Rebirth Of An Old Woman Becomes A Thief Chapter 26:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Rebirth of an Old Man Who Becomes a Thief!

Lu Yunhe’s hair style, which he carefully styled with hair oil, now had a few clumps hanging down awkwardly. He looked a little embarrassed. He lowered his head, and after a while he said: “After playing with all of us, we agreed to divorce. Did you just look at us like we were watching a play?”

Chen Yibing looked at him and treated Lu Yunhe with a sense of ridicule unless she was pretending: “Actually, the matter between me and you is very simple, but you are too irresponsible and always evade Responsibility, if you sit down and talk to me properly, with a sincere heart, how can I not fulfill you? No one can rely on anyone, even though I have no education…” When it comes to this, she laughed at herself He smiled and said, “But it’s not my fault to rely on you, the Lu family, not to leave. The Chen family can’t accommodate me, and it’s not like I can’t live on my own?”

Huang Weitian shouted at the right time: “You still have me and daddy, we will take care of you.”

Although Mr. Huang did not interrupt the whole thing, he showed his attitude by sitting next to his second brother. Maybe Gu Weimin would think that he was just a businessman and his status was not as high as that of an official, but he could With his business spread all over Southeast Asia, how can he be such a simple person? Gu Weimin was just a scholar who became an official, and he was just a bit sour.

Mr. Huang nodded after Huang Weitian’s words and said: “That’s right, Jiahe, I treat you as my own daughter.” He has obtained the approval. After this bank meeting, the Schafer government will There is a new announcement about the development of several small ports around Schafer City. These terminals are open to foreign investment, especially the Adrian Terminal, which has attracted much attention because of its geographical location close to the Financial City. The reason why this bank meeting is held in One of the main purposes of the Schafer meeting is to lobby these banks to locate their branches in small docks to promote the Schaffer economy.

If Adrian Pier really got a good investment, then the real estate he bought for 20,000 pounds would have increased in value several times in an instant!

Mr. Huang looked at Chen Yibing and thought about such a capable and lucky child. How he wished this was his child! On the one hand, he is optimistic about Chen Yibin’s ability. On the other hand, through his contact with her these days, he feels that Chen Yibin has a simple nature, knows how to repay kindness, and is very sensible. Mr. Huang gradually regards Chen Yibin as a junior.

So when Chen Yibin divorced Lu Yunhe, he spared no effort to help, and even gave Chen Yibin a set of precious jade jewelry to attend the dinner. He also told Huang Weitian to be friends with Chen Yibin specially, and Huang Wei The friendship between Tian and Chen Yibin has been warming up these days. Now that Huang Weitian has approved, Huang Weitian is even more sincere.

Chen Yibing understands these things in her heart and has her own standards. During the days she lived in the Huang Mansion, and the help of the Huang family and her daughter in divorcing Lu Yunhe, she acknowledged their feelings. .

The attitude of the Huang family made the second brother blush and feel extremely ashamed. The second brother stood up and walked to Lu Yunhe and Chen Yibing. He wrote a few words on the paper that Lu Yunhe had prepared: divorce document. He raised his head and faced Chen Yibing. Said: “Jiahe, second brother can’t help you, and it’s my fault that you don’t know people well. Second brother hopes you will be happy in the future.”

Then he wrote: “Now Chen Yibing and Lu Yunhe are officially divorced. Chen Yibin has been married to the Lu family for more than five years. She has been filial to her parents-in-law, given birth to grandchildren, and has worked hard and made great achievements. She has not made any mistakes. Because Lu Yunhe cares about others, he divorced his first wife Chen Yibing.” After writing this, the second brother paused and continued writing: “From now on, Chen Yibing and Lu Yunhe will marry men and women, and they will have nothing to do with each other, and there will never be any disputes. I am afraid they will have no support. , Let this serve as evidence. Witness: Chen Jiaxing.” Originally, the content of this kind of divorce-based certificate generally did not accuse the man or woman of inappropriate behavior, but the second brother thought that he really owed Chen Yibin, and Lu Yunhe This was really not a beautiful thing to do. After thinking about it, I felt that since things had come to this point, it would be better to make Chen Yibing feel happy, so I wrote as she said.

