Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 922: Shadow Demon Wolf

Chapter 922 Shadow Demon Wolf

If you want to find a more Powerful wolf type Boss, I am afraid it is not so Easy, at least give the Thief group Players a few days.

Nie Yan went on to capture Purple-eyed Land Dragon, and captured the rest of Purple-eyed Land Dragon.

Just as Nie Yan was busy catching Purple-eyed Land Dragon, Guo Huai suddenly dialed voice chat of Nie Yan.

Nie Yan, tell you the good news.” Guo Huai excitedly said.

“What good news? Did you find a wolf Boss?” Nie Yan asked in confusion.

“No.” Guo Huai shook his head, “You must not guess, Hoall Promoted.”

Hoall Promoted? You mean that Tamer Level of Hoall has gone up?” Nie Yan asked in surprise.

“Yes.” Guo Huai said with a smile.

Nie Yan understands what it means for Hoall to change from Grandmaster Level Tamer to Great Grandmaster Level Tamer. The domestication time of Purple-eyed Land Dragon can be greatly shortened. If a Purple-eyed Land Dragon can be domesticated before the decisive battle between Angels Dominance and Minotaur League, the successful Purple-eyed Land Dragon will become their Deal with Killer of Angels Dominance and Century Financial Group!

“How did his Tamer Level improve?” Nie Yan asked, Tamer Level was extremely difficult to improve, and Hoall‘s sudden promotion surprised him.

“Thanks to you.”

“Me?” Nie Yan froze for a moment.

“Of course you. Didn’t you just let Hoall hatch a Light and Dark Sacred Dragon before?”

Nie Yan, don’t tell me is the Promote Rank of Hoall caused by incubation of Light and Dark Sacred Dragon? This is so possible. Light and Dark Sacred Dragon is the legendary king of Land Dragon. Things like hatching Light and Dark Sacred Dragon are a rare opportunity for Hoall. In addition, he stayed at Grandmaster Level Tamer already for a long time. Promote Rank. Tamer Hoall completed Promote Rank. The time to domesticate Purple-eyed Land Dragon will be greatly shortened. I do n’t know when it will be possible to successfully domesticate the first Purple-eyed Land Dragon, but already is not far away.

The good news has greatly inspired Nie Yan, and the mood has also risen a lot when capturing Purple-eyed Land Dragon.

Raised Wing Angel and Cao Xu are going through the years in the next ten days or so. On the one hand, they have to prepare for the final battle. On the other hand, Gods Tribe is constantly receiving bad news. Angels Fall ’s offensive is too fierce. Gods Tribe almost completely retreated, only to win a few times on a small part of Battlefield.

Finally, Raised Wing Angel and Cao Xu decided to abandon a part of Stronghold, gather all their forces, and fight against Minotaur League. All forces were mobilized. They bought dozens of large Guild and Studio people, and the number reached a staggering 350. One hundred thousand, countless various war equipment, the soldiers in the savage plains of Stern Empire, Abernese Prairie of Minotaur League far away.

Under the operation of Guo Huai, Minotaur League has gathered 2.5 million troops. In terms of number, it may not be as good as Angels Dominance and Century Financial Group, but the average Level, Combat power, etc. are much higher than Angels Dominance and Century Financial Group. In addition, many people of Light Ray’s Edge also received Quest. They are not regular troops, but many people will also come to Battlefield.

The two sides slowly lined up. The Nie Yan riding Dark Winged Dragon overlooked from below. The endless scene of millions of people was extraordinarily spectacular. The front troops, 3,500 Iron Armored Trebuchet were divided into five columns in the front and horizontally arranged. Open, forming a square matrix, followed by 1,200 Ballistic Trebuchet, arranged in a meniscus.

Minotaur League mobilized all the resources of the entire Guild, only Manufacture has so many Trebuchet, already put all the family under the bet. In addition to these Iron Armored Trebuchet and Ballistic Trebuchet, there are five or six hundred large chariots on the flanks, like a huge iron cage, covered with spikes. These chariots are also very Powerful Damage Weapon, equipped with a Gnome Magic Channeled Artillery, Possessing a certain Long Range firepower, with dense steel spurs on his body, Movement Speed is extremely fast. Once hit by these chariots, his body will be broken immediately, even if Iron Armored Trebuchet is hit by the chariot, it will be completely Destruction.

Behind these war machines, there is an endless crowd of people, which stretches endlessly, and more than 20,000 Flying Mountss hovering and dancing in the sky.

Minotaur League has another advantage, that is, the air force. Since the last battle, the Flying units of Angels Dominance and Century Financial Group have been completely annihilated. Even if they have been capturing Flying monster recently, they can get hundreds of Flying Mounts already. It is good with Minotaur League The number of Flying Mounts is completely not proportional. In addition, Minotaur League has recently made more than fifty Kamikaze Wind Dragon. Although the number is not large, it is enough for Angels Dominance to drink a pot.

