Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 752: Demon Shadow Dancer

Chapter 752 Demon Shadow Dancer

Clemens Stronghold Guild Hall in the headquarters center. This Hall is about 10 * 10 yards. It is a place where members of Angels Dominance gather.

The layout here is very simple. A blue-blue Leather Armor and Raised Wing Angel holding Longbow came in, looked at the Crack Rock on the side, and asked, “How are you familiar with Skill of Peak Class?”

“Just got a little understanding. Recently, I watched the Combat videos of Lei Su and Resplendent Bladelight. There are still some gaps.” Crack Rock is somewhat ashamed, in terms of understanding of Peak Class, Minotaur League‘s Players far exceeds they.

“Did we get more Peak Class information from Minotaur League for there is nothing to be done?” Raised Wing Angel frowned, Skill information of Peak Class, some Sub Legendary and Legendary Rank Equipment sources are Minotaur League secrets, Minotaur League Control is very strict, Angels Dominance wants Getting them is almost impossible. Unless the top group of people in Minotaur League has betrayed, but no matter how the intelligence organization of Angels Dominance is active, it has not dug from Minotaur League to the top Expert. second string members dug a lot, but what about the true confidential information? Will fall into the hands of second string players.

Crack Rock shook his head.

“Is Shaq back?” Raised Wing Angel asked.

“He’s back from already and is heading here.” Crack Rock said.

After a while, one Players Walked in Hall He is about 1.17 meters tall, thin and thin, and Normal Elf Junmei looks a bit different, the skin on his face already Relaxed, wrinkled, and old-fashioned.

This aging Players is the famous Butcher Shaq!

The reason why he is called Butcher Shaq is because when he was playing monsters or leveling, he was watching monsters or Items. He was absolutely not allowed to touch his fingers, and he would kill all the nearby Playerss.

He is in his fifties already, but he is stable and strong when walking. As Elf, although his skin has improved a lot, he is still covered with wrinkles, his hands are very thin, there is no meat, but it gives people A very Strength feel, like the claws of an eagle. A pair of eyes were deeply sunk into the orbits, and the corners of the eyes were covered with wrinkles, but the pupils of Black-colored were not as turbid as the elderly of Normal, but they were very bright and their eyes were sharp.

Shaq, you are back. How is Quest doing?” Raised Wing Angel revealed the kind Smile.

already is done.” Shaq glanced at Raised Wing Angel and nodded slightly. He was not cold about Raised Wing Angel‘s hypocrisy. If it were not because Raised Wing Angel paid him a generous reward, he would not stay at Angels Dominance at all. Shaq himself prefers to be alone, but he has to admit that joining Guild can make his Promote Rank road a lot smoother. After all, sometimes, no matter how much Powerful a person is, it is better than Angels Dominance such a large Guild.

“It is said to be Legendary Quest? The reward should be good.”

“Well, Demon Shadow Dancer.” Shaq said.

When I heard Shaq, Raised Wing Angel was shocked. He was unhappy with Shaq, but now he must buy Shaq Expert level characters, so he is still full of Smile, saying: “Demon Shadow Dancer is Shadow Dancer‘s Promote Rank Right? “

“No, it’s just a High-Level Title. It is said that Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame of Minotaur League is Saint Shadow Dancer and Smile Not For Me is War Shadow Dancer, which is about the same.”

Raised Wing Angel raises eyebrow, asked: “Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame is Saint Shadow Dancer, Smile Not For Me is War Shadow Dancer. Where did you get it?” Minotaur League did not leak the news at all.

“I accidentally heard a NPC.” Shaq said, Raised Wing Angel didn’t know the news, and Angels Dominance‘s intelligence work was too poor.

Raised Wing Angel lost his heart. He didn’t know how to deal with the Shadow Dancer of Minotaur League. Just Shaq is not enough. He sent people to search for Expert of Stern Empire and offered a very high treatment, but effect was very limited. Although Shaq and others joined, it was still very difficult to compete with Minotaur League in the top Professional Player.

Boss, Drifting Here Drifting There and Ruined Blade-edge are all here.”

The three of them were talking. Two Playerss entered Guild Hall.

Ruined Blade-edge is a Tauren Shaman, and its strength is not inferior to Raised Wing Angel and Shaq. In Angels Dominance, the strength *** definitely occupies the top three. When playing against Raised Wing Angel himself, he can maintain a win rate of 80% or more When playing against Shaq, it can maintain a win rate of about 30%. The reason why it lost to Shaq is because of the relationship of Class.

Ruined Blade-edge has a very high status in Angels Dominance. Raised Wing Angel had wanted to make Ruined Blade-edge the Vice Guild Leader of Angels Dominance, but was rejected by Ruined Blade-edge because he didn’t want to be involved in Guild affairs too much. In Angels Dominance, his fourth Promote Rank Peak Class, but Promote Rank Quest of Shaman is much more difficult than other Quest of Class, they have a unique system of their own.

