Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 456: Dark Winged Dragon

Chapter 456 Dark Winged Dragon

Nie Yan plans to let some of the more famous Production Professional Player take the lead and create an organization like Mercenary Guild in each city. Production Professional Player can register in Production Class Guild ***, accept and complete Quest, and get paid. Production Class Guild can be published Various employment and recruitment information without any agency fees.

What Nie Yan needs to do is to first unite the Production Professional Player of Minotaur League, integrate them into the large group of Production Professional Player, give them better treatment than other Guild, and let them form an example effect in the Production Professional Player group, attracting more Many Production Professional Player join Minotaur League.

The Production Professional Player of Minotaur League is very high. Normal Production Professional Player sharpened his head and wanted to squeeze into Minotaur League, but there are very few Players who have the ability. Nie Yan should use generous welfare benefits to attract them all through Production Class Guild! Nie Yan just gives an idea, the specific details should be improved by the following management team.

Nie Yan dialed voice chat of Guo Huai and talked about their ideas.

Guo Huai groaned for a moment and said, “This idea is good, it has some practicality, and if it is successful, it is very meaningful.”

“How many High-Level Production Class do we have now?” Nie Yan asked, he only knew about the situation of Minotaur League, never care about the details, it has always been the management team of Guo Huai.

“At present, there are 39 High-Level Alchemist Starry Sky pharmacy, and 16 High-Level Refiner, 31 Advanced Machinist, and 6 High-Level Enchanter in the entire Guild …. More than 200 High-Level Production Class. “Guo Huai said, this is the statistics he just received.

Each Production Class‘s Promoted difficulty is different. Enchanter and Rune Master are the most difficult to practice, Alchemist is second, and other Production Class are more difficult to practice. There are a total of 36 High-Level Alchemists in the entire Calore City. Twenty-one High-Level Alchemist belong to Starry Sky pharmacy. In addition, Starry Sky pharmacy has also absorbed 18 High-Level Alchemist from other cities, and its achievements are quite brilliant.

More than two hundred High-Level Class, compared to the Professional Player group of the entire Viridian Empire, it is not very eye-catching.

“Did anyone successfully hit Master Class?” Nie Yan asked, Master Class is a hurdle, and High-Level Production Class will be everywhere, but it can impact Master Class‘s success. Only one out of a thousand people can successfully promote High-Level Production Class, you can go Any Guild applicant, find a good job, and become Master Class Production Class, it means that you are successful and become a leader in this industry.

“Not yet. There are six people in Starry Sky pharmacy, which have the potential to impact Master Class. Among them, Low Key is Difficult is the closest to Master Class. He has learned the formula of Life Winter that you have obtained. It is expected that he will be promoted successfully in ten days. As for other people, It will take more than 30 days to say less. “Guo Huai said, shocking Master Class is an extremely difficult process.

Nie Yan thinks about previous life, which is almost the same situation, saying: “When Low Key is Difficult is successfully promoted to Master Class, you can make a grand publicity and take the lead in his name to invigorate Production Class Guild.”

“Understand.” Guo Huai nodded, he knew what Nie Yan was planning.

Nie Yan spent a day at Hilton Stronghold. The three little guys at the back cleaned at the hotel and bought them NPC special clothes. He found that the three little guys’ loyalty had improved slightly.

next day, Nie Yan got the news from Advanced Army Supervisor Blaeke Speere, walked through the busy street, and walked towards Blaeke Speere‘s home.

Nie Yan found that from time to time a team of guards walked on the street. They were fully armed and wearing a full set of Systematic Armor, walking across the street in groups.

The atmosphere of Hilton Stronghold is more dignified than in the past. It seems that Ignatius conveyed his words to Archon of Hilton Stronghold, so that Nie Yan also calculated but had a mind. If five days later, as he predicted, Underground evil creature will flood Hilton Stronghold, even his first prediction was successful.

I don’t know what the reward is after success.

Advanced Army Supervisor Blaeke Speere‘s home is a White house built with Stone. The two-story small building is very exquisite. It is surrounded by a thick wall. The yard is full of plants. Nie Yan walked in. .

Under the guidance of the doorman, Nie Yan saw Advanced Army Supervisor Blaeke Speere in the living room. He is a strong man with a head taller than Nie Yan. His body is full of blocky muscles, just like a Behemoth.

He is a Legendary Swordsman of two hundred and twenty, just like War God Krow, it is a Barbarian!

At this time, Blaeke Speere was wearing a large coat, not wearing Armor, and his left arm was naked.

“Hello Mr. Blaeke Speere of Esteemed.” Nie Yan respectfully said that characters like Blaeke Speere are Players‘s unreachable. If it is not for Demon Killer and Great Scholar‘s Title, he will not even be qualified to talk with Blaeke Speere!

