Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 367: Morph Technique Necklace

Chapter 367 Morph Technique Necklace

Nie Yan bypasses the sight of Bloodthirsty Thief and may be close to the box, but it is a bit difficult for him to take out the contents of the box without Bloodthirsty Thief being aware of it.

This seems like an impossible task.

don’t tell me, just give up?

This is not the style of Nie Yan!

Nie Yan thought for a long time, he still had to bypass Bloodthirsty Thief and enter the dungeon behind Throne. Would you like to come back from the dungeon and handle the box?

That box is woven from bamboo. The stuff here is really simple.

furniture-type Items, was changed like the real Items, what seems to be caught in Nie Yan‘s mind.

The box is about twenty yards away from Bloodthirsty Thief. If the cover of the box is flipped, Bloodthirsty Thief will definitely find it, but what if you do n’t flip the box? Is there any other way to get the contents of the box?

Nie Yan‘s brain was thinking quickly. At this moment, Bloodthirsty Thief seemed to feel something suddenly. Looking at the direction of Nie Yan, Nie Yan quickly hid behind the pillar.

Bloodthirsty Thief stared in the direction of Nie Yan for a long time, retracted his eyes and continued patrolling.

Nie Yan was secretly shocked. The insight of Bloodthirsty Thief was amazing. He was about thirty yards away from Bloodthirsty Thief, so far apart, Bloodthirsty Thief could still find him. That box is about twenty yards away from Bloodthirsty Thief. If the box is moved, Bloodthirsty Thief is estimated to be able to jump up immediately.

Nie Yan suddenly flashed a thought in his mind, revealing a trace of happy Smile.

He replaced Dwarf’s Ring, cast the morphed gnome Skill on Dwarf’s Ring, his body quickly shrank, everything around him became Exceed Level huge, and Bloodthirsty Thief in the distance became like Giant.

Nie Yan is like a little bit, and is in the stealth state. He took a step, and went to the box of towards distant place.

The bamboo woven box, for the Nie Yan at this time, looks like a giant, his height is exactly the same as the height of the box.

After transforming into a gnome, Nie Yan‘s Invisible ability is far beyond normal, and it is difficult to be pierced. Therefore, when he passed through the open space about twenty yards from Bloodthirsty Thief, Bloodthirsty Thief was completely unaware.

Nie Yan gradually approached the box, walked to the box, the box was placed at the corner, but it was not attached to the wall, leaving some gaps in the middle, about a yard or so.

Nie Yan hides behind the box. After the body shrinks, the box can completely cover his body.

Small people are good too!

In fact, there are some interesting things about Dwarf’s Ring, Gnome Mage of Underground Demonkin League, the most respected is Dwarf’s Ring, they are small, only about one third of Normal Players, Dwarf’s Ring can make people suddenly shrink by one third. In this way, their size is only about three or four inches, they scurry around on the ground, and then use Magic to bombard the enemies of melee units, because their size is too small, the melee units often cannot catch them. This is the most shameless Gnome and the most Invincible tactics.

What magical use of this Dwarf’s Ring has yet to be carefully studied.

Conviction A lot of Item are very magical. It is necessary to have a rich imagination to fully display the wonderful use of these Item.

Bloodthirsty Thief looked at the box in the corner as usual, then turned his eyes.

Through the observation during this period, Nie Yan found a rule, Bloodthirsty Thief will project the line of sight every three minutes. There must be no movement during this time, otherwise it may be found.

Nie Yan pushed the box a bit. The box is very heavy and should contain a lot of things.

Nie Yan sat down in the corner and hid behind the box. No one could see him.

He took out Zennarde’s Sword and drew it towards the corner of the box.

furniture-type things can be changed and destroyed!

The sharp Zennarde’s Sword easily cut away the bamboo and rattan. There is a layer of wooden board inside, but the wooden board is still useless. Zennarde’s Sword is like a scorching, and a gap is cut in the corner of the box. Inside is Steel and Iron.

One more layer, this box is so thick!

Nie Yan opened his mouth, he was deceived by the appearance of the box!

I don’t know if this Steel and Iron can be cut off. Nie Yan thought for a while. After all, Zennarde’s Sword in his hand is a God Item Weapon, the top Equipment!

Nie Yan scratched the box with Zennarde’s Sword, leaving only a shallow trace on it, probably about half a centimeter.

Although there is only this, he still strengthened the confidence of Nie Yan. He can open the box!

Nie Yan really found a bit of a thief. For the first time, Items was stolen by a thief.

For three minutes, Nie Yan calculated the time and paused without any action, holds breath.

The Bloodthirsty Thief over there looked at Nie Yan. From his side, the box was intact. He couldn’t see where the box was damaged, and he couldn’t see Nie Yan behind Cloaking.

His gaze stayed on the box for a while, then he turned to another place.

