Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 95: The Great War

Chapter 95: The World War

In addition to Dragon King Fruit, Nie Yan found that there was still a Dragon Egg lying quietly in the ruins. This Dragon Egg was oval, about the size of a washbasin, and the eggshells of White were covered with spirals. Black-colored spots, like a weird symbol.

The Dragon Egg that Nie Yan has seen is also already, but this Dragon Egg is the first time I have seen it.

“Is it Flying Mounts or Pet?” Nie Yan frowned in doubt. He also put this Dragon Egg in his backpack, threw it into his backpack, went back for identification, and then found a suitable Master for it.

Confirm that there is nothing else on the ground around already, Nie Yan has Dark Winged Dragon Summon out.

Dark Winged Dragon‘s eyes immediately Lockdown Dragon King Fruit of the right hand of Nie Yan, some can’t wait.

Crowds are watching Nie Yan intently. Are they going to be fed? What will Dark Winged Dragon become?

Nie Yan tossed Dragon King Fruit, Dark Winged Dragon saw it, jumped up with joy, put Dragon King Fruit in his mouth, Dragon King Fruit‘s entrance was instant, and a slurry flowed into the abdomen of Dark Winged Dragon.

Dark Winged Dragon stood there quietly, and Black-colored Flash said circulation on it.

A momentum of Powerful spread out on Dark Winged Dragon.

Under the oppression of Dark Winged Dragon Dragon Might, everyone retreated, and the pressure of Powerful in the air seemed to crush their bones.

Dragon Might of very powerful!”

They stepped back and watched the changes of Dark Winged Dragon closely.

The scales on Dark Winged Dragon was peeled off piece by piece, and a brand new scales slowly grew, just like the lilac Crystal. Gradually, the color gradually Deepening, and it gradually became closer to the pure black color, and finally it was as dark as ink . But this Black-colored is not the Primal Chaos matte Black-colored, but a color similar to black diamond.

The Flash emanating from scales on Dark Winged Dragon gives people an indestructible feeling.

Dark Winged Dragon‘s body is getting bigger and bigger, and the momentum on the body is constantly rising. Nie Yan can feel that the barriers that block Dark Winged Dragon Promote Rank, in the face of this indestructible Strength, are like shattering and shattering.

With a bang, Dark Winged Dragon burns a raging Black-colored Flame, which is wrapped in Black-colored‘s Flame, just like a Phoenix. The rolling heat wave is accompanied by the Strength of Darkness.

Nie Yan glanced at the status of Dark Winged Dragon, Dark Winged Dragon was finally promoted to Tier 9!

Minotaur League members raise one’s head looked at Dark Winged Dragon. At this time, Dark Winged Dragon had a body height of eight or nine yards, a wingspan of more than ten yards, and the whole body was burning Black-colored Flame. It looks like a Ancient Behemoth, and its huge body gives a terrifying. Oppression.

This guy is invincible!

“This is the ninth-order Flying Mounts? It’s amazing!”

“The highest-order Flying Mounts on the Angels Dominance side is probably the seventh-order one. Their number of seventh-order Flying Mountss does not exceed twenty. The sixth-order Flying Mounts Attack is completely invalid for the ninth-order Dark Winged Dragon. This Dark Winged Dragon can be used. Go to Invincible. “

They looked at the incomparable body of Dark Winged Dragon Powerful and couldn’t help sighing. Under the control of Nie Yan, the ninth-order Flying Mounts will definitely play an amazing Combat power. Everyone could not help but think of the battle with Angels Dominance over City of Sin. This battle will be the glorious battle of Minotaur League!

Nie Yan has a small right-handed sheet. Dark Winged Dragon suddenly Vanishing. It was taken into Pet Space by Nie Yan.

“If we all go out, Angels Dominance just need to check if instance is closed, we can know if we got Dragon King Fruit from already, then we will definitely be prepared. If you are willing to stay in this instance, as long as there is one person left, instance will not be closed for the time being, Raised Wing Angel will definitely think we are still in instance. “Nie Yan asked everyone.

“Let me stay,” Undying Scoundrel said.

Nie Yan nodded and said: “It’s okay, pay attention to the situation, as soon as my Dark Winged Dragon appears, you can go out.”

“I understand!” Undying Scoundrel said, he stayed here just to create an illusion that they were still in instance, so as to confuse Angels Dominance.

“Others come with me, put on the cape, and we quietly leave instance and cannot be found by anyone!” Nie Yan said in the team chat.


They and the group quietly left the Temple. They did not walk through the front door, but quietly left from the side door. It was impossible for Angels Dominance to find them. A group of twenty-nine people left Temple, but because Undying Scoundrel is still within Temple, instance will not be closed. The Players of Angels Dominance who is tracking nearby will only think that Nie Yan and others are still in Temple. When they find out, it is estimated that already is too late!

