Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 265: How much to kill?

Chapter 265, how many to kill?

So many Thiefs hit Sleepy Fox at the same time, even the immortals can’t stop it. There is an old saying that it is difficult to beat two hands with two fists. Sleepy Fox Zhenfei flew six Thief, but was still punctuated by Street Stab, and one Stun hit.

At this time, a group of Holy Roman Empire Warriorss rushed up next to Sleepy Fox to try to rescue Sleepy Fox. Dozens of Thiefs immediately rushed up to block their attack.

The five Thiefs next to Sleepy Fox are Attack Sleepy Fox, but as a heavy-armed blood cow Warrior, Sleepy Fox will obviously not hang up so easily.

“Hurry up!” Street Stab said in a deep voice. They didn’t have much time. He went to the front of Sleepy Fox and another Stun went down.

At this moment, a bright cold light appeared and came straight to his forehead. The pupil of Street Stab suddenly tightened.

This Dagger is extremely sharp, precise and fierce.

As a viper.

Street Stab‘s Attack reaches halfway, and then quickly withdraws.

He started a rapid retreat and quickly evaded dodging.

“Fast!” Street Stab‘s heart tightened tightly. Seeing Dagger coming, an Parry, a squeak, and two Daggers hit each other.

He retreated for three or four yards, cold sweat, his forehead seemed to feel the chill transmitted from Dagger like a needle, pierced into his forehead, and a sting.

What was it like just now, he already didn’t want to remember.

I saw a faint, transparent figure passing by, so fast that I couldn’t even catch my eyes.

The five Thiefs around are very surprised. Why is Street Stab Boss not working?

At this moment, a handful of Dagger appeared in the front of the neck of one of the Thief‘s necks.

Ghost-like, without warning, appears out of thin air.

This is the sickle of Death God!

The sharp Dagger is covered with flake sawtooth, and the weird shape of Blade of Separation is even more disheartening.

Only between Breathes, the sharp serrations easily cut the fragile skin around the neck of Thief, the skin separated to both sides, the wound was cracked, and Blood burst out from the inside.

Fantastic and eye-catching.

A blooming red poppy.


Cut-throat, Critical, no suspense Dispatched!

The Life of Thief was suddenly drained and fell down.

Everything happened so quickly that the Thiefs next to me didn’t respond.

At this time, Sleepy Fox liberated Control, a maneuvering slash, greatsword and Sword Qi shots in the hands, such as a tornado, rapidly spinning, and the blade exploded.

The Thief were hit by Sword Qi for retreats a few steps. They saw a figure beside Sleepy Fox slowly appear, their eyes were dull.

After killing a Players, the Invisible status of Nie Yan is finally over.

Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame!

All Thief Breathes meals, forget Attack.

As soon as Nie Yan Bu appeared, six Thiefs retreated and died, leaving the remaining four.

Sleepy Fox already woke up from dizziness, poured a bottle of Mid-Level Restoration Potion, Health reply/recover and came up.

“If you take one step slower, I will be dead.” Sleepy Fox said that he had 39% of Health just now. I have to say that the Attack of Thief is still very fierce. If six people output a moment, he You have to hang up.

“It seems I came in time.” Nie Yan smiled.

Looking around, Nie Yan‘s eyes Lockdown retreated out of the Street Stab, I am afraid that only this Street Stab can fight the battle.

These attacks on Sleepy Fox were unsuccessful, and Warriors already of Holy Roman Empire next to them rushed in.

Thiefs of Radiant Sacred Flame have been Execution.

Boss, here we come.”

A Shield Warrior with Gold set rushed in first, and rushed towards the four Thiefs next to Sleepy Fox.

Radiant Sacred Flame The fifty or sixty Thief soldiers were defeated. They had no chance of Execution Sleepy Fox. Street Stab entered stealth and ran outside.

The name Mad Rogue is worthy of the name!

This matchup was only a few seconds short, but Street Stab clearly realized the gap between him and Nie Yan, such as pebble in Taishan.

He was stunned by the fierce fierce Attack Intimidate of Nie Yan.

Nie Yan found Street Stab stealth, and suddenly looked cold, trying to run, not so easy!

Nie Yan The blue tendons explode beside the eyes, and the **** eyes are as horrible as Demon, Eye of Truth!

His eyes immediately Lockdown a faint figure, flying away.

