Rebirth Of An Old Woman Becomes A Thief Chapter 142:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Rebirth of an Old Man Who Becomes a Thief!

After settling the real estate matter, Chen Yibin and Huang Weitian went to visit the old lady Cavendish. They had not seen each other for four years. During these four years, Chen Yibin continued to correspond with her. The old lady is now older and rarely goes to Condon University to teach. Most of the time she spends her time at home, reading books, planting flowers, and basking in the sun.

Ever since Chen Yibing sent her some exquisite Chinese embroidery in Pingcheng, the old lady fell in love with collecting Chinese embroidery pieces. Chen Yibing often sent her embroidery pieces as gifts during festivals and her birthday. The old lady always Very happy.

For a person of the level of Mrs. Cavendish, money is no longer a big issue. Not only did her husband leave her a large amount of property when he died, but the Cavendish family itself is a prominent family, so The old lady often gives Chen Yibin gifts in return. Sometimes it is an antique jewelry from the Cavendish family, sometimes it is some small ornaments, which Chen Yibin also likes quite a lot.

The old lady was extremely happy about the visit of Chen Yiping and Huang Weitian. The old lady put on her reading glasses and carefully looked at the two girls whom she had not seen for a long time. She said: “My girls, you have become beautiful. , nice to meet you.” The old lady had her hair neatly combed with silver hair behind her head, and her tone of voice was still unhurried, with a hint of aristocratic rhythm.

Chen Yixing and Huang Weitian sent gifts from China. Both of them brought embroidery. Huang Weitian said: “My embroidery is from two people who served the emperor and concubines in our country.” It was obtained from senior female officials who have been trained by the royal family since childhood and can embroider very exquisite embroidery.”

The old lady unfolded Huang Weitian’s handkerchief and saw two kittens playing with a ball. The two kittens were cute and lifelike, and the old lady fell in love with them immediately.

The old lady entertained the two of them to have snacks and tea, and chatted about the changes in their lives in the past few years. The old lady said with emotion: “It would be great if you could not leave. Sed is even busier than his father now. There is no one left to chat with this old lady like me.”

Chen Yiping said: “Then we often come to chat with you these days.”

The old lady clapped her hands and said: “Sometimes I think skin color, race, class, etc. are all external things. I don’t think these are important, but these things can only be realized when you are older. .”

Chen Yiping replied: “Perhaps in the future, people will not care so much about race and class, and there will not be much difference between nobles and commoners. Everyone is equal and can sit together and be friends.”

The old lady said: “I hope there will be one day.”

In the next few days, Chen Yiping and Huang Weitian often visited the old lady Cavendish. The old lady waited for her two Oriental children with expectation every day. Even the housekeeper said that the lady had changed in recent days. I feel a lot happier.

When Chen Yibin went there that day, she actually met Minister Cavendish. When they visited these days, they didn’t even meet Seid, because they heard that Seder was also very busy and often came home very late.

I haven’t seen Mr. Minister for several years, but he is still very elegant. If calculated according to Seder’s age, Mr. Minister should be almost fifty years old, but he looks like he is in his early forties. , with his blond hair neatly combed, he was wearing a white shirt and suit vest at home, and smiled when he saw Chen Yibin.

Chen Yibing even felt that Seder might look like this when he gets old in the future. Even in his old age, he would still be the most handsome and handsome middle-aged man among the Shaffer nobles.

Mr. Minister said: “Dear Miss Chen, I haven’t seen you for a few years. You are so beautiful that I almost can’t stand it anymore.”

Chen Yiping said: “Dear Mr. Minister, I’m afraid you have to call me Mrs. Wang, I’m married.”

The minister smiled: “Congratulations.” Then he also joined in the chat between Chen Yibin and the old lady, and listened to Chen Yibin talk about a lot of things in China, including the country’s current situation and so on.

Before leaving, Mr. Minister also gave her some gifts, which he said were for her and her family. He also said that he liked the snuff bottles that Miss Tobelson sent her last time. Those snuff bottles were very special. It was so exquisite that he couldn’t put it down, so he wanted to thank Chris for remembering him so much.

Seeing Chen Yiping refuse, he also said: “I heard that in Chinese etiquette, you cannot refuse gifts from elders.”

After hearing what he said, Chen Yiping had no choice but to accept the gift.

Later I heard Huang Weitian say that the hottest news in Schafer these days is that an aristocratic girl in her early twenties is pursuing Mr. Minister. The pursuit has become known all over the city, and Mr. Minister has even been forced to avoid his home. Huang Weitian also said: “If this is really successful, will Seid have to call a girl younger than him her mother?” The two of them laughed unkindly when they thought of that scene.

