Rebirth in a Perfect Era Chapter 1679: Be a shepherd, not a leader

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Celine Dion accompanied Du Wei to the room Schwarzenegger prepared for her, and Schwarzenegger personally brought Li Mu to his room and introduced him to the room with great enthusiasm. , The placement of various items.

The room Schwarzenegger arranged for Li Mu is a very large suite. Outside the bedroom, there is a small living room with luxurious decoration.

Li Mu felt that Schwarzenegger might have something to say to himself, so he invited Schwarzenegger to sit down on the sofa in the living room and asked him with a smile: “Arnold, he will soon become governor. How are you feeling?” ? “

Schwarzenegger crossed his hands, his body to lean forward put his elbows on his legs, and said seriously: “To be honest, I am very excited now, but also very nervous.”

Li Mu smiled and asked him: “What are you nervous about?”

Schwarzenegger said: “California is so dazzling in entire US, and its development in all fields ranks among the best in the United States, but only when it really gets deeper into it can we know how many problems it has. California has better development. “

Speaking, Schwarzenegger asked Li Mu: “Mr. Li, as a very successful businessman, do you have any good suggestions?”

Li Mu laughed: “I am not interested in politics, so there is no research, but China has a great thinker who proposed a concept of ruling the country more than two thousand years ago, called inaction and ruling, which means , Try not to interfere too much with the people, let the people use their creativity, do n’t think about leading them forward, but encourage them to go as far as possible within a reasonable and legal framework. “

Farewell, Li Mu said again: “In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to give people, especially entrepreneurs, an opportunity to try. You have to be a shepherd dog to protect the flock without too much interference. Sheep, only when some sheep make mistakes, they will intervene. Do n’t try to be a leader. There are tens of millions of people in California. You ca n’t lead them. ”

Schwarzenegger did n’t quite understand what Li Mu meant, he hesitated for a moment and asked: “Mr. Li, can you give me some suggestions on a more specific level, for example, how should I reduce California ’s fiscal deficit and let California ’s economy is developing faster and better. “

Li Mu said with a laugh: “Arnold, these questions, I believe that your staff have given you countless suggestions for a long time, they are more professional than me, so their suggestions are far from theoretical and practical. Better than the advice I gave. “

After a pause, Li Mu went on to say: “So I can’t give you a solution to the specific problem, but I can give you some more macro-level suggestions for your reference.”

Schwarzenegger hastily nodded and said seriously: “Please speak.”

Li Mu said: “First of all, the first suggestion, do n’t think about solving California ’s fiscal deficit by reducing expenditures. This is like a family. Most of the energy should be focused on how to make money. , Instead of how to save money, if your staff are bent on reducing expenses and trying to reduce deficits through various means, then you will only get a bigger and stronger rebound in the future. “

In the impression of Li Mu’s, when Schwarzenegger came to power, he was ashamed to reduce government expenditures. As a result, he contracted, but failed to reduce the deficit, but increased a lot. The key element of Schwarzenegger’s incompetence.

So, since Schwarzenegger has been elected, there is really no need to rack up his brain to reduce expenses, it is better to let go and do other things.

Schwarzenegger was a bit stunned. The thing his staff now focus on is the things Li Mu tells him not to do.

He said a little embarrassingly: “Mr. Li, I do n’t hide from you, we are now thinking about how to reduce the expenditure of the California government and reduce the government deficit …”

Li Mu smiled slightly and said, “Your staff are like aircraft manufacturers. They regard financial expenditure as the weight of the aircraft. They just want to make the aircraft as light as possible while ensuring that the aircraft does not crash. Lightweight is good, but it may not be suitable for your situation. “

Schwarzenegger nodded softly and said, “At this point, I will definitely arrange a time to communicate with my staff and parliamentarians.”

Li Mu yelled, and said: “The second suggestion is to strengthen cooperation with China, both at the government level and at the private level.”

“I give you this suggestion, not because I am an China person, but you must firmly believe that China will become the second largest economy in the world in the next ten years, surpassing the United Kingdom and Germany in an all-round way. And Japan, so for so many states in the United States, whoever runs the fastest and who gets the most profit. “

Schwarzenegger ’s intent looks at Li Mu, looking forward to his following.

