Rebirth Of An Old Woman Becomes A Thief Chapter 32:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Rebirth of an Old Man Who Becomes a Thief!

After the eldest lady took a bite, she instantly felt that her mouth seemed to be occupied by a smooth and delicious taste. The meat was so smooth and elastic that she couldn’t get enough of it even after chewing it for several bites. The wonderful taste brought by the black pepper particles makes this beef tenderloin a wonderful enjoyment in your mouth.

The eldest lady swallowed it reluctantly, picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth casually, and said: “The craftsmanship is okay, but not as good as my chef.”

Chen Yibing originally wanted to ask her if she wanted more, but in an instant she changed to: Haha. Then she happily ate it on the small table, feeling that she had not prepared it in a hurry, otherwise it would have been more delicious if the ingredients were more complete.

After being tortured by the bad food at Condon University for two days, she was already grateful to be able to eat Chinese delicacies.

The eldest lady watched Chen Yibing finish the plate of meat, thinking that she must find a different chef to cook for her tomorrow! It must be more delicious than what this Chinese cook makes!

Early the next morning, Chen Yibin got up early and planned to go to St. Ivan College to have breakfast. As soon as he went out, he saw the eldest lady sitting on the sofa dressed up. When she saw Chen Yibin coming out, she immediately got up and followed her. When they left the dormitory together, Chen Yiping turned around and asked her, “What do you want from me?”

The eldest lady said: “I also want to go to St. Ivan’s College to have breakfast, drop by.”

Chen Yiping thought about the bandage on her foot last night and that it was difficult for her to walk, so she didn’t care too much about it and said proactively: “Then let me take you there?”

The eldest lady nodded her head reservedly and sat on the back seat of Chen Yixing. The eldest lady wore a dark blue knee-length skirt today. The hem of the skirt was slightly wavy in the wind along with her sitting posture. The weather in Kangton in September is slightly cool, but the air is fresh with the fragrance of grass and flowers. The campus is full of students rushing to class, and the sun is rising in the sky. Everything is so beautiful. The eldest lady feels that she is in a good mood today. fine.

The two of them had dinner in the cafeteria, and Chen Yibing took her to class. When she was leaving, the eldest lady suddenly grabbed Chen Yibing’s sleeve and said, “I will finish class at eleven o’clock, remember to come on time. I don’t want to wait too long.”

When Chen Yiping heard this, she said with a smile: “I made an appointment with someone for dinner after class, I’m afraid you have to go with someone else.” She was not sick at all, and the young lady from the Duke’s family had nothing to do with her. , just being a good roommate, not her servant.

When the eldest lady heard this, she felt angry, but when she thought that she was asking for something from someone, she suppressed her temper and said: “Please come and pick me up.”

Chen Yibing laughed, feeling that there was really no need to argue with her, and said cheerfully: “Okay, if you treat me as a friend, I will treat you as your friend. I will rush to you after class. Please wait for me for a while.”

The eldest lady looked at Chen Yibing’s handsome figure quickly disappearing from the field of vision. The anger just now suddenly dissipated. Instead, she was thinking about what she said just now, “I treat you as a friend.” The eldest lady thought to herself, from childhood to adulthood How many people are clamoring to be her friends? Misses from the Earls, Viscounts, and even royal princesses all say they are her friends, but they just take a fancy to the powerful strength of the Bilson family. Besides, she is How could the eldest lady of Duke Baiersen’s family be friends with a commoner!

The eldest lady walked to the classroom with her head held high. She thought to herself: Who wants to be friends with such a rude person? He still wears pants like a boy, but he still has such ugly pants, and he can cook by himself. Civilians, who wants it!

But after class, the eldest lady still waited obediently until Chen Yibin came to pick her up. Chen Yibin sent her back to the dormitory and was about to leave. The eldest lady said something rare: “I changed a new chef at noon. She brought a lot of food with her.” I can’t finish the ingredients myself, so you can come too.”

