Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 754: Desperate

Chapter 754: The Extremity

Raised Wing Angel keeps using bows and arrows marksman, the other four top Professional Players also have action, Drifting Here Drifting There waved magic staff, Magic shot to help Raised Wing Angel attract aggro.

As for Crack Rock, it speeded up, not Attack Demon Slaughterer. It just stuck in front of Demon Slaughterer with Defense posture, blocking Demon Slaughterer.

Ruined Blade-edge from time to time traps Totem and Demon Slaughterer. Each step will almost detonate a trap Totem. The explosion sound of crickets is endless. Although the damage is not high, it causes a great deal of Demon Slaughterer action inconvenient.

As for Butcher Shaq, I don’t know where to go, it is estimated that stealth is nearby.

Demon Slaughterer was enraged by Raised Wing Angel. With a wave of greatsword, a giant Sword Qi was cut towards Raised Wing Angel and Drifting Here Drifting There.

Boom, a deep pit was cut out of the ground. At the moment when Sword Qi was cut off, Raised Wing Angel and Drifting Here Drifting There suddenly Vanishing, flashed to about 50 or 60 yards away, they continued to use Arrows and Magic Attack.

Demon Slaughterer is extremely inconvenient to move among many buildings. Magic Channeled Artillery and Arrow Tower are constantly Attack, which has caused great Damage to it.

Good intensive firepower, flying Arrows and iron bombs everywhere in the sky.

Demon Slaughterer‘s Health dropped by about 30%. Seeing this situation, Nie Yan estimates that Demon Slaughterer will fall off after half an hour of playing like this.

If it’s in the wild, Demon Slaughterer may still be awe-inspiring. With the dense Stronghold of Defense, how can it not support city defense.

Raised Wing Angel attracted the attention of Demon Slaughterer, and made Demon Slaughterer to destroy some buildings as little as possible. effect is quite obvious.

Demon Slaughterer stopped from time to time, looking for Raised Wing Angel traces everywhere, too many buildings, it could not launch Assault like on a flat ground, and Raised Wing Angel, constantly chasing around alleys, shooting from time to time Arrows, Demon Slaughterer couldn’t find him at all.

Like a cat-and-cat game, Demon Slaughterer keeps waving Sword Qi, but it can’t kill Raised Wing Angel.

Nie Yan lurks nearby and quickly approaches Raised Wing Angel. In this case, if attacked by Nie Yan, Raised Wing Angel will definitely die.

Raised Wing Angel didn’t feel the crisis approaching at all.

When Nie Yan was about to shoot, Demon Slaughterer seemed to feel something, and looked at him.

A cold sensation rises from the bottom of my heart, Nie Yan‘s heart is stunned and found by Demon Slaughterer! It is true that stealing chickens will not counteract a handful of rice. Under such a dense Attack, the aggro of Demon Slaughterer is still concentrated on him, which made him unexpected.

Storm Step!

Nie Yan suddenly accelerated, swept away, and rushed towards the dense building group. After seeing the Clemens Stronghold defense plan, he knew all the layout of Clemens buildings, so he was looking for those densest paths.

Demon Slaughterer suddenly rises into the air, chasing in the direction of Nie Yan, madly destroying the buildings along the way.

aggro is out of control? Raised Wing Angel stares blankly, seeing Demon Slaughterer is like going crazy, chasing something, he suddenly flashed a thought in his mind and said in the team chat: “It’s Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame! Stop him, don’t let him run to Guild headquarters!” >

Raised Wing Angel thought that Nie Yan wanted to lead Demon Slaughterer to Guild headquarters of Angels Dominance, but did not expect that Nie Yan thought at this time, it was just self-protection.

Every building was destroyed by Demon Slaughterer, Raised Wing Angel was bleeding, and Nie Yan Curse had already been in his heart thousands of times.

Nirvana Flame Boss, run north, everyone in Angels Dominance is north!” Ill Maple hurriedly chatted privately on Nie Yan.

Seeing this message from Ill Maple, Nie Yan immediately understood the meaning of Ill Maple and immediately adjusted its direction.

A group of Elite Playerss of Angels Dominance are gathering together, waiting for the instructions of Raised Wing Angel and discuss spiritedly to discuss how Demon Slaughterer appeared.

Boss said that Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame is in Clemens Stronghold, I don’t know if it is true.”

“It should be no doubt, it is estimated that Demon Slaughterer was brought by him.”

Looking at the huge movement in the direction of the city gate, they were all a little bit nervous. They didn’t know what the outcome would be. A few Players felt a gust of wind blowing from their side, they did not arouse vigilance, and thought it was natural wind. At this moment, the Playerss in the vicinity suddenly rioted.

“It’s Demon Slaughterer, it’s coming this way!”

“My God!”

At this moment, not far from them, Demon Slaughterer is flapping its wings and fluttering towards this side, a sword is swiped, Sword Qi swept across.

Sword Qi falls, screams scream, countless white light lights up.


“Everyone hurry up!”

