Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 170: Grabbing

Chapter One Seventy and Two Grabbing Monsters

Arrange League of Assassins‘s affairs. Take a look at the Level list. At present, the Level list is Tang Yao25 and Heaven Breaker24. Although the Level gap between the two sides has been around one level, the gap seems to be growing.

“Have you come out?” Tang Yao asked Nie Yan in a message.

“Yeah, finally out.”

“Should you use Scaled Frog with us?”

“I still have something to do with you. Anyway, it seems that there is quite a lot of experience with Scaled Frog.” Nie Yan said that he didn’t need much time to level up to catch up with the group of Level. It ’s okay to level again in a few days. He wants to level up his unlock Skill first, otherwise he will not be able to open the locked Treasure Chest when he goes to the high Level Map.

Guild Warehouse is all 30 levels of Equipment. The 30 levels of Equipment that he and Tang Yao brushed out, plus the explosion before, there are more than 500 pieces, especially Tang Yao and others. Seventy-eight days of Elite Scaled Frog, at least dozens of them are killed every day, at least nearly 300 pieces have burst out, nearly 400 pieces.

The number of terrifying makes Players speechless, but what makes them a little depressed is that they are still far from level 30, and Equipment with low Level in Guild is not enough!

Nie Yan goes to practice unlock Skill in various places, on the one hand to practice Skill, on the other hand to help Guild get a few low Level Equipment. Several other Chapter of Orders should also be collected.

“What’s going on?” Tang Yao asked suddenly.

“I just got a unlock Skill, but it’s only Basic. I want to train unlock Skill Level a little bit higher before going to High-Level Map.”

“That’s it, all right.”

“Did your red name disappear?”

“The red name has disappeared, but I still haven’t got Mad Murdering Demon Badge.”

“It seems you are out of luck, so forget it.” Nie Yan was wondering, Mad Murdering Demon Badge is indeed out of Scaled Frog. Is the don’t tell me Tang Yao‘s red name not enough? No, he has killed nearly a hundred!

Sometimes luck comes and can’t stop it, sometimes it’s too bad and you can only feel helpless and depressed.

Nie Yan went to Starry Sky pharmacy for another round, and upgraded Level of Starry Sky pharmacy to a fourth-level shop. In addition, on the Bird Leaves No Eggs side, already recruited a large number of Production Class such as Refiner, scroll Manufacture division, Decompose division. Basically, previous life can call Master Class Production Professional Player with their names. They all received Invite from Starry Sky pharmacy. With the financial resources of Starry Sky pharmacy, they really moved their hearts. Some people signed the contract directly, while others are still waiting to see it. After all, Starry Sky pharmacy is on fire, and it may not be on fire when switching to other industries. However, after receiving the Invite from Starry Sky pharmacy, they will not easily agree with some other Guild Invites for now, so wait and see.

Nie Yan is very pleased with the rapid expansion of financial resources, but he also has some sense of crisis. The land in several cities has been sold out. In fact, the land he bought is not even 3% in the entire Viridian Empire. Fortunately, these plots are relatively valuable plots. If the value is calculated in the future, the total value may reach about 30% of all Trade plots in Viridian. It can be seen that many plots have fallen to the major Guild, major teams or individuals. Hand.

In fact, the most profitable part of Conviction is not the land, but the important military facility in the future, Stronghold!

Stronghold equivalent to Guild premises for each Guild, there are also various Trade shops, allowing Normal Players to trade inside, Guild collects taxes on all transactions inside, manages Stronghold, and can also allocate houses to Players and so on.

So many Guild often prefer to invest a lot of energy into Guild Warehouse to promote the development of Guild, rather than spend too much money to buy land. After all, the appreciation of land and other land is very long, and Guild has developed. In the future, they will What you get is not a piece of land, but a Stronghold city!

Leader Young Seven they helped me get a few random Transfer volumes?” Nie Yan sent a message to Guo Huai and asked.


“Mail things to my personal Warehouse.”


Nie Yan feels that there are too many things to do. There is a feeling of being overwhelmed. There are many things that can be done for rebirth. He cannot do it all at once, but can only choose some to do his best to improve his strength .

After Nie Yan got the random Transfer scroll, Transfer went to Linke Minor Town, escaped the sight of Players, went out of Minor Town, and went to the deep mountain Old Lin. Not that he was afraid of these Normal Players, but because it would be too much trouble if they were followed.

The destination is Cavern in a Canyon of Level 20 Map, where there is a Chapter of Wisdom, Chapter of Wisdom by an Hell fire Guard, every two hours, the Hell fire will sleep for two minutes, bypassing Hell while this time Fire, get Chapter of Wisdom, two minutes is not enough to allow him to evacuate safely, directly use the random Transfer volume, and can run out.

