Rebirth in a Perfect Era Chapter 1565: I will not let them succeed easily!

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Ferguson has been in the football field for so many years and has never liked a young player like Ronaldo.

In his eyes, Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best talents in terms of ability, talent or attitude. For a club coach, it is a dream to have a perfect player, and if he can When this player first became an adult, he gradually cultivated him into a perfect player.

He originally planned a very detailed development direction for Cristiano Ronaldo, but didn’t expect is that at the age of 18, Cristiano Ronaldo has just joined Manchester United. He hasn’t played a game yet, and some people will spend 25 million pounds. Dig him away.

Ferguson hurried to David Gil ’s office, and Mendes was gone.

The moment I opened the door, I immediately asked David Gil sitting at the back of my desk: “Which club did you choose Cristiano?”

“I don’t know.” David Gill shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: “All I know is that Mendes just called me and told me that there is a club ready to trigger Cristiano · Ronaldo’s liquidated damages clause, who is the specific, I asked him, he did not want to disclose. “

Ferguson was immediately angry: “Damn Mendes, what tricks did you play with me at this time? Did he forget that we just made him a fortune? How could he not be grateful!”

David Gill said helplessly: “Sir, Mendes is a businessman, a downright businessman, this kind of person has milk and is a mother, how could there be any gratitude? He sold Cristiano to us, I made a fortune, and now I’m buying Cristiano in other clubs, and he can make another fortune. “

Ferguson said: “Impossible! I will never let Cristiano go!”

David Gill embarrassedly said: “Sir, Cristiano has a penalty clause in the contract. Mendes insisted on adding this five-year penalty penalty division: the first year ’s penalty 2500 10,000 pounds, 35 million pounds for the second year, 45 million pounds for the third year, 55 million for the fourth year, and 70 million for the fifth year. Now Cristiano is in the first year. , Anyone who wants to spend 25 million pounds can take him away. “

Ferguson said angrily: “This clause is simply stupid! Why do we promise such a stupid clause?!”

David Gil was a little embarrassed by Ferguson ’s angry accusation, saying: “This was the result of the negotiation when Cristiano Ronaldo was introduced at that time, and this amount was also very beneficial to us . “

“Favourable ?!” Ferguson said angrily: “Twenty-five million pounds can take away such a talented player. You told me that it is good for us?”

David Gil ’s original politeness was gradually dispelled by Ferguson ’s anger, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and the tone of his voice became colder. To ensure the team ’s performance, but also to ensure the income of the entire club, not to mention, a Cristiano Ronaldo has just joined in half a month, the investment of 12.24 million pounds in return for the team 25 million in income, The profit margin is over 100%, which in my opinion is simply the best business in the world. “

In fact, for David Gil, he really does not want Ronaldo to be robbed by other clubs so quickly. He also agrees with Ferguson that Ronaldo has more room for future development, and he also feels that, At this stage, the Manchester United team really needs a highly talented character like Ronaldo to plan a better future for Manchester United.

However, Ferguson ’s attitude makes him really unacceptable. In any case, he is the CEO of this club. Ferguson has no right to yell at himself here.

Ferguson was speechless by David Gil, this sentence is indeed very choking, 12.24 million just bought a player, and sold it for more than ten days to sell 25 million, equivalent to daily The club makes 1 million pounds, and no one will find it worthwhile.

After all, even if he is optimistic about Ronaldo ’s future, he is indeed far worth less than 25 million pounds, which is why the first year of the contract has a penalty of only 25 million, and David Gil does not feel that there is any problem. .

But Ferguson was unwilling to let Ronaldo just go. He said to David Gil: “No matter who wants to buy Cristiano, I will not let them easily succeed!”

Finally, he turned and left.

David Gill stood up helplessly and said, “Please, Sir, don’t do this …”

Ferguson ignored him and carried his hands out of his office with a sullen expression.


After meeting all the players, Li Mu began to prepare to return.

His charter flight is already waiting at Manchester Airport, ready to return to China thousands of miles away.

Considering that there is a seven-hour time difference between London and China, Li Mu left the contact information of Li Ziwei with Sun Jihai. After he contacted Dong Fangzhuo tomorrow, he can directly inform Li Ziwei of the results returned by Dong Fangzhuo.

