Rebirth Of An Old Woman Becomes A Thief Chapter 18:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Rebirth of an Old Man Who Becomes a Thief!

In fact, Chen Yibin didn’t think as much as the Gu family thought. She just sent the letter to Lu Yunhe to the residence of the Gu family and his daughter.

When Lu Yunhe came to visit Gu’s house that day, he saw Gu Sinong sitting on a chair looking unhappy. He quickly stepped forward and asked, “What’s wrong with you, my Nongnong, Let me guess, who made you unhappy?”

Gu Sinong tilted her head slightly, her long black hair resting on her shoulders, the girl’s slender neck was exposed, exuding a faint girlish fragrance, her eyes were like shining glass, emitting sparkling waves. Lu Yunhe felt that she was so beautiful and talented. Such a talented and beautiful girl was his lover, which made Lu Yunhe feel extremely proud.

He thought that Gu Sinong was just being coquettish and angry like before, and just needed to be coaxed, but Gu Sinong ignored him and gently pointed at the letter on the table.

When Lu Yunhe picked up the letter and read it, the expression on his face changed. He was a little twisted and slightly angry. He thought Chen Yibing was chasing him. When he opened the letter and saw the handwriting, he found that it was Chen Jiaxing’s handwriting, and his anger subsided. A little, but the arrival of this letter was like cutting a hole in a piece of black velvet cloth, instantly calling them back to reality from their sweet dreams.

“Nonnong, don’t be angry. It’s brother Jiucheng (the second brother’s name) who came to Shaffer and wants to have a little reunion with me.”

Gu Sinong: “Chen Jiucheng is your brother-in-law, of course you are happy.”

Lu Yunhe said; “I hope he is not my brother-in-law. I will be happier facing him this way.”

“Then how did he know you were here?”

Lu Yunhe couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to hold her tender little hand, but Gu Sinong dodged it. Lu Yunhe coaxed him and said: “I’ve been in and out with you recently, and I must have been noticed by someone with intentions, so Jiucheng Brother’s letter will be sent here.”

The expression on Gu Sinong’s face was even less happy, and even showed a look of melancholy. When Gu Sinong was angry, her mouth was raised, and when she was melancholy, her eyes were half lowered, and her eyes were always bright. The half of her fair face exposed in the sun, half hidden under her delicate heart, made Lu Yunhe fascinated.

Gu Sinong said: “I’m still a girl in my prime. You don’t want fame, but I still want fame.” As he said that, his eyes seemed to be filled with tears, and he turned upstairs. Lu Yunhe hurriedly followed, but She locked the door immediately, and no matter how much Lu Yunhe begged outside, he would not open the door.

Finally, Lu Yunhe held the letter and said to her: “Nonnong, I will never let you be wronged. I will definitely marry the media to be my wife, Lu Zhijie.”

At this time, Lu Yunhe heard Gu Sinong’s voice coming from the door: “Zhijie…” Then there seemed to be a sound of sobbing, which made Lu Yunhe feel a wave of heartache, and even felt a little psychologically towards Chen Jiaxing. Complaining, why not disturb the deep peace by sending the letter to his residence?

Lu Yunhe thinks, does it mean anything that Brother Jiucheng sent the letter to Nong Nong? Could it be that they knew about him and Nong Nong? He stood at Gu Sinong’s door again and made many oaths, pointing to the sky and the earth, before Gu Sinong in the room gradually calmed down. She finally said to him: “You go, I want to be quiet.” .”

Lu Yunhe was reluctant to leave, “I will accompany you, you lean on the other side of the door, and I will lean on this side of the door, as if we are leaning together.”

Gu Sinong did not object. Lu Yunhe stayed like this until Gu Weimin came back and was called to the study by Gu Weimin to play two games of chess. Gu Weimin did not mention Chen Jiaxing’s letter and only said: ” Although the young master of Brother Guanghong’s family is young, he is very responsible and I like him very much.”

