Rebirth in a Perfect Era Chapter 1462: Fight forward!

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Larry Page is desperate for these shareholders.

But he ca n’t blame them because everyone is chasing capital and interests, and in the field of capital, there is always a gambler psychology that goes deep into the bone marrow. The greater the interest, the more serious the gambler psychology, Li Mu’s appetite If it ’s not that big, shareholders are willing to sacrifice certain benefits in exchange for stability, but when Li Mu’s ’s appetite is so large that it exceeds shareholders ’psychological expectations, shareholders in turn become willing to take certain risks in exchange for benefits. Mindset, let everyone decide to take a risk and try whether Li Mu is a paper tiger.

Unfortunately, Li Mu is not a paper tiger. He is not even a tiger. As he told Robin, he is a hunter with a gun in the animal world. He stands proudly at the top of the food chain. He will turn a blind eye to the passing rabbits, but will not let go A tiger with teeth in front of him, or a fox playing with thoughts.

although understands these shareholders, but Larry Page still said to them very seriously: “If we go back to Li Mu now and catch up with his offer, then we will face an embarrassing situation Based on what I know about Li Mu’s, if I go back to Li Mu today, the Li Mu’s quote will never be 15%, maybe 18%, maybe 20%. What should I do then? Accept? Or continue to refuse? “

The shareholders fell silent.

Rejected 15% of the offer, and then accepted the new offer of 20% with an open face the next day, what is this? The price of pretending to be B? If this is the price of B, it is too heavy.

What should I do?

Now Li Mu dad is going to be real. For Google, is he kneeling down to be a grandson, or is he just standing with Li Mu?

Kneeling is easy, but sacrifice is not only dignity, but also huge benefits. Standing is able to defend dignity, but whether it can stand is the key. After all, you kneel down and beat down with someone. This Are two completely different states.

None of these people are elites. Some of them are proficient in internet, some are proficient in computers, and some are proficient in investment and capital operations. However, none of them are proficient with Li Mu.

Sometimes, the world is so cruel. Rao is that you have all kinds of capabilities and all means. They are so fragile in the face of absolute power. Neither technology nor capital can help them catch up with Muye Science and Technology, Muye Science and Technology. Like the globalized and upgraded version of Tencent, no matter what it chooses, it can make the competitors feel uncomfortable because they have a strong user base. When you want to raise the building on the ground, he is already ahead of you The skyscrapers are piled up at a height of 100 meters. In the face of this powerful advantage, Muye Science and Technology will only lose in its own hands.

Like Tencent, the internet company of China wants to achieve great development, only to do what Tencent has not done, or to start in a field that is not good, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to succeed.

At present, Muye Science and Technology has demonstrated its ecological strength in the global internet field. It can completely subvert Apple ’s iTunes in a few days. How many rounds can Google support in his hands?

Apple ’s tragedy is still in sight. although finally acquired Apple by Muye Science and Technology, but how much meat was cut off by the shareholders behind it. If it is really placed on the table, it is really more terrifying than the slaughterhouse. although is in the eyes of ordinary people. This is just one company acquiring another company, but only those who understand capital operations know how **** and miserable this scene is.

After working hard for more than ten years, I returned to the night before liberation.

None of the shareholders of Google wants Google to end the same.

All shareholders were forced to give up an opportunity that could have flourished and made a huge profit, then sold their assets at a very low price of cabbage, and then left the market sadly.

With this ending, Google shareholders cannot accept it.

So, panic began to brew among them, and more and more people wanted to kneel down to Li Mu immediately.

Larry Page stood up at this time and he said to everyone: “We are not going to mess up for the time being. Li Mu is now only ready to cooperate with Baidu, not already started cooperation. In this case, we are completely You can wait and see for a while, and if it does have a great impact on us, we will not be too late to renegotiate with Muye Science and Technology. “

Someone immediately asked: “If the search engine of Muye Science and Technology becomes bigger and stronger, will they still be willing to cooperate with us? I am afraid that the biggest idea of ​​Li Mu is to kill us!”

Others agree.

Larry Page asked in return: “Yesterday you were willing to take risks. Why didn’t you have the courage today? You said that Li Mu is a bluff, then why do you think Li Mu is not a bluff now?”

This sentence embarrassed many people.

