Rebirth of a Star General Chapter 252: Father and son, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the rebirth actress!

After the beginning of spring, it didn’t snow anymore in Shuojing City, but the drizzle turned and fell non-stop, and the denseness seemed to have no end.

In the palace, there is no new year’s joy and vigor. Emperor Wen Xuan’s illness is getting worse, and the palace people’s expressions are heavy, and even with the spring rain, they are also infected with a layer of depression.

The door of the bedroom was opened, and the fourth prince Guangshuo walked out of it.

These days, he came to see Emperor Wen Xuan very often. The emperor Wen Xuan loved this son, and the servants were not surprised. Although he didn’t dare to talk clearly, the palace people secretly thought about it. Although it is now a prince, it is true that the throne will go to someone in the future. Hard to say.

In the sleeping hall, Emperor Wen Xuan was lying on the roof, looking at the bright yellow veil on the dragon roof.

In the past few days, he has made Concubine Lan not have to run to this side every day. It’s nothing else. I’m afraid that it will fall into the eyes of outsiders and spread some rumors. People’s hearts are unpredictable. If it was in the past, it would be okay, but now it is even difficult for him to go to court. I’m afraid he can’t protect Concubine Lan’s mother and son as well as before.

Thinking of Guangshuo, Emperor Wenxuan sighed again.

Guangshuo is excellent, has both ability and political integrity, and filial piety. Putting aside other things, if there is more decisiveness and coldness, he is a rare wise emperor of Wei. But it was because of his kindness and soft heart that Emperor Wen Xuan treated him differently—because of such Guang Shuo, he was like his own son.

Unfortunately, even so, Emperor Wen Xuan could not change the crown prince at this juncture and hand over the throne to Guang Shuo. Once he does this, the court will inevitably be in chaos. According to Guang Yan’s personality, I’m afraid it will immediately stage a scene of imperial children fighting each other and splashing blood in the hall.

If he were in his prime of life, he would still be able to suppress all of this, but he was already old. After these years, courtiers followed Guangshuo, followed Guangshuo, followed Guangyan, and everyone had it. He couldn’t control so much of his own mind, and he couldn’t control it at all.

But… after all, there is still a result.

The door outside made a slight noise, and Emperor Wen Xuan was taken aback, thinking it was a palace man, and then, Guang Yan’s voice rang: “Father…Is he asleep?”

The visitor is actually extensive.

With a mahogany basket in his hand, he saw that Emperor Wen Xuan who was lying on the collapsed was about to get up. He hurried forward, helped Emperor Wen Xuan to get up, leaned against the bed, and called out “Father Emperor” again.

“…Why are you here?” Emperor Wen Xuan asked. As soon as he spoke, he realized that his voice was strangely hoarse.

“I heard that my father was ill…” Guang Yan seemed to be a little nervous, “I want to go, or dare to enter the palace to see the father, the dragon of the father is healthy?”

It was the first time that Guang Yan was domineering and arrogant. It was the first time he showed such a panic and helpless look. Emperor Wen Xuan looked at him and suddenly sighed.

Since Xu Jingfu’s accident, Guang Yan hasn’t come to the palace much. Of course, Emperor Wen Xuan knew that Guang Yan had been close to Xu Jingfu in the past because he was afraid of being involved by Xu Jingfu and deliberately avoided the limelight. Emperor Wen Xuan was also angry at Guang Yan, and indeed because of Xu Jingfu’s relationship, he was particularly disgusted.

However, Guang Yan is his son after all, and his sons are not many.

So this is why Guangyan is still safe and sound. That’s because the people of Dali Temple got the dictum from Emperor Wen Xuan, and all the cases related to Xu Jingfu bypassed Prince Guangyan.

Seeing Emperor Wen Xuan staring at him, he didn’t know what he was thinking. Guang Yan was a little uneasy, and subconsciously went to uncover the mahogany basket, and brought out a small bowl of soup from it.

“Father, this is the simmering ginseng soup that the child minister went to the imperial dining room.” Guang Yan said anxiously, “Father, have a little.”

Emperor Wen Xuan looked at him, and for some reason, he suddenly remembered that when Guang Yan was young, Guang Shuo had not yet been born. He had only Guang Yan, the eldest son, who had sincerely loved him. Guangyan was only four years old at that time, and he was not as cruel and ruthless as he is now. He was still a little bit taller.

