Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World Chapter 141: Minotaur League

Chapter 141 Minotaur League

Fortunately, with the bottom of Tang Yao, they were not too scared. The Level of Nie Yan was obviously trained with Tang Yao.

Today, I encountered two fourteenth-level students, and they were all my classmates, especially Nie Yan, who performed mediocrely in the past, but it was so great that Guo Huai, Zhao Li, and Hao Cheng were a little dizzy.

“When early and middle, we knew that you were low key. Usually you only hovered around the tenth time in the exam. When you meet the big exam, you will suddenly enter the top three. It really fits your style. I always thought you were I ca n’t play the game, but it ’s so fierce as soon as I play it. Even on the list, Cloaking is up. Sure enough, we ’re not bored enough, and not too showy. ”Guo Huai shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Guo Huai has always been compared to low key. Of all the students, only Nie Yan, Tang Yao, Zhao Li, and Hao Cheng have a better relationship with him. He knows that his family is rich. Usually, this guy looks honest. But now it seems that Nie Yan is the one with the most low key.

“In this way, the strength of the five of us is quite strong. Would you like to try to open Guild?” Hao Cheng asked eagerly. Hao Cheng‘s dad is from the Martial Arts Museum. If Guild, it can pull a lot of people.

“I also think that if we try it, I can get a lot of students to come in.” Zhao Li is a bit lacking, but he is more communicative, no matter where he is, of course, especially girls.

“If you want to build Guild, then you have to do something fierce, at least it should be built like a decent. As for the shares, you discuss it and give a Plan.” Nie Yan thought of suddenly said, if you can share the management of Guild Open, then he doesn’t have to be too tired and concentrate on doing his own things. Guo Huai, Hao Cheng, Zhao Li still has great potential, young and motivated. And they chose a good starting point. They brought in their classmates and then expanded the scope. Everyone knew them and was more reliable. It is difficult to completely prevent other Guild spies from mixing in, but it can at least ensure that the team is pure. A group of 18-19-year-old and 20-something people often have a higher talent for playing games than some older people.

Zhao Li waved his hands and said, “I do n’t need any shares. It ’s okay to help. Anyway, it ’s all our Brother.”

Guo Huai shook his head and rejected the Zhao Li statement, saying: “Because it is its own Brother, it is necessary to determine the shares first.” Guo Huai is a business at home. He has seen too many because he did n’t Allocate the equity, and later the business became bigger, and his own Brother turned into an enmity.

Guo Huai, you tell me, how should equity be distributed?” Nie Yan said, in terms of business experience, Guo Huai is obviously more sophisticated.

“I thought about it. Guild was built on the fame of you and Tang Yao. You and Tang Yao took the big 85%, and the three of us split the remaining 15%. In terms of financial resources, I can wait for the Game Currency exchange to open. I can Inject capital to Guild, but it should not be too much. If there is a water drift, then forget it. If it succeeds in the future, Guild will pay me back. “Guo Huai thought about suddenly said, he did not have to be too hard, but only took 5% Symbolize.

“If they take 5%, I also take 5%, but the thing managed by Guild, whatever happens/10 million should not be handed to me.” Tang Yao is a lazy product and does not want to be involved in complicated affairs.

Nie Yan pondered for a moment and nodded: “Leave the management of Guild to Guo Huai, Hao Cheng and Zhao Li to assist, and Tang Yao and I are responsible for forming a Elite group.” Guo Huai and others will never be able to guess, they get 5% How much will the shares be worth? Nie Yan has many places to rely on them in the future. Only Guild can be done as their own business. A talent will really pay 100% of their efforts. When previous life interacts with them, their character is Nie Yan. In the eyes, compared to the friendship between the two generations, 5% of the shares is nothing.

“I think so.” Tang Yao nodded immediately.

“Okay, let’s just say that, you level up faster, especially Tang Yao, as long as you stand on the list, we can recruit people by your name, so you concentrate on practicing Level is fine. “Guo Huai said, this is very important, otherwise other things can not be discussed at all.

“Rest assured, you can rush to the top of the Level list tomorrow and kill Heaven Breaker.” Tang Yao confidently.

“Dashing so hard?” Hao Cheng asked in surprise.

“How the **** did you practice, so fast?” They were all puzzled.

“You have to ask Nie Yan, but rest assured, when the Guild is done, I will take you Promoted and keep it to level 15 for a day.” Tang Yao patted his chest and looked at Nie Yan, Nie Yan did not object.

“This is what you said.”

“Don’t lie. In this case, what level do we practice, let’s go and pull people up tomorrow.” Hao Cheng excitedly said.

“Your recruit people, I will finish the level tomorrow and go to build Guild Warehouse.” Nie Yan said, after the establishment of Guild, Guild Warehouse is very important.