The next day, Chen Yixing and Huang Weitian went to France to visit Ms. Klein.

Ms. Klein entertained them in her new studio. Chen Yibin first thanked Ms. Klein for the wedding dress that she gave her at her wedding. She said: “This wedding dress is very beautiful. I like it very much. It gave me an unforgettable wedding, thank you.”

Ms. Klein and Chen Yixing have not seen each other for four years. Although they have always kept in touch by correspondence and telegraph, because the products of her perfume production line are very stable and have good sales, the things they usually talk about when contacting Chen Yixing are When it comes to work such as dividends and giving her money, Chen Yixing is a quiet investor, which Ms. Klein likes very much.

The three of them ate some French pastries in Ms. Klein’s studio. Huang Weitian only used a little politely. In fact, she was too scared to eat the eldest lady’s wedding cake a few days ago, so she drank a lot. black tea.

Ms. Klein then took them to visit her expanded perfume production line and newly prepared leather bag workshop. As soon as Chen Yibing and the others entered the leather bag workshop, they were infected by the strong atmosphere of work inside. I saw Ms. Klein’s design drawings and bag-making patterns posted on the blackboard in front of the workshop. Each bag-making master had an exact pattern card in his hand. A senior craftsman wearing glasses was working on it. Carefully cut the black lambskin under your hands with a knife.

After Chen Yiping and Huang Weitian visited the work process of the bag maker, Chen Yiping asked Ms. Klein about the output and cost of bags. After hearing Ms. Klein’s reply, Chen Yibin said that the output was a bit low.

Ms. Klein said: “I designed a bag before that sold well, but because of the good sales, the bag makers of that bag were still too busy. Only a small number of the master craftsmen could be used for the new leather bags. I plan to recruit some new people to join, but now I am suffering from insufficient funds and cannot expand production…”

When Chen Yipin heard this, he showed a professional smile and said: “Vivian and I are very interested in hearing what you continue to say about expanding production.”

Ms. Klein also showed a reserved smile and began to talk about how the first bag she designed sold well and how popular it was with French ladies. When she left the studio in the evening, Chen Yibin spent a lot of money to invest in Ms. Klein’s leather bag production line again. This time, because the investment was much larger than the investment in perfume, she also talked about profits and dividends for a long time.

After coming out, Huang Weitian said to Chen Yibin: “Jiahe, are you planning to buy this company gradually?”

Chen Yiping thought about the future development, thinking about the chaos in Europe during World War II and the interruption of this brand during World War II. She told Huang Weitian: “If the time is right, I can become the largest equity holder of this company in the future. This can still be considered.”

They stayed overnight in France that night, and the next day Huang Weitian took Chen Yibing to visit the “vogue” magazine where she had interned. Huang Weitian had been an intern here for a long time. She had a cheerful personality and was generous with her money. The ladies in the magazine had a good impression of her, especially Huang Weitian who had focused on consolidating her relationship with the magazine in recent years. The editor-in-chief Louisa’s friendship, every year on Christmas and Louisa’s birthday, she would send the editor-in-chief a gorgeous gift from ancient China. Over the past few years, Huang Weitian and Louisa’s friendship has been good.

Editor-in-chief Louisa knew that Huang Weitian was coming, so she specially invited them to sit in the office, and said to Huang Weitian: “I have read China’s “Linglong” and “Boudoir” magazines. Photos of you two ladies are often published in this magazine. I plan to make a ‘feminist era’ album in the next issue of “vogue” to record the clothes and thoughts of some powerful women and show them to our readers. I don’t know. Are you interested in being interviewed by our magazine?”

Huang Weitian and Chen Yibing naturally agree. It is the dream of many fashionable women to be in “Vogue” magazine. Huang Weitian was selected as the best-dressed woman in China by “Vogue” a few years ago. At that time, this piece The incident caused quite a stir among the ladies in Pingcheng, and Huang Weitian even held a party for it.

After Huang Weitian and Chen Yibing took several flat photos separately, they took several photos together. In front of the camera, Huang Weitian was wearing a gorgeous silk embroidered cheongsam, and Chen Yibing was wearing a professional woman’s trousers. , she wore a pair of lambskin high-heeled shoes under her light gray woolen high-waisted trousers, a silk turtleneck and lace balloon-sleeved shirt on her upper body, and the most popular long layered pearl necklace at the time around her neck. Wearing a c.c. sheepskin bag.

Huang Weitian sat on a large curved chair made of black cowhide leather and maple wood. Chen Yiping stood beside her, putting a hand on her shoulder, raising her chin slightly, and looking at the camera with squinting eyes. .

