Rebirth in a Perfect Era Chapter 1443: Demon shares

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With the opening of Google in 30 minutes, the stock price doubled. This trend is a dream start.

For those who have purchased Google stocks in advance, the profit now exceeds 100% with the shot!

At this moment, there are countless people on the Nasdaq holding coins waiting to take orders, the amount of buy orders is surprisingly large, but the transaction volume is very small.

There have been few transactions, and the trend of rising stock prices continues.

At the 60th minute of the opening, the stock price rose by more than 130%, which triggered another blow.

It’s not just that shareholders are crazy, even Google shareholders are crazy.

For example, Larry Page, after the listing, still has 31.2% of his personal holdings. According to the IPO price, before the opening, his worth was almost 15 billion USD.

But now, his worth has reached 34.4 billion USD, the growth rate is fast, it is almost against the sky.

One thing is very embarrassing, however, that Larry Page will not dilute his shares for the next two years.

That is to say, all his stocks are not allowed to be traded or transferred. 34.4 billion USD seems to be deposited regularly and cannot be taken out.

Moreover, even if it can be withdrawn after two years, it can only be withdrawn little by little, and it is absolutely not allowed to cash out all or a large amount of cash directly.

From this point, we can also see how much moisture the internet industry has.

Although Larry Page is now worth 34.4 billion USD, his personal actual assets may only be around 100 million USD.

If Google develops smoothly all the way, and when its value rises to 50 billion USD two years later, it may be possible to cash out 5% and get billions of dollars in cash.

But if Google is all the rage, his worth may fall to 3.4 billion in two years.

From 34.4 billion USD to 3.4 billion USD, it may only take a year or two, and in the process, Larry Page ca n’t sell the stock, at most it is a pledge of equity.

Moreover, the equity pledge of US stocks poses a great risk to the pledgee. Once the market value drops too much and the money is not paid, not only the shares will be recovered, but also the voting rights corresponding to the shares will be recovered. The company pledged the money for pleasure, and the company all belonged to others.

So on the whole, if the company