Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 464: Saint Shadow Dancer Profession Upgrade Quest

Chapter 464 Saint Shadow Dancer Profession Upgrade Quest

“Remember to ask Raised Wing Angel to send five Sub Legendary Equipment.” Nie Yan said calmly, “I will also go to Stern Empire for a while, but not indecent assault.”

The words Nie Yan came out, and the Players onlookers on the field looked as if Minotaur League was declaring war on Angels Dominance.

Due to the long distance between the two sides, Transfer used to require hundreds of gold coin(s). Only after Sky Mount became popular could large-scale wars occur. Now it is just the battle between the top Players of the two sides. The results are a bit exciting Already. The collision between this top class Players is absolutely wonderful.

At this time, when Raised Wing Angel in Blood Sacrifice Totem Stronghold heard the words of Nie Yan, he re-shooted the table in anger, Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame. If Nirvana Flame dares to come to Orc Kingdom, he must let him go back with his tail clamped.

Angels Dominance suffers a little, not that Angels Dominance is afraid of Minotaur League, because the main energy of Angels Dominance at this time is still attacking major cities and unifying the grand plan of Stern, there is no time to spare extra energy to deal with Minotaur League Moreover, the distance between the two sides is too far, otherwise, with the current strength of Angels Dominance, swallow Minotaur League and return not simple.

Raised Wing Angel‘s mind once again came up with a word, Sky Mount!

Who can master Sky Mount, can master the sky!

Calore City The central arena slowly withdrew. Mad God and Fallen dimly returned Transfer to Orc Kingdom of Stern Empire. This matter came to an end temporarily.

The hot discussion about this pk will surely last a long time, but Mad God and Fallen obviously already became the laughing stock of Players, came over with arrogance, but ended up like this.

In addition, the discussion on the strength of Nie Yan is also endless. How strong is Nie Yan? Everyone can’t say clearly. So far, they haven’t seen Nie Yan lose. They really hope to have a Nie Yan. Matching, godlike characters.

Nie Yan and a group of Players returned to the headquarters of Cripps Stronghold Minotaur League.

After the Stronghold experienced a war, it became even more Flourishing. The war did not destroy this Stronghold, but Cripps Stronghold won a greater opportunity for development. If the businessmen want to do business in the major Stronghold, the first thing they need is a peaceful environment. If they buy real estate and shops in Stronghold, but they are destroyed by the war, then there will be nothing.

Minotaur League has proven that Cripps Stronghold is safe. As long as this is ensured, businessmen will come one after another. Coupled with Cripps Stronghold, there are a large number of leveling sites in the 50s, 60s, and 70s and 80s levels. The future prosperity is certain. In addition, Minotaur League intentionally turned Cripps Stronghold into a transit station to major Strongholds, which cost a high price. Transfer arrays were built in these Strongholds. With Transfer arrays, transportation was much more convenient.

Seeing that Cripps Stronghold is full of enthusiasm, Nie Yan is also quite pleased. It seems that Guo Huai and others have managed Cripps Stronghold well.

Nie Yan entered Minotaur League conference Hall, Guo Huai and others are busy there.

“How has War-God League been recently?” Nie Yan asked. Guo Huai has never mentioned War-God League to him. It seems that War-God League should not have any trouble.

War-God League has fought a few more recent battles than before. Tuoba‘s five Guilds temporarily took it there is nothing to be done, War-God League should be able to last for five or six days.” Guo Huai described the general situation. The war of Nisode City is temporarily anxious.

It seems that after the War-God League group was so excited by Nie Yan, they worked harder than before. After all, they did not want to be waste in the mouth of Nie Yan, and they were underestimated by Minotaur League. The leaders of the major Studio issued Command, and Players in Studio is naturally everyone’s best effort. The cohesion of War-God League has been improved a lot. Although the gap between the strength of the new War-God League and the Tuoba family is a bit large, as long as it is held for five or six days, the Minotaur League side is much easier to handle.

Five or six days later, Nie Yan can organize a part of Players to rescue War-God League. War-God League Stronghold can almost create two or three Frost Iron Armored Trebuchet, and then Counter Hit can be launched for Tuoba.

Nie Yan is very concerned about War-God League. War-God League is the property of Nie Family and must not be destroyed by the Tuoba family.

Nie Yan understood the situation of War-God League and was sure there was no problem. After processing some of the affairs in Guild, Transfer returned to Calore City and walked towards Radiant Temple.

Radiant Temple is located in the western district of Calore City. There are often *** sacrifices here. Every other week, there will be a large number of NPC gathering here. Devout worships. Every other year, there will be *** The worship activity, Holy Light Shines, expelled their pain.

Walking along the street, looking towards the end of the street, a magnificent building constructed of gray White Stone appeared in front of Nie Yan, and the whole building was shrouded in a touch of White Glorious, looking solemn .

