Rebirth of a Star General Chapter 80: Competing for the flag, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the rebirth actress!

Seven days, enough time for He Yan’s leg injury to heal, although the injury on his hand is still not complete, as long as he doesn’t pull the crossbow and practice the spear or something, it will not hinder his daily work.

In these seven days of waiting, the day of the flag race finally came.

Liang Ping visited He Yan during the first night of the flag fight and asked He Yan how he was. He Yan was afraid that he would not let herself participate in the flag fight, and said hurriedly: “Very good, excellent, very good. Teacher Liang Do you want to do two tricks with me?”

Liang Ping thought about riding and shooting with He Yan before, so he couldn’t help but coughed lightly, “No, you can go up the mountain with you tomorrow.”

After he left, He Yan almost didn’t cheer.

Hong Shan smiled and said: “Now you have got what you wanted.”

“I don’t know what the fight for the flag is like,” Mai looked at He Yan and pleaded, “After Brother Ahe goes down the mountain, you can tell us word by word.”

“Don’t your brother also go up the mountain? Why just ask Ahe?” Hong Shan said.

“My brother doesn’t know how to say it.” Wheat curled his lips.

Liangzhou guards tens of thousands of recruits, of course, everyone cannot go to the mountains to fight for the flag, and moreover, they select people for the forward camp, and only select those who perform particularly well in the daily martial arts field. Both Mai and Hongshan can only be regarded as mediocre, and they are not competing for the flag. The only people in their room were Shishi and He Yan who were selected to go up the mountain.

“The injuries on your hand are not all healed.” Hong Shan worried for He Yan, “Don’t try hard at that time, you can run away if you can’t beat, you know? All Liangzhou guards know you are great and don’t care about disputes. Win or lose that time.”

“This way, Brother Ahe will suffer too much,” Mai said, “If it wasn’t for Brother Ahe who was injured, the first one would be Brother Ahe.”

“It’s okay.” He Yan said relievedly: “Even if I am injured, I will definitely be the first one.”

The others in the room laughed.

“Here again! Our Heda Challenger is going to set up a ring on the mountain again. Does anyone want to bet on dry cakes?”

“Got a fart, the last time you lost hasn’t been paid yet!”

He Yan’s heart was relaxed a little bit in the clamor. In fact, she may not have “fight for the flag” for a long time, and the memories of the last flag fight were not very good, and she was not the one who performed the most brilliantly. No one knows what the result was this time.

Compared with the result of the flag race, the most important thing is the performance in the flag race. If you want to enter the Nine Banners Camp, you don’t just look at the results this time. If you want to come to Baiyue Mountain, all the coaches are hidden in the dark, so you can have a panoramic view of each of them. The person who showed the strongest might have the opportunity to enter the Nine Banners Camp.

So, it is not so much a competition as it is a performance, and the audience is only one person from beginning to end, that is, the second son of Xiao. She had to work hard to win Xiao Jue’s favor by taking every step beautifully and thoughtfully.

She should be able to do it.


Outside the guard, Shen Han gave Xiao Jue his hand: “The governor, everything is ready.”

Green Ear kicked twice on the side, Xiao Jue stroked its head and said: “Let’s go.”

Shen Han nodded, and suddenly remembered something: “Master Cheng is over…”

“I have sent someone to protect him in the dark. Don’t worry.” He looked in the direction of Baiyue Mountain, “The hour is almost here, let them set off immediately.”

Shen Han responded: “Yes.”


He Yan came to the martial arts venue, did not see Liang Ping, but saw Du Mao, holding a booklet in his hand, and clicking the names of He Yan and Shishi, the two came forward and found Jiang Jiao and Huang Xiong and Wangba are also on the side.

“The five people who compete for the flag are in a group. You are in the same group.” Du Mao said: “After a stick of incense, you set out on foot from here to Baiyue Mountain. You cannot cross the mountain. Red flags are planted everywhere in the mountain. Before sunset, you You must return to this place.” After a pause, he said again: “There are 30 groups of recruits going up the mountain in this flag fight. After returning to this place, the number of red flags in their hands is counted, and the group with the most flags wins.”

