Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 363: Contempt

Chapter 363 contempt

Nie Yan chatted with Yao Yao for a while, and mailed the first piece of Sub Legendary Equipment Okafey Hand of Knowledge to Yao Yao. As for the other Prayer Gloves of Sub Legendary Gloves Aina, it was dropped into personal Warehouse.

Nie Yan to Yao Yao is totally out of proportion to what Yao Yao paid to him.

Yao Yao‘s voice was like a clear stream, which made him temporarily forget his troubles.

Yao Yao knew that when she entered the closed Map, Nie Yan got the trouble of Minotaur League, so she was relieved.

Long Yue Financial Group gathers gold coin(s)‘s Speed, keeps up with Century Financial Group, and support for a day or two may be no problem. If the time is longer, they will definitely be dragged down.

Even Yao Yao can be Profession Upgrade. Nie Yan counts. At present, the entire Minotaur League reaches the level of 50 Profession Upgrade requirements. There are actually as many as 60. These 60 people are likely to impact Peak Class and Minotaur League in the future. Development potential. In the entire Conviction, I am afraid that only a few Guilds such as Angels Dominance, Angels Fall, and big Land Dragon can be compared.

After hanging up voice chat, Nie Yan Transfer to Ishenbel Minor Town, this is a quiet Minor Town, full of new-style stone buildings, carved columns and painted buildings, you can imagine how rich the residents here are, with grass and flowers. , Giving people an aesthetic feeling.

Some NPC residents hurriedly walked on the street, but their faces were not full of anxiety and full of anxiety.

Nie Yan remembered when previous life was at level 60. At this Minor Town, I met a NPC resident and talked casually. They will give you a Quest of Hunting Sinister Thief. The reward is very generous money, so Players often forms a team. Come here to swipe money.

Receiving this rescuer qualitative Profession Upgrade Quest, Nie Yan was also very unexpected. He walked outside Minor Town, outside of Minor Town, Summon came out Falkner Warhorse, and then rode away towards Ishenbel Mountain Northern Section.

Riding on a mountain road, the mountain road is rugged. The respawn on the mountain are all Thorny Wood Giant Monster. They are silver-gray, like a huge tree stump, full of sharp spikes, 60 grade monster, Attack. Both force and Defense are high.

Climbing on a mountain road, in the mountains in the distance, the crackling Magic explodes. It looks very intense and attracts his attention. Here is sixty-level Map, which Guild group is here grind mobs?

Nie Yan remembers that the mountain ridge brushed the sixty-level thorn tree Lord, which can brush such a high-level Lord. This team Players is definitely not simple.

Thinking for a while, the mountain stream of Nie Yan towards distant place was swept away, let’s see it again.

Standing on a high slope, he looked down, and saw that on the flat ground between the mountains below, a black body with huge size Thorny Wood Giant Monster was furiously Roar, a team of almost 60 or 70 Players Attacking in an orderly manner, Shield Warrior tops in front, Mage outputs in the back, and Magic flies into the sky.

The entire Calore City can be used to move the Guild of sixty-level Lord, which is only a few of them. Minotaur League, Holy Roman Empire, Sapphire Shrine, Radiant Sacred Flame, Victorious Return Empire, except for these five Guild, other Guild basically can not be done.

Nie Yan found that there were more than sixty people in Victorious Return Empire, and Level were quite high, all of which were forty-five and six-level Players.

They were in the shape of a half-moon, gathered in front of Thorny Wood Giant Monster, a group of Thief was assassinated wildly behind Thorny Wood Giant Monster.

Mage are scattered all over, Stone, trees, everywhere suitable for Mage station, full of people.

Victorious Return Empire, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Nie Yan‘s mouth. He didn’t have time to entangle with the Players of this group of Victorious Return Empire, but it was not his style to leave so quietly. As Guild Master of Minotaur League, he would be quietly run away People laughed.

At least tell this group of Victorious Return Empire‘s Players, he has been here!

Nie Yan jumped from above Rock, walked towards the flat ground between the mountains below. With a finger move, a series of jerky spells were spit out in his mouth. After a while, a huge Lil’ Gold appeared in front of him. One person and one dragon walked down not slow, not fast.

“Dust, Thorny Wood Giant Monster Lord will be Summon vines, stuck at the point three seconds after Thorny Wood Giant Monster howl must be shielded.” A Holy Word Mage commanded calmly, he was well-known in Victorious Return Empire, called Living Fish, Victorious Return Empire most The top Holy Word Mage is responsible for leading this group of people to brush Thorny Wood Giant Monster Lord.

Sky Vigor, spell blessing!”

“Okay.” Liu Rui responded by giving a spell blessing to Living Fish. This Arcane Mage Skill can speed up Attack Speed of Mage System Class.

The id of Liu Rui is Sky Vigor. At present, it is 44. It should be no problem in the top 50 of Victorious Return Empire. This ranking can make him a little bit content, but now, this ranking already has become his shame. He just got the news from Fei Yun, Xie Yao already is fifty-two, this Level is amazing, and there are at least three Sub Legendary Rank Equipment on Xie Yao, that is God Equipment in the eyes of Players!