Millions of troops are a huge problem to command. They can only have one control in the general direction. It is estimated that it will eventually become a scuffle, and it will not be able to command at all. Once the scuffle begins, for Minotaur League It is advantageous because the individual quality of Minotaur League far exceeds Angels Dominance and Century Financial Group. Of course, no matter how strong the individual soldiers are, if they are under siege, they will most likely still suffer. Even the top Professional Player, under the siege of Normal Players, will not be able to carry it.

Battlefield is estimated to be at the junction of the barren plains and Abernese Prairie. It has to be be careful Doomsday Gorge, and Sinister Faction also has a large number of Players out of Surface. It is estimated that we want to get cheap when we lose both Angels Dominance and Century Financial Group. No defense. “Guo Huai said, he and his group of people were really busy, more than 300 people, to command such a huge army, the workload can be imagined.

“Who are these people?”

“There are idle Playerss, and dozens of Guild organizations. Sinister Faction coincides with Angels Fall and Gods Tribe. They did not dare to fight those two Guild ideas. They ran here, anti-Correct opposition factions, and wanted to fish. It’s cheaper to go back. “Guo Huai said, the presence of these people makes the situation more complicated.

“How many people do they have?”

“Three or four hundred thousand, once more, there may be more people coming through the Underground channel.”

“Anyway, most of them, they see the wind to make the rudder most of the time. When they see which side is defeated, they hit the water dog with pain, and which side Powerful, avoid it from a distance, not afraid.

“I was worried that Cao Xu made money behind him, that guy’s consistent style.”

Nie Yan frowns slightly. This is also possible. If Cao Xu paid for the Sinister Faction people, and let them come over Attack Minotaur League, they have to guard against it.

“At this time, pay specific attention will be enough. This war is not about the number of people. It is the absolute Strength, war machine, Magic Forbidden Incantation, Summon monster, etc. I do n’t know what they left behind. Do n’t be overcast. “Nie Yan said, Minotaur League still has a lot of hole cards, Kamikaze Wind Dragon, chariot, Spirit Communication of Spider Empress Feynas, Purple-eyed Land Dragon does not know if it can be domesticated before the war, and Nie Yan is planning to recruit an Placed Wolf before the war. OK, then use Snowfield Giant Wolf with 160 grades.

“The already has been checked below. Angels Dominance has a total of 2,700 Iron Armored Trebuchet and 1,100 Ballistic Trebuchet. Their Production capabilities are still incomparable to ours, and we are later on.” Guo Huai smiled.

“They have more arsenals than we do. It is not that Production has insufficient capacity. It should be insufficient materials. With their financial resources, they can produce so many Iron Armored Trebuchet and Ballistic Trebuchet with Production. already is a miracle. I do n’t know Century Financial Group is Production. How much money and relationships are these Trebuchets spent? “Said Nie Yan, with some pride in his heart. Century Financial Group kept buying gold coin(s) from the trading platform and spent a lot of money to support a large number of Gold mining group. However, he still failed to compete with Minotaur League. One thing to be proud of.

“Although Angels Dominance and Century Financial Group are inferior to us on the surface, we do n’t know what they have done. I heard that Angels Dominance has secretly accumulated a batch of Stone Giant troops and Cao Xu is a treacherous man. No news was revealed there. Like the last Gnome Airship, we did not collect any news at all. “Guo Huai said, his people did penetrate the Guild under Century Financial Group, but there is nothing to be done entered the high-level of Century Financial Group. The establishment of Century Financial Group did not take a day or two, and it was formed long ago. With a solid system, Guo Huai wanted to send someone to infiltrate into Hard.

“The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. No matter what they did, we had to continue, there was nothing to worry about.” Nie Yan said, thinking these things are useless now, just see the tricks.

“That’s all it can be.” Guo Huai nodded and chatted with Nirvana Flame, while still busy, the war was coming.

“How much money do we have?” Nie Yan asked.

“Now there is too much money to spend, let alone say that there are five or six billion gold coin(s), and I keep making money every day. I bought all the raw materials, Equipment, and so on in the market, so much money, I do n’t know how to spend it. I just sold more than 30 million gold coin(s) on the trading platform. ”Guo Huai said, Starry Sky pharmacy is simply Invincible ’s money-making machine. The more the chaos, the higher the price of Potion. , The more they make huge profits, now they have no money to spend.

“Contact the major Guild and Studio of Viridian Empire, as long as we need what we need, all of them are bought at a high price!” Nie Yan said, anyway, the money was spent, and finally it will flow back to Minotaur League, buy more practical things, generally The real good things will not flow into the market. They are all in the hands of these big Guild and Studio. The selling price is generally very high, but at this time, there is no need to worry about the price.

“I will do this, Nie Yan, your Placed Wolf has news.” Guo Huai glanced at his News Window, which came from No Road. They found a suitable wolf Boss in already, Shadow Demon Wolf, one hundred and eighty-level Demonized Lord , Presumably should be able to meet the requirements of Nie Yan!

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