Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 432: Calore City Unified! !!

Chapter 432 Calore City Unification! !!

Radiant Sacred Flame and Victorious Return Empire are fighting together. These two former allies finally parted ways.

According to Heaven Breaker‘s original expectation, he took Victorious Return Empire‘s troops and left the main Battlefield to save his strength. When Crypt Lord‘s Summon time passed, at that time, Combat outside Cripps Stronghold Battlefield was estimated to be almost over. Bloodthirsty Sword, Mage Union and Divine Guardians more than 100,000 Players, although completely wiped out, but Minotaur League, Sapphire Shrine, and Holy Roman Empire also lost more or less finished, with a maximum of only 50,000 to 60,000 people, of which Minotaur League is about 20,000, Sapphire Shrine and Holy Roman Empire have 30,000 left Right and left, and the remaining people are all mixed, it is difficult to estimate how much combat power is formed.

At that time, he joined Radiant Sacred Flame, the two major Guilds were almost more than 100,000 Players, and if they were killed back, they could wipe out Minotaur League, Sapphire Shrine and Holy Roman Empire, lay down Cripps Stronghold, divide up the remaining Stronghold with Radiant Sacred Flame, and Victorious Return Empire can be recast. brilliant!

Although ideals are beautiful, reality is cruel.

At this critical moment, Radiant Sacred Flame was unexpectedly beaten, which caught him off guard. It turned out that Radiant Sacred Flame had already been acquired by Minotaur League. The situation deviated from what he expected. It was too far away, and it was so defeated. Heaven Breaker was very reconciled but could not do anything about it.

Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame started fighting, and the melee will continue for a while. Combat already outside Cripps Stronghold is in the sweeping stage.

Nie Yan is taking the Crypt Lord in a wild manner, and the remaining troops of Mage Union and Divine Guardians are almost vulnerable.

Nie Yan took a look at the time, Crypt Lord‘s Summon time already took more than two hours, with 36 minutes left. If you clear Battlefield here, you can’t assist Radiant Sacred Flame, but Minotaur League, Sapphire Shrine and Holy Roman Empire are left. The next Players will soon free up hands, and then clear up Victorious Return Empire together, Victorious Return Empire will lose!

The victory is set!

Nie Yan calculated the losses a little. The front Battlefield of Bloodthirsty Sword and Minotaur League, Bloodthirsty Sword were all missing. On the Minotaur League side, due to the relationship between the three Iron Armored Trebuchet, nearly 80,000 people were lost, of which 50,000 were Minotaur League and 30,000 It is the Elite of the five chapters. There are 100,000 people in the city, only about 20,000 are left.

Sapphire Shrine and Holy Roman Empire confronted Mage Union, Divine Guardians, and Victorious Return Empire directly. The losses were also extremely tragic. There were only 30,000 or 40,000 troops left, but with the assistance of Crypt Lord, they finally defeated Mage Union and Divine Guardians. Mage Union and Divine Guardians have only a few thousand people fleeing to a few Maps nearby.

When the battle between Radiant Sacred Flame and Victorious Return Empire ends, the whole battle for Cripps Stronghold will finally be settled.

Nie Yan already sent two or three thousand Thief to start cleaning Battlefield.

The number of Equipments harvested after such a war is quite considerable, and how much can make up for the losses of this war.

After this war, Minotaur League will start to rest. If a war of this magnitude occurs again, Minotaur League will be dragged down if it is not defeated. The average Level and already of Minotaur League are too low.

Nie Yan directs Crypt Lord to continue to hunt down those Mage Union and Divine Guardians Players, and continue to expand the results.

The remaining Players of Minotaur League on Battlefield started to organize, assist Radiant Sacred Flame, and prepare Attack Victorious Return Empire.

Minotaur League‘s Playerss were very surprised to learn that Radiant Sacred Flame suddenly fell to them, because many of them had some conflicts with Radiant Sacred Flame some time ago, why did Radiant Sacred Flame suddenly become their own partner, But also one by one morale. Radiant Sacred Flame fell to Minotaur League and immediately established the victory of Minotaur League. It turned out that Nie Yan had long been planned. The victory belongs to Minotaur League!

Under the two-sided attack, Victorious Return Empire quickly entered a major defeat. The defeat of Radiant Sacred Flame brought their morale to an extreme. However, their former allies finally stood at their opponents.

After the defeat of Bloodthirsty Sword, Mage Union, and Divine Guardians, they were surrounded by groups at Calore City already. Only they fought alone, even if they won? Can Calore City still have their place?

So everyone in Victorious Return Empire has no intention to fight again.

The battle of Cripps Stronghold ended with the end of Victorious Return Empire, and a period was drawn.

Victorious Return Empire‘s two Strongholds have also been beaten one after another and classified as Minotaur League.

The entire Calore City is already a home of Minotaur League!