Of course Lu Yunhe knew about his teacher’s son, and his heart twitched when he heard it. He knew what Gu Weimin meant. Gu Sinong and Xu Gongzi were of the same age and were well matched, didn’t they just happen to be married, but Lu Yunhe How could he be willing to let Gu Sinong be someone else’s wife!

Lu Yunhe once again assured Gu Weimin that he would marry Gu Sinong, but Gu Weimin did not answer the call. Instead, he said: “I plan to return to China early next month. President Duan ordered me to go back and help him draft China’s first constitution. In preparation for the promulgation, I thought that my old body could still make a contribution to the progress of China, so it was naturally my duty to do so.”

Lu Yunhe followed Gu Weimin’s words and praised: “The promulgation of the Constitution is a big event. In terms of legal scholars in China, Brother Zhengzong (characterized by Gu Weimin) is definitely the most powerful one in the world.” But he thought anxiously in his heart, Nong is about to return to China. He must handle Chen Yibing’s affairs before she returns to China. He can’t delay it any longer!

Lu Yunhe and Gu Weimin were good friends, so he called Gu Weimin Brother Zhengzong. However, even this did not stop Lu Yunhe and Gu Sinong from becoming a sweet couple. The love affair between Lu Yunhe and Gu Sinong happened under Gu Weimin’s eyes. Obviously he also knew about it. Gu Weimin didn’t stop it, so his attitude was basically visible.

Like Gu Weimin, he knew that Lu Yunhe had a wife and even knew Chen Yibin’s brother, but he did not stop his daughter from falling in love with Lu Yunhe. He also admired Lu Yunhe’s talent, so he was happy to see it happen. Attitude, because in their view, an old-style wife like Chen Yibin is really nothing. Even if she has some family influence, an old-fashioned woman with bound feet is really a representative of feudalism that should be abandoned by the times.

Gu Weimin said: “If you want to say that the first person in the country’s constitution should be Chen Jiaguo, why have you forgotten him? He is your eldest brother-in-law.”

Lu Yunhe said: “Although Brother Junru (also known as eldest brother) has made great achievements in law, his knowledge is quite complex and it is difficult to specialize in one area. Moreover, he prefers Confucianism and metaphysics. He only studies law but has no knowledge of it. Deep understanding and application of knowledge.” Although Lu Yunhe belittled his brother-in-law, his evaluation was still very objective. In fact, as a reborn Chen Yibing, if he heard his words, he would still admit it Although Lu Yunhe couldn’t handle family matters, his talent was indeed worthy of his reputation, but he could only afford it.

Lu Yunhe commented on Chen Jiaguo seriously. He did not feel at all that he had done something unreasonable by belittling his brother-in-law to gain Gu Weimin’s favor. Gu Weimin was also flattered by him and did not mention it any more. Then he played two moves.


Chen Yibing did not expect to see Lu Yunhe so suddenly, and was not prepared at all.

She and Lu Yunhe had not seen each other for probably more than 40 years. Lu Yunhe died early in his previous life. He died in middle age before he enjoyed any blessings.

But later on, their son A Guang grew more and more like him. By the time A Guang reached adulthood, he almost looked like Lu Yunhe when he was young.

It’s just that when Chen Yibing saw the living Lu Yunhe when she was not mentally prepared, she really felt like her heart was pounding.

Lu Yunhe was wearing a pair of suit trousers and a white shirt. He still had a middle-parted hairstyle. In Huang Weitian’s words, he used two ounces of oil for this hairstyle, which made his hair greasy. At that time, men did not think they were ugly, but thought they were beautiful. He put two arm rings on the sleeves of his white shirt, which were specially used to hold up the sleeves of his shirt. It was a popular dress for men nowadays. Lu Yunhe had always flaunted his foreign style, so naturally he had to wear it. Learn.

Lu Yunhe was sitting on the sofa in the living room with his second brother. Wang Shouyun led Chen Yibin up. When she saw Lu Yunhe, her expression was stunned, but Lu Yunhe did not get up and called her directly: “Jiahe, come and sit. ”

Chen Yibing took a look. Although Lu Yunhe was talking to her, he didn’t look at her. He still looked as if talking to her more would stain his eyes. Instead, her second brother looked at her and then at Lu Yunhe. , Wang Shouyun sat next to his second brother, looking a little embarrassed and saying nothing.

