Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 55: Three people become tigers

Chapter 55: Three People Become Tigers

Before leaving, Nie Yan to explain had Guo Huai. Since we decided to play this game, we must play a big game, not only in Calore City, but also in all cities of Viridian Empire and Stern Empire. Earning a vote in this way is enough for Minotaur League to make a fortune. For this reason, Nie Yan and Guo Huai have prepared 3 million gold coin(s). Compared with the entire Gemstone and Magic Runestone markets, three million gold coin(s) is nothing. If the plan can be successful, three million gold coin(s) can eat 10 of the market transaction volume % Is pretty good.

Not only Minotaur League, Nie Yan sent messages to Sleepy Fox, Fa Lan, An Chen and others, so that they could also get some oil and water.

Nie Yan finished the thing to Guo Huai to explain, took three thousand Javelin and Javelin Launcher, and went to leveling.

After Nie Yan left, there were some people selling Magic Runestone and Gemstone in the streets of various cities. They shouted on the street and sold a lot of Gemstone and Magic Runestone. The price was very cheap. This advertisement immediately hit the market. sensation. A thousand Gemstone sells only five or six hundred gold coin(s), a few hundred gold coin(s) Gemstone, Magic Runestone sells only two or thirty gold coin(s). Some rumors circulated among the Players. Many people are saying that Gemstone and Magic Runestone are going to be greatly reduced in price. Some people have bought Gemstone and Magic Runestone which are very cheap. There are also some rumors that Players found a hidden shop that specializes in selling Gemstone. The Gemstone inside only sells a few gold coin(s). They bought Gemstone from the hidden shop and then sold it on the market. Many people have made a fortune.

Whether this rumor is True, Players do n’t know. After all, it is not uncommon for hidden shops to sell various Rare Item. The same thing happened several times before. spider web scroll was very expensive in the market before. The news is that it is available in a hidden shop, and the price is very cheap. spider web scroll has been madly reduced. Until now, the price has been very cheap. Maybe there is such a hidden shop selling Gemstone.

Generally Level‘s Players, Warehouse will always put some Gemstone, and found that the price of Gemstone suddenly dropped so **** the market, not to mention how much it hurts, generally Equipment and the like, they all sold. Because Equipment is more and more depreciated in Warehouse, Gemstone is not. Requirement of Gemstone has always been very large, but drop rates is very low, so the price will often move upwards. Many Players stores Gemstone, and they are sold occasionally. some.

Gemstone has always been a hard currency. Some Players Warehouse have a good Equipment in it and refuse to sell money. However, if you exchange Gemstone with others, others will still consider it. Changing Gemstone to Equipment is one of the very common trading modes on the market.

Some Expert Playerss sell Equipment and only receive Gemstone and not gold coin(s), so Warehouse has a large number of Gemstone. Gemstone accounts for a large proportion of all their homes. Now Gemstone suddenly depreciates, and their assets suddenly Shrinking by several percent, I just feel that my heart is bleeding!

Whether the rumors are true or not, they have also determined by there is nothing to be done that some people are unwilling to ship and some Playerss see the signs of being wrong and throw Gemstone to Auction House. However, at this time, those Players who are going to buy Gemstone to build Equipment, How dare you buy Gemstone? If you buy it now, maybe you will lose it. If it is like a rumor, there are hidden shops selling Gemstone at a low price. It wo n’t take long for them to get the price of Gemstone down. They do n’t need to spend much at that time. Money can build a Equipment. Buying Gemstone is definitely not worth it now.

If you have Gemstone, you want to ship it as soon as possible, and if you want to buy Gemstone, please wait and see. The market suddenly went down Cooldown. Auction House and Gemstone began to become unattended. More and more Gemstone backlogs were there. Some Players wanted Sell ​​it as soon as possible. You can only sell Gemstone at a reduced price, but the lower the price, the more people wait and see.

So the entire Gemstone market is in chaos. There is more and more Gemstone in the market, but no one buys it at all. Many Players are really wanting to sell.

The Players sent by Guo Huai is quite effective. Rumors are spreading wildly. In a day, almost all Playerss are discussing the Gemstone price reduction, so that the next friends will have the goods out quickly. It will be over when the price comes down. Thousands of gold coin(s) Gemstone, now only sell five hundred gold coin(s), and even three hundred gold coin(s) will not be able to sell in a while, generally dozens of gold coin(s) Gemstone, if there is Players urgent use, they may go to the market to buy one or two One, a few hundred gold coin(s), thousands of gold coin(s) Gemstone, they generally wait patiently, wait until the price comes down. After all it is not a small number.

There are more than ten Players at the entrance of Calore City Auction House. They are all in a team, preparing to level up together with set off. Everyone’s topic was quickly discussed on Gemstone.

“I heard that the price of Gemstone has been greatly reduced, and the price of 5 products qualitative Fire resistance Gemstone already has been reduced from one thousand gold coin(s) to five hundred gold coin(s), and then wait, if it can be reduced to three hundred gold coin(s), I decided to buy one embed my Armor.” The main Warrior road.