“There are weapons on the weapon rack. Quickly pick a handy one. Bows and crossbows are not available. Fighting for the flag on Baiyue Mountain. Don’t hurt your fellow robes. Don’t hurt your robes. Don’t hurt your robes. Friendship.”

A few people nodded together.

Jiang Jiao chose the long spear he was good at, and Huang Xiong carried his golden-backed sword. Although Wang Ba was good at bows and crossbows, he could not use bows and crossbows in this battle. So he chose a crested axe and watched. She was also cool, the stone took an iron-headed stick, and everyone looked at He Yan, thinking that He Yan was going to take the mandarin duck knife, but she took a nine-section whip on the rack.

“You…” Stone hesitated. They all knew that He Yan was good at knives, bows and crossbows, and spears, but they didn’t know how she used the whip. A whip is not as good as a sword to look at the prestige.

“You’ll know when you get to the mountain.” He Yan smiled, “Let’s go.”

Several people each took their weapons and rushed towards Baiyue Mountain.

Du Mao laughed loudly behind them: “I’m here waiting for your good news, go, children!”

The birds in the forest were so startled that they flew around, and people disappeared in the blink of an eye. Ma Damei and Liang Ping came from a distance, each led their horses, and said to Liang Ping: “It’s almost time, let’s set off.”


Thirty groups of people, more than a hundred recruits are in Baiyue Mountain, like a fish into the sea, without seeing anything. Just stepping into the woods, Wang Ba suddenly said: “Wait!”

Several people stopped and looked at him: “What?”

“Someone has advanced to the mountain before us. What if they are lying in ambush in the forest at this moment and we step on the trap?”

“Don’t worry,” He Yan smiled: “The flag race has just begun. Everyone is busy grabbing the flag. We don’t have a flag in our hands at the moment. What’s the use of ambushing us. I guess everyone is heading to…Shannan at this moment. Walk next to Shiraishi.”

“Why Shannan Baishi?” Jiang Jiao asked.

“Stone, show them the map.” He Yan looked at the stone.

Stone took out a roll of paper from his arms and slowly unfolded it, but saw several red dots on the paper, all of which were in general directions. Each group of flag contenders will have a map. The map has the location of the flag, but only the approximate direction. The map is very scribbled. There are no trees and rivers to mark, only four directions: south, east, north, and west.

“Look, there are a total of twenty flags.” He Yan pointed to the bottom red dot, “The side closest to the foot of the mountain should be the side of the mountain. When recruits enter the mountain, they will naturally search for the closest flag first. , I want to be in my pocket. There is a small creek beside the white rock in the south of Shannan. It is wide open and there is no tree covering. This flag should be the best one to find. So I think most of the brothers who are more advanced than us are looking for this side. Flag.”

“How did you know that it was Shannan Baishi?” Huang Xiong was suspicious, “There is only one point on this.”

“I’m just guessing, but don’t worry. When I visited the mountain before, I remembered the way, so even if there is a deviation, I will find it if I look for it.”

“Didn’t you get chased by a wolf the time you patrolled the mountain before?” Wang Ba couldn’t help but said: “Do you remember the road?”

“Well, I also watched the road when I was chased by a wolf, and when I came back, I remembered it again, very familiar.” He Yan smiled and looked at him, “You have to trust your boss, there is absolutely no problem. “

Wang Ba heard this, turned his head in anger, not looking at He Yan.

He Yan laughed. It is necessary to remember the terrain and all roads on the battlefield. She once stayed in the forward camp. The most important thing is to find out the enemy and the surrounding environment at the beginning in order to judge the layout.

“Then what are we waiting for now? Go straight to Baishi, Shannan to grab the flag!” Huang Xiong carried the knife on his back, “How do you go?”

He Yan: “…” This is someone who doesn’t know the way.

“We are not going in this direction.” He Yan said.

“Why?” Huang Xiong frowned.

“At this moment, there must be a lot of people there who are grabbing the same flag. If you want to grab the same flag, there are too many opponents, which is not cost-effective.” He Yan shook his head, “Don’t join in the fun. Let’s go in this direction. .” She pointed to the opposite direction on the map, and there was also a red dot there.