Chen Yibing glanced at the expressions of the three people, and then calmly walked to Lu Yunhe, not too far or too close to him, neither close nor immediately too far away.

After sitting down, she took a sip of the tea her second brother poured for her, and then said to Lu Yunhe, “Zhijie, long time no see.”

Lu Yunhe looked at her awkwardly and said, “I suddenly had something to do and left home. I asked Brother Zhan Qiu (Huang Mude) to take care of you. How about we stay together at home?”

Chen Yibing had sorted out her thoughts at this time, put away every bit of her sarcastic expression, had a light smile on her face, her eyebrows were curved to give people a smiling look, and her tone of voice was also extremely soft, which made People feel very comfortable. This was Chen Yibin’s standard posture when socializing in her previous life.

Chen Yiping said softly: “Huang Jun is very caring and has taken good care of me during my confinement many times. I am very grateful to him.”

When Lu Yunhe heard the word ‘confinement’, he didn’t mention it at all and said, “Then I’m relieved. He and I have been friends for many years and there is no need to see each other.”

Chen Yiping smiled and said calmly: “Why don’t you ask me why you are in confinement?”

Lu Yunhe’s face was a little tight: “Why are you in confinement? Didn’t you tell me about your pregnancy before when you were angry with me?” The implication was that although he was told She was pregnant, but he thought she was angry and making trouble, so he didn’t take it seriously.

Chen Yiping: “Why should I bet with you? Why should I bet with you if I tell you that I am pregnant?”

Lu Yunhe showed embarrassment and said, “I hope everything is safe for you. I won’t be bothering you these days.” Instead, he began to comfort Chen Yibin. He thought that if he gave in now, Chen Yibin should be as stubborn as before. Say no more.

Chen Yiping: “Why don’t you ask how our child was aborted?”

Lu Yunhe: “Jiahe, thank you for your hard work. I didn’t take good care of you.” He showed an attitude of admitting his mistakes, and held Chen Yibing’s hand on the sofa with one hand. The two of them were in contact. For a moment, Chen Yiping felt very bad and wanted to shake off the hand, but she didn’t, she endured it.

Chen Yiping: “Zhijie, why is it your fault?”

When Lu Yunhe heard what she said, he felt that Chen Yibin was really wise. Just as he raised the corners of his mouth, he heard her say again: “You abandoned me suddenly and didn’t even leave me any money to eat. I didn’t have enough to eat and I was scared. , the miscarriage was due to the fetal movement. Zhijie, your child was killed by you so willfully, did you know?” Her tone was still soft, as if she was speaking of love.

“How, how can it be possible? I didn’t have any money at the time, and what you have in your hand is all our money.” At this time, Lu Yunhe took a closer look at Chen Yibing, who still spoke softly, and saw that Chen Yibing was wearing white today. dress, and a wide-brimmed white hat on her head. There are two huge red silk flowers on the hat, which look real. She wears sparkling earrings on her ears. She looks exactly the same as when she was in the countryside. It was different, and this change surprised him a little.

Chen Yibing still had a smile on her face, and her voice was neither fast nor slow, teasing Lu Yunhe like a cat teasing a mouse, “Zhijie, the second brother is here today, why don’t you tell the truth in front of the family? , Aren’t you going to be the first legally divorced couple in China? Let’s make it clear in front of my second brother today.”

When Lu Yunhe saw his second brother, he couldn’t say what he wanted to divorce. After all, the Chen family had helped him a lot. Even his apprenticeship with Xu Guanghong was only possible because of his eldest brother and second brother’s introduction. In addition, the Lu family’s domestic properties were mostly taken care of by the Chen family. At this time, he was not sure what the outcome of the divorce would be in front of his second brother.

But Lu Yunhe was also quite surprised today when he found that Chen Yibing did not cry without any reason as usual. Today, Chen Yibing was not moved at all and she made him so embarrassed. She was worse than crying back then. .

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