A wonderful trick to get rid of the shell!

The time for the engagement is getting closer and closer. Inside Doomsday Bar, a group of Minotaur League Playerss are anxious like ants on a hot pot.

“Why hasn’t Nirvana Flame Boss come back?”

“It’s only been more than ten minutes since the decisive battle, why hasn’t Nirvana Flame Boss come back? If we don’t show up, we must be timid by Angels Dominance.”

Nirvana Flame Boss, come back quickly.”

Seeing the following anxiety of Minotaur League Players, Essence Demon and No Road looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They already tried their best to appease these players. If Nie Yan and others didn’t show up, it was really a chaos.

Essence Demon is preparing to send a message to urge Nie Yan. Suddenly he received a message. He glanced at his face with an imperceptible joy, and said quietly in the group chat: “Nirvana Flame Boss said, they are still there. In instance, I was dragged in. This decisive battle is only up to us. “

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard Essence Demon.

“How do we hit Nirvana Flame Boss without Demon Boss?”

“Yes! If Nirvana Flame Boss doesn’t come, we will only have three seventh-order Flying Mounts!”

don’t tell me does not have Nirvana Flame Boss, you are all waste, you are all together, Nirvana Flame Boss is dragged, and it is estimated that we can come out and support us soon. Even if Nirvana Flame Boss does not come, we will give Angels Dominance a hard time Let them know that we don’t mess with it! “No Road shouted in the group chat.

If No Road calms them down, they still murmur. Elite group is in instance. Can they really win?

“Remember, this time Combat don’t fight with Angels Dominance hard. If you can fight, you can fight, but you can’t run, you will be sent to Angels Fall‘s reinforcements. Their already is on the road!” Essence Demon Shen said.

Under the command of Essence Demon and No Road, they still assembled a team and walked out of Doomsday Bar. In the yard of Doomsday Bar, Summon produced their own Flying Mounts, hundreds of Flying Mounts vacated.

Doomsday Bar is also prohibited from fighting in the gardens of hundreds of yards, so they don’t have to worry about being attacked.

Essence Demon and others stood on top of Flying Mounts and looked north of City of Sin. The Flying Mounts unit of Angels Dominance was like a dark cloud.

City of Sin is full of Guild or Players of the team. Many of them come to watch the battle, and many of them are to **** Crystal Nucleus. A Flying Mounts Crystal Nucleus is a huge wealth for them. It is enough to make many people salivate, and if they get one, they will develop. In this City of Sin, there is no lack of Players of Minotaur League and Angels Dominance. They also come to **** Crystal Nucleus. These Crystal Nucleus are some good things, and naturally cannot fall into the hands of others.

The emergence of Minotaur League Flying troops caused a commotion in the entire City of Sin. Minotaur League appeared as promised. Minotaur League and Angels Dominance80% of the air Strength are concentrated here. This will be a vast and spectacular battle of the world!

“Who do you say will win?”

“It’s not easy to say. It seems that Angels Dominance has a bigger win. Look at their Flying Mounts troops, which are at least 1,560, and Minotaur League, it looks like only about a thousand. Minotaur League‘s air Strength has been It is an indisputable fact to lag behind Angels Dominance.

“It’s hard to say, although Angels Dominance‘s aerial Strength is better than Minotaur League, why have they ever taken advantage of Minotaur League? Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame is a different number!”

“It is said that Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame did not appear this time, it seems to be dragged inside instance.”

“Is Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame actually going to instance at this time, isn’t this strange?”

“I also think Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame should appear.”

“In terms of Strength in the air, Angels Dominance has always been dominant, but the final result of Combat is difficult to say. It is not impossible to reverse the disadvantage. Since Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame dares to fight, they must have made preparations. Grasp and accept the challenge of Angels Dominance rashly. “

The following Playerss are discuss spiritedly. When they see it with raise one’s head, countless Flying Mountss fly in the sky, it is almost spectacular, covering the sky.

This is definitely the most spectacular air combat since the game was launched.

“Everyone, listen to my Command, split into two teams, remember, fight and retreat, don’t get too entangled with them!” Essence Demon Shen Chen, glanced at the message sent to him by Nie Yan, he In my heart, the goal of Nie Yan Boss was the Flaming Giant Bird. Indeed, Flaming Giant Bird‘s fire network Skill is too threatening. You must remove them to be at ease. It is estimated that Nie Yan Boss already is waiting for the opportunity in a certain corner. Once there is a suitable opportunity, he will unexpectedly attack the Flaming Giant Bird of Angels Dominance!

The two Flying units are close to each other, and everyone can feel the tense atmosphere.

Essence Demon looked at the other’s factions. Raised Wing Angel was standing on top of Gigantic Dragon of Silver-white and looked at it. His pupils shrank slightly. Raised Wing Angel even got a Gigantic Dragon Flying Mounts.

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