Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 768: King’s Path

Chapter 678 King’s Path

“It is said that Demon Rides Under Heaven is Heaven of Shaman. All the good Shaman are basically taken away by them. *** Of the top 20 Shaman, 13 are concentrated in their Guild. But their strength is not enough Fear. “Leader Young Seven made such an evaluation. Among the 13 Shamans of Demon Rides Under Heaven, only one Profession Upgrade became Peak Class. There is nothing terrible.” As for Asura Hell and Warrior Class, they don’t even have a Peak Class. ” /

“Try not to fall over with Demon Rides Under Heaven and Asura Hell.” Nie Yan said a moment of silence, Asura Hell, Demon Rides Under Heaven and Minotaur League have no resentment, it is better not to make enemies.

Nie Yan and 21 others appeared at the top of nearby buildings, standing proudly, watching the battle below.

When Nie Yan appeared, Wandering Soul Princess Aina of Center became more and more crazy, dozens of tentacles flew one by one Players and approached Nie Yan.

A group of Playerss on Battlefield finally noticed Nie Yan and others standing on top of the building.

“Who are they?”

“It’s Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame!”

“Every twenty-one Peak Class in Minotaur League is here!”

The news immediately spread like a spark of fire, and everyone in the square became turbulent. The appearance of Nie Yan and others caused a great shock to the Players on the field, especially the Angels Dominance crowd. Suddenly they panicked, and their feet were unstable.

Boss, it is Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame!” A Orc Warrior looked at the Boss Awe-Inspiring Evil of Demon Rides Under Heaven standing on a roof, a little panicfully.

Awe-Inspiring Evil looked in the direction of Nie Yan and others. Nie Yan and others stood on a high place and overlooked the entire Battlefield, just like the masters above. He understands that with the strength of Nie Yan and others, it is enough to wipe out all the people present. Also, as Peak Class, he understands how strong Peak Class is. What is the concept of 21 Peak Class, an Forbidden Incantation, it will become a ruin here.

already couldn’t escape, Awe-Inspiring Evil swept away in the direction of Nie Yan.

He looked to the other side and Asura Hell‘s Red Lotus Asura Blade also leapt forward.

Although there is a little bit of suspicion between Demon Rides Under Heaven and Asura Hell, due to the pressure from the Angels Dominance at the same time, they are usually restrained and no major disputes have occurred.

Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade looked at each other, and they both showed a helpless grin.

They quickly approached a place about *** yards away, such as Nie Yan, and stopped.

Boss, Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade are here.” Undying Scoundrel reminded beside.

Nie Yan noticed Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade. When they got together for 100 yards, Field-of-View was quite clear.

“I didn’t expect Nirvana Flame Boss to come here, it was rude.” Awe-Inspiring Evil greeted him with a hand.

Red Lotus Asura Blade also said hello.

They have a Modesty tone. All the players’ lives are in their hands. How can they not be be careful. Minotaur League forces Powerful, and Demon Rides Under Heaven and Asura Hell, although they are considered one hegemon, are not at the same level as Minotaur League. If Minotaur League strikes, it is estimated that they can be destroyed in a few days. So when facing Nie Yan, they all have a weak mentality.

“You’re welcome.” Nie Yan nodded slightly.

Neither Awe-Inspiring Evil nor Red Lotus Asura Blade cares whether the attitude of Nie Yan is a bit condescending. Even if the attitude of Nie Yan is not polite, he also has this capital.

“Are Nirvana Flame Boss interested in this Wandering Soul Princess Aina? If Nirvana Flame Boss is interested, we will withdraw immediately within three minutes of Demon Rides Under Heaven.” Awe-Inspiring Evil stated his position.

“We Asura Hell is also a meaning, please Nirvana Flame Boss mercy.” Red Lotus Asura Blade archway.

Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade can also be regarded as a strong player, but they are more knowledgeable about current affairs and understand that Minotaur League is not offensive to them, and they are quite concessional.

Minotaur League swept the territory of Viridian Empire, and recently led the war to Clemens Stronghold, making Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade fearful. If Stern Empire‘s overlord Angels Dominance is not opponent of Minotaur League, let alone them.

The opponent of Minotaur League is Angels Dominance. For Minotaur League, setting up enemies everywhere is harmful and useless.

“We are really interested in Wandering Soul Princess Aina. If she comes out of Equipment, I will only choose one of them. The other Items will be assigned by the two of you Guild.” Nie Yan said.

Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade looked at each other with a strange flash of joy in their eyes. They did not expect that there would be such a turn for the better. Variant-level Lord like Wandering Soul Princess Aina should not only drop a piece of Equipment, piecemeal Gemstone and other things, there will definitely be. They thought that Nie Yan and others appeared. They couldn’t even drink the soup. Now they can take a bite of soup, which is not bad.

“Thank you in advance for Nirvana Flame Boss.”