Huang Weitian said happily: “Fortunately, I haven’t eaten well these days and lost those few pounds of meat. Otherwise, I would have been so fat after being photographed and I wouldn’t have been able to stand my own ugliness. ”

After taking the photos, the two of them originally wanted to stay in France for two more days to wait for the photos to come out and see the results. However, they saw the Chinese newspaper from a few days ago at the Chinese ambassador in France. The front page headline of the newspaper “The Northeast warlord Xu Weihe was assassinated. Can Major General Xu Kaijiang successfully take over power?”

The headline of the latest newspaper is: “Song Dinghai disarmament, Zheng Yuanshan left the meeting angrily, where will the disarmament order go?”

Although the two ladies did not care much about political and military matters, they had been abroad for many days. Chen Yibin cared about Wang Shouyun, and Huang Weitian also missed her son Xiao Fubao, so they decided to return home as soon as possible. .

Boarding the ship again and leaving, Seid and Albert were the ones bidding farewell. Albert also pulled Huang Weitian aside and said, “You used to be a very discerning person, why have you become so good now?” No eyesight?”

Huang Weitian hummed and muttered to him: “Do you want to take care of it?”

Albert laughed at himself and said, “Yeah, I can’t control it even if I want to.” Huang Weitian was silenced immediately.

Albert said to her softly again: “Vivian, I won’t wait for you anymore, not anymore.”

Huang Weitian glanced at him. Albert has always been by her side since she was a child. They have known each other longer than she has known Li Shaoyong. They are very familiar with each other and are together. They were very happy when they were together, and they were taking care of and accommodating each other…but this alone was not enough.

Huang Weitian said: “Yes, I know.”

Albert reached out and rubbed Huang Weitian’s head, and Huang Weitian shouted unhappily: “Where’s my new hair!”

Not far away, Said and Chen Yibing were standing in front of the port. Said said: “Are you leaving now?” The sea breeze was a bit cold today. Said also wore a camel cashmere scarf, and the sea breeze ruffled his hair. , he closed it back with his fingers, but it did not damage his handsome face.

Chen Yiping said: “Well, there are too many things going on in China, so I have to go back.”

Sed said: “When will we come again?”

Chen Yiping said: “Maybe it will come soon next year or in a few months.”

Sed laughed and said, “Tell me what you said to Susanna.”

Chen Yiping said: “Believe me, I also hope to stay in Schaffer with my family and friends, but you know, this is impossible.”

Ced was silent for a moment and sighed: “Yes, we all know that this is impossible.” He looked at Chen Yibing, opened his arms, and said: “My friend, parting always requires A warm hug.” He hugged Chen Yibing.

Ced’s broad shoulders blocked the cold sea breeze. He lowered his head slightly, pressed his lips to Chen Yibing’s forehead, and then let go of her. He said: “Bon voyage.”

Chen Yiping smiled and said, “Okay.”

Sed took off the scarf tied around his neck and wrapped it around Chen Yibing’s neck. He said: “The sea breeze is a bit strong today.”

Chen Yiping felt the warmth brought by Seid’s scarf, and she said to him: “Thank you.”

Sed added: “I think we will get together soon.” He smiled. He was so handsome that when he smiled, some ladies not far away would exclaim. sound.

Chen Yiping said: “Goodbye, Said.”

Sed said: “Come on, the boat is about to sail, goodbye.”

Huang Weitian and Chen Yibing stood on the deck of the ship with the roaring whistle, looking at the crowd of relatives and friends waving to them on the shore. They were far away, but Chen Yiping could still see Said standing on the shore waving to them. , he was wearing a light gray coat, his tall and straight posture made him look taller, and his handsome face could still be vaguely seen.

Huang Weitian said: “Sed is really handsome. Although Wen Lan is also handsome, I have to comment objectively. Wen Lan still lacks the innate temperament of a nobleman compared to Sed. Ced also has a temperament of knowledge and accomplishment that has been accumulated in the history of the Cavendish family, which makes his whole appearance make a woman’s heart beat wildly.”

Chen Yiping rolled her eyes at her and said, “Then why didn’t you show your love to Seid back then?”

Huang Weitian said: “I’m just saying it from a purely appreciation point of view. As the successor of the Cavendish family and the only son of Finance Minister Shafer, how big do I, a yellow-skinned Chinese, have to be?” Do you have the courage to challenge it?”

She glanced at Chen Yibing and said, “Jiahe, didn’t you ever think about it back then?”

Chen Yiping said quietly: “Yes, have you never thought about it…”

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