Rebirth Of An Old Woman Becomes A Thief Chapter 71:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Rebirth of an Old Man Who Becomes a Thief!

The eldest brother said: “I will give her alimony.”

Chen Yiping said: “Then will you give her money for the rest of her life?”

The eldest brother said: “No one can be fully responsible for anyone’s life.”

“But how will a woman like her live after divorce?”

The eldest brother said of course: “She can learn like you and become independent.”

Chen Yiping: “Do you have to go through these pains? My sister-in-law has no fault at all. During the years you have been away from home, your sister-in-law has been serving your father and mother in your hometown. Why do you divorce her?”

The eldest brother said: “No reason, it’s just that I don’t want to live in such a hazy way anymore.”

“Why are you so confused? Are you not clear now?”

The eldest brother said: “Just like what I am doing now, I see my wife looking at me with a pair of ignorant eyes that only focus on her small space every day. Whenever I chat with her, I don’t know what to say. What, now is a new era, but she still lives like a feudal woman from the previous dynasty. Our Chen family does not restrict her pace, and I am not an old antique. She can take care of her family as much as she can. I should enrich my knowledge and live more suitable for this era when the times are changing, instead of becoming a person abandoned by the times!”

The eldest brother finally said: “She and I really don’t know how to get along. If she continues to be my wife, I will take on the responsibility of raising her as a husband. But apart from raising her, I don’t know what else to do. No matter what I do to become a couple with her, I feel that my life will be a pool of stagnant water. During my lifetime, no one will understand me, my thoughts, and my works. I am not willing to live like this for the rest of my life.”

When Chen Yiping heard her elder brother talking about her sister-in-law and his life, she somehow thought of herself in her previous life. Didn’t she imprison herself in her previous life? After the divorce, her second son died in infancy, and she survived the repeated blows. After that, she felt like a warrior, and she could grit her teeth and push through all difficulties.

Some women can survive the life and challenges after divorce, but there are more women who cannot. Old-style women have never read books or learned knowledge. Their world is only as small as their backyard. In the meantime, their eyes only look at their husbands and children, and revolve around them and the cooking pot. Their husbands and children are the most important things. Most of them are hardworking and hardworking, but they have no self, and they are not even aware of themselves. .

Chen Yibing said: “But you married her, and you have been married for many years. After the divorce, how can you let a woman like her who has no ability to live survive? You want her life for your own pleasure. ?”

The eldest brother said: “Today’s society is becoming more and more open, and women will gradually step onto the stage of the times. If she works **** her own, I think life will have new changes for her, and I will also Give her a lot of money.”

At this time, Chen’s father, who had been listening to their argument, opened his mouth and scolded his elder brother: “Beast, I think you are stupid in studying! What’s wrong with your wife, do you want to divorce her? I told you You, I haven’t been dead for a day, and I don’t agree!” After saying that, he threw up his sleeves and left.

My mother quickly advised my eldest brother and said: “Boss, please don’t make your father angry. Have you forgotten the beatings you received when you were disobedient as a child? How can you be so willful at such an old age? What? Is marriage a matter of one person’s will? It is a matter between two people, or even two families. How can you be allowed to mess around? Although the boss and his wife have not done anything in these years, they are still treating you, me and you Neither of the fathers said, “You want a divorce, and I don’t agree with it. There’s no such thing as divorce these days, but how many good women are there after divorce? Don’t mention Jiahe. Is it a good thing that Jiahe is like this now?”

Chen Yiping was thinking about why she was lying on the ground without saying a word. At this time, the eldest sister who had been watching the show said: “We are celebrating the Chinese New Year, how could eldest brother be like this? Could it be someone outside?”

The eldest brother immediately said: “There are no people, only ghosts, my own ghosts. I don’t want to be trapped and die in marriage.”

The third sister said: “Brother, my sister-in-law is really good to us younger brothers and sisters. She even embroidered a handkerchief for me during the Chinese New Year!” Although the annual New Year gift has been a handkerchief for many years, at any rate Yes.

My mother said again: “You can have a good talk about things between your husband and wife. Don’t be so impulsive. Boss, you have had your own ideas since you were a child, but you must consider the burden that you should bear as a man and a husband.”

Chen Yibing: “When I got divorced, my eldest brother thought that the divorce was all my fault. Now that you are divorcing your sister-in-law, and you think that the divorce is all her fault, don’t you, eldest brother, have no fault?” She I have never been the kind of person who likes to expose other people’s shortcomings or expose their own shortcomings. It’s just that I can’t bear to hear this argument again after so many years.