“There are dense forests here, the road is very steep, and it is easy to get lost. I thought about it, unless it is someone who remembers the road clearly, it is difficult to find this flag. So it should not be easy to be taken away. In the past, take this flag first.”

“There are only twenty flags in total. I think we can win as long as we get more than half of them. So at the beginning, we looked for these hidden flags, but no one paid attention to them, so we could save some effort. What’s going on, it doesn’t have to be the strength of the hand, but here.” She pointed to her head.

Is this someone who has changed the law and praised himself for being smart? Several people are a little speechless. Huang Xiong asked: “Do you really remember the road?”

“It’s true.” He Yan blinked and said: “I won’t forget to pass by.”

The young man wore a strong red outfit. Although he was thin and weak, his eyes were extremely sly and agile. The sunlight that penetrated through the gap in the forest shone on him, making it appear that his whole person was shining.

“Fine, then go.” Wang Ba first said, “Hurry up, and you will be robbed by others later, fight for a bird!”

Stone and He Yan are in the same group. Naturally, they wouldn’t say anything. Jiang Jiao was younger, and he admired He Yan for the fact that he was better than a gun before, and he had no objection. Several people agreed that Huang Xiong, the oldest, didn’t say anything. The most important thing is that he is a road blind at all. If no one leads the way, he can simply spend three days and three nights inside.

So these five people unexpectedly agreed with He Yan as the head.

The five of them walked up the mountain together. Because there was no horse riding and the mountain road was rugged, everyone was worried that He Yan would not be able to keep up. However, seeing her light posture and a relaxed expression all the way, they gradually let go. Come to my heart, knowing He Yan’s physical strength, it should be no problem to climb to the top of the mountain.

And He Yan did as she said, as if he had walked the road of Baiyue Mountain countless times, keeping all kinds of trails in mind. She avoided every avenue that might collide with other groups, and walked exclusively on the trails. The road was a little harder, but the distance was much closer. Moreover, every bush that seemed to be roadless was smashed away by her. Walked out another way.

“You, you have to think more about everything,” He Yan sighed, “Does the road have to be straight? Can’t it be curved? Do people have to walk on the ground? Can’t learn gecko climb on the wall? Is it okay? The rule is that the dead are alive. With snacks, many things are not that complicated at all.”

Everyone: “…”

Huang Xiong said dullly: “I am forty-six this year.”

He Yan answered as he walked: “Yes.”

“You are only sixteen this year.”

The implication is, why should a sixteen stinky boy teach his elders? The elders have eaten more salt than you have eaten!

He Yan said: “But you still don’t know the way.”

Huang Xiong can’t answer these words. Who is this person?

As they talked, they turned over a mound and saw a small flag hidden in the bushes, standing alone on the ground.

“Found it!” Jiang Jiao’s eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to hold the banner in his palm, “Really!”

“I was really found.” Wang Ba murmured. Seeing the boy leaning on the tree, he said leisurely: “I said it earlier, I won’t forget when I passed by.”

When the supervisor hiding in the distance of the bush saw this, he walked two steps outside and whispered: “What’s the matter? Why was it found so soon?”

It stands to reason that the flag here is hidden deep and the road is not easy to follow. At the moment, most people should fight for the flag of Shannan Baishi. But at this hour, their group came straight here from the beginning, and they haven’t encountered any obstacles on the road. Did they…know in advance where the flag was placed?

“Leave it alone, and write back quickly.” The supervisor quickly wrote a few words on the note and sealed it in the copper tube on the dove’s leg.


In the guard room, black and white pieces are scattered on the chessboard, and some people are playing against each other.

A pigeon flew to the young man’s shoulder and groaned twice. The latter took the copper tube from its leg and took out the note to read it.

Shen Han looked suspiciously.

Xiao Jue handed him the note. Shen Han took it and took a look. After a while, he was shocked and said: “You found it so soon?”

“Unexpectedly.” Xiao Jue smiled, his eyes clearer, and he said: “At this moment, he went straight to this place early in the morning.”

There are twenty flags on Baiyue Mountain. The nearest side is next to Baishi, Shannan. Although someone has discovered it early in the morning, there are so many people who come to grab this flag, so far there is no winner. Instead, the one in He Yan’s hand became the first flag to be found, because no one came to grab it.