Master Huang said, “Let me also be a witness.” He signed his name on the back, and Huang Weitian followed suit.

Lu Yunhe looked at Chen Yibin. Not only did he lose his face due to today’s incident, he even got Gu Sinong in trouble. In the end, Chen Yibin said that he had not taken responsibility, which made him feel tight in his chest and like a lump in his throat. It was very He was so depressed that for a moment, he even felt like he was out of breath and wished he could die.

Chen Yibing picked up the pen, wrote down her name at the end, and said to Lu Yunhe: “You have spared me such a long time, just for this moment, come on?”

But when Lu Yunhe saw this divorce letter, he felt like he was going to vomit blood. After spending so much effort, when he was about to sign it, looking at Chen Yibing’s look of contempt and ridicule, he thought in his mind Many things between him and Chen Yibing were replayed like a revolving lantern. He had thought a long time ago that one day he would get divorced, how happy it would be, but he did not expect that when this day came, he would not be happy at all.

Furthermore, the sentence written in the divorce document said that Chen Yibing had no fault at all. It was Lu Yunhe who cared about others, so he divorced his original wife. Doesn’t the meaning of this sentence translate to: Lu Yunhe wanted to divorce his original wife because he found a mistress outside? , is it heartless and unjust to lose one’s conscience?

Seeing that Lu Yunhe was hesitating, Liu Yuezhao said from the side: “Zhijie, you should either stop signing this divorce document…” Once you sign it, your reputation will be damaged.

Chen Yibing saw that Lu Yunhe was about to back down again, so she said, “I don’t know when Gu Sinong will return to China? Let’s go see her off together?”

Huang Weitian also pretended to be happy: “Okay, okay, I also want to ask her for advice on how to write a love letter! It’s so embarrassing!”

Lu Yunhe almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. Now that he had finally eaten the evil he had sown, he picked up a brush and signed his name on the paper. He stood up and pretended to be cool and said: “From now on, the bridge will return to the bridge, and the road will be the same.” Let’s never cross the road back again!”

Chen Yibing didn’t even look at him. Lu Yunhe raised his legs and walked out. Miss Wen and Liu Yuezhao also wanted to follow him. At this time, the second brother took Liu Yuezhao into his mouth and said: “We still need Zhijie’s friends as witnesses. People.”

Liu Yuezhao signed his name on the paper with a pen, bowed his hands with everyone, and left.

This big drama has ended like this.


That night, Chen Yibing had a good night’s sleep. In fact, the divorce was successful. Not only Lu Yunhe breathed a sigh of relief, but she also resolved her dissatisfaction.

During the day, the second brother came. He probably hadn’t had a good rest. His eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes. The second brother said, “I didn’t expect that Lu Yunhe was actually with the girl from the Gu family…”

Chen Yibing didn’t know what to say to her second brother. She should comfort him. She still felt that she was not in the mood. After all, the harm he, her eldest brother and their relatives had done to her was real. The second brother in her previous life was worse than this one. It was much more serious. Even though she later divorced Lu Yunhe, her second brother still treated Lu Yunhe as his brother-in-law. He even took the initiative to help her divorce in this life. Should she be lucky? I’m glad my second brother has changed.

But she couldn’t feel happy at all, and said: “Second brother, if you didn’t see that my value is higher than that of Lu Yunhe these days, and see the achievements I have made, would you help me?”

The second brother was surprised: “Why not? You are my sister. Our mother-in-law only has you as a girl. You know how I have treated you since you were a child.” Yes, their mother-in-law. She is the only biological daughter, the rest were born to concubines, and she is not even close to her mother. But even so, she was raised by her mother to be like that useless person. Now that she thinks of herself in her previous life, she feels like she doesn’t want to look back. If she had stood in front of her now, she would have slapped her a few times, just to wake herself up.

