Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 860: Goodbye Angood

Goodbye Angood Chapter 860

How exactly is the Combat power of Barbarian Berserker? It needs to be verified in Combat, but it is not inferior to Human Warrior. Minotaur League has six Barbarian Berserkers with higher Level than other Guilds. Other Guild can only look jealous.

It is said that as soon as Barbarian Berserker, the new Race new Class, just opened, as many as tens of thousands of people went to Profession Upgrade. Most of them were Players who was unhappy and Level was not high. Most of them wanted Profession Upgrade Barbarian Berserker‘s Players. Hesitating.

Nie Yan‘s team just got out of Aucklun City not long before they got the news. Half Demon Man Angood already appeared on the southern outskirts of Aucklun City. There were more than two hundred Minotaur League Playerss who were unfortunately encountered and killed by them.

“Report exact location!”

“Coordinates 237.285.238.”

King of the World, Sun, and others are in charge of investigations outside, and hurriedly said in the team chat: “emergency warning, Half Demon Man Angood is approaching!”

Nie Yan looks around. This is an open space with a size of 50 * 50 yards. There are some small shrubs growing around, Field-of-View is still relatively open.

“Taking the team as a unit, all spread out, pay attention to the interval, Half Demon Man Angood will approach from the south!”

Boss, we found him!” several Thief shouted in the team chat.

“Are the traps ready?” Nie Yan shouted hurriedly.

“Ready, the highest intensity trap!”

Nie Yan looks to the south, a figure is coming over here, Correct Half Demon Man Angood is undoubted!

“A little further away, he will come over!” Nie Yan said in the team chat, and saw Half Demon Man Angood jumping high, flung the giant tail behind, and banged down.

“Drifting has been killed.”

Three System Prompt, three Thief were chased by Half Demon Man Angood, but were killed because they had no time to escape.

After Half Demon Man Angood killed the three Thiefs, the strange eyes came straight to this side. Lockdown turned to Nie Yan, stepped forward towards the Nie Yan side, leaped from time to time, then fell heavily, and the ground shook violently. There is a delusion of falling into the sky.

Boss be careful, he’s here!”

Nie Yan watched Half Demon Man Angood rush forward, his eyes narrowed, and they finally met again!

Looking at Half Demon Man Angood approaching gradually, the entire Elite group was busy nervously.

Water-colored, Lei Su, recruit Pet to block him, his impact Speed is too fast, Nirvana Flame will be dropped in seconds!” Resplendent Bladelight shouted in the team chat.


Soon, Smoke Stub , Lei Su , Undying Scoundrel One after another Summon Out of their respective Pet There are huge White Bear Some have sharp fangs Mammoth Wait, they are all big guys. Pet Under their control, these Pet towards Half Demon Man Angood Rushed up.

I saw a few Pet coming by, Nie Yan flew over and avoided the impact of Half Demon Man Angood.

I saw the giant White Bear intercepting it from the side, and shot it with a huge palm towards Half Demon Man Angood.

“Good job!”

“The angle of Attack is very good!”

Just when White Bear was about to photograph Half Demon Man Angood, I saw Half Demon Man Angood suddenly take a few steps forward, the giant tail struck him **** the neck of White Bear, White Bear‘s huge body flew up, and flew to High-altitude with more than ten yards. It fell down.

“Fuck, this guy is too strong!”

“Get out of here!”

Below White Bear is a group of Mage. They immediately avoided each other with a flash, and a bang, White Bear fell to the ground and smashed the dust.

White Bear has been seconds!”

Soon, not only White Bear, but Mammoth and other giant Pet blocking in front of Half Demon Man Angood were also blasted off one by one.

They don’t expect these Pet to stop Half Demon Man Angood, Speed already of Half Demon Man Angood, their goal already has been achieved!

Half Demon Man Angood chanted an part of a spell, Underground came up with dozens of individual tall, and Gold-colored Skeleton holding Heavy Shield. When they appeared, they shouted at the Players on both sides.

A series of Magics flew into the sky and bombarded these Gold-colored Skeleton bodies.

“It’s a class Elite!”

“Don’t panic!”

Warrior pulls aggro!”

The sudden appearance of these Gold-colored Skeleton did not cause the team to fall into chaos. They allocated Quest in an orderly manner and appeared calm and calm.

“Drinking bone soup at night.”

“If you can eat it.”

Everyone laughed and laughed, each Shield Warrior attracted a Gold-colored Skeleton, and the Magic Attack of the Mage had almost no interruption.

Half Demon Man Angood spread out his right hand with his palm facing up. I saw a red Fireball floating in the air above the palm of his hand and it was burning. At this time, Half Demon Man Angood was full of Black-colored fire.

In the legend of Ancient, the Demons come from the distant earth center. They are transformed by the earth center’s Lava. They are natural Flame controllers. Their Flame can devour everything.

“Ignorant Human, you annoyed me, I smelled the smell of Death God’s Blade, and I will hand over Death God’s Blade, otherwise I will let your Soul fly out in Flame!” Half Demon Man Angood makes a deafening Roar sound, and Flame is big Chi, waved his right hand, an Flame Fireball shot towards Nie Yan.