“Five of us Peak Class are finally here.” Crack Rock excitedly said.

“It’s far from Minotaur League. The latest news from Minotaur League, Ten Li Painted Yarn and A Hammer for Love have just finished Profession Upgrade Quest, and Promote Rank has become Peak Class. There are 20 already, which is four times ours.” Ruined Blade-edge said.

Raised Wing Angel felt a headache. The Peak Class of Angels Dominance seemed to be very Hard. After working hard for so long, only two were added. Many people were waiting in line behind Profession Upgrade Peak Class, but the failure rate of Profession Upgrade was over 99%. Just like dystocia, I can’t find it anymore. On the Minotaur League side, I received news at every turn. Whoever succeeded Profession Upgrade became Peak Class, and the gap was widened.

Wanting to keep up with Minotaur League, why Hard, Raised Wing Angel can’t help but feel discouraged.

“Although they have so many Peak Classs, but they want to come to Clemens, not so Easy, I have a way to deal with them in already. Defending the city is absolutely no problem.” Raised Wing Angel said.

“Done with Grand Cannon?” Ruined Blade-edge asked for a moment.

already is in a late stage, I’m not referring to Grand Cannon.” Raised Wing Angel shook his head.

Ruined Blade-edge and others are a little curious. What methods will Raised Wing Angel use to deal with Peak Class? Profession Upgrade Peak Class, the deeper they are in contact with Peak Class, the more they feel that Powerful of Peak Class and Minotaur League have so many Archmage and Clemens Stronghold.

“Now that the five of us are here, I’m going to call the following brothers to Fingris open up scenario, ready to prepare.”

The other four nodded.

Raised Wing Angel sent a message to Players below Angels Dominance. Soon, Elite of Angels Dominance quickly gathered towards Clemens Stronghold.

Nie Yan rides Dark Winged Dragon flying through the sky. He checked the injuries of Dark Winged Dragon. Most of the wounds on Dark Winged Dragon already healed, and a fine scales grew. He was surprised to find that these scales were the same as before. Obvious changes, darker than before and more sparkling and translucent clear.

Dark Winged Dragon‘s body size is also larger than before, and the body muscles are more robust.

Although it still emits Darkness Aura, Darkness Aura seems to have more Death Aura, which is a Corrosion Strength. This Strength is very subtle and covered up by Darkness Aura, but as the Master of Dark Winged Dragon, Nie Yan can still feel the difference clearly.

I didn’t expect to have suffered an injury. The Dark Winged Dragon actually had such a change.

It may be Death Qi of Undead Mage Bodman and Darkness Aura distributed from Dark Winged Dragon, which are originally homologous. Therefore, Death Qi of Undead Mage has not been able to directly direct it to Dispatched, but now it has some promotion effects on Dark Winged Dragon.

Dark Winged Dragon is still slightly injured, but there are more than Powerful before. There are some signs of Promote Rank. If Promote Rank is successful, then Dark Winged Dragon becomes eighth-order Flying Mounts, which makes Nie Yan very excited. The Flying Mounts with the highest order of previous life seems to be just a ninth-order Gryphon, which was held by Heaven Breaker at that time. There is also an insurmountable gap between Gryphon and Dragon. Dragon is a high-end monster, while Gryphon is only the lowest monster which is the most Normal.

It is only two or three minutes away from Clemens. In order to prevent himself from being found by people over Angels Dominance, he put away Dark Winged Dragon and jumped off High-altitude.

He did not dare to land directly on the ground like Resplendent Bladelight and others. A few seconds before landing, he used a feather drop Skill to lower his Speed.

After reaching the ground, Nie Yan immediately turned on Storm Step and flew in the direction of Clemens Stronghold.

Nie Yan, are you okay, I just received the news that Raised Wing Angel is convening all Elites of Guild to gather in the direction of Clemens Stronghold.” Guo Huai anxiously sent a message to Nie Yan, and he thought that Nie Yan was found after entering Clemens Stronghold. .

“I haven’t entered Clemens Stronghold yet. What does Raised Wing Angel call Players to do?” Nie Yan frowned, but it was not the right time for him to come.

Ill Maple hasn’t heard from them yet, Raised Wing Angel didn’t tell them, maybe it’s instance or open up scenario Map.” Nie Yan said that he hadn’t entered Clemens Stronghold, Guo Huai was relieved, “Angels Dominance already called so many Expert , You do n’t want to enter Clemens Stronghold for the time being. ”

Nie Yan thought for a while and said, “Since it’s all here, is there any reason to go back, it would be okay to meet them.”

Guo Huai understands that he cannot stop the Nie Yan decision, and can only let the Ill Maple side pay close attention to the situation of Clemens. If there is an abnormality, report it immediately. I don’t know why. There is always a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Nie Yan ran in the field and entered a Canyon zone. In the distance, Center of Canyon, and the towering city wall already of Clemens Stronghold were far away.

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