“I spent three hundred gold coin(s) a few days ago and bought a 3 qualitative Radiant Gemstone, regret me, do you know how much the market price is now? Eighty gold coin(s)! Buy Gemstone now you are stupid, I heard that Players opened the secret The store, one or two thousand gold coin(s) Gemstone, only sells dozens of gold coin(s) there. They buy it from there and then sell it. I do n’t know how much they can make. Wait a few days, and the Gemstone of one thousand gold coin(s) will drop to more than one hundred. gold coin(s), now spend three hundred gold coin(s) to buy Gemstone, then you will lose you! “A Holy Word Mage interjected.

“Really?” The Warrior asked doubtfully.

“Of course, a friend of mine went to the hidden shop. He sold his hands and made more than 300,000 gold coin(s) by selling Gemstone. At that time, 5 products of qualitative Fire resistance Gemstone might not even sell one hundred gold coin(s). Fortunately, I got the news ahead of time. I did n’t leave a piece of Gemstone in my hand. Hey, I can get a set of high resistance Robe in a few days. ”A Arcane Mage next to me.

“His, how do you make money?” The Playerss next to each other took a sigh of relief and came up to inquire about the news.

The Arcane Mage saw everyone watching him around, and vanity came up for a while, even more so.

The so-called trio become tigers, even if it is a rumor, it has become a reality.

Those who do n’t have Gemstone on hand and want to make Gemstone cut their prices, are desperately making rumors. Those who have Gemstone in Warehouse, who did n’t make a timely move, sighed and quickly sold Gemstone. Want to buy Gemstone, wait and see, holding Gemstone crazy price sell-off, so the price of Gemstone in the market has dropped, letting Players fully feel what is a roller coaster.

This momentum is stronger than expected by Nie Yan, Guo Huai and others. Nie Yan predicts that the price of Gemstone will fall to the level they expected in five days. The rumors spread faster than they expected, to next day. At noon, the price of Gemstone already dropped to much lower than they expected.

The Gemstone, which originally sold for as much as a thousand gold coin(s), sold more than a hundred gold coin(s) in Auction House, and nobody cares about it. This World is crazy.

Nie Yan, shall we start to close the net?” Guo Huai asked. The extent of the Gemstone‘s price plunging made him all startled. After eating these Gemstone, can he still sell it back to the original price? He was very embarrassed.

Nie Yan took a look at Super Trading Channel, Auction House has accumulated a lot of Gemstone, which is five or six times more than usual. Everyone throws Gemstone in Warehouse into Auction House. The surge in the number of Gemstone makes everyone convinced , There is existence in the hidden store, otherwise, how could there be so many Gemstone suddenly in the market!

Evidence of rumors is even more terrifying.

Nie Yan guesses that this price already is the limit that Players can bear, and the price goes down. They would rather use it than sell it. After all, the group who sell Gemstone is not the poor.

“Start to scan the goods!” Nie Yan said, Guo Huai ordered the squatting guards in Viridian Empire, Stern Empire, more than 300 Auction House confidants to scan the goods frantically, and gold coin(s) poured out like flowing water.

Three million gold coin(s)s were sold out instantly, and the Gemstone in the market lost about 12%.

“Three hundred gold coin(s) are used up.” Guo Huai said, he wiped the cold sweat of his forehead, this is the most expensive time he has ever spent.

“How about Fox, An Chen?” Nie Yan asked.

“They are also eating crazy, Sleepy Fox eats 500,000 gold coin(s) Gemstone, War-God League eats 600,000 gold coin(s) Gemstone, Fa Lan 500,000 gold coin(s) less than a little, Battle Fury Alliance 400,000 gold coin(s), 300,000 gold coin(s) over Radiant Sacred Flame, plus us, a total of five million gold coin(s), all of a sudden. “

Nie Yan estimated that five million gold coin(s) only took about 20% of the amount.

“Say hello to Long Yue Financial Group, give them some money to make money. We take out a part of the contents of Guild Warehouse! How much money can we make, and all of them can be bought as Gemstone, Viridian Empire, Stern Empire. Are there any usury loans that can be borrowed? How much to borrow, how to do things secretly, rare opportunities, after this village, there is no such shop. “

“Urban loan has to be repaid 10% in ten days. This money is a bit dangerous. If the price of Gemstone does not come up, we cannot sell Gemstone at hand. This money should be profitable.” Guo Huai said worriedly Minotaur League went in.

“Be assured, no problem, we will sell Gemstone ten days later and we will earn ten times the profit!” Nie Yan said that they resell Gemstone, which is more profitable than usury.

“Okay, the boss told me, you fell down, I used the proceeds of several Strongholds as collateral, and borrowed usury!” As soon as Guo Huai gritted his teeth, Nie Yan had the courage to dare to throw in usury. But since you want to make money, you do n’t want any risk, it is impossible.

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