Queen Zhang gave Guangyan a bowl of sweet soup. Guangyan was reluctant to eat it, and ran from Kunning Palace holding the bowl all the way to the imperial study room. The nurse who came after him knelt down in fear and begged for mercy, and Emperor Wenxuan would hug Guangyan. On her knees, she smiled and asked: “What are you doing with this bowl?”

“Father,” the child didn’t speak clearly, and was a little vague. He lifted the bowl to his mouth laboriously, “This is delicious, Father, please drink a little!”

Emperor Wenxuan laughed loudly when he heard the words, “It’s hard for you to be young, but I think about me for everything, so I didn’t hurt you kid in vain!”

What is the taste of that bowl of sweet soup? Emperor Wen Xuan has forgotten. The laughter seems to be yesterday, but in a blink of an eye, Guang Yan has grown so big, the same as the one who would hold the bowl and fall on his knees. The coquettish child has no similarities anymore. He is also at a loss. After so many years, where did he go wrong that caused the situation today?

Emperor Wen Xuan took a deep breath and asked, “Guang Yan, what do you want to say about Xu Jingfu?”

With this bowl of ginseng soup, he still feels soft, and he still wants to give Guang Yan a chance.

Guang Yan’s heart jumped. I don’t know what Emperor Wen Xuan did. He just said: “I didn’t expect Xu Jingfu as the prime minister to collude with the enemy and treason… For so many years, the father’s trust in him has increased. Conspiracy, this crime is to be blamed!”

Emperor Wenxuan saw the dodge in his eyes, sighed invisibly, and shook his head: “When I was young, I read books, and the calligraphers were in charge of ministers, like hunters and eagles. I took them back and kept them hungry. Don’t be full, nor can you be hungry. Hunger will result in insufficient power, and full will lead to flying. Veterans such as Xu Jingfu in the middle of the country are just like full-bodied eagles. If you don’t like it, you won’t be afraid of punishment. Don’t be invincible for the great Wei.”

Guang Yan listened absent-mindedly, his eyes fell on the bowl of ginseng soup, and his mouth said: “The sons of the minister are willing to follow the instructions of the emperor. That Xu Jingfu is really hateful, and the sons are all deceived by him. Wei Erchen, if Xu Jingfu’s disobedience could be discovered earlier, the Utopians would not be allowed to succeed.”

Emperor Wen Xuan looked at him deeply, “Extending, it is better to sin oneself than oneself.”

The emperor’s eyes were muddy, but at this moment, he was extremely clear, as if he could see the soul of a person through his eyes. Guang Yan bowed his head abruptly, picked up the bowl of ginseng soup, and brought it to Emperor Wenxuan, and said with a smile: “Father has said so much, he must be tired. If you don’t drink ginseng soup, it will be cold. You should finish drinking the ginseng soup first. .”

Emperor Wen Xuan nodded his head when he saw that he was not as frivolous as he was in the past.

Guang Yan sat next to Emperor Wen Xuan, picked up the bowl, scooped a little with a silver spoon, and got to the mouth of Emperor Wen Xuan.

Emperor Wen Xuan was startled, “Don’t you try the soup?”

“Try the soup?” Guang Yan looked at him.

“Perhaps you have not served me with soup for a long time, and you don’t even know the rules for testing soup.” Even though Emperor Wen Xuan said so, his tone was still tolerant, “I have to try the soup first for four days. Over.”

There was a moment of panic on the broad surface.

He did not serve Emperor Wen Xuan in a long time, so he didn’t know that Emperor Wen Xuan was so sick now that he remembered to try the poison. I didn’t expect that even the food sent by Guangshuo would not be trusted by Emperor Wen Xuan.

But this ginseng soup…

His fingers trembled slightly.

Emperor Wen Xuan was originally just a joke, although there are many rules in the palace, but occasionally he does not keep everything. He wanted to say forget it, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Guang Yan’s pale face and his white fingers holding the soup bowl hard.

People have instincts at certain times.

The bowl of ginseng soup was boiled hot, and I left it for a while now, it was just warm, and a faint aroma could be smelled. But the appearance of the person in front of him is too nervous.

The emperor’s gaze became deep and secluded in an instant, and he slowly spoke, his tone unpredictable, “Guang Yan, you take a sip first.”

“Father…There is no other silver spoon here…”

“It’s okay, I can go and make people take it again. Now, you try the soup first.”

Under such circumstances, it was inevitable to evade it, so I had to pick up the soup, scoop a spoon with a silver spoon, slowly hand it to my mouth, and linger.