Larry Page is right, it ’s all gambler psychology. Why did you dare to gamble yesterday but not today?

Sighing, Larry Page spread his hands and said to everyone: “You, I don’t ask everyone to follow my advice in everything, but I also hope that you can keep IQ on a stable level , Do n’t IQ160 yesterday, only 40 is left today, too much fluctuation of IQ will make our project risk always not controllable. “

Speaking, Larry Page explained again: “I mean, guys, you are all Silicon Valley‘s top elite, but your IQ should not only be reflected in professional skills, life, or other The level should also be reflected as much as possible, so that you can always maintain the judgment of the elite class. “

A shareholder frowned and asked, “Larry, what have you wanted to say after turning around for so long?”

Larry Page looks at, he said with a serious expression: “Frank, I will tell you a story, I used to have a university classmate, his IQ is very high, is a full computer genius, when we are still When he was in school, he sold his independently developed software to IBM through his own efforts. At the age of 24, he already had a net worth of tens of millions of USD. Three years ago, his net worth exceeded 30 million USD, but One day three years ago, he committed suicide and hanged himself in his Los Angeles villa with his own belt. Do you know why? “

Everyone is puzzled.

Larry Page put out a finger in the non-stop imaginary point, and said emotionally: “Because he married a **** dancer who danced five years ago! One can spend for twenty USD, Take off all the tops and ride on you to dance for you! The dancer who danced for you! He has a value of tens of millions of USD, but fell in love with this woman who undresses for 20USD every day. What ’s more terrible is that he not only married that Leaving Maid Dancer, she also gave all her assets to her to take care of it. The final result was that the Maid Dancer hooked up with his private lawyer to become a traitor, and then the two transferred all his property and took him Fraud into an illegally raised private equity fund as a partner, the result is that he lost all his family property overnight, and then owed tens of millions of USD debt. “

Speaking of which, Larry Page sneered and said, “A genius who can make tens of millions of USD, but he can’t see through the true face of a dancer who has been detached, he just bought and sold twenty USD for thousands. Ten thousand USD plus one life, this is what I said, IQ is too limited! To be honest, I saw the shadow of my university classmate in you! “

After listening, everyone looked awkward without saying a word.

Larry Page continued: “I hope you will open up the limitations of your IQ, and then see two key points:

First, Li Mu’s is really a capitalist who is taking advantage of the fire. The more you fear him, the more he wants. If we are in a mess now, it will only make us look easier to slaughter in the eyes of Li Mu;

Second, Li Mu is very clever and cunning. It can see through the weaknesses and realities of competitors, but can hide its weaknesses and motives. So when we are short of fire, do n’t believe in your own. Perception, because our first perception, is often seen and used by Li Mu. “

After a pause, Larry Page said: “A few minutes ago, your first thought was to find the Li Mu service and accept his offer, so the first thing we do now is to never Show any attitude of bowing to Li Mu, stabilize the rhythm first, and take a look at the next reality of Li Mu. “


Larry Page thinks that Li Mu ’s move is more of a fictitious move than a real one. Li Mu is most looking forward to buying Google at a low price, lying down and earning dividends from the search engine industry, instead of going all out. To develop and work hard, the search engine business is not very broad in all Li Mu businesses, so he feels that as long as Google stabilizes the rhythm, even if Li Mu really cooperates with Baidu, I believe that the subsequent progress will not be very rapid It is even possible to die without a rash, and then to discuss cooperation with Li Mu at that time, you can take up some initiative.

However, his didn’t expect and Li Mu‘s determination to advance this matter is beyond everyone’s imagination, and even the people of Muye Science and Technology do not understand why Li Mu suddenly added a search engine business and invested so much energy Go trade yourself.

Robin held a video conference with his shareholders and executives. When he relayed the metaphor of the monkey, tiger, hunter and bullet of Li Mu to other Baidu executives, everyone agreed to accept the Li Mu’s cooperation plan. All technologies and patents of Baidu on the search engine are open to Muye Science and Technology.

One day later, Li Mu and Robin held an internal signing ceremony at Silicon Valley.

In this signing ceremony, in addition to the executives of Muye Science and Technology and Robin, there are three executives and shareholders of Baidu who flew to the United States overnight and simply participated in the discussion of the details of the contract. Reached a consensus and drew up a contract.