Li Mu said: “In fact, California is particularly suitable for taking the lead in in-depth contact with China. California has a cultural aircraft carrier like Hollywood. A large number of excellent cultural and literary works are not exported. China has the world’s largest population and the most potential market. It ’s easy for both parties to find a way of deep cooperation and then mutual benefit, but this requires your governor to promote, like a shepherd dog, drive your flock to the most fertile pasture, and the rest you do n’t need to control, They will open their mouths and eat desperately. “

“In addition, California also has Silicon Valley, the world IT center. So many high-tech enterprises need a larger market, more small advantage labor, and lower costs. Believe me, at this stage, there is no place like China is more suitable. The traditional manufacturing industry in the United States has already begun to develop to China. The action of the high-tech industry has slowed down a lot. You can think of ways to promote it. “

Schwarzenegger thought for a moment, nodded gently, and asked Li Mu: “Mr. Li, if I want to strengthen the economic cooperation between California and China, can you provide me some help?”

“Of course.” Li Mu said with a laugh said: “I can help California entrepreneurs to introduce China private entrepreneurs, help American companies and China companies to match, so that everyone can find more opportunities for cooperation.”

Let ’s say, Li Mu has a clever move, saying: “I do n’t think so. After you take office, I will come out and engage with the California state government to engage in a Sino-US entrepreneur forum. We will delineate several industries. Entrepreneurs in the industry gather together, get them to a banquet hall and sit down, we do n’t care about the rest, they can hit countless sparks themselves. “

“If the first session of the entrepreneur forum is successful, then in the second session of the forum, we can consider adding several new industries, expanding the size of the entrepreneurs participating in the first-year university student, and then branding this forum to a higher level. . “

“When the time comes, the California government can lead, unite with banks and large companies, and then jointly set up a venture capital fund of the same name to invest in outstanding projects in the forum, not only to support the development of American companies to China, but also to support China Enterprises go to the United States to test the water, and as long as there is a demand for the enterprise, they can submit an application, which will not only improve the reputation of the California government, but also increase the revenue of the California government. “

Schwarzenegger’s eyes lit up and blurted out: “Is this what you mean by doing nothing?”

Li Mu said with a laugh said: “Almost, make a good shepherd dog, rush the sheep that need long meat to the best pasture, and rush the sheep that need mating to the best opposite sex.”

Schwarzenegger immediately moved.

If you can really organize an entrepreneurial forum for American companies and China companies as Li Mu said, this is not only a help to the economic development of both sides, but also a big achievement in your own ruling California.

Li Mu looks at Schwarzenegger, smiled indifferently, said: “After saying so much, it is time to talk about a little selfish thing.”

Schwarzenegger also sat up and nodded, “Please say Mr. Li.”

Li Mu said: “I hope you strengthen the cooperation between California and China. Not only do I firmly believe that China will soon become the second economy in the world, but also because I am an China person, I also hope to do my best for the economic development of China. A share of strength. “

“So, as long as you are friendly to China during your tenure, and seek common development with China companies, then I will fully support you in the next four or eight years to better govern California, I can invest One billion USD or more, to support this venture capital fund of Sino-US corporate cooperation. “

“Not only that, I will also increase my investment in California in the future to provide California with more taxes and jobs, but as your partner and ally, I may also need you to provide me in the future Certain convenience. “

Schwarzenegger was very excited to listen, and nothing else. The entrepreneurial forum mentioned by Li Mu alone, once successfully held once, can gain a lot of praise for himself. After all, in the United States, such a big deal can be made. Not many states.

For him, if he can really come up with a venture capital fund to icing on the cake, it is naturally a better situation.

As for Li Mu, you need to provide some convenience in the future. This kind of thing is actually very common in the United States, and it can even be said to be a commonplace.

Whether it’s a governor’s election or a presidential election, the support of consortia, businesses, and families is indispensable. When they invested a lot of money to help candidates run, they had already negotiated various chips with each other.

Yes, it ’s a position. Both the US President and the US Governor have the right to appoint their own people to take charge of some special positions. For example, the positions of Director, Secretary of State, and Justice of the CIA are determined and appointed by the President. Once the new President and the Governor come to power, the new appointed person in charge is probably a member of a family who supports his campaign.

Also, resources are needed. For example, the arms dealers in the United States often invest a large amount of campaign funds in presidential candidates in order to be able to sell more guns to more ordinary people through the help of political policies after the successful election in the future. Or, let the government army purchase more of its own products. In short, it is all for money.

Schwarzenegger naturally understands that Li Mu helps himself to campaign and consolidate his public opinion. He should have his own personal interests as well.

If Li Mu only helps himself, but never mentions his own demands, Schwarzenegger does not dare to let go of his hands and feet to cooperate with him, but when he finds that Li Mu has this layer of appeals, Schwarzenegger is relieved. Tone.

The world of adults prefers to trade rather than simply ask for it. After all, it is the best mode of cooperation to get what you want.

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