She felt that the last time she said something like this was when she was six years old and invited a friend she often played with to her home for snacks. However, the friend came once and then never came again. Because her mother said that he was a gardener’s son and was not worthy of playing with her.

Chen Yibing refused because she had a date with Huang Weitian. The eldest lady looked a little unhappy. Chen Yibing said again: “Save some for me to eat at night.” The eldest lady’s expression improved a lot.

When Chen Yiping came back from the library in the evening, she found that there was really a very magical thing left for her in the kitchen… something like apple pie. The reason why she could still recognize it as apple pie was because she smelled the apples in the kitchen. Taste, but why is there a ring of cod in the apple pie that looks at her with its mouth open! Can you imagine the taste of apples and cod?

Chen Yiping’s head was covered with black lines. Just when she was wondering if Miss Baiersen was teasing her, the eldest lady said proudly: “This chef is the most authentic chef in my family. I Everyone in the family especially likes to eat her cooking.”

Chen Yiping was speechless for a moment when she looked at the cod’s mouth, which seemed like the sky was speaking. She asked tangledly: “Don’t you think the taste of cod and apple is strange?”

The eldest lady: “This is my chef’s favorite work. Every time my family celebrates Christmas, this is a dish she must make.”

Chen Yiping: I am completely speechless. But under the eldest lady’s enthusiastic gaze, she reluctantly took a fork and took a bite of the cod at the least part, and ate it in her mouth. The texture, the smell of apples and cod mixed together was something Chen Yibin would never forget.

At this time, she saw two remaining potatoes next to her. As if she was seeing a savior, she immediately washed the potatoes and cut them into neat piles of shredded potatoes as quickly as possible. Soak it in cold water and pour oil into the pot. Because the seasoning is incomplete, I simply stir-fry it over high heat for a few times. After taking it out and taking a bite, I feel that the potato shreds have not been soaked for a short time and are still a bit soft. But the eldest lady tried it. After one sip, there was no sound for a long time.

Later, when Chen Yiping came back in the evening, he could often see neatly arranged ingredients in the kitchen, such as potatoes, carrots, onions, beef, mutton, etc. Although there was only a little of each, there were quite a lot of them together. When I asked the eldest lady what was going on, she always said it was the leftovers from lunch. But every time Chen Yibing made something in the evening, the eldest lady would always quietly take a bite, two bites, or a small bowl…

Finally at the weekend, Chen Yibin and Huang Weitian returned to the Huang Mansion together. This time Chen Yibin brought a bunch of ingredients to school, especially various seasonings, soy sauce, vinegar, peppercorns, aniseed, dried shiitake mushrooms and the like, because yellow The mansion purchases from China all year round, so she took away a lot of it without any ceremony. She was really frightened by Kang Dun’s horrible food this week, so she also took away a small bag of rice.

Have a day off at the Huang Mansion and prepare to go back to school early the next morning to read and study. Originally Huang Weitian was lazy and planned to leave later, but seeing Chen Yiping working so hard, she also became motivated to study. Mr. Huang Looking at the two of them, they smiled and always said that the two of them should be good, little sisters, and get along well.

The housekeeper sent someone to carry a lot of food to the car, and the two of them went back to school together. But when they were halfway there, they saw a car parked on the side of the road, and a man got out of the car. The driver, when he saw their car approaching, he rushed over and stopped in the middle of the road, shouting: “Help! Help!”

The driver of the Huang family was so frightened that he braked the car urgently, breaking out in a cold sweat on his back. The driver got out of the car and wanted to curse, but the old driver on the other side anxiously shouted: “This kind gentleman, please Please help my wife, there is something wrong with my car, please take her to the hospital in the city!”

The driver of the Huang family went up to take a look, and sure enough there was an old lady lying in the car. The old lady seemed to be ill and had been vomiting. There was a sour smell in the car. The driver and Huang Chen reported the situation. Chen Yiping asked Huang Weitian not to get out of the car. She went down to take a look, but Chen Yiping found that the old lady seemed to be Professor Cavendish, whom she had a relationship with once?