The core content of this contract is: Muye Science and Technology and Baidu jointly established a joint venture in Silicon Valley, the company’s name is Muye & Baidu.Inc, in the future, Muye & Baidu.Inc will focus on the search engine It is planned to develop a search engine called “Muye” and make it a world-class search engine.

Muye & Baidu.Inc ’s capital contribution and shareholding structure are: Muye Science and Technology contributes 10 million USD, accounting for 90% of the company ’s shares, Baidu shares in technology, accounting for 10% of the company ’s shares, and Baidu will be unconditionally real-time in the next ten years Open all technologies and patents in the search engine field to Muye & Baidu.Inc, and Muye Science and Technology will invest its own technical strength to carry out secondary development on the basis of Baidu technology, and also unconditionally open the technical results of secondary development to the real-time Baidu.

The two parties ’restrictions on their respective coverage are: Muye & Baidu.Inc will never be allowed to develop search engine-related business in the China local market, and Baidu will never be allowed to develop non-Chinese search engine-related business in markets other than the China local market. .

The last one is a small benefit from Li Mu to Baidu. He promised that Muye & Baidu.Inc will not go to the China market to grab any share with Baidu, but Baidu itself can go to overseas markets to do Chinese search, this is not done by himself. Restrictions can be regarded as a small window for Baidu to develop globally.

In addition to this contract, Li Mu also signed a supplementary agreement with Baidu in the name of Muye Science and Technology. This supplementary agreement is very simple, given that Li Mu is not prepared to do a search engine business in China, or even do Chinese search globally. Business, so he decided to add multiple Baidu search portals in the Chinese version of YY and the Chinese site of YY network to direct all Chinese search traffic to Baidu unconditionally.

This is equivalent to a smooth water sent by Li Mu to Robin, but for Baidu, it is equivalent to adding multiple blood supply channels, and the basic business can be greatly improved in an instant.

The two parties signed the agreement happily, and then Li Mu immediately asked the Muye Science and Technology administrative logistics department in North America to start looking for a new office space near the company to use for Muye & Baidu.Inc office, and also asked Fang Xudong to come to Silicon Valley, On the one hand, it divides the technical staff of Muye Science and Technology in Silicon Valley, and devotes part of its technical strength to the search engine business that Muye & Baidu.Inc is about to develop; on the one hand, it sorts out the technical staff that Apple is about to join, and distinguishes and rates these talents. Part is digested inside Muye Science and Technology, and a small part is released to Muye & amp; Baidu. Inc.

In order to give employees a satisfactory explanation, Li Mu sent a group email within Muye Science and Technology and made a few explanations to Tim Cook and all Apple employees:

First of all, the employees on both sides have the possibility to be selected and sent to Muye & Baidu.Inc, hoping that all employees will be psychologically prepared;

Secondly, this is only a redeployment within the group, not at the company level. Since Muye & Baidu.Inc is a subsidiary of Muye Science and Technology Absolute Holdings, all employees transferred from Muye Science and Technology to Muye & Baidu.Inc will Dispatched, essentially Muye Science and Technology employees;

Finally, Muye Science and Technology will increase the salary of all employees dispatched to Muye & Baidu.Inc by 10% as a dispatch subsidy.

As soon as this explanation came out, it dispelled all concerns within the two teams.

Muye Science and Technology is second to none in the internet industry, and its brand awareness is second to none. Employees do not want to break away from this large group and join a newly established company. In a society where the United States places great emphasis on personal credit, the gold content of working companies has In terms of significance, employees of Muye Science and Technology and employees of an unknown company, even if the salary levels of the two are exactly the same, but in American society, their personal credit gold content is very different.

In the next few years, this situation will gradually appear in the country. Even if a large company employee has a credit card, the amount is much higher than that of a small company employee. If a large company employee goes out to a blind date, he can give the opposite **** a glance. This is the added value that large companies give to employees.

In just a few days, Li Mu’s‘s resolute popularity shocked the entire Silicon Valley.

No one knows what contradiction between Li Mu and Google, but everyone can see that Li Mu just acquired Apple on the front foot, and immediately mobilized heavy soldiers on the back foot, and found a China mercenary to form a super army. , Ready to fight head-to-head with Google!

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