Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 429: Struggling to death

Chapter 429 Struggling to Death

Nie Yan is frantically ***, but it is not close to the two Iron Armored Trebuchet. After a while, he has enough time to pack them slowly. Iron Armored Trebuchet Movement Speed is too slow, it is impossible to catch up with Crypt Lord. There is Iron Armored Trebuchet over Bloodthirsty Sword, but it is not useful.

On this piece of Battlefield, Bloodthirsty Sword already was killed by Nie Yan. All of their Elites are not here. Normal Players can’t even resist the Attack of the Normal beetle, let alone the powerful Crypt Lord.

Raised Wing Angel‘s face is extremely ugly, and they began to gather their Elite, especially Shield Warrior, Angels Dominance and Main Tank already on the road. Only Shield Warrior can withstand Crypt Lord, but it is also very difficult. The Level of Crypt Lord is too high. Even if you can only hold it for a while, drag it, Iron Armored Trebuchet will work. This is the only hope that can be won, although it seems so slim.

Raised Wing Angel holds Palente Firebird Longbow and shuttles between Players on Bloodthirsty Sword. He lifts Longbow, draws three Arrows from the quiver, bends the bow and string, and three Arrows blasts out in the sky. Take three red arcs and shoot straight towards Nie Yan.

Nie Yan quickly found Raised Wing Angel in the crowd, *** control Crypt Lord suddenly turned around, and three Arrows passed by the side of Nie Yan. Unfortunately, these Arrows could not be tracked.

It’s him! In front of Crypt Lord Powerful unmatched Strength, Raised Wing Angel can only harass Nie Yan with his own Long Range Attack.

Under the command of Nie Yan, Crypt Lord suddenly accelerated, catching up in the direction of Raised Wing Angel.

Crypt Lord was very slow just now, but that’s not to say that it’s the only Speed. After all, it is a class of Lord. It speeds up, Speed is very terrifying, and it quickly approaches Raised Wing Angel.

Seeing that Crypt Lord came over like a mountain, Raised Wing Angel was shocked. This behemoth Speed would be so fast!

Raised Wing Angel blessed itself with an Skill that increased Movement Speed and quickly traveled between Players. Movement Speed of Elf Magic Hunter was originally a very fast type, plus Raised Wing Angel himself Equipment was excellent, and running Speed was not bad, from time to time Turn around and shoot Arrows, Attack Nie Yan.

This guy wants to use kiting when playing Boss to put him to death!

Nie Yan will not let him succeed easily.

Crypt Lord keeps swinging left and right, let Nie Yan avoid Arrows from Raised Wing Angel. It hit all the way past, countless Bloodthirsty Sword‘s Players was hit and fly, no one can stop Crypt Lord‘s footsteps. Groups of Shield Warrior rushed up, trying to intercept Crypt Lord, and when Crypt Lord‘s strong body hit them, they realized how small they were.

Raised Wing Angel took advantage of the opportunity to go far away. At this time, hundreds of Players Sacrifice had killed their lives, only to win for him.

Raised Wing Angel has absolute confidence in his skill. If he is one-on-one with Nie Yan, he will not be afraid of Nie Yan, but facing a behemoth like Crypt Lord, he can’t help but feel a deep sense of weakness.

Angels Dominance lacks some decisive Strength, although there are many Elite.

This guy runs Speed quite fast, Nie Yan said.

Anyway, marksman like Raised Wing Angel can’t threaten Nie Yan, he is happy to *** Bloodthirsty Sword people. The loss of Bloodthirsty Sword is quite amazing, so if it is consumed, sooner or later it will be eaten up by Nie Yan.

The nearby Mage chanted Magic, preparing to bomb Nie Yan.

Nie Yan glanced at Skills Window of Crypt Lord, punctured Skill and completed Cooldown again. Crypt Lord performed a puncture, and Mage within 50 yards of the surrounding, without exception, all were seconds.

Although I understand that already is close to the range of Iron Armored Trebuchet, Nie Yan has not stopped moving forward. He is going to let Crypt Lord test how many Damage of Iron Armored Trebuchet. If the Damage is not high, he can crush it unbridled and destroy Iron Armored Trebuchet.

Crypt Lord can only be bombarded if Crypt Lord is introduced into the range of Iron Armored Trebuchet.

Raised Wing Angel while running, commanding Players of Control Iron Armored Trebuchet, let them calibrate the range, and always be ready.

Raised Wing Angel led Crypt Lord in the direction of Iron Armored Trebuchet. Gradually, Crypt Lord approached an area of ​​about 500 yards of an Iron Armored Trebuchet.

The Iron Armored Trebuchet suddenly gave out five red burning iron **** from Projectile, flew into the sky and fell down towards Crypt Lord.

Seeing five iron **** flying towards him, Nie Yan jumped out of Crypt Lord, and while commanding Crypt Lord to dodge the iron bombs, he quickly avoided the area.

Five burning iron **** bombarded Crypt Lord‘s body. Alas, five muffled sounds. These iron **** hit the hard carcasses of Crypt Lord, making Metal-like impact sounds, and *** Flame Swept across Crypt Lord‘s body.

