Rebirth of the Super Game Tycoon: 254 The Death Company in The King of Fighters, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Rebirth of Super Game Tycoon!

King of Fighters 97 is an extremely classic game that has a high reputation in a continent in another world.

However, this game inevitably has many bugs.

The most successful one in the entire King of Fighters series should be King of Fighters 98.

But King of Fighters 97 is the most meaningful to many gamers.

Especially for Ye Chui, this game carries many of his dreams of high-level playing.

So when this game was moved out, even some bugs in the game were also created – these were just some of Ye Chui’s little fun.

After all, in another world, it is a very satisfying thing to find the bug in The King of Fighters and be able to play a deadly combo.

However, in the King of Fighters developed by Ye Chui, the bug of Cao Zhijing’s Death Machine Company has never been discovered.

After all, The King of Fighters was released only a month ago.

Of course, it is also possible that someone discovered it but no one said anything.

In short, Ye Chui has never seen information about the bug in King of Fighters 97 on the Internet, so he has almost completely forgotten about the bug.

However, at this moment in the King of Fighters competition, Ye Chui was surprised to see Cao Zhijing’s fatal bug!

Cui Minxiu, the captain of the Smecta team, and Long Aotian, the captain of the Aotian team, have both fought to the last character.

Cui Minxiu used Cao Zhijing, and Long Aotian used Yashenan.

Long Aotian had the advantage from the beginning, almost suppressing Cao Zhijing to fight again, which made countless people extremely nervous.

Today’s King of Fighters Tournament finals is also a showdown between China and South Korea. If Long Aotian can kill Iori Yagami, it means that South Korea has been defeated by the Chinese team. As for taking over the match between Team Aotian and Team Naotaitao, instead Don’t worry too much.

No matter what, it was the Chinese team that won the championship in the end.

However. Just when victory was about to be won, a sudden change occurred!

Cho Zhijing, controlled by Cui Minxiu, suddenly pushed Cao Zhijing into a corner. At this time, his energy tank was full. In the next few seconds, he used a series of combos one after another.

First came the seventy-five postures. Kai, followed by two wild bites. Used just right, Yagami was burned into the air twice in succession. Then he hit a nine-wound, stepped back and threw an empty fist, and then Big snake!

(ps: This is the standard procedure for the King of Fighters 97 Death Company. Unfortunately, the cannon has never been fired. If you are interested, you can try it…)

The flame burns.

Wangled around Iori Yagami’s body.

Iori Yagami’s blood volume dropped rapidly.

This scene is extremely thrilling, but those familiar with the game can see that there is still a glimmer of hope. After the big snake is finished, Long Aotian’s Iori should still have a trace of blood left.

At this time, Yagami’s energy tank is already full. As long as he seizes the opportunity to attack, he will definitely win.

However, something unexpected happened at this moment – the screen suddenly jammed!

The images on the screens of the two arcade machines were stuck at the same time, and an “overload fault” prompt appeared.

All the audience stood up in surprise. They were all stunned.

Ye Chui couldn’t help but cursed.

In the lounge, Fang Nan, Fang Xi, Eva Robert, and Wang Shiyu couldn’t help shouting “Fuck!” and “I’ll wipe it!”

As developers, they naturally knew about this overload fault, but they didn’t expect it to suddenly appear in the King of Fighters game!

This kind of failure is caused by the screen processing power exceeding the game load. In fact, it is completely avoidable with the current level of technology.

But for Ye Chui, these bugs are also one of the reasons why The King of Fighters is a classic. Therefore, these bugs are also left.

I originally thought that such a difficult thing would never appear in the game, but Cui Minxiu of the Smecta team just managed to get out of this desperate situation.

Among all the shocked spectators, a few people breathed a sigh of relief: members of the Smecta team and Professor Du.

——Cui Minxiu played a desperate company at the last moment. This was something they had planned before, and they had already discovered this bug.

And before the crash. It is inevitable that Long Aotian will have the upper hand first, and then there will be a desperate situation at this juncture. What would he think from Long Aotian’s point of view?

“This is someone who deliberately interfered with it and didn’t want me to win the game, so it caused the arcade equipment to overload.”

Everyone would think so.

Long Aotian is no exception.

The psychological traps that Minjun had instilled in his mind in the past few days. This moment was about to happen. He looked at Ye Chui with anger and despair in his eyes. He didn’t understand why Professor Cha, whom he respected so much, treated him like this!

“The arcade equipment crashed just now. I didn’t expect such a malfunction to occur, but don’t worry, we will start this game again.” Ye Chui, as the host, said hurriedly and tactfully.

He was not sure that Cui Minxiu of the Smecta team deliberately played the death chain. He felt that he just played it accidentally.

While restarting the arcade equipment, Ye Chui thought of something, walked to Long Aotian, and whispered to Long Aotian: “Perform well later, I’m looking forward to you.”

Say this, Ye Chui is naturally motivating Long Aotian.

However, Long Aotian glanced at Ye Chui with complicated eyes, but thought in his heart: “Even if I am rude, I can still hear that he is speaking sarcastically… Why do you treat me like this!? What if I If you don’t perform well, what surprises will happen later?”