“He remembers the way?” Shen Han was suspicious. Even with the beginning of the mountain patrol, it is impossible for one to remember the road so well, and at the beginning, the recruits did not know the meaning of the mountain patrol, so they would not deliberately remember the road. It’s amazing to be able to remember roughly half of it.

“Not necessarily, maybe,” Xiao Jue said: “He just knew about today’s flag race in advance.”

I knew it in advance, I would deliberately write it down when patrolling the mountain, or think deeply, He Yan got the specific map of Baiyue Mountain from the beginning. So when you see the flag, you will know the specific location.

Shen Han frowned, “In that case, he is really suspicious. What should I do next?”

“Go on,” the young man smiled faintly, unhurriedly held the chess piece, “It is not over yet, the outcome is unknown, the end will be known until the end, no hurry.”


After He Yan found this flag, he took the other four people to continue walking up the mountain. Her path seems to be closer to other people’s roads, and occasionally she ran into other groups of recruits who couldn’t avoid it. Before the other party could find out, He Yan let everyone lie in the grass or behind the bushes. Meet them head-on.

Wang Ba is a bit dissatisfied. He is used to being the leader of mountain bandits. When will he be so fearful, he just said: “We are not afraid of them, what to hide? I don’t think you can hide, just go up and grab it!”

“It’s still early.” He Yan explained patiently to him, “The other recruits we meet may not have banners, but we do have them. Once a conflict occurs, winning won’t necessarily have trophies, and losing even the banners in our hands. Isn’t it uneconomical to lose it?”

Seeing Wang Ba still reluctantly, she unfolded the map in her hand to show Wang Ba: “I have seen it. As before, there are three flags hidden deep in the dense forest. We have already got one side. There are two other sides left. If you walk along this road, you should be able to find it smoothly. The last side is close to the top of the mountain.”

“We first get these three sides, and after we get these three sides, we will walk to the top of the mountain.” She said: “Wait to the top of the mountain, and then we will discuss the future.”

This reluctantly convinced Wang Ba, he said: “This is what you said, and there are two sides, if not,” he waved his fist, “I want you to look good!”

He Yansi was not afraid, and smiled and removed his fist: “You can’t be so rude to the boss.” She looked at the distance: “Let’s go.”

The sun is getting bigger.

Although the deep forest is not as hot as the bottom of the mountain, everyone is sweating profusely because of the rugged mountain roads. There are many birds, beasts, insects and ants on the mountain, and there are also a few snakes on the road. What is surprising is that He Yan is able to deal with these unexpected situations easily. Compared to Wang Ba, she is like the lord of the mountain. If you don’t know that He Yan is a recruit from Shuojing, I am afraid that others will misunderstand that she is. Orion native to Baiyue Mountain.

She didn’t lie either. Although the road she took was a bit bumpy, she was able to find the other two flags unimpeded. The last banner was taken by Jiang Jiao. Huang Xiong looked at the front and said with some uncertainty: “The front is the top of the mountain.”

He Yan nodded: “Yes.” She looked down the mountain, “We took the shortcut and looked along the way, and we didn’t meet any other group faster than us. If you want to come to the top of the mountain, we should This is the first one.”

Other recruits were busy fighting for the flag. They avoided other people on the way and only went to find the flag. It was very convenient and also saved a lot of time.

Wang Ba sat down under the tree, twisted the water bottle around his waist and drank a large sip of water, saying: “Along the way, he did nothing but killed two snakes. He took two axes for nothing. I said we This is to find something, not to grab something, right?”

Just avoiding other people looking for things like this, sneaking up and feeling aggrieved. Although Huang Xiong and Jiang Jiao didn’t say it, their expressions agreed with what Wang Ba said.

Stone opened his mouth and said: “You just need to be victorious, you don’t have to stick to methods.”

“Brother Stone is still smart,” He Yan said with a smile: “If you want to compete, why not go directly to the martial arts field to challenge. The challenge for the flag is not personal skill.”

She clapped her hands and looked at everyone and laughed again, “However, I never said that we should keep hiding here.” He Yan said: “Prepare everything.”

“What are you going to prepare?” Jiang Jiao was puzzled.

He Yan smiled slightly: “Robbery.”

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