Dragon, already surpassed Tang Yao, which is the top of Level!

With a Strong Pet such as Light and Dark Sacred Dragon, Nie Yan Promoted is unhappy!

As long as nothing unexpected happens, it should be fine to consume Demon King Guard to death.

One hundred and ninety levels of Demonized Lord, even if it is Tang Yao Players, it takes a lot of effort, but for Nie Yan, it seems like a breeze.

Nie Yan focused on Demon King Guard. During these half an hour, Resplendent Bladelight, Sun, Tang Yao and others also successively played with Duoduo (a lot)pk, but without exception, they all lost.

Tang Yao is the last one. This Combat directly detonated the entire Forum. Forum was discussing the pk between Tang Yao and Duoduo (a lot).

Minotaur League lost in the end.

Lost even Tang Yao? Nie Yan frowned, opened the pk video of Tang Yao and Duoduo (a lot), Duoduo (a lot) Skill was fully open, and the image of the scepter suspended in the air was raised, just like God looking down at the ground. The two even used AOE Magic to bombard the Players who watched outside and even withdrew After a thousand yards away, they were not affected by the Combat between the two.

Tang Yao is also fully open for Skill. In Skill, he is inferior to Duoduo (a lot).

The highest Title of Tang Yao, that is, High-Level Radiant Arbiter, Most Powerful‘s auxiliary monster Arcane Fairy already has reached level nine, and Arcane Fairy Additional has several Forbidden Incantation Skill. Forbidden Incantation Skill is useful in Battlefield or team battles, but it does not help much for one-to-one pk.

WDuoduo (a lot), the Dark Council scepter in hand is Artifact-level Primal Chaos Armor, and there is another Magic book given by Lich King. After the strength is exerted to the extreme, Tang Yao is basically there is nothing to be done to compete with it.

The Combat scene was amazing. The Playerss couldn’t record a clear video at all. They could only watch from a distance. If you want to get a close-up video, I am afraid the party himself has it.

Roughly looked at a few Combat videos, Nie Yan sighed, what he was most worried about happened.

After Combat, the ground seems to be cut off by something, and it sinks flatly.

Duoduo (a lot) slowly drifted from above, glanced at his own Health, there were more than 6,000 points left, or if he added himself a few Protective Shield in time, and lost himself a Heal Magic, his already was killed by Tang Yao It was soaked with cold sweat behind his back, and he almost lost.

Actually, Repeated Battles has nine Minotaur League nine people. Duoduo (a lot) thinks that I feel a little scared and finally win. There is definitely a lot of luck.

Angels Fall Players, there was a frenzy of cheers.

Forum is full of posts praising Duoduo (a lot), beating Minotaur League so many Expert in succession, Duoduo (a lot) seems already is the first Expert of the two big factions, this name is beaten by strength little by little.

Duoduo (a lot) walked towards Angels Fall Players, Angels Fall Players people were excited and could not calm down for a long time, losing nine Minotaur League in a row, what a great achievement, I am afraid that the Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame of the year can be compared!

There is a hustle and bustle everywhere. On the Minotaur League side, Tang Yao and resurrect come over, sighing and losing, and losing is useless.

Compared with the noise of Angels Fall, the Playerss of Minotaur League seem a little bleak. Although their overall strength is far beyond Angels Fall, Angels Fall 愣 is a manpower of Duoduo (a lot) to turn the tide, and they finally lose.

In particular, the name of the two factions first Expert falls on the body of Duoduo (a lot), which makes many people unwilling, but very helpless.

Although Duoduo (a lot) explicitly prohibits provocative actions against Minotaur League, the entire Forum is still full of scolding battles between Minotaur League and Angels Fall. Many people have even scheduled a day to go to Doomsday Gorge for a dead battle. There are many respondents and it is estimated that It was a big dogfight.

Just as a mess on Forum, a post appeared in everyone’s Field-of-View.

“Within five months, I will definitely go to Darkness Camp to fight with Duoduo (a lot), and then we will win. Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame leave a word.”

It’s Mad Rogue‘s number. That’s right. This number has not been on already for more than three years!

This post was instantly exploded and soared to several whatever happens/10 million clicks. At this moment, the whole service was a sensation. Although there is only such a short sentence, the shock caused is no less than that of the previous Duoduo (a lot) picking nine people Minotaur League.

Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame is back in the rivers and lakes, and actually wants to challenge Angels Fall‘s Guild leader Duoduo (a lot). This is such a shocking news!

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