Shadow Dance Steps!

Nie Yan suddenly Vanishing, turn on the largest Speed and quickly approach Street Stab.

Street Stab is running outwards. I just felt that a qualitative gaze was cast behind my back, and my mind was stunned. Only a moment later, a deep cold came from behind.

Dagger Ruhong is almost at its peak!

It’s Mad Rogue Nirvana Flame!

No one else can have such a fast Speed! Street Stab didn’t expect Nie Yan to catch up so quickly, a kind of suffocation stared at by the viper beast, Breathes stagnated.

The name of Mad Rogue alone gives a strong pressure, coupled with the sharp Combat style of Nie Yan, psychologically, already completely defeated opponent!

The name of Mad Rogue, this is the glory of Nirvana Flame, and Deterrent of Nie Yan to others.

Death Dance Steps!

I saw that the pace of Nie Yan was a little slower. When running, there were flashes of vision behind him, his body was completely Vanishing, and there was no sound of wind.

This is a magical feeling. People who have not exhibited Death Dance Steps will never understand it.

Street Stab is running outside with the fastest Speed. He can feel that Nie Yan is getting closer and closer, and the footsteps of Death God are getting closer. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the person following him was like a Vanishing in vain, and could no longer feel the trace.

He wonders, why is this happening, don’t tell me guy is gone?


A more violent crisis of Strengthened surged, and he turned to prepare for it.

At this moment, a sharp, jagged Dagger appeared over his forehead, and the coldness on Dagger was frightening.

Street Stab is trying to parry, he has just made the action of Parry, this Dagger suddenly Vanishing.

Street Stab suddenly found that his whole body couldn’t move, as if tied tightly in place by an invisible rope.

This is Intimidate of Nie Yan!

Only a moment later, Nie Yan already appeared behind his back, and Dagger and Smothering Strike stuck in his hands.

The sharp serrations pierced easily.

Street Stab is dizzy.

Nie Yan‘s Attack is too fast, he has no chance of parrying.

Nie Yan, one Backstab, one Eviscerate, added a few Normal Attack, Street Stab was dropped to the ground by Nie Yan.

“I said, why haven’t you guys in Minotaur League yet?” Sleepy Fox turned around, and there was a trace of Nie Yan next to him. When he looked at towards distant place, he found that twenty yards away, Nie Yan just hit Street Stab kill. “Grass, this guy moves a little faster, too.”

How long does it take, at most more than ten seconds, but in a blink of an eye, Nie Yan has already opened more than twenty yards and killed a Thief!

“Who is that Thief?” Sleepy Fox suddenly found that Thief was very familiar with being killed by Nie Yan.

“The first Thief of Radiant Sacred Flame looks like Street Stab.”

Sleepy Fox just remembered who the Street Stab was. The guy was very entangled. Holy Roman Empire didn’t lose a lot on him. It turned out to be Nie Yan? How much time is this!

Fuck me, Nirvana Flame is really a monster!” Sleepy Fox also had to admire, is this guy a human?

How does Nie Yan practice?

Street Stab exploded two things, one of which was Dark Gold Leather Armor. Although the attributes are good, it is far worse than Sub Legendary on Nie Yan. The other one is an ancient Parchment Volume, and the already is slightly damaged.

Kaxeer‘s Parchment Volume (Tattered): the memory of the seeker, 1/3.

Tattered draws a weird line on the sheepskin roll.

Kaxeer is a legendary female Thief. It is said that she is an Treasure Hunter and likes to go hunting for treasure everywhere. It is said that she found a treasure from the distant Underground and buried it in one of the places. But she was chased by evil creature from Underground and disappeared. Only a few piece were left out.

These things are often difficult to find. There are so many previous life Legendary fragment(s), there are not many of them, and the treasure Map is similar. Nie Yan throws it into the backpack, and put it first.

Nie Yan came back, factions of towards distant place Radiant Sacred Flame looked, the two sides were about a hundred yards apart, and the eyes of Evening Breaks the God Stick were coming over, cold as a knife.

The appearance of Nie Yan shocked all the heads and minds of all Guilds around.

The Deterrent power of this Powerful is probably only Nie Yan.

Nie Yan walks in the direction of Sleepy Fox.