Nie Yan signaled Lei Su, Lei Su stepped forward and shouted loudly: “All the people present except Asura Hell and Demon Rides Under Heaven will leave within three minutes, and all Angels Dominance people will be killed without pardon!”

Lei Su‘s voice is deep and powerful, floating in the square, Intimidate.

After that, Lei Su, Smoke Stub, Resplendent Bladelight and others jumped down and rushed in the direction of Angels Dominance Players. Sun, King of the World, Shadow Killer, Smile Not For Me and others entered the stealth state Vanishing one after another. Tang Yao, Undying Scoundrel and others waved magic staff, flashing Skill one by one, and ran far away in an instant.

Hearing Lei Su‘s shout, Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade face each other.

Asura, we are overcast by Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame.”

“I feel it. They are so shouting, Angels Dominance would like to doubt that our relationship with Minotaur League is difficult.”

Those things weren’t taken for nothing. If they knew they would be conspired, they would rather not, but now it is difficult to repent.

When they looked down at the square below, their eyes were stunned by already. At this time, factions already of Angels Dominance was messing up.

Lei Su, Smoke Stub, Resplendent Bladelight and others, like a sharp knife, raids Angels Dominance Players, dense Magic fell on them, but they could not completely block their Assault Speed.

“The cubs of Angels Dominance, your Lei Su master is here.” Lei Su screamed aloud, Protects the Body burst out of energy, and a loud muffled sound, a group of Warrior was knocked out.

He rushed into the crowd of Mage, a Exceed Level Whirlwind, a dozen Mage were swept to the ground instantly.

At this time, a large body of corpses was lying near Resplendent Bladelight, Smoke Stub and others.

There are still a lot of Angels Dominance‘s Playerss hanging up inexplicably. I don’t even know how I died. No one has seen opponent.

Tang Yao and others flashed over and immediately blasted with AOE Magic. The Speed harvested was much faster than the Lei Su and others.

The Playerss of Angels Dominance messed up and couldn’t organize an effective Attack at all. They scrambled around. Several captains wanted to command a group of their subordinates. They just uttered a few words and were stealth. Sun waited for someone to drop. Angels Dominance fell into a complete rout, one by one running madly towards the outside.

The top Professional Players are like an efficient killing machine.

At this time, Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade standing on the roof were frightened, and there was a chill in the back of their heads. If they were against Minotaur League, the situation would definitely not be better than those of Angels Dominance, or even worse, the two of them would first After being dropped, the subordinates below naturally became the object of harvest.

Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade looked at Nie Yan on the roof not far away, and Nie Yan Carefree and Leisurely leaned against the wall without any expression.

Although nothing can be seen from the expression of Nie Yan, both Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade feel a pressure of Powerful, what is called domination, what is called King’s Path, Nie Yan promises to take only one Equipment, this is in Give them mercy and let Lei Su shout, this is forcing them to the opposite of Angels Dominance, eliminating the possibility of their cooperation with Angels Dominance. The people who slaughter Angels Dominance in front of them are showing Strength. It is also a warning, step by step, do It must be drip-proof, so that they can only be submissive and dare not think.

Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame can lead Minotaur League to sweep Viridian Empire, it is not unreasonable.

As leaders, Awe-Inspiring Evil and Red Lotus Asura Blade have to admire.

Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame not simple, Asura, we can’t accept it.” Awe-Inspiring Evil smiled bitterly.

“What’s the matter, Asura Hell, Demon Rides Under Heaven is still a day, we have a large sum of money, and so on, if the situation forces us, if Angels Dominance can’t stop Minotaur League, we will not be too late to admit it.” Red Lotus Asura Blade said.

“As I thought.” Awe-Inspiring Evil ha ha smiled.

Seeing that Angels Dominance was swept away, the idle Players except Asura Hell and Demon Rides Under Heaven retreated, and Nie Yan already sent them Announcement, leaving them to leave within three minutes. Even Angels Dominance could not be blocked, and they became successful again. What climate can only obediently leave.

Nearly ten minutes later, the people of Angels Dominance died, scattered, already could not threaten Nie Yan and others, Nie Yan jumped down, the figure flashed, and rushed towards Wandering Soul Princess Aina.

It seemed to feel the approach of Nie Yan, Wandering Soul Princess Aina suddenly went crazy, dozens of tentacles slap on the ground frantically, and the ground paved by Rock was bombarded with rubble and flying.

Bladelight, it’s up to you,” Leader Young Seven said in the team chat.

“I’m here.” Resplendent Bladelight a Assault, rushed up to Wandering Soul Princess Aina, screamed, Heavy Shield slammed!

With a muffled sound, Wandering Soul Princess Aina whispered a few steps.

The sound of the Heavy Shield flapping echoed over the sky, shocking everyone, Shield Bash Strength of very powerful!

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