“Who is this?”

The old driver immediately said: “My family is the Cavendish family, and my husband now works in the Ministry of Finance.”

When Chen Yibing heard this, she knew that she was indeed a match. She had no doubt that he was there, so she quickly got in the car to check his condition. She also experienced old age in her previous life, and even stayed in bed for several years. Her ancestors once practiced medicine, so she was interested in him. He still knew a little about geriatric diseases. After looking at the old lady’s symptoms, he found that it didn’t look like the kind of disease that meant he couldn’t move. Then he told the driver of the Huang family: “Move to our car. This is Cavendish.” Professor, help her quickly.”

At this time, Huang Weitian also came down. Chen Yiping told her the situation. Huang Weitian was also extremely anxious. A group of people quickly moved the old lady into the car and quickly drove back to the city.

Although Chen Yiping’s ancestors were doctors, her family’s medical skills were passed down from male to female, so she only knew some daily health and dietary prescriptions. The dietary prescriptions were given to her by her mother-in-law. The chef who makes medicinal meals knows a little bit about it because she eats it often.

Seeing the old lady Cavendish in pain in the car, they had no choice but to drive to the hospital quickly. In the car, their old driver said angrily: “I drove there before. Several cars did not stop. This is still a country of gentlemen and ladies. When did people’s hearts become so cold!”

The old driver was very grateful to Huang Weitian and Chen Yibing, and asked them carefully about their names and addresses. Huang Weitian said that it was just a simple task, and there was no need to thank him for anything. A student from Condon University met Cavendi Professor Xu will help.

But the old driver was particularly moved. He was a standard Schafer gentleman and kept praising Huang and Chen for their kindness. When he saw Huang Weitian, he didn’t say anything and stopped asking. In a hurry, he just remembered the Huang family. If you ask their husband to check the license plate number, you can still find out who owns it.

Huang and Chen took the old lady to the hospital and ward. Seeing that there was no need for their help, they rushed back to school. When they arrived at school, it was already very late. Huang Weitian said that they would go out to eat. No more fish and chips.

When I returned to the dormitory, I found that the eldest lady had just come back from home, and ordered the servants to come and move a lot of things. Because the dormitory was too small, she was very distressed. While the servants were tidying up the room, they put the fried lamb prepared in the evening The row was placed in front of her.

Chen Yibin used the leftover mutton slices from making mutton chops for the eldest lady, took out the natural and pepper that he had just brought from Huang Mansion, etc., and quickly fried a plate of cumin mutton. Because he didn’t have time to make rice, he had to Use bread and snacks as staple food.

As a result, the eldest lady looked at the cumin mutton that Chen Yibin and the others had just fried, and was very unhappy, especially when she saw that Chen Yibin was very enthusiastic about Huang Weitian. The two of them were sharing the dishes on the same plate, even though they knew that It is a Chinese custom, but the eldest lady feels that Chen Yibing is not that enthusiastic about her!

Coupled with the special aroma of cumin mutton, the eldest lady suddenly felt that the pan-fried lamb chops on the plate did not seem so delicious. The eldest lady said to the chef: “Go and make two more Give each of them a share.”

When the chef was about to do it, Chen Yiping quickly stopped her. Now she was frightened by Shafer’s ‘delicious food’. She felt horrified when she thought of the taste of apple cod pie. Then one day the chef at the eldest lady’s house She also made an apple and lobster pie. Seeing the lobster inserted in the middle of the apple pie and showing its teeth and claws, Chen Yiping once again set a new limit for Shaffer’s food.

Chen Yibing thought that she usually brought a bite of the food she cooked at night, so this time she shared some with the eldest lady. The eldest lady was satisfied when she saw that she had shared some dishes, so she did not mention her chef again. Add more food.

Huang Weitian looked a little unhappy. She always acted coquettishly in her daily interactions with Chen Yibin, and became more and more dependent on Chen Yibin, because she felt that being with Chen Yibin was very comfortable. , I feel different from my previous girlfriends, so I get closer to her.