After two or thirty minutes, the Summon time of Crypt Lord is finally over. The Spirit of Bennet slowly rises from the huge body of Crypt Lord and returns to the backpack of Nie Yan.

Without the support of Spirit, the body of Crypt Lord looks like a stone sculpture, which quickly fades into life, slowly cracking, and eventually breaks away from Tattered. It collapses suddenly and turns into a pile of rubble. Already.

Cripps Stronghold is over.

The Priest on Battlefield can finally be hanged by Smoke Stub and others of resurrect. Some teams do not have Priest that can perform resurrect, then they can only be on Cemetery resurrect, so the Level loss will be larger.

Nie Yan found with sullenness that Players dropped in the Stronghold battle generally dropped by about five levels. This is the setting made by System to prevent a Guild from coming back soon after the end of the Stronghold battle. This punishment is ruthless!

However, the penalties for the Stronghold battle are reciprocal. Bloodthirsty Sword and several other Guild hang-ups will also lose five levels.

After a while, Nie Yan received the news, Bloodthirsty Sword already was disbanded, part of Bloodthirsty Sword‘s Elite joined Mage Union and Divine Guardians, and Bloodthirsty Sword‘s Normal Players, they are impossible to follow, of course, when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, separate things.

As for the Blackstone Stronghold beaten by Bloodthirsty Sword, with the dissolution of Bloodthirsty Sword, it was naturally collected by Nie Yan.

War will always have both revenue and punishment. Although the war Minotaur League suffered heavy losses, it won two Strongholds and consolidated its position in Calore City. The war dividends are quite generous. In the future, Minotaur League has no threat in Calore City. It stands on a *** with Angels Dominance. Minotaur League sits on the capital Calore City of Viridian Empire, and Angels Dominance sits on the capital Orc Kingdom of Stern Empire.

Although the strength of Minotaur League and Angels Dominance is still far away at this time, the future is Radiant!

Nie Yan and Guo Huai and others began to calculate the Minotaur League battle damage. As for the Equipment that was collected, all of them were put into Minotaur League Guild Warehouse. Forget it, there were as many as 250,000 to 60,000. Because of Sapphire Shrine, Holy Roman Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame already Under Minotaur League, they share the Guild Warehouse of Minotaur League. Of course, the contribution of Guild is to be issued by Minotaur League.

Nie Yan and Guo Huai and others gave a lot of compensation to the following Players, especially the five-level Players that dropped after being hung up. The higher their kill count, the richer the reward. Among them, the most rewarded is Magic bombed out a small Iron Armored Trebuchet from Bloodthirsty Sword.

After the reward is issued, Minotaur League has spent a total of nearly 600,000 gold coin(s) and a large amount of Guild contributions. If Nie Yan had not returned from Underground, it would not have been able to raise so much money.

However, all the Stronghold of Calore City and Calore City have been unified, and they are already in the bag of Minotaur League. These 600,000 gold coin(s) will soon earn back.

Minotaur League‘s next work is to rectify the entire Calore City, clean up all the hostile forces of Minotaur League, develop all the remaining Stronghold, and then let the Players of Minotaur League upgrade Level as soon as possible, so as not to be pulled by Angels Dominance open.

Guild has many things to be arranged. The entire Guild is operated by the management team. Nie Yan can occasionally issue one or two instructions. It does not require him to spend too much energy. The next thing he needs to do is to use him. With more than ten years of gaming experience, Minotaur League Powerful is up.

Now Calore City has become a piece of iron. Even if Mage Union and Divine Guardians want to make troubles, they are powerless. Angels Dominance is not to mention, they are so far away. They can only send some Elite to harass and harass. Before Sky Mount is opened, it cannot threaten To Minotaur League.

According to the experience of previous life, Sky Mount will only appear after nearly one and a half years of the history of dust-free operation. This period of time is very long and is very important for Minotaur League. If this year and a half, the cattle heat Tribe still does not reach the level of Angels Dominance, after the opening of Sky Mount, it will be troublesome. In the future, for Minotaur League, it will be a relatively peaceful period.

To date, Nie Yan, with its previous life game experience, has acquired a powerful Equipment, made Quest and got Crypt Lord, and led Minotaur League to unify Calore City, but Nie Yan alone will not be able to reverse even if it is strong God, to the extent it is now, already is very good. After a hundred levels, it will be an era of countless top-level Professional Player dances, Shadow Dancer, Archmage, Holy Swordsman, Divine Priest, Sacred Warrior ,,,,,,

Countless top Professional Player will dominate this era.

Every one of them is an amazing genius. Nie Yan is very good to be ranked in the top ten by virtue of the advantages established in the early stage. It is very difficult to imagine such a leading position now. Personal strength is limited after all, only to let all the brothers of Minotaur League Powerful up!

Minotaur League has gathered so many Elite. Nie Yan will use their ten years of gaming experience to influence them. In the next year and a half, he will make Minotaur League stars bright!

He will transform from a top-level Players to a real Guild Boss and become a leader!

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