Sun Jihai would like to contact Dong Fangzhuo immediately, but knowing that Li Mu does not want to leak the news for the time being, so he can only bear the excitement in his heart and prepare to wait until Li Mu leaves.

To Dong Fangzhuo, Sun Jihai not only has fellow friendship but also a pity of talent.

He is from Bincheng, Liaoning Province. Liaoning Province at the end of the last century can be called the cradle of China football. A large number of well-known players are from this province, and Liaoning football takes Bincheng as the most.

As a Bencheng native, Sun Jihai is particularly optimistic about Dong Fangzhuo, also from Bencheng.

In his eyes, Dong Fangzhuo not only has a strong football talent, but also has a stronger physical quality than most China players, which is very suitable for the development of the Premier League.

Physical fitness is actually very important for players, because after coming to England to play football, Sun Jihai really understood the importance of physical fitness in high-level football leagues.

A player with strong physical fitness can create advantages in all aspects, such as greater winning rate, stronger attack speed and endurance, more active running and interspersing, easier to tear opponent defenses, etc.

When Asian teams compete with European or South American teams, they are often able to withstand in the first half. Teams with strong skills like Japan & South Korea often have the opportunity to create threats or even threaten their opponents in the first half. Form a leading advantage, but once in the second half, especially in the last twenty minutes, whether it is Japan & South Korea or China, the Asian team’s physical fitness declines quickly and will be quickly pressed by the opponent on the ground and rubbed.

The reason is that physical fitness is not good. Just like rallying, car performance is important, and endurance is also important.

So, this is also the main reason why it is difficult for Asian players to adapt in the five major leagues. They can’t fight, can’t run, can’t carry. Such players are very disadvantaged in Europe.

But Dong Fangzhuo is different. Sun Jihai is very clear about his physical qualities, which is almost indistinguishable from that of young European players, and he has greatly shortened his distance from the European League.

If Dong Fangzhuo can come to Manchester City, it ’s really a good thing, because not only can they partner with themselves on the team, they are all China people, they can take care of each other, and more importantly, the club ’s owner is also China People, and the famous Li Mu, let alone, at least in such a club, do not have to worry about racial discrimination.

In Europe, although racial discrimination is rarely talked about, but racism is everywhere. Sun Jihai himself has not encountered various racial discriminations on the team. Maybe some things are just Some daily chores, but as a foreigner in a foreign country, it is difficult for Sun Jihai to be protected from those negative influences.

However, his mind is clear at the moment, because he knows that after Li Mu becomes the owner of this club, there will never be any racial discrimination against China in this club.

After finally saying goodbye to the club staff and players, Li Mu and his team left the Manchester City training base together with Davidson Goldberg.

Before leaving, Li Mu asked the club ’s CEO Ariste to let him officially release an official announcement half an hour later, announcing that he took over the Manchester City club and became the new boss of Manchester City.

At the same time, Li Mu also allowed Li Ziwei to communicate with the Muye Science and Technology headquarters, allowing the headquarters staff to maintain interaction with the club. After the club released the announcement, Muye Science and Technology also officially issued a statement.

Li Ziwei took some photos and selected a few good ones, which were left to Ariste and also passed to the company headquarters.

After that, Li Mu only got into Davidson’s car, and his team will **** Li Mu all the way to Manchester Airport.

On the way to the airport, Davidson smiled and said to Li Mu: “Chief Li, today the whole UK is watching the news that you are accepting the Queen ’s Order at Buckingham Palace. If you become the owner of the Manchester City Club, the news will be announced again. I’m afraid that the United Kingdom will not sleep anymore. “

Li Mu laughed: “My only hope is that the British do not care too much about becoming the boss of Manchester City. I don’t want Manchester City to become the same as Chelsea.”

Davison laughed and said, “Then you will worry too much. The British although is a little arrogant, but it is still highly respected by you. Some media have speculated that Buckingham Palace will award you GBE to make you become Prince William. Some of the leaders, even say that you are the prince ’s “godfather”, but everyone does not have any exclusion. The British people also hope that with your help and guidance, Prince William can become a person with brilliant achievements like you. “

Li Mu nodded slightly.

Although the two are of similar age, the word godfather does not use much error.

I just want to raise William directly up to at least two or three levels, let him create a higher life height than previous life, and provide him with the help, which can definitely help him break his original life path. Ceiling.

Such a relationship is not an exaggeration for Master?

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