Arcade equipment will restart soon.

The two started again from the last hand.

It’s still Long Aotian’s Yashen, versus Cui Minxiu’s Cao Zhijing.

The audience’s emotions are still very high.

What makes people feel a little helpless is that in the end, this battle was won by Choi Min-soo’s Cao Zhijing’s wonderful Dalian recruitment.

This is also inevitable. Long Aotian was greatly shocked at this time, and his state was seriously affected, but Cui Minxiu was going forward indomitably, and his momentum surged.

In contrast, it is naturally difficult to win.

“Unfortunately, Team Aotian missed the championship in the end, and Team Smecta won.”

Ye Chui said sadly.

He naturally supports the Aotian team in his heart and hopes that they will get a chance in the finals. But now that the current situation has occurred, he has nothing to complain about. He can only look forward to a miracle for the Naotaitao team in the afternoon.

“The final of the King of Fighters Tournament will be presented by Team Smecta and Team Naotaitao. The game starts at 2pm, I hope you don’t miss it!”

Ye Chui made another final speech and announced that the morning’s competition was over.

Long Aotian was a little lost.

He is not an irresponsible person, but…his current defeat feels like he was deliberately framed by someone, or framed by a man he respects immensely, which makes him There is no way to let go.

Ye Chui packed his things and planned to go back to the lounge. He couldn’t wait to know how the ratings of Nebula TV were going.

And at this moment, the mutation reappeared——

Huang Xiaoming from the Naotaitao team probably saw Long Aotian in a state of despair, so he came over to give him some encouragement.

“Don’t worry. We will definitely win this afternoon.” Huang Xiaoming said with determination.

He wanted to use these words to encourage Long Aotian. Even if Team Aotian was eliminated, they still had Team Taitao who could still bring glory to the country.

However, his words reached Long Aotian’s ears. It’s really that jarring.

——Yes, of course they will win, because all this was arranged by Professor Cha.

“Long Aotian, I…” Huang Xiaoming wanted to say something else.

Long Aotian suddenly pushed Huang Xiaoming hard and stood up from the chair angrily.

“You…what are you doing?” Huang Xiaoming was startled.

“What am I doing? You know it clearly!”

Long Aotian roared angrily and was going to continue to attack Huang Xiaoming. Tong David and Zheng Chao of the Naotaitao team who were standing aside saw this and rushed forward to pull Long Aotian away. But at this time, the anger in Long Aotian’s heart has really reached the extreme. How can he still control so much?

The casserole-sized fist hit David Tong in the face, and then knocked Zheng Chao to the ground.

He was tall and strong, with considerable strength. At this moment, his heart was filled with rage. He turned around, grabbed a stool and was about to throw it at Huang Xiaoming. But he was finally stopped by Hong Yong and other security personnel.

“You guys are cheating, don’t think I don’t know. Everything is arranged. Tatou is the default champion. Don’t think I’m a fool!”

Long Aotian was held by two security guards. But he was shouting loudly.

There was a commotion all around.

Is Naotaitao the default champion?

How could Long Aotian say such a thing?

Ye Chui was also shocked. He hurriedly made a gesture to Zhang Hui, who was known as the on-site photographer, and asked him to turn off the live camera. He walked up to Long Aotian and said coldly : “What do you mean by this? I’m the default winner?”

“Isn’t it? Everyone knows how good the Naotaitao team is, and the result has been all the way to the finals. The Smecta team will also be defeated in the afternoon game, right?” Long Aotian asked Ye angrily hang down.

Ye Chui frowned. He didn’t know where Long Aotian’s thoughts came from.

However, at this moment, Ye Chui caught a face with a sinister smile in the corner of his sight – Du Minjun.

Du Minjun was smiling proudly and looking at Ye Chui.

There was contempt and disdain on his face.

There is also a sense of “I won”.

His psychological trap finally succeeded.

From the first time he saw the thirty-four teams, Du Minjun, as a psychology professor, had already conducted a psychological evaluation of the thirty-four teams, which he was familiar with.

Then he made this plan.

The scene that happened at this time had already been planned by him, almost exactly.

Long Aotian was pushed to the edge of anger step by step by his plan. Just now, Cui Minxiu’s desperate company of the Smecta team made a dangerous move and risked his life to survive, which made Long Aotian trust Professor Cha. The complete loss made him believe that the Naotaitao team was Ye Chui’s secret choice.

And what would a man with such an extreme and bold personality do if he encountered such a thing?

Du Minjun is almost 100% sure that he will take action against Team Naotaitao.

Think about it, the two Chinese teams in the final four of the King of Fighters competition had a fight, and then rumors broke out about the unofficial appointment. With so many spectators at the scene, it would have spread to everyone without him having to do anything.

He doesn’t have to worry about the next duel between Naotaitao and Smecta. The Naotaitao team is certain to win.

And his most important goal has been achieved——

Professor Cha and the credibility of the King of Fighters Tournament he organized will be completely lost!

Then the next King of Fighters tournament will be in the hands of the Koreans!


Third update~~~Fourth update will be coming soon~~

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