“Hello,” Blaeke Speere greeted me in a humorous manner.

Nie Yan‘s eyes fell on the left arm of Blaeke Speere. I saw that the muscles of the left arm of Blaeke Speere had shrunk, and the color of Murky appeared, and it was about to rot.

“Are you curious?” Blaeke Speere smiled.

“Yes.” Nie Yan nodded.

“This is the Curse of Legendary Undead Mage Nadage. It will slowly devour me over time until it turns me into a rotting corpse.” Blaeke Speere said, there was no sadness in his tone, like Is saying an ordinary thing.

“How can I remove Curse from your body?” Nie Yan asked tentatively, and he realized that Curse of Blaeke Speere was related to the Nadage spell magic staff which was broken in his hand.

“Unless I can get a piece of Items from Nadage as a spell medium, I can break Curse on my body, but Undead Mage Nadage already has not appeared for thousands of years.” Blaeke Speere said.

Undead Mage Nadage already hasn’t appeared for thousands of years, and Blaeke Speere has been Undead Mage Nadage Curse. Does it mean that Advanced Army Supervisor Blaeke Speere is also a character thousands of years ago?

“I think I should be able to help you get Curse off your body.” Nie Yan said, he took out the Nadage spell magic staff from his backpack.

Blaeke Speere was slightly surprised when he heard Nie Yan. When he saw Nie Yan remove a half-broken magic staff from his backpack, his eyes Lockdown turned this magic staff, and it was difficult to move away.

“It’s a spell magic staff! How did you get it?” Blaeke Speere said in shock, “Why is it broken in half?”

Undead Mage Nadage was tied by a matrix, I was lucky to kill him, this is my booty.” Nie Yan said, he omitted the process of killing Undead Mage Nadage.

Although Nie Yan did not say the process of killing Undead Mage Nadage, Undead Mage Nadage‘s terrible Blaeke Speere is known. Nadage can make Nie Yan into a dead body with any spell.

“You are the hero of Viridian Empire, this is what you deserve, the glory of the hero! I will let Viridian Empire, Imperial Church remember your Meritorious.” Blaeke Speere said, with a wave of his hand, Flash lit up from Nie Yan.

Nie Yan took a look at his Level and suddenly rose to level 72. The huge amount of experience point surprised him.

In addition to the experience point reward, Nie Yan‘s Military Ranking jumped three levels at a time, from Ten Man Leader to Ten-thousand Man Leader, and further up were Army Supervisor and Advanced Army Supervisor.

The reward for killing Legendary Undead Mage is huge!

Nie Yan saw its own Health, already became 612, and Defense, etc., have been greatly improved.

Ten-thousand Man Leader attributes Addition: Attack + 20%, Health + 30%.

This is an addition to Passive. In the future, if you promote Army Supervisor and Advanced Army Supervisor, there will be higher attributes Addition, Nie Yan. Remember, previous life has a ninety-three-level blood cow Warrior promoted to Ten-thousand Man Leader, Health has reached 12,000, Defense and Health They are all too high, standing there and letting the Thief of the same level fight, Thief takes more than 50 seconds to kill him.

Thief is a thin Class. It is more Hard to want Health to reach that level. Nie Yan At this level, already is considered abnormal.

Level 72 is getting closer to Level 100. Once in Level 100, Nie Yan can go to Quest of Profession Upgrade Shadow Dancer!

“Mr. Nirvana Flame, are you willing to give me this magic staff, and help me get rid of Curse?” Blaeke Speere sincerely said.

“Of course I do, Mr. Blaeke Speere, I hope it can help you relieve the pain.” Nie Yan said, trading the broken Nadage spell magic staff to Blaeke Speere.

Blaeke Speere took the curse magic staff, drank it, and crushed the curse magic staff with Strength. It was rubbed on the arm of the left hand. I saw the curse magic staff turned into a Black-colored Aura and penetrated into Blaeke Speere. Gradually, the color of Blaeke Speere left arm Murky slowly faded, and some blood was slowly restored, but still a little pale.

Blaeke Speere breathed a sigh of relief, revealing relaxed Smile, saying: “This **** Curse has finally left me, thank you, Mr. Nirvana Flame.”

“It is my pleasure to relieve you of your illness.” Nie Yan smiled and continued with the normal Quest Language.

“No Language can express my gratitude to you. This is a Dark Winged Dragon Dragon Egg. I originally reserved it for myself after I hatched it. Now I decided to give it to you.” Blaeke Speere took it out of the package An Black-colored Giant Egg, the size of a basketball, is covered with Black-colored patterns and emits dazzling Black-colored Flash, making the entire room instantly bright.

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