The front of this building is an open square with a giant Angel statue. The Angel is wearing a White Battle Armor, with a lifelike expression, and the sculpture is delicate to every feather. That is the most famous figure of Radiant Temple, Archangel Tyrael. He guards Death Domain’s Door all year round and makes peace for Human Guardian.

The statue of Tyrael in the sculpture is solemn and solemn, which gives people a sense of respect.

Nie Yan walked under the sculpture and entered Radiant Temple. A guard wearing Silver-white Armor stopped Nie Yan and said, “Stranger, please leave here. Anyone other than Holy Word Class cannot enter Temple without permission.”

Nie Yan took a look at the name of the guard.

“Mr. Gerard, I came here to find Anason Pontiff, and I got a piece of Sinister Items, and I want to purify it.” Nie Yan respectfully, everyone in Temple has a high status in Calore City, because Aristocrat of Calore City is at least Most are Christians of Radiant Temple.

“Need to purify Sinister Items, and wait for the weekend to enter Temple.”

It seems that Sinister Treasure Gem cannot be purified today. There are still two days left on the weekend, so we can only come back at that time.

Nie Yan is preparing to leave. Within Temple, an old man wearing White Pontiff Robe and with white hair has come to Nie Yan.

“Mr. Demon Killer, Great Scholar, Great Thief Nirvana Flame, what happened to Excuse me here?” the Pontiff asked.

Nie Yan took a look at his name, Correct, the Anason he was looking for, and he was a little bit mistaken in his heart.

Anason Pontiff seems to see what Nie Yan is thinking, and smiled slightly: “Mr. Nirvana Flame doesn’t have to be surprised. Before you come here, God gave me instructions that God is omniscient and omnipotent.”

Nie Yan has little respect for the **** in Anason Pontiff‘s mouth. He took Sinister Treasure Gem from his backpack, and Treasure Gem from Black-colored distributes Aura of Corrosion and Darkness.

“This is Sinister Treasure Gem. It comes from the distant Darkness abyss and absorbs Aura of Undead. It can make those who hold it lose their sanity and become Slave. Those who hold Sinister Treasure Gem have the power of resurrect of Powerful, even if Death You can also re-resurrect. Because of this, Church‘s army has never been able to annihilate Blood Shadow Corps. Mr. Nirvana Flame of Esteemed, you have solved our problem, please let me purify it. “Anason Pontiff said with relief.

“Okay, Mr. Anason.” Nie Yan traded Sinister Treasure Gem to Anason Pontiff.

Anason Pontiff took Sinister Treasure Gem in his hand and said to Nie Yan: “Mr. Nirvana Flame, please come with me.” The two walked into Radiant Temple together.

After entering Radiant Temple, the Darkness Aura emitted by Sinister Treasure Gem was immediately weakened a lot, and the original dazzling Black-colored gloss became a bit dull.

Nie Yan followed Anason Pontiff and walked into a Hall, Hall shrouded in a vast white light, filled with the holy Strength.

Holy Light Illuminate is warm on Nie Yan‘s body, and he seems to wash his body completely.

This is Strength of Holy Light.

Anason Pontiff took Sinister Treasure Gem to Hall Center. Hall Center stands a stone platform made of white stone, on which a heavy book is placed, emitting a dazzling white light.

Anason Pontiff opened the first page of the book. A force of Holy Light from Powerful spurted out. Nie Yan looked over there. Some twisted text on the page reflected in his eyes. These words were strange but And elegant, this is the book of Holy Word of Radiant Temple, which owns the Strength of Powerful.

The obscure mantras were spit out from the mouth of Anason Pontiff. The book of Holy Word became more and more dazzling. white light wrapped Sinister Treasure Gem in the hands of Anason. I saw that Sinister Treasure Gem was slowly reduced in white light, and finally slammed, cracked into fragment(s), Vanishing was missing, and even a trace of fragment(s) was not left.

Sinister Treasure Gem is completely purified. I do n’t know how the reward for Saint Shadow Dancer is triggered. Is it a Quest or a Items directly?

How does previous life Smile accomplish Saint Shadow Dancer Profession Upgrade? Nie Yan is not very clear. Smile will not come up with this secret thing.

Since Sinister Treasure Gem already is purified, Anason Pontiff will definitely give him a reward. Nie Yan will wait patiently.

After a while, the spell of Anason Pontiff is finished singing, he waved his hand, a white beam fell, and Illuminate was on Nie Yan.

Nie Yan felt that a Strength of Powerful slowly penetrated into his body.

“With light and shadow, young man, are you willing to enter another World and pursue the Strength of the ancient Divine. That is a distant ancient Battlefield, where you will get God Blessing, in the wheel of time, Validate the value of survival. “Anason‘s low words seemed to lead Nie Yan to a dream.

Is this Profession Upgrade Quest of Saint Shadow Dancer?

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