It is much more convenient to get Chapter of Order with random Transfer.

However, Chapter of Wisdom is Mage Items, which is stronger for Mage Addition effect, and not useful for Nie Yan. Just like the chapter of Courage and Chapter of Freedom, the chapter of Courage is more suitable for Warrior of Assault, Chapter of Freedom is Items of Thief.

Youmeng Canyon, here has always been a sacred place for Players level 10 to level 20, a team of six people are leveling here grind mobs, one Paladin, one Priest, four Mage.

“Sugar cane, where do you say our Boss level, Promoted is too fierce, the second Heaven Breaker was pulled by him more and more.” A Paladin wearing silver and white armor said that he was twenty-two years old Look, it gives a very clean feeling.

Knight’s Elegy: Level 16, Minotaur League Guild member, Guild contribution value 800.

This guy is called the water king by the Players of Minotaur League. He is the most active in the Guild group chat. Every day he is idle and irrigates in the Guild group chat. However, the popularity in Guild is very good, so he was promoted to Guo Huai. Got a small captain.

“Who knows, we Boss is awesome. I heard that now there are more than sixty Playerss following Heaven Breaker to train him. He keeps leveling with AOE Magic grind mobs. Promoted Speed is very fast, but I did n’t chase it. On our Boss, our Boss has been pulled more and more away. We are Boss gods. What is dragon? See if you do n’t see it at the end and you do n’t know. If it is so easily known, he is not Boss. ”Cane Road, also as Arcane Mage, he has a blind admiration for Tang Yao, which has firmly occupied the top spot of the Level list.

“Let ’s rush to the next level. By the time we reach the 30th level, I guess I will be able to put on a Silver outfit. If the Guild contribution is even higher, maybe I can wear a Gold outfit. Boss is too great. Now, it is so difficult for us to install Silver. It is good to have Bronze. He actually made so many Silver and Gold. “Knight’s Elegy said with emotion.

Boss he must be brushing Sub-Elite or Elite! Sub-Elite and Elite are generally Silver and Gold. We can’t deal with a Elite, we can only take a detour. Barely deal with the leader, of course only Bronze is installed.” Sugarcane Road, when brushing the collar, occasionally there is such a Silver outfit, the attributes are not particularly good, so Tang Yao burst out those Equipment, can be imagined to the appeal of Players. Now the entire Minotaur League is rushing to Level and contribute to Guild.

“I have a wild boar!”

Knight, hurry up!” Cane Road, there is no Warrior in the team, only Knight’s Elegy can go to the top. Fortunately, Priest in the team learned Basic Heal, plus four Mage, there is no problem with the leader.

“Good!” Knight’s Elegy added a few states to himself, rushed up, and wielded the sword.

Paladin is slightly weaker than Warrior, but it is not much worse, but the ability to attract aggro is not so professional, which is why Paladin has not been able to replace Warrior.

It took a long time for Knight’s Elegy to stabilize aggro.

“The output is booming!”


These Playerss are also very different when they are grind mobs. The four Mages pour fire on the boar head. Alas, a damage rises from the boar head.

For them, the fifteenth level boar head is not too difficult to deal with, as long as the be careful points can be done in two or three minutes, they can harvest a Bronze installation.

They are immersed in the joy of Equipment.

“Grass, be sure to burst out a Equipment of Arcane Mage, I haven’t encountered Arcane Mage Equipment for two days!” cried Sugar Cane, saying Magic shot.

“Go, it must be Paladin, I have always been very good.” Knight said cheerfully.

“I said Knight, you are too cruel, from yesterday to today, at least three of your Bronze outfits!” Sugarcane said uncomfortably.

Just when they were in a good mood and were about to collect Equipment, several figures appeared on the high **** not far away.

A chill rose from behind, and Knight’s Elegy immediately felt bad.

“Grass, it is Thief, hurry up Heal!” He immediately withdrew towards the rear, a white light fell on him, Health reply/recover a lot, he immediately opened the defense against Skill, lest he be fainted by Thief. The resistance is that Skill is shared by Paladin and Warrior. Because of this Skill, they do not need to be afraid of Thief!

“Dog-day, which faceless come here to grab the monsters!” Sugarcane condensed be careful, watching the wind and grass moving nearby.

Knight’s Elegy fled backwards, pulling the boar head further and further.

On the high **** in the distance, eight Players ran towards this side. They were leveling in the distance. After receiving the news of Thief, they rushed over immediately.

“There is Leader monster!” a Mage excitedly said.

“It’s just theirs.”

“Afraid, grab it!”

Warrior and Assault among the eight Players rushed over and intercepted the boar head.

“He is Victorious Return‘s!” Knight’s Elegy cursed, his eyes were stricken, and he found that the wild boar leader who had hit half of his blood was robbed, so how could they be willing!

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