“You moved fast enough, even Street Stab was killed by you, Radiant Sacred Flame is probably crazy.” Sleepy Fox said, more than fifty Thiefs sent by Radiant Sacred Flame were all folded here, one was left. If you think about it just now, it’s really thrilling. If Nie Yan didn’t arrive in time, I’m afraid he would hang here.

Nie Yan smiled indifferently, using the skills of Shadow Dancer to deal with the current Thief, there is no difficulty, only when these people grow up can we cause him some trouble.

Nie Yan observed some Attack habits of Lil’ Gold, calculated the Attack interval of Dragon’s Breath, and prepared for the next plan.

“I got the news, Bloodthirsty Sword just grabbed the first Stronghold. Mage Union has just Promoted into the sixth-level Guild, and the number has broken through 300,000. Divine Guardians is also vying for Stronghold. We must move faster.” Sleepy Fox According to towards distant place, Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame are stumbling blocks for the development of the three Guilds. They must be eliminated as soon as possible. Holy Roman Empire has branches in other cities, so the news is more informed than Minotaur League.

Nie Yan nodded and analyzed, why did Bloodthirsty Sword, Mage Union, Divine Guardians send someone to Calore City? Calore City has a large population base. If any Guild family is dominant, once it develops, it will be difficult to Control. At present, the strength of Calore City Most Powerful is Minotaur League. Minotaur League did not develop because Radiant Sacred Flame and Victorious Return Empire were stumbling blocks. As the big guys in those cities, they absolutely did not want to see a unified Calore City. They naturally have to stump on Minotaur League.

Sleepy Fox told Nie Yan because Minotaur League was not very active in dealing with Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame. If Minotaur League troops appeared here at the beginning, Holy Roman Empire would definitely not be in such a weak position, almost He’s all gone.

Nie Yan understands the current situation and smiles at Sleepy Fox: “I understand what you mean.”

Sleepy Fox nodded. Since Nie Yan understands, he will not say much.

Looking at the news from the Minotaur League team members, two thousand people from Minotaur League already entered Sin Region Canyon, and they are coming here. As soon as Minotaur League appeared, people nearby Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame were found, and they immediately killed them.

Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame were cleared all the way. Seeing the fierce stance of Players by Minotaur League, Holy Roman Empire and Sapphire Shrine were stunned. Two thousand people can use 10,000 people!

Minotaur League‘s Warriors screamed and launched Assault. Under the shower of Holy Light, they were all fierce and abnormal.

As long as Priest Heal can keep up, Warriors is okay with one enemy ten, and the quality of Minotaur League Priest is obviously much higher than Priest of Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame, Heal is very powerful.

Evening Breaks Boss, Minotaur League is here.” Lean Hound sent a message to Evening Breaks the God Stick.

“How many people are they here?” Evening Breaks the God Stick was so refreshed that Minotaur League finally came.

“More than two thousand people are Elite of Minotaur League. They already killed more than three thousand of us.”

“Only two thousand people.” Evening Breaks the God Stick was a little disappointed. After thinking about it, these people are all Elite of Minotaur League. It would be nice if they could be exhausted. “According to the original plan, send 20,000 people over, let them unload all Equipment, put on novice clothes, let the Minotaur League people kill, wait for them all red names, block them in Canyon, and see how they run! “

Evening Breaks the God Stick originally thought that Minotaur League would say less than 10,000 people. If 10,000 people all had red names, then Minotaur League block in Sin Region Canyon would make them unable to return Back to City. Eat them little by little and it’s perfect. I didn’t expect that Nirvana Flame was so cautious that there were only 2,000 people. If it was Elite that could kill 2,000 Minotaur League, it would be better than nothing.

The Players of a team of Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame entered the Sin Region Canyon. Each team has a thousand people. They only wear novice clothes, and the Level is not high. They only have more than ten levels. They are all dead.

Nie Yan received a message from Guo Huai and understood what Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame wanted to do.

“What do we do?” Guo Huai asked, if those players keep killing those who sent Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame in the past, wouldn’t they have hit the trap of Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame?

“Let them let go of their hands and kill as much as they want!” Nie Yan killing intent suddenly, why not eat fat from home? Although those Playerss are only over ten levels, they are willing to come and die. Victorious Return Empire and Radiant Sacred Flame must have spent a lot of money. I am afraid that Guild contributed a lot of money. I do n’t know if Players sent them to death once. How many Guild contributions will Radiant Sacred Flame and Victorious Return Empire compensate for?

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