Rebirth Of An Old Woman Becomes A Thief Chapter 41:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Rebirth of an Old Man Who Becomes a Thief!

If the first few articles published by Chen Yibing were just fun articles that caused some commotion, then her articles will gradually become like a serial and slowly show her life at Condon University and her views in In front of readers, especially the patriotism and encouragement of women’s rise revealed in her words, many new-school women particularly appreciate her.

At this time, a well-known writer in another newspaper published an article called “The Rise of Women.” In this article, the writer mentioned that some women are rising recently. They have broad sentiments and a sense of concern for the country and the people that are not inferior to men. Unlike ordinary women who only think about themselves and their family, these strong women realize the importance of a prosperous country and a safe life for the people. This is a great blessing for China. !

The eldest brother saw this article and specifically read the signature: Yu Fei. He muttered to his sister-in-law: “This Yu Fei is quite knowledgeable. I only heard people say that he seems to be a particularly radical writer. I didn’t expect him to have such great feelings!”

The elder sister-in-law is an old-style woman with bound feet. She wears a coat and skirt at home. She sits on the chair next to the elder brother and is doing embroidery with a flower support. She listens to the elder brother talking to her, although she does not understand what he is saying at all. What, but I responded with a yes.

When the eldest brother saw such a wife, he didn’t mention these things anymore, picked up the newspaper and went out to find his circle of friends. Within a few days, an article about women’s rights by my eldest brother was published in the newspaper.

Chen Yiping didn’t even know about these things that happened in China. She still wrote her articles with great care, writing that she had made more friends through delicious food and sincerity, and that she had opened a shop in Kangton Town. A shop selling Chinese delicacies.

“Recently, I have canceled the Western food such as sandwiches and fried fish in the ‘food corner’, and instead added my Chinese roujiamo to my small shop. The two big pots of sauced meat are sizzling together. As it stews, the aroma spreads far along the century-old roads. I think that no matter which country in the world, food is the best medium to eliminate racial barriers.”

The price of the Roujiamo in the ‘Food Corner’ was very low when it was first launched. They offered a trial price. Chop up the stewed large pieces of meat and vegetables, pour the stewed meat soup into the steamed bun, and enjoy the meal. The Western students in Dun had never eaten such a food. The soup was overflowing with a bite, and the delicious braised pork seemed to melt as soon as it entered the mouth. It made people feel that it was so good that they would drop their tongues.

Chinese students studying in Kangdun often line up to buy these foods. It is like a dream to be able to eat the delicacies of the motherland in a foreign country, and the taste is so authentic.

The picky Miss Wen often comes here to buy food. When she ate Roujiamo for the first time, she was even moved to tears. It was so exciting to be able to eat such authentic hometown delicacies in Kangdun. It’s like returning to the motherland.

But when Ms. Wen learned that this small shop was opened by Chen Yibing, Ms. Wen’s feelings were particularly complicated. Thinking of the excitement of eating the delicious food in the ‘Food Corner’, she instantly felt a lot colder, because she was so looked down upon Chen Yiping.

When she didn’t know it before, Miss Wen felt proud every time she saw so many Westerners queuing up to buy Chinese delicacies. Even the Chinese students around her felt that this was spreading the word about Chinese delicacies and It is a good thing to promote China’s reputation. As Chinese people, we all feel that we are proud of it.

But when Miss Wen knew that all this was done by Chen Yibing, whom she despised, she became silent. When everyone praised the ‘Food Corner’ in the future, she didn’t say much.

Not long after, Chen Yiping’s article in a domestic newspaper gradually spread among Chinese students. Everyone was guessing who this ‘foreigner’ was. Later, I saw the article written that he opened in Kangdun. People who knew about Chen Yibin in gourmet restaurants and had worked as cleaners immediately guessed that this ‘foreigner’ was actually the Chen Yibin who was secretly despised by everyone, the ex-wife of Lu Yunhe!

Many people who originally despised Chen Yibing and was abandoned by Lu Yunhe gradually changed their views on her. They thought Chen Yibin was very powerful, but there were still some people who curled their lips and said: “Oh, that woman, I know, was abandoned by Lu Yunhe.” That ex-wife!”

She was unaware of the changes that Chen Yibing had brought to the people and things around her. She managed her life in Kangdun seriously, and she cherished all of it, so she lived a very practical life.