Crypt Lord was shaken back a few steps by the Powerful Strength uploaded by the iron ball, and more than five 80,000 points of damage floated continuously on the head.

So high Attack!

Iron Armored Trebuchet‘s Attack is as strong as ever.

Although the range of Iron Armored Trebuchet is only 500 yards, it is not as fierce as Gnome Magic Channeled Artillery, but the power of its most Powerful lies in its iron bullet Additional Fire System cut wound Magic Damage. Each of the Iron Armored Trebuchet shells passes through Special Manufacture, and the trigger Magic Runes is engraved on it. When the iron bomb is launched and touches an object, it can trigger a AOE Magic, resulting in cut wound damage. The range is very large and it is difficult to escape .

Minotaur League‘s Playerss Correct suffered heavy losses under the iron bomb’s cut wound.

The impact of the iron bomb plus Fire System cut wound Magic resulted in a second damage.

Just when Iron Armored Trebuchet hit Crypt Lord, a group of hundreds of Bloodthirsty Sword‘s Shield Warrior rushed towards Crypt Lord. Three of them are Profession Upgrade Professional Player after one turn, and the Defense ability is still very high.

They want to drag Crypt Lord and bomb it with Iron Armored Trebuchet.

Nie Yan naturally won’t let them succeed so easily. There is no need to fight with Iron Armored Trebuchet now, and Iron Armored Trebuchet is full of Thunderstorm Totem. If these dense Thunderstorm Totem are fully exerted, they can also cause high damage. If you let Crypt Lord step on these Thunderstorm Totem, it is not worth the money.

Nie Yan commanded Crypt Lord to retreat quickly, leaving the group Shield Warrior empty.

Crypt Lord is constantly Summon small beetles, the number of small beetles gathered around is increasing, anyway, there are corpses on the ground, there are many Summon media, it can be described as inexhaustible, and Nie Yan found One problem, the more corpses on the ground, the stronger the Crypt Lord Attack, and the faster the Health recovery speed, it continuously absorbs Death Aura from these corpses, and these Death Aura can be continuously converted into its Health.

Under the control of Nie Yan, a team of little beetles rushed towards the Shield Warrior, blocking their way.

Raised Wing Angel seeing this situation in the distance, without Forbidden Incantation scolding, Crypt Lord is really difficult for him to deal with. He was really helpless.

Because Crypt Lord is under the control of Nie Yan, equivalent to has Wisdom, a 100-level Lord with Wisdom, and a 100-level Lord with lower Wisdom than Normal, which is much more terrible!

The intensive Magic of the Mage team of Bloodthirsty Sword bombarded the Crypt Lord, but the damage caused was extremely limited, even less than its recovery speed.

Bloodthirsty Sword is completely gone, Nie Yan seems to be playing with them, that is, people who are not close to the range of Iron Armored Trebuchet and are constantly cleaning up Bloodthirsty Sword nearby.

With the passage of time, Bloodthirsty Sword lost more and more, more than 50,000 people, most of them were injured.

Iron Armored Trebuchet has a range of five hundred yards, but no Bloodthirsty Sword Players survived, all swept away by Minotaur League. Minotaur League‘s Players also seemed to find their own feelings. In the case of high morale, they played the Combat power of Powerful. After they cleared out the people of Bloodthirsty Sword, some Players began to rush to the distance, supporting Sapphire Shrine and Holy Roman Empire.

After nearly an hour, the little beetle already around Crypt Lord reached about six hundred. This is a huge and vigorous army. Each little beetle has 12,000 Health, which is quite resistant. , Attack power is also considerable.

This army is continuously increasing. Under the leadership of Crypt Lord, there is basically no living thing in the past.

Nie Yan then focused on the two Iron Armored Trebuchets in the distance, it’s time to deal with them!

More than six hundred small beetles spread out and surrounded the two Iron Armored Trebuchet from all directions.

They are a group of fearless death squads. A small beetle rushes in front, triggering the nearby Thunderstorm Totem, bang, bang, bang, Powerful Thunderstorm swept across, and a small beetle was blown up and changed. It became a wreckage, but the little beetles behind still rushed forward without fear, detonating the Thunderstorm Totem in front. Just a moment later, Raised Wing Angel let sixteen Shamans arrange Thunderstorm Totem for a long time before they were deployed.

They detonate the Thunderstorm Totem in the front, and the Players of Crypt Lord and Minotaur League in the back can rush in.

Seeing that most of Defense has been cleaned up, Bloodthirsty Sword can finally only do a dying struggle. All of them understand that the trend is gone.

The Players of Minotaur League, already absolutely lost their way.

A Iron Armored Trebuchet Projectile produced five burning iron balls. These iron **** fell in the densest place of the small beetle, swept across, overturned them, and killed two or thirty.

At this moment, Crypt Lord made a deafening Roar sound.

Raised Wing Angel‘s complexion changed, and what he was most worried about was finally coming!

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