Guild Warehouse is a symbol of the strength of Guild. It is composed of hundreds of thousands of Equipment. Each Level Equipment must have. These Equipment will be open to Players for Guild contribution value. A certain Players‘s Guild contribution value reaches a certain level, you can exchange Guild contribution value for a piece of Equipment. After this Level, return Equipment to get higher Level Equipment. If Equipment Lost, it is necessary to deduct a certain contribution value, while adding Equipment to Guild Warehouse can increase the contribution value.

The completeness of a Guild‘s Guild Warehouse directly determines the future development of Guild. When each Guild is preparing to build Guild Warehouse, the financial resources needed to invest are quite huge. When the scale of Guild Warehouse does not match the strength of Guild, it is easy to cause a lot of Players loss. The larger the size of Guild Warehouse, the better the Equipment attributes, and the easier it is for Players to stay. When a Players stays in a certain Guild for a long time, they will have a certain sense of belonging and will increase their Guild contribution value by donating Equipment. The stuff in Guild Warehouse is Guild in the final analysis, but it is only loaned to Players.

A Guild‘s prosperity and decline are closely related to the completeness of Guild Warehouse.

“You have the ability to build Guild Warehouse now?” Guo Huai asked in surprise.

“Can raise a little, Bronze and Silver are not very valuable and should be able to get a lot.” Nie Yan Forget it. When a Guild started, there were thousands of Bronze and hundreds of Silver. There, it should be able to attract a large number of Guild Players to enhance the Guild contribution value.

“Well, Bronze and Silver are very good. At present, many Players are wearing white-tier and Bronze, Silver are rare. How much can you get?” Guo Huai asked.

Several others also looked at Nie Yan, because what Nie Yan is about to say is crucial to the future development of the entire Guild.

“I can take out 20gold coin(s) to raise Equipment. I still have hundreds of Silver Equipment and dozens of Gold Equipment. I can only take out so many.” Nie Yan said, he has pharmacy, and will continue to generate income, As for Equipment, he got it from his brush collar, Sub-Elite, Elite, and there will be more in the future.

After hearing Nie Yan say 20 gold coin(s) numbers, including Tang Yao, four people took a sip of air-conditioning. They knew that Nie Yan was very fierce. I did not expect that Nie Yan was so fierce. Even a few large Guild could not take out So much money comes. Not to mention there are so many Silver, Gold Equipment. The financial resources of Nie Yan are really scary.

“Bull, with the current purchasing power of Game Currency, 20gold coin(s) can buy a lot of good Silver equipment. The better the attributes of Equipment in Guild Warehouse, the more you can seduce a large number of Players to fill Guild Warehouse with Equipment, increase the contribution value and stabilize With them, you can attract more Playerss. Then pull up Elite group and pull a batch of second-class groups, and then a continuous flow of Equipment will enter Guild Warehouse. Equipment maintained second-class groups replaced with Elite group, replaced with second-class groups Equipment raises Normal Players. “Guo Huai said, he has studied all matters related to Guild and has a deep understanding of Guild.

“It looks like the situation is better than we expected.” Hao Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. He thought they were going to start from a poor and a white one. I didn’t expect Nie Yan to be a rich man.

“Next, let’s determine the Guild name.” Guo Huai said.

“I’m in the business, what about Yuhuo Phoenix?” Tang Yao was full of interest.

“No, this name has been cybersquatting for a long time.”

“It’s shameless, squatting for the Guild name I figured out.”

“Well, who is the most shameless.” Zhao Li cursed with a smile.

“You think about it.”

Several people scratch their ears and scratch their cheeks. I don’t know what Guild name to choose.

“Called Unhindered.” Tang Yao came up with another.

“Still a cybersquatting.”


“How about Minotaur League? Those who enter Guild are all bulls. Later, we will sweep the Level list, sweep the entire Calore City, sweep the entire Viridian Empire, and that will be awesome.” Tang Yao excitedly said, “I don’t believe this has been squatted.”

“This is a bit cheesy, it’s all right.” Guo Huai thought about it.

“But the name is a good sign.” Hao Cheng also agreed slightly, but not sure.

Hearing their discussion, Nie Yan moved in his heart. The Guild that Nie Yan‘s father established in his lifetime was called War-God League, and Tang Yao suddenly came out with a Minotaur League. It was a coincidence or it was doomed.

“Just call Minotaur League.” Nie Yan finalized.

“Well, the Guild name is so determined.” Guo Huai agrees.

Like when many companies were just developing, one table, three or four people, heated discussions, and finally finalized Plan, they had nothing, one poor, two white, and started from scratch. So after a few years, they may end up dismal, and disappear quietly, Or flying Huang Tengda, smile proud Under Heaven.

Everything is so ordinary, just like Xu Xu Duoduo (a lot) people.

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