Summer is coming soon, and the ‘Food Corner’ has already established itself in Condon University. Every day, many students come here to pack a delicious meal. Some eat while walking, and some simply eat in the store. The store also provides free soup and water, and several servants of the Huang family are also very enthusiastic towards the guests. Although they are servants, Chen Yibing also offers them a performance commission salary, which makes them more enthusiastic about work.

Chen Yiping’s original intention of opening a shop was not to make money, but because he couldn’t stand eating fish and chips every day, so why not open a small shop by himself, and if there are students with the same taste, he would also protect them from Shaffer’s dark cuisine of poison. It was beyond her expectation that the ‘Food Corner’ was so popular now, not to mention that it had indirectly spread the delicious image of Chinese cuisine in Kangton Town. This was something she had never expected.

After the scary and dark exam month of May, June ushered in the classic June Dance of Condon University. Every June, a large number of students graduate from Condon University, so this event The June dance is also their senior prom.

Huang Mude and others are one of the students who graduated from the June Ball. On the day of the ball, Chen Yibing wore a light green short-sleeved cheongsam, which looked like a cool summer. After life gradually got on track, Chen Yibing put herself Keep your complexion more pleasant.

With the smoothness and joy of life, coupled with her own open-mindedness, her whole figure is like a pearl that is gradually brightening, her temperament is gentler, and her eyebrows are more “suitable”. She is still not as beautiful as Susanna. Huang Weitian is delicate and pretty, but when people set their eyes on her, they will be infected by the calmness and joy she exudes from the bottom of their hearts, making people unable to look away from her.

What Chen Yibing didn’t expect was that she would meet Lu Yunhe at the June Dance. Lu Yunhe obviously saw Chen Yibin. He was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Yibin with a particularly incredible look. He did not expect that Chen Yibin had become more beautiful.

She was even more beautiful than she was at the last dinner party that he didn’t want to think of. This time, Chen Yibing seemed to have been completely transformed. Her whole person seemed to be exuding a soft radiance. If this When Lu Yunhe was asked to use those romantic poems to describe her, he might say that she was “like a pearl that was finally polished out. After all the hard work, she finally achieved her own brilliance.”

Lu Yunhe and Chen Yibing have not seen each other for nearly a year. During this year, Lu Yunhe was crazy about Gu Sinong in China. However, because of the dinner that changed everyone’s destiny, Gu Sinong thought about that every time. I couldn’t let go of the embarrassing scene, and at the same time I didn’t want to see Lu Yunhe again.

Gu Sinong followed his father’s arrangement and followed him to visit Master Xu Guanghong’s home. At the same time, he met his eldest son Xu Weichang. As soon as they met, she was beautiful and talented and attracted the attention of the shy Xu Weichang, but But I didn’t hear any follow-up from the Xu family.

Gu Weimin took Gu Sinong to the Xu family. In fact, the two fathers knew what was going on, but Xu Guanghong didn’t mention the joke again, so the matter was shelved for the time being. This was a bit unacceptable to Gu Sinong. She had always been proud of her appearance and talents. Although she often thought that her talents were not inferior to those of men, she was also quite proud of her good looks and graceful figure. The great talent Lu Yunhe fell under her pomegranate skirt. He didn’t expect that she would fail in such a meeting that implied a mutual admiration!

This made Gu Sinong even more depressed. At the same time, Gu Weimin was also knocked down by a series of blows. Although he returned to China and took a job in the Ministry of Justice, his status was much worse than before. Not to mention, Unfavored by the current president, repeatedly frustrated at work, and unable to get ahead, his family expenses were also shrinking, which made him feel difficult. Under such circumstances, he fell ill.

The news that Gu Weimin fell ill soon reached the ears of the attentive Lu Yunhe. Lu Yunhe immediately came to visit with gifts. Although Gu’s parents gave him a cold look, Gu Sinong’s aunt was Gu Weimin’s favorite The woman was quite enthusiastic towards Lu Yunhe, which warmed up Lu Yunhe’s heart, which had been cold for a while, and he came to Gu’s house more frequently.

Gu Weimin said that Aunt Gu should not be so enthusiastic about Lu Yunhe, saying that she was very angry because of him when they were in Shafer. Auntie knew that Lu Yunhe and Gu Sinong had socialized before, so Auntie said: ” Nong Nong is not young anymore, and arrangements have to be made for her younger brothers and sisters. If she doesn’t get married, how can Siling and the others get married? Besides, I think this Mr. Lu is equally good in talent and character. Why? Can’t you let go of the old worries and think about the future?” Gu Weimin’s resistance was reduced a little with these words, but Gu Sinong still ignored Lu Yunhe.