A stream of dark‘s Strength rushed towards me, and Nie Yan‘s body was slightly stiff.

It’s Fear effect!

But much better than last time, my body barely moves.

After the last incident, Nie Yan already has experience and must not look into the eyes of Half Demon Man Angood, otherwise Fear effect will have Strengthened several times, making him stiff.

Nie Yan uses the light from the corner of the eye to determine the direction in which Fireball is flying. A Storm Step, towards the side flew out.

A loud bang, this Fireball exploded on the ground, just like a bomb exploding. Its power was amazing. A few Warrior next to it were too late for evasion and were hit by a shock wave.

Nie Yan flew a hundred yards away and shouted nervously in the team chat: “I’m ready for Summon War God Krow, cover me, it may take more than ten seconds.”

“Leave it to us, even if we are all dead, we will drag him!” Resplendent Bladelight said in the team chat, together with a few Warrior, accelerated towards Half Demon Man Angood.

Nie Yan glanced forward. Between him and Half Demon Man Angood, there are dense traps, and there should be a certain effect.

Just as Nie Yan was about to crush the Stone of Krow, the team chattered a few warnings: “Nirvana Flame Boss, someone found Angels Dominance!”

“It is Thief of Angels Dominance!”

Nirvana Flame Boss, people with thousands of Angels Dominance outside are coming here!”

Nie Yan frowned when he heard the words of these players. As he estimated, the Angels Dominance people would definitely not miss this opportunity.

Nie Yan suddenly felt that there was an unusual Aura around, coldly smiled at the corner of the mouth, Cloaking was good, but stealth was within thirty yards!

Eye of Truth!

Nie Yan turns on Eye of Truth, and the pupils become blood red instantly. Looking around, Lockdown turns stealth close to his three Thief.

He was about to shoot, and found that several figures were approaching the three Thiefs. Alas, the three blood rays splashed. Almost instantly, the three Angels Dominance Thiefs were killed. Sun, King of the World and Smile Not For Me appear successively.

King of the World smiled indifferently: “You concentrate on doing things, let us solve these Angels Dominance mess.”

There are still many Thief attempts to come over stealth, close to Nie Yan, but all were quickly resolved by King of the World and others.

Several bodies have fallen on the ground.

Because it was interrupted halfway, Nie Yan already missed the best time to crush Stone of Krow. Looking forward, Half Demon Man Angood hit six Minotaur League Warrior and rushed over to Nie Yan.

Booming, Half Demon Man Angood detonated Thunderstorm Totem and Lightning on the ground, but these Lightning still did not hurt Half Demon Man Angood.

Bladelight, let’s stop him together!” Smoke Stub rushed out from the side.

Resplendent Bladelight drunk all over and turned on War God Protects the Body. The muscles of his body were constantly raised and became extremely strong, just like a beast.

After Profession Upgrade Barbarian Berserker, War God Protects the Body Skill is more Powerful than before.

“Come on, you monster!” Resplendent Bladelight yelled loudly and waved Great Shield with Half Demon Man Angood.

Half Demon Man Angood came over with a slap, Resplendent Bladelight raised Great Shield Parry, a muffled noise, Resplendent Bladelight stepped back a few steps, and there was more than 37,000 Damage Value floating on the head, and there were more than 12,000 Health left. !!

Nie Yan quickly let Guardian Angel Karina lose Heal to Resplendent Bladelight, Leader Young Seven‘s Heal also kept up, and Resplendent Bladelight‘s Health was instantly full.

“Nevertheless, come again!” Resplendent Bladelight gave a cold drink and rushed up again.

Nie Yan took the opportunity to crush Stone of Krow, Stone of Krow exploded and turned into a powder. He seemed to feel something. It should be that War God Krow was determining his position. He couldn’t help praying, War God Krow come over quickly.

Half Demon Man Angood saw that he did not kill Resplendent Bladelight in one shot, Resplendent Bladelight actually rushed up again, angered, Flame on his arm, and shot again.

Resplendent Bladelight and be careful get into the eyes of Half Demon Man Angood, the pupils of Black-colored, and the deep eyes, as if to swallow people in.

No, I can’t move!

Resplendent Bladelight was startled, he couldn’t move already, even raised the shield very Hard, he gritted his teeth and wanted to lift the shield Parry Half Demon Man Angood‘s Attack, but the Great Shield in his hand seemed to be heavy.

already is too late!

Half Demon Man Angood smashed Resplendent Bladelight with a punch and smashed Resplendent Bladelight out.

System: Players Resplendent Bladelight has been Death!

“Fuck!” Smoke Stub just wanted to rescue, but he was still a step slow. He was preparing to swing his sword Attack Half Demon Man Angood, and greatsword in his hand suddenly froze in midair. His chest was hit hard with a blow, his throat was sweet, and he sprayed Take a sip of Blood.

System: Players Smoke Stub has been Death!

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