Rebirth in a Perfect Era Chapter 1450: Insect wool and cut leek

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As expected by economists in the pre-market news, the stock price of Apple surged by 14% immediately after the opening, from 3.74 all the way, rapidly rose to 4.26, and continued to rise, investors cheered. , They have been suppressed for too long in Apple stocks, and lost too much, and now they are finally going to see the moon!

At the same time, Li Ziwei talked to Tim Cook on the phone and was telling him Li Mu’s ’s decision, while Li Mu was sitting in the conference room of Muye Science and Technology to continue to communicate with others on the follow-up details of the acquisition of Apple, Louis Martin suddenly received When I arrived at a message, I opened it, and my expression was shocked. I blurted out and said, “Chief Li, there is an emergency!

Li Mu asked him: “What happened?”

Louis Martin said: “The news of our acquisition of Apple has passed into the market, and now the stock price of Apple is rising rapidly, and it is now approaching 4.5USD.”

Li Mu frowned instantly, saying: “This news is definitely the biggest benefit for the current Apple investors, right?”

Louis Martin nodded and said, “If the stock price soars, the cost of our privatization will increase significantly with the rapid growth of the stock price.”

Lin Qingya, who does not understand the US stock market, asked him: “Mr. Martin, as long as we get most of the shares in Apple, we can apply for a mandatory delisting. There is no need to pay for the falsely high stock price?”

Louis Martin said: “We must pay the bill. If we hold more than 66.6% of the votes, we do have the power to force the delisting, but the prerequisite is that Nasdaq nodded. When our stock price is 4.15, we Nasdaq proposed to use 150% of 4.15 as the privatization price. Nasdaq naturally has no opinion. After all, this protects the interests of investors. However, if the stock price rises to 6USD, we will use this price to request a mandatory delisting. In order to protect the interests of investors, Nasdaq will never pass. In that way, our total cost of acquisition will increase a lot. “

Lin Qingya frowned: “In this case, do n’t we have to pay a large sum of money?”

Louis Martin said: “If the stock price continues to rise, we will have to pay more and more money, and those organizations obviously want to make a big ride.”

Lin Qingya hastily looks at Li Mu.

If the acquisition and privatization are carried out according to the framework agreement price of the previous acquisition of Apple, the money in Muye Science and Technology is just enough to deduct the normal operation.

But if the cost of privatization of Apple suddenly increases, then Muye Science and Technology will once again fall into a situation where there is not enough money, and then it will be too passive.

Just when everyone was a little nervous, Li Mu, who had been silent, suddenly asked Louis Martin: “The main players on the Nasdaq should now be fully horsepowered?”

Louis Martin nodded and said: “I have no specific understanding of although, but what is certain is that these major investment institutions must be crazy to raise funds, because they know best how much profit space privatization can bring.

Li Mu nodded and said lightly: “The meeting is suspended first, don’t worry, this thing may not be a bad thing for us.”

No one dared to answer the call, because in their view, if this is not a bad thing, there is nothing bad.

Li Mu still said calmly to Louis Martin: “Louis, you immediately find a reliable source of information. I want Nasdaq to keep track of all Apple stocks now.”

Louis Martin nodded: “No problem, I will understand this.”

Immediately, Louis Martin immediately launched his own contacts and grasped the current situation in detail.

The stock price has exceeded 4.6USD at this time, but at this time, a lot of rumors began to affect the NASDAQ retail investors in all directions.

Some say that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Under the stimulus of this good news, the share price of Apple will definitely rise sharply. At this time, grabbing Apple stocks will not only catch a wave of market prices and make a lot of money. You can also earn a share price premium when Muye Science and Technology starts privatization. After all, Nasdaq frequently privatizes listed companies. When buying back shares, it will give investors a certain premium. This is basically Nasda. Gram’s convention.

Some have the opposite of frankness. They say that all of this is actually a conspiracy of securities funds. They have a large number of Apple stocks that have been deep-seated and suffered heavy losses. They need to be released to recover losses and return capital. , So they will release false news and make investors frantically buy Apple stocks, so that they can take advantage of the opportunity to increase the stock price and ship quickly. After Muye Science and Technology rumors, the stock price will fall retaliatoryly, and all investors who have rushed in will be lost.

Some views believe that the rumors of this acquisition will be the best opportunity for Apple; another view believes that this is a large pit carefully excavated for retail investors, a large pit that can let people die without burial. .

Gradually, the proportion of these remarks has changed, from the first five or five openings to the later two or eight openings, most of the rumors are more inclined to this “opportunity” is actually a super The big pit gradually let the retail investors who are not firm enough lose their confidence.

So, the stock price began to fall after reaching a maximum of 4.66USD.

Louis Martin told Li Mu: “The falling stock price will trigger a round of selling, which should be the main force to attract funds.”

“Sucking up?” Li Mu‘s expression was a bit erratic.

Louis Martin nodded and said, “The main force must be more optimistic about this wave of our acquisition of Apple. They have spent so much thought, in fact, they want to deceive retail investors to sell, and then achieve low-price suction, and follow up the market Lock into your arms.

Li Mu suddenly realized, stood up and said to everyone in the meeting room: “Everyone continues to pay attention to the trend, I will make a call first.”


The Li Mu’s phone was called for twenty minutes. Since he returned to his own office to call, no one knows who he called and what to do.

Just after Li Mu returned to the conference room, the rumors on the market soon began to be upgraded.

The new remarks pay more attention to “Li Jufu”. From the perspective of business, from the perspective of strength, from the perspective of future development, from the perspective of Li Mu personality, etc., all-round analysis and interpretation, the final conclusion they give is : Li Mu can’t really want to acquire Apple company, all this may just be a conspiracy.

For example: they deeply analyze the business situation of Apple and think that the current overall situation of Apple is of little benefit to Muye Science and Technology. Muye Science and Technology has no reason to acquire Apple;

For another example, they think that the mess of Apple will cause a significant loss to the receiver, Li Mu never makes a loss-making investment, and how can it be possible to invest in Apple;

Another example, they feel that Li Mu’s character will never acquire his own defeat, Apple was destroyed by him, no matter what the situation, Li Mu can no longer help Apple rebuild;

So, the older the more people began to believe that this “opportunity” is actually a “death vortex”, taking advantage of the current stock price has improved, and has not begun to fall, it is wise to hurry and cut talent .

When retail investors began to have this idea, a large number of retail investors began to sell stocks. In their view, the stock price has risen a lot now, quickly sell and get rid of the stocks that Apple fell to, Quickly recover some losses, this is the most important.

Under the influence of this kind of psychology, the market set off a wave of selling, the stock price of Apple continued to fall, and soon fell to the 4.31USD gear, the decline rate is very fast.

But it ’s interesting that no matter how many people are selling Apple outstanding shares in the market, some people will obliviously close every single sale order, just like a huge sponge, desperately absorbing Every drop of water touched.

No matter how many people place a sell order, they will be immediately received by investors from unknown sources, which makes the turnover rate of Apple‘s outstanding shares surge, which is particularly eye-catching.

At this time, another rumor spread: “The turnover rate of Apple stock is staggering, it seems that the main force is already fleeing!”

As soon as the main escape rumors came out, the real retail investors were hardly calm. What they are most afraid of is to be a pan-man. This is like the rule that the water ghost must find a substitute for the dead ghost to die. The one who is the pan-man is to replace the water ghost to sleep under the water, in exchange for the water ghost itself. Cutting meat, do not want to fall to this end.

Just when retail investors were panicking, the market was flooded with a new rumor: “The main force is escaping smoothly and quickly, and stupid retail investors are still frantically buying Apple stocks because of the fantasy stocks continue to rise. This gives With the excellent escape opportunity of the main force, it will not take long before the main force will be fully liquidated and all the mess will be thrown to the retail investors.

Retail investors are becoming more nervous now. Most retail investors are individual individuals. They ca n’t know what kind of operations the retail investors in the entire market are performing. In fact, the real market situation is: there are constantly retail investors. We were fooled because of the fear of deep suits and fear of being a pick-up man, and sold the Apple stock in preparation for a stop loss. Those who spread rumors everywhere are greedily absorbing the Apple stock sold by every retailer.

The facts are diametrically opposed to the rumors. The main force not only did not escape, but realized that this was a great opportunity, so he was prepared to absorb more chips.

However, after all, the circulating chips are limited. If no one on the market is willing to sell, it is impossible for others to get more chips. And if the price is raised too high, the cost of the main attraction will also increase. Therefore, the main force began to deceive retail investors through various operations to convince retail investors that this stock is about to fall or even plunge, thereby inducing retail investors to sell off and absorb their own chips.

This kind of operation is not only common in the China stock market and the US stock market. It is also very common in later generations of currency speculation circles. Today, there may be overwhelming news that a certain virtual currency is about to plummet, and the entire market seems to be in decline This kind of virtual currency, investors are afraid that the hastily will sell at a low price. At this time, the main force behind the scenes will quickly absorb the low price into their own hands, and then engage in some actions to raise the currency value again and earn a lot of profits.

For example, some kind of virtual currency fell from 700USD to 700, then rose from 700 to 1100, and then fell to 650, and then rose back to 1000. It seems that the currency value has tossed around and returned to the original point, but behind During the fight, some people were already earning money, and some people committed suicide by jumping off the building.

The real main force manipulated the virtual currency from 1000USD to 700. Among them, the retailer dumped the loss to bear the loss, the main 700 stalls attracted funds, and then pulled up to 1100, and then created a false prosperity outside, let the retailer think that The virtual currency will continue to rise, and then they start to clear and ship, earning more than 50% of the profit. After the shipment, they continue to manipulate the currency’s currency value to fall, causing panic again, let the currency value bottom and then **** up and raise … …

In short, every time the price fluctuates, the main thing is to buy low and sell high, and most retail investors buy high and sell low. The final result is that the retail investors are in a mess, and the main one is making a lot of money.

The current Apple stock price is playing this way, mainly to create panic, drive down the stock price, trigger a sell-off and then frantically attract money, everything is like a cloud of water.

Unexpectedly, the expression of Li Mu although has always been serious, but he is not irritable at all, and he has not even got angry. Since he made that call, he has been calmly paying attention to the stock price of Apple and the general trend of the transaction. .

In the afternoon, Apple ’s stock price has oscillated to the trend of a healthy person ’s electrocardiogram, but in the constant shocks, the overall trend is declining, and the stock price has dropped below the 4.3, 4.2, 4.1USD checkpoints, at 4.03-4.01 The tug of war started before the level.

The overall declining trend has strengthened the confidence of retail investors in the market. More and more people believe that Apple ’s stock price will continue to decline, so the more chips in the hands of retail investors, the more time it takes. , The main force of the fierce Wall Street securities, almost sucked the stock of Apple retail investors.

Louis Martin told Li Mu a very key piece of data: According to his information, so far, the Apple stocks in the hands of ordinary retail investors have been absorbed by shocks for more than 90.

At the same time, Louis Martin lamented to Li Mu: “These main forces are too ruthless, they have completely scared ordinary investors, and almost all of the circulating stocks on the market have reached their pockets.”

Li Mu smiled slightly, did not speak, but what he thought was that the main force although was ruthless, but it was far from such a detailed level. In Louis Martin ’s view, half of the rumors that must be released by the main force were half It was Li Mu who later let water army of Zhao Kang out! In the later period, the rumor that made the retail investors read the terrified and convincing reason is almost all masterpieces of Zhao Kang water army!

In the eyes of Li Mu, these main players took the opportunity to raise the stock price of Apple, and then created panic and crazy fundraising. The next step will definitely be to raise the stock price again after the fundraising is completed, and then rely on high stock prices and privatization Extra premium compensation to obtain huge profits.

What’s the difference between this **** and knowing that it is going to be demolished, and then rushing to plant houses and more demolition compensation? With the Li Mu’s character, it is impossible for these little main forces to succeed. Wanting to look at Li Mu’s wool is no different from daydreaming.

It ’s not just these guys who want to poke wool from Li Mu, Li Mu actually wants to go to Nasdaq to cut leeks, but as a businessman with a strong social influence, he ca n’t directly shoot unscrupulously on the NASDAQ market Cutting leeks, especially leeks that ca n’t be cut by individual households, because the leeks of individual households are like the vegetable fields of fellow villagers. Everyone wants to cut them, but it ’s the local tyrants and gentry who really have a head and face, I can’t cut my face.

Since you ca n’t cut your leeks with your face, it ’s better to create better conditions for these main institutions and let them quickly attract funds. After they turn their vegetable fields into their own vegetable fields, they will cut them. They have a wave of leeks!

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