Various voices came one after another, a group of Mage and Magic Hunter shot Attack, Magic and Arrows Sky Laceration all fell on Demon Slaughterer, but their damage is extremely limited, and only a hundred points high, most There are only a few dozen of damage. This point damage is almost negligible for Health, which does not see how many Demon Slaughterer.

Demon Slaughterer didn’t stop, just passing by, but where it passed, there were enough five or six hundred corpses lying down.

“Grass, everyone spreads out to me, don’t get together.” Raised Wing Angel caught up and found the situation over here, and could not regret it, and hurriedly said in the team chat.

Demon Slaughterer gradually separated from Attack Range of Magic Channeled Artillery, Raised Wing Angel did not dare to point Magic Channeled Artillery‘s muzzle at Center of Clemens Stronghold, but the dense arrow tower in Clemens Stronghold was still Attack, and Demon Slaughterer flew high and became a target.

During the pursuit of Nie Yan, Demon Slaughterer also suffered considerable trauma.

“Let’s go this way!” Seeing the direction of Demon Slaughterer chasing in the air, Raised Wing Angel said in the team chat, five people together, swept over from the other side.

Flame Rain!

Dense Fireball swept past Nie Yan.

I felt that Rain of Fire fell towards himself, Nie Yan stretched his left hand, and shot an Spider Silk. The Spider Silk stuck to a building in the distance, yanked, his body emptied, and it flew two or thirty yards away. The place.

After Rain of Fire failed, instead of stopping, he moved towards Nie Yan.

“Fuck, it’s not over.” Looking at the moving Rain of Fire, Nie Yan scolded Forbidden Incantation.

He jumped up, jumped two or thirty yards high, reached the top of another building, and then jumped towards the other building.

“All arrow towers, focus on firepower, say Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame in seconds!” Raised Wing Angel‘s face was a little distorted.

Nie Yan found that the nearby arrow tower began to turn towards him. He had to avoid the Attack of the arrow tower while avoiding the Demon Slaughterer Attack.

If it is swept by the arrow rain of the arrow tower, even if Nie Yan Defense is too high, it will still be seconds.

Seeing that the arrow rain like a locust swarm is densely covered, Nie Yan flutters towards the front, and Ding Ding Ding, the street floor is immediately full of Arrows, densely packed. I have just escaped, I haven’t stood still, and another arrow rains down.

Nie Yan hurriedly hid behind the wall, but he still got a few hits, and three or four thousand damage floated on his head.

A glance at Health, a 56% drop.

I was about to escape through the fence. Demon Slaughterer fluttered his wings and appeared in the sky not far away. The giant blade in his hand was like the Death God sickle rising high.

Shadow Dance Steps!

Nie Yan suddenly Vanishing, rolled over the fence and rushed away.

Just as Nie Yan was about to escape, several figures appeared in the alley next to it. A Shaman waved magic staff, and each Counter-Cloak Totem was tied.

Raised Wing Angel They also came and sealed the escape route of Nie Yan.

“He’s there!” Ruined Blade-edge shouted in the team chat, his Counter-Cloak Totem Lockdown took the position of Nie Yan.

Nie Yan flashed across the fence.

“Fuck, you slipped fast!” Ruined Blade-edge also turned over the fence. At this moment, a huge group of Meteor fell in the sky, and Ruined Blade-edge hurriedly formed a shape, like Vanishing.

Boom, the ground nearby is blasted into ruins.

Scene already is a mess, Demon Slaughterer and the nearby arrow tower are all in Attack Nie Yan, Raised Wing Angel and other five people. While blocking Nie Yan, they also have to be careful threat from Demon Slaughterer.

“Whatever you do today, you must kill Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame!” Raised Wing Angel was clear-cut in the team chat. He may understand in his heart that this may be the only chance that he can kill Nie Yan. This time Nie Yan came to the door. there is nothing to be done was killed, then Angels Dominance was really a shame and left home.

Raised Wing Angel draws five Arrows, puts it on the string, flies over the top of many buildings, and masters the commanding heights. The following situation is clear at a glance.

I did not expect that the situation would develop to such a serious level. I glanced at Random Transfer Scroll and it was unavailable. If I hang it today, the loss would be great. Several of his Chapter of Order, Death God’s Blade, and Parthenost War Hammer would have to be dropped.

It was a bit of an idea just now, but now is not the time to regret it. He has no way out now, so he has to get rid of these chasers first.

Nie Yan flashed over the side of an arrow tower, and there was already a long street ahead. He immediately blessed himself with all the accelerated Skill in Skills Window, performed Shadow Dancer, and ran all the way. Speed was as fast as graceful.

There is a turn in front. He is about to turn. He only heard a bang, something exploded in front of his eyes, and his eyes immediately lost Field-of-View.

It’s Gnome Flash Bomb!

Nie Yan lost his heart, already lost Field-of-View, the surrounding area was white, and he couldn’t see anything.

Almost at the moment of blindness, Nie Yan felt a trembling chill piercing his head.

There is Thief!

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