Chen Yiping spoke softly, fearing that her voice would be too loud and cause emotions she didn’t want to arouse, such as crying. She said calmly: “You love me, my eldest brother loves me, my parents love me, and so do my younger brothers and sisters. Love me, all of you love me, but all of you let me stay in the Lu family and suffer, even if I was treated so cruelly by Lu Yunhe, even had a miscarriage, and was cold-violated? Second brother, after so many years,” to her For her part, this question has been hidden in her heart for more than sixty years. She did not open her mouth to ask it until her second brother died in his previous life. She was afraid that the answer would be too cold. She asked: “Second brother, do all of you really love me? Really?” Do you regard me as a relative? As a younger sister, older sister, or daughter? Am I actually an object thrown out by the Chen family?”

Chen Yiping muttered self-deprecatingly: “Because it’s an object, that’s why ‘the goods have been paid for and I am not responsible’?”

The second brother was extremely sad when he heard Chen Yiping say these words. The second brother was very difficult, as if his mouth was blocked: “I only want you to be good, and I thought that these marital problems would only be solved after this hurdle is overcome.” , life will gradually go smoothly, and you will have a safe and stable life. Although your husband does not like you, the love of your parents-in-law and the filial piety of your son will make your life better and better.”

This is a huge conceptual gap. It is something that Chen Yibing cannot tolerate. In the eyes of people like them, even in the eyes of the eldest brother, second brother and fourth brother who are well versed in Chinese and Western studies, these are not important things. , the important thing is that she married the Lu family, and she slowly made her life smooth and stable. This is what is important.

The second brother stayed up all night last night, thinking of the tearful letters that Chen Yibing once wrote, and of Chen Yibing’s understatement of her difficult life in Shaffer. Every time he thought of these, the second brother felt like his heart was He was so reprimanded that he couldn’t bear it and had to sit up from the bed to catch his breath.

His actions last night affected Wang Shouyun. Wang Shouyun came to relieve him in the middle of the night. The second brother said to him: “I am so sad that I can’t sleep. Suiqing, I’m sorry for Jiahe.”

Wang Shouyun comforted him and said, “I see that Yibin is very organized in her actions. She must have been thinking about divorcing Zhijie for a long time.” What he didn’t say was that Chen Yibin had made Lu Yunhe look like this. , and Gu Sinong, who is in love with Lu Yunhe, is not much better. With Gu Weimin’s pride, it’s hard to say whether the two can continue to be together.

He thought that Chen Yibing deliberately threw the check in Lu Yunhe’s face that day. Maybe she didn’t want to divorce Lu Yunhe right away, just to wait until everyone got together before divorcing, so that Lu Yunhe’s reputation would be ruined and everything would be ruined. Let me make it clear to everyone, she, Chen Yibing, has nothing wrong at all, it is all Lu Yunhe’s problem.

Although the second brother did not feel better because of Wang Shouyun’s words, he also said: “Jiahe has grown so much after suffering abroad for the past two years, alas. But she has been calm in situations since she was a child, and she is not inferior to men.” I really hope she is my younger brother, then my Chen family will have another good horse.” The second brother’s thoughts were confused, and the relationship between Chen and Wang Shouyun was not bad, so he just said what he thought in his heart.

Wang Shouyun smiled, thinking that now he was not a man, he was already better than a man. If he was really a man, wouldn’t it mean that he would not leave a way for men to survive. He also knew that Chen Jiaxing just needed someone to talk to, so he kept listening to his second brother talk about Chen Yibing’s childhood, as if this would make him feel less guilty.

The second brother finally said in front of Chen Yibin: “Jiahe, you will be free from now on and live the life you want.”

Chen Yibing thought, after all these years, she finally heard her second brother say these words, and she felt inexplicably relieved.

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