Under this situation, Lu Yunhe was also a little discouraged. At the same time, he received a letter from Huang Mude, writing that the graduation prom was coming in June. If he persisted in his studies last year, he would join everyone this year. graduated.

Lu Yunhe was unable to graduate due to the interruption in his studies, but he also wanted to go back to Kangton. While relaxing and thinking of his friends in Kangton, he decided to attend the June Ball. Only then did I meet Chen Yibing, who was also attending.

When Chen Yibin saw Lu Yunhe, she ignored him and pretended not to know him. However, Lu Yunhe thought that as a man, he should be more generous at this time, so he walked towards Chen Yibin.

What he was thinking was that he did owe something to Chen Yibin in the matter of divorce. He could only say a few words to her second brother. After all, this marriage was also a divorce, and Lu Yunhe actually still had advantages. Yes, as a delicate poet, he is quite enthusiastic when he has no prejudice against a person. But if Chen Yibing had not divorced him today and was not so self-reliant, Lu Yunhe would still not be so enthusiastic. .

Lu Yunhe walked over and said, “Jiahe, I feel relieved to see you so well.”

Chen Yiping nodded; “I’m fine, thank you for your concern.”

A circle of Hua Xia classmates gathered around them. When they saw the two of them standing together and talking, they looked at each other with appraising and gossiping glances. Chen Yibing particularly hated this kind of gaze, because even if she was as calm as she was, she would Thinking of those contemptuous looks and subtle looks in my previous life.

She told him very clearly: “I am living a good life. You don’t need to worry about me. I know you are living a good life too. Since we are both very good, there is no need to be polite here. I also I have no obligation to stand here and chat with you to fulfill your hypocrisy. I hope that from now on you will treat me as a stranger and I will treat you as a passer-by.” After that, he walked away with the wine glass.

Lu Yunhe, who was left behind, was a little embarrassed, but he smiled and said to himself: “Jiahe still can’t let go.” He turned around and left.

Huang Mude was about to graduate. He drank a little too much. After greeting everyone, he came over to say a few words to Chen Yibin and said: “I read your article published in China, Yibin, and I didn’t think of you. With such great feelings, I will return to China. A domestic newspaper has asked me to be the deputy editor. I would like to write for you. What do you think?”

Chen Yiping said: “I currently only have enough time and energy to write one manuscript, and I can’t afford any more. After all, I am not a professional writer. I just write down what I feel and understand at Schaffer. ”

Huang Mude: “Women like you are really rare. I have also seen new-school girls. Although they have learned a lot of knowledge, have high academic qualifications, and even know many skills, they still limit their sights to having fun or In the family, you are the only one with such a long-term vision. When I read your article, I feel like there is a faint strength in my heart.”

Chen Yibing: “You are being too modest. I think these are related to my life experience. After all, not every woman is like me. I am the first legally divorced woman in China.”

Huang Mude was not angry when he saw that he could not get an appointment with Chen Yixing’s manuscript. He only said that he must be his first priority when there is an opportunity in the future.

Chen Yiping smiled and responded: “Definitely.”

Chen Yibing’s mood was a little affected because she met Lu Yunhe. In addition, these Western classmates at the dance got a little out of control and drank so much that she wanted to go back with the eldest lady and Huang Weitian, but Huang Wei Tian was having a good time, so he didn’t go back with her. When Huang Weitian went back in the evening, he threw her a note and said, “This is what Lu Yunhe asked me to give to you when I came back.”

Chen Yiping frowned and opened the note, and it turned out that the note was written with a pen: “”Resolving Marriage Grudges”, now the worries are relieved, let go of the face and smile, meet happily, shake hands and work together, there is a lot of joy and laughter, Laughter resolves marital grudges.”

I am so angry with Chen Yixin that he will not be allowed to publish an announcement in the newspaper announcing their divorce, but he wrote a poem to her to celebrate the divorce? After tearing up the note, he washed it down, drank another glass of water, and then he slowly calmed down and said to Huang Weitian: “Ignore him from now on. If I get involved with him, my life will be shortened.”

Huang Weitian stuck out her tongue, feeling that she had caused trouble. She apologized a lot, and then she saw Chen Yibing change her smile, and she went back to sleep with peace of mind.

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