Compared with Xie Yao, he feels a sense of inferiority. If the Level of Xie Yao is only one or two levels higher than him, he may still be able to catch up, but watching the huge Level of level eight, he There was a deep sense of weakness.

No matter how hard he tries, he can’t catch up with Xie Yao, especially the man standing behind Yao Yao that day, has become a lingering nightmare in his heart, Nirvana Flame, that is a Immortal legend, Nirvana Flame casually At that stop, where is his place? Every night when he dreamed, he could dream of Xie Yao snuggling in the man’s arms, so a suffocation was raised in his heart, and he couldn’t get what others could not dream of!

Under the command of Living Fish, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, the shield Warriors stands firmly against Thorny Wood Giant Monster.

“Everyone, Thorny Wood Giant Monster is about to hang up! Priest, hurry up!” Living Fish roared nervously, watching only 2% of Health of Thorny Wood Giant Monster.

At this moment, a Players exclaimed.

Living Fish Boss, someone is here!”

Living Fish Boss, Lil’ Gold, is Nirvana Flame!”

Hearing the exclamation of the Playerss, Living Fish looked up the hillside not far away, and saw Nirvana Flame coming all the way. Standing next to him was the huge Lil’ Gold, his heart suddenly contracted, Nie Yan The emergence of the sentence is like the pronouncement of Death God. Nie Yan don’t tell me ready to start?

Looking at Nie Yan not slow, not fast, their Breathes freezes.

“Kill Thorny Wood Giant Monster, hurry up!” Living Fish made a loud roar. Even if Nie Yan is going to operate, they must grab the Equipment dropped by Thorny Wood Giant Monster Lord!

Nie Yan glanced at Thorny Wood Giant Monster with a cold look. The Thorny Wood Giant Monster produced a lot of things, and the professional Players would not care.

He just passed by, and he was a bit too downgraded when he shot at these Players.

Nie Yan is more than fifty yards away from the Players of this group of Victorious Return Empire. They look nervously at Nie Yan, but they still output nervously. A note of Magic falls on Thorny Wood Giant Monster Lord, and the skin of Thorny Wood Giant Monster Lord slowly becomes Vivid red.

be careful is the vine of Thorny Wood Giant Monster, plus Protective Shield!”

Hurry up!

Thorny Wood Giant Monster‘s Lord issued a low Roar. I saw vines growing from the ground and tied these Victorious Return Empire and Players firmly together. Only a few Shield Warriors who blessed Protective Shield escaped. Arabesque.

Well, the dense Magic exploded on the body of Thorny Wood Giant Monster, and Thorny Wood Giant Monster made an angry Roar sound. It stumbled and fell to the ground.

The two Shield Warrior rushed up and picked up the Equipment that fell from the ground.

Living Fish saw the two Shield Warrior picking up the Thorny Wood Giant Monster and suddenly relaxed a lot. Looking at the slowly approaching Nie Yan, there was a relief. Next, wait for their Destiny. Was it slaughtered by Nie Yan?

The Playerss of this group of Victorious Return Empire are tied by arabesques and cannot move. Seeing that Nie Yan is getting closer and closer, there is only a distance of more than ten yards, and the size of Lil’ Gold terrifying makes them daunting. Lil’ Gold snorted a few times, the hot air swelled and Flame billowed. It was as big as a bronze bell’s eyes looking around these Players of Victorious Return Empire, they felt the heart tightening suddenly.

By contrast, Nie Yan seems very Carefree and Leisurely, he glanced at this group of people and moved on.

“Listen to my instructions, no one is allowed to Attack!” Living Fish roared in the chat channel. The reason why Nie Yan didn’t do it was that they might want to wait for them to Attack first, and then justify defense, so they couldn’t succeed Nie Yan Meaning.

But Nie Yan is here, which has put them under great pressure. don’t tell me Nie Yan wants to massacre?

These six or seventy people, you look at me one by one, I look at you, the vines on them recede and see Nie Yan coming, like a tide, receding to both sides, leaving Nie Yan far away.

Nie Yan‘s indifferent expression is very sexual to their Intimidate. Sixty or seventy people, no one dare to take action on Nie Yan, they only form a surrounding circle to Nie Yan.

This is an absolute contempt!

Even if they suddenly get into trouble, Nie Yan is not afraid.

Nie Yan, along with Lil’ Gold, walked through them, like walking in a court like Carefree and Leisurely.

Living Fish raised magic staff and dropped it. As soon as he gave an order, sixty or seventy people could immediately launch an attack on Nie Yan. However, remembering that time, Nie Yan was still surrounded by Bloodthirsty Sword, and it still slaughtered dozens of people. His heart was stunned again. If they Attack Nie Yan first and finally lay on the ground, they may not be Nie Yan, but they!

Nie Yan‘s eyes glanced over this group of Victorious Return Empire‘s Players, and no one dared to look at him. Nie Yan at this time, just like the sky godlike.

His eyes fell on one of them.

This person is not someone else. The id is Sky Vigor, which is Liu Rui. I didn’t expect him to be here.

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