After Bloodthirsty Thief‘s eyes turned away, Nie Yan started to work again. He cut all the bamboo and wood outside the box, and piled wood chips and other things aside. The main body of the box was exposed inside, and he began to cut Black Iron with Zennarde’s Sword.

Metal is relatively hard. Nie Yan is a bit cumbersome to cut, but there are still iron chips that have been cut by Zennarde’s Sword.

Nie Yan pauses every 3 minutes. After six minutes, the box finally breaks through a hole, and a gold coin(s) rolls out. It falls to the ground and hits the ground with a bang. For a moment, Nie Yan held this gold coin(s) in his hand.

But the voice still goes all the way.

The Bloodthirsty Thief was visiting other places and suddenly heard some noise. He watched this side alertly, and came over to the box.

Nie Yan is hiding behind the box, his heart already is strained to the extreme. If found by Bloodthirsty Thief, he will most likely lose the opportunity to open the box. The only way to escape with Random Transfer Scroll!

Until last resort, he will never leave!

He tried to shrink his body into a ball and stick it to the back of the box.

Bloodthirsty Thief approached slowly, about five or six yards away from Nie Yan, and he carefully looked around the box.

Nie Yan seemed to feel that Bloodthirsty Thief‘s sharp eyes swept across the wall behind him, and he forced himself to calm down, holds breath.

Bloodthirsty Thief stood for a long time, and the box completely blocked Nie Yan. In Low-Level Wisdom of Bloodthirsty Thief, you may also think that no one can hide behind the box.

Bloodthirsty Thief found nothing, turned his head away, reply/recover was normal.

Feeling that the footsteps of Bloodthirsty Thief are getting farther and farther, he was relieved, and his hanging heart fell to the ground. He continued to cut the box with a sword, and pieces of iron chips were cut Down, as the hole continued to expand, he removed each gold coin(s) and put it in his backpack.

One gold coin(s), two gold coin(s) …..

gold coin(s) keeps pouring out, more and more, constantly flowing into the backpack of Nie Yan.

After a while, he finally opened a two-inch square, one hand can reach in, and he started to pull things out of the box. At first it was all gold coin(s), one by one, and it was dazzling.

Nie Yan took out more than 3,000 gold coin(s) from this small hole. He was fishing again, and he had a spherical object in his hand, with scorching and horns, like Gemstone.

He held the object, pulled out his hand, and spread it out for a look. A golden Gemstone appeared in his hand.

It exudes Gold-colored‘s Flash, and has a strange sense of transparency.

It’s Brilliant Gemstone!

Nie Yan‘s hand trembled. If it was Normal Gemstone, he would never surprise him! He has also been seen in the world, and he has gone in and out of hundreds of thousands of gold coin(s), but getting Brilliant Gemstone still makes him quite excited.

This stuff is still quite common in the seventies and eighties, and you can buy one for a few thousand gold coin(s), but now, Brilliant Gemstone has not appeared on the market, even if you give Nie Yan twenty thousand gold, he will not Sell!

I don’t know if there is!

Nie Yan continued to dig inside, completely emptying one corner of the box.

He expanded the hole of the box a lot and just allowed him to go in. He politely carried everything into the backpack, a total of seven thousand gold coin(s), five Brilliant Gemstone, and one Necklace.

Looking at the properties of this Necklace, the heart of Nie Yan suddenly jumped, it was another Special Items.

Morph Technique Necklace (Dark Gold): Special Items.

Attribute description: Set an animal form that can transform into that animal. Some attributes get Passive‘s Addition for 5 minutes. The transformation form cannot be Attack enemies. It is interrupted by Skill after Attack. Skill Cooldown time 1 Day.

For example, cheetahs can get Agile/Dexterity, giant bears, large Strength Addition, gull birds, low-altitude Flying and so on.

Nie Yan thought for a while and set the transformed animal as a Lynx, gaining the ability Addition, Jump.

The reason why the animal is set to a lynx is because the lynx is small, sensitive, Jump, good at avoiding danger, Jump ability Strengthened300%, calculate the body size difference, equivalent to a Jump, the maximum Jump distance is nine yards, the maximum Jump height For five yards.

This type of Items is very useful, but few people can use them for ideas.

Nie Yan remembers that Tang Yao has a similar Items, but the Morph Technique status set by Tang Yao is a gull bird. The things that are transformed are different, and the functions of things are naturally different.

After setting, Nie Yan took another look at the properties of Necklace.

Morph Technique Necklace (Dark Gold): Special Items.

Attribute description: Change into Bobcat form, Agile/Dexterity + 300%, Jump + 300%, duration is five minutes, transforming form cannot be Attack enemy, interrupted by Skill after Attack, 1 Day at Skill Cooldown time.

Restriction: Used by Players Nirvana Flame.

The Items Bound cannot be traded.

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