The eldest brother was really stopped when Chen Yibing said this. Finally, under the persuasion of everyone, the eldest brother said: “Anyway, I have to divorce this marriage,” and looked at the lying bed The sister-in-law on the ground said: “I know you haven’t really fainted. You always like to pretend to be faint. This trick won’t work today. What I just said is from the bottom of my heart. There is no possibility of our marriage continuing. That’s it.” After saying that, he also picked up his long coat and left.

After walking for a while, I saw tears streaming from the corners of the eyes of the lying sister-in-law. My mother sighed and said, “My wife, please get up too.”

The eldest sister-in-law got up silently. Thinking of what her eldest brother had just said, she burst into tears and said to her mother, “Mom, Jiaguo is too bullying!”

My mother quickly comforted my sister-in-law and said many words such as “I will definitely educate him”, “I will never divorce”, “My Chen family only recognizes you as the eldest daughter-in-law”, which made Chen Yibing feel very familiar, as if The Lu family’s parents also said similar things to her back then, but what’s the use? Not liking this kind of thing is the worst thing in the world.

A person can be forced to do many things, such as being forced to maintain a relationship, or even forcing the other person to surrender to you, but the only thing that cannot be forced is the other person’s heart. If he doesn’t love you in his heart, he doesn’t love you. There is no reason. , just like you don’t need a reason to love someone, you can’t force yourself not to love someone.

The sister-in-law went from crying to sobbing and finally choking. What she said intermittently was complaining about how her elder brother could treat her like this. She has done her best for the Chen family, how could she be like this…

Later, the sister-in-law stopped talking about this and just sat blankly. Looking at her like this, the mother sighed and dismissed the people who were advising and persuading her. She said to the sister-in-law: “Just be quiet first. I’ll go and persuade the boss.”

After thinking about it, I said to my sister-in-law: “Since the boss said he wants a woman who understands him, my wife, you have to work hard and give it a try.”

The sister-in-law reacted at this time, and said in a crying tone: “Why didn’t I get to know him? I’ve been working hard, but he ignored me!”

My mother sighed slightly again, said no more words, and left.

Later on, during the entire Chinese New Year period, we were almost caught up in the family ethics battle between the elder brother and the elder sister-in-law. The elder brother and the elder sister-in-law slept in separate rooms, and they hardly had a good talk. The elder brother was even picked up by Chen’s father. Jia Fa’ was beaten until his back bled, but he didn’t even open his mouth to withdraw the idea of ​​divorce.

My mother was about to cry when she saw Father Chen beating him so hard. She shouted, “Stop beating him. When was he beaten since he was a child, he begged you for mercy?”

Father Chen still beat his eldest brother until he lay on the bed until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Before the eldest brother and sister-in-law could get married, another big event happened in Pingcheng. Zhou Yongcheng’s beloved wife Xiao Qiuyue ran away with his money! !

This incident immediately became the most eye-catching news during the Chinese New Year in Pingcheng. It was more attractive than the celebrity’s **** news, the new love of the noble son, etc. It became the biggest talking point for the people in Pingcheng during the Chinese New Year. Many people After reading the detailed introduction in the tabloid, people can even tell stories about Xiao Qiuyue’s private meeting with her lover vividly, as if they saw it live. Moreover, the tabloid wrote about Xiao Qiuyue’s story as if it were a novel, with plots, romance, and even… There was an unabashed description of love, and for a while the tabloids in Pingcheng relied on this news to sell their newspapers.

Xue Renai found out a little later. No one dared to mention it to her in Xue Mansion. She only found out about it when she heard the guests discussing it heatedly in the store. When her old nanny heard about it, she said, “This is all retribution!”

Xue Renai just said lightly: “It’s all in the past.” Although she didn’t mention it again, she often bought newspapers and asked Bao, the most literate among the three children, to read to her. As soon as I thought about it, when A Bao stumbled and recited, there were still many new words that he didn’t know, and he asked Xue Renai: “Grandma Xue, what is elopement? Is it called elopement if you disobey adults and run out to play in private? Then I will be with A Guang every day. Elope with Shanshan!”

Xue Renai burst out laughing, feeling more relieved. He never let the children read this kind of newspaper again. Instead, he said to the old woman: “Don’t dirty the children’s hearts and eyes. This This old guy deserves to meet his fate.”

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