But now seeing the way the eldest daughter and Chen Yibing get along, she always thought that with the eldest daughter of the Bilson family being well-known in the Schafer social circle, Chen Yiping and her would definitely not get along. Unexpectedly, seeing her now The two seemed to be getting along quite well. Huang Weitian thought that after all, Chen and the eldest lady were roommates. Maybe Chen wanted to get along well with her and didn’t want to be too stiff with her and affect her daily mood, so she suppressed the little discomfort in her heart. mood.

When the eldest lady ate the cumin mutton cooked by Chen Yibing, she felt a little proud and secretly happy. This secretive joy was probably because Chen Yibing was still thinking about her. Although she did not realize this, her own chef made it for her. She didn’t like the lamb chops after two bites. She didn’t want to come back so early, but after two days at home, she found that the dishes she was used to eating were not so palatable. She especially missed the dishes Chen Yibing cooked at night, so she packed them away. Things came back.

After dinner, the three of them went to the student activity room to socialize with everyone. After chatting for a while, a girl from Nangang suddenly said: “It’s so boring here. I’m tired of all those games and sports. Let’s have some fun.” New trick?”

Another Malay girl asked: “What are you playing for?”

The Nangang girl said: “Why don’t we come to play horse crane?”

The Malay girl responded immediately. Nangang people regard playing horse crane as a pastime. Not only married women like to play, but also these little girls like to play. The Nangang girl happened to take out a pair of ivory miniatures that she treasured. Together with Chen Yixing and Huang Weitian, the four of them started playing mahjong tiles in the activity room.

Because the rules of playing mahjong have regional characteristics, and these four people come from four places, in the end it was the Nangang girl who came up with a method that was acceptable to all four of them, and the four of them started playing with great interest.

Chen Yiping played mahjong, which was a way of socializing with rich ladies in her previous life. It is one of the entertainment skills that she must know, and she also likes it. Moreover, she is good at arithmetic. Although there is a bit of luck in playing cards, she also plays very well. , and later found out that she always won when playing mahjong with these three people, so she slowly started to lose her temper.

The four of them were playing in the activity room. Other students had never seen this Chinese quintessence. Some people were particularly curious and gathered around. Chen Yiping was giving water to his playmates, so he gave the people around him a rough idea while playing. After explaining the rules, a Jewish girl next to me said: “Oh, I remember. Last time I went home for Christmas, I found that my relatives have started to play this game. My mother is also very addicted. It turns out that It’s so interesting!”

Chen Yibing remembers that mahjong became quite popular in the West, and there were often mahjong competitions in the United States. When she lived in New York in her previous life, most of her mahjong friends were Jewish. Seeing this Jewish girl feel so emotional Interested, Chen Yiping quickly asked her to do it for him. The Jewish girl was already eager to try it. She was very happy to be on the table and started playing.

This group of Condon University students are all smart people among their peers. After watching it for a while, many people found it interesting. In addition, there is no problem of racial discrimination in such things like game tools, so everyone accepts them. It was so high that some people even asked Nangang girls if they didn’t have this kind of card yet and they wanted to play it next time.

The Nangang girl was very happy and said that she had another pair at home and would bring them over next time so that everyone could play together.

Soon this kind of game became popular in the student lounge of Rock Conner College. The teacher of the college later discovered this situation and studied it with the dean because she found that the students seemed to She particularly likes this kind of game and often plays it until midnight. She is worried that the students will become bored because of it.

The purpose of Luo Conner College is equality and openness. When the dean found out about this matter, he did not immediately deny it. Instead, he and the teachers studied it first. After they learned the rules, they even borrowed the Nangang girl I also played mahjong tiles in the lounge. After I got started, I realized that it was no wonder the students were so fascinated. It turns out that this game is so interesting! Later, the dean did not prohibit the students from playing, but he proposed that it must end before ten o’clock every night, and they were not allowed to play with things to lose their spirits!

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