Emperor Wen Xuan looked at it, and his heart sank.

In the past, although he knew Guangshuo was tyrannical and innocent, he never dared to do anything to himself. It is also the flesh and blood of his own dearest relatives, and he also closed one eye to the virtues that are widely spread outside. Even if Xu Jingfu’s accident occurred this time, Emperor Wen Xuan still wanted to protect him. Even just now, before handing this bowl of soup, Emperor Wen Xuan was thinking about giving Guang Yan a chance. Before the last minute, the matter of changing the crown prince should not be mentioned easily.

But he never expected that Guang Yan would kill his father and the king.

“Why don’t you drink?” He said in a deep voice, looking at his strange son.

Guangyan gritted his teeth and was about to lower his head to drink the ginseng soup in the spoon, but at the last moment, he slammed the soup bowl away like a soldering iron and stood up all at once.

The soup bowl fell on the velvet blanket before it collapsed, and the whole side was spilled silently. Guang Yan regained his senses abruptly, only to realize how stupid he was just now. He trembled and looked at his collapsing father.

Emperor Wen Xuan looked at his gaze, disappointed, sad, and a bit colder than ever before.

“I don’t know,” the emperor said word by word, “The purpose of your coming today, it turns out that you want my life.”

“No, I didn’t—” Guang Yan denied subconsciously, “I didn’t do this!”

“I only need to look for an emperor to check it, and I will immediately know if it is.” Emperor Wenxuan looked indifferent, got up to collapse, and shouted: “Come on–“

“Father!” Guang Yan rushed over, covering his mouth, and said nervously: “I don’t have any son!”

Emperor Wen Xuan has been in poor health since these days. When he was thrown on by him, he lay on his back and Guangyan rode on it. He caught a glimpse of the collapsing cotton pillow and grabbed it without thinking about it. , Stubbornly covering Emperor Wen Xuan’s mouth and nose, there was only one thought in his heart: Don’t let Emperor Wen Xuan speak out!

The people under him are struggling desperately, but how does an elderly sick person compare to a man in his prime? The harder he struggled, the more ferociously Guang Yan’s expression became. He almost put the weight of his entire body on Emperor Wenxuan, pressing the cotton pillow tightly, like pressing a dying fish, and said shortly: “Don’t shout, I told you not to Shout!”

The fish thrown from Mizusawa into the desert, desperately swinging their bodies desperately to get a glimmer of life, splashing with the scales being thrown, until the scorching sun roasts the dried fish, completely becoming lifeless.

I don’t know how long it took, the struggle under me gradually stopped, my head was sweating profusely, and he suddenly let go of his hand, and suddenly lifted the cotton pillow.

Emperor Wen Xuan lay on his back, his face was blue and purple, and his pupils were dilated. Under the dark lights of the bedroom, he looked at him like a ghost.

Guangyan was taken aback, fell from the collapse to sit on the ground, could not help but step back two steps, after a long time, he came back to his senses and understood that Emperor Wen Xuan was really bored by him this time. died.

The outside servant had been taken away by him long before, and Guangyan came today to poison the emperor. It’s just that the bowl of ginseng soup mixed with poison would be discovered by Emperor Wen Xuan, and in the end, he was smothered to death by his own hands.

The sleeping hall is empty, and the sound of the wind is like the cry of an evil spirit, which makes people feel chills in their backs. Guang Yan stood up with the horror in his heart, walked to the front of Emperor Wen Xuan, first picked up the soup bowl on the ground, put it in the mahogany basket again, and walked to the front of Emperor Wen Xuan’s dragon collapse, and helped Emperor Wen Xuan to collapse again. Lie down, smooth the emperor’s wide eyes, and cover him with a quilt.

I couldn’t see his father’s eyes, his courage was a little bit bolder, there was a flash of madness in his eyes, looking at the body of Emperor Wen Xuan, he whispered and hurriedly said: “Father, don’t blame the minister. , To blame, blame yourself for not giving me the throne. If it weren’t for you to force me, I wouldn’t do it…The throne is mine, the father…. You just watch how your child sat in this position… …Just look at it like this…”

He slowly squeezed his fist, stood up abruptly, took the mahogany basket, and turned around out of the bedroom.


It started to rain again at night.

He Yan dumbly heard the sound of rain outside in his sleep. After being awakened, he couldn’t fall asleep. He turned around and hugged the person beside him.

It’s not that she wants to take advantage of Xiao Jue anytime and anywhere, but it’s much warmer because it’s cold and holding a person next to her. Xiao Jue slept very quietly, and her sleeping appearance was exceptionally different from her leaning back.

She awakened Xiao Jue by such a movement. Xiao Jue lowered his head and glanced at the person who got into his arms, holding him tightly, and asked in a low voice: “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“I was awakened.” He Yan said dullly: “I can’t sleep a bit.”

This is a bit strange. Although years of professional life kept her alert in her sleep, she still slept soundly at night since she arrived at Xiao’s house. Such insomnia at night is still rare. For some reason, He Yan always felt a little uneasy, as if something was going to happen.

She was aware of this anxiety by Xiao Jue. Xiao Jue paused, put her chin on the top of her hair, and asked: “Should I get up and sit on the roof?”

He Yan: “…”

She said: “It’s raining outside.”

Xiao Jue: “That’s a joke.”

He Yan wanted to speak but stopped.

She always felt that after Xu Jingfu’s death, the matter was not over yet, and the battle between Guang Yan and the Four Princes had just begun. Whether it is Xiao Jue or Xiao family, the position in it is subtle, I’m afraid it won’t be solved so easily. It’s just that, talking about these upsetting things this night, it seems a bit disappointing.

He Yan was thinking, suddenly there was a knock on the door outside, and Feinu’s voice sounded outside, “Master, there is something important to tell.”

She was startled, and in the middle of the night, what happened to Feinu in such a hurry.

This time, I really lost my sleep. Xiao Jue got up and went to bed, lit the oil lamp in the room, and He Yan also got up in his clothes. As soon as the door opened, the wind and rain outside came in, and the room suddenly became much colder.

Fei Nu walked in, his clothes were all wet, and his expression was a bit solemn.

Xiao Jue asked him: “What’s the matter?”

“There is news from the palace that the emperor is dead.”

As soon as these words came out, He Yan and Xiao Jue were shocked at the same time. Xiao Jue twisted his eyebrows: “When?”

“Just the news that came just now.” Feinu said: “Master, do you think you are going to enter the palace.”

Xiao Jue thought for a moment and said: “I know, you go to prepare the car, I will enter the palace immediately.”

Fei Nu responded and left.

He Yan took the oil lamp and walked forward two steps, his expression could not hide his surprise, “The emperor…”

She didn’t expect Emperor Wen Xuan to die suddenly, although there have been rumors outside these days that Emperor Wen Xuan is not well, but the news is too sudden. Her heart was complicated and difficult to understand. For Emperor Wen Xuan, there were rumors outside that he had a lot of bad things, but in He Yan’s view, although he was not a bright king, he was definitely not a faint king.

Xiao Jue is getting dressed, He Yan asks: “Do you want me to enter the palace with you?”

Finu’s words are simple, no one knows what is going on in the palace now.

“No, you stay in the mansion.” Xiao Jue said: “I will go to the palace to see what happens.”

He Yan nodded, although he was worried, he knew that Xiao Jue was right. Her official position has not yet reached the point where she enters the palace for the first time under such circumstances, and as the young wife of the Xiao family, there is no reason. Just…

Seeing her worried, Xiao Jue turned around and patted her shoulder: “Don’t worry, I will go back to the house immediately after I go to see it.”

“Xiao Jue, be careful of everything,” she said.

Xiao Jue put on his clothes, picked up his sword and went out. He Yan lost his mind and continued to sleep. He walked to the window, opened the window, and the fine rain drifted into the room diagonally along the outside wind. The table was covered with a thin layer of droplets of water instantly, and the wind blew it. He Yan’s face was slightly cool, his drowsiness disappeared, and his mind was very clear.

Although this kind of thing should not be thought of at this time, but when one thing happens, many things will happen immediately. Before the death of Emperor Wen Xuan, he did not propose to change the establishment of the crown prince. Even though there was a lot of discussion in the hall, if not, according to the current calculation, it was the prince who succeeded.

But everyone knew who Prince Guangyan was. Although Guang Yan was not implicated in Xu Jingfu’s case, He Yan asked Xiao Jue about the meaning of Emperor Wen Xuan on the other side of Dali Temple and secretly protected Prince Guang Yan. Emperor Wen Xuan couldn’t bear to touch the prince because the prince was the blood of his direct relatives. However, as the future emperor of Wei Wei, a villain who could lead a wolf into the house in order to fight for power and gain was not worthy of being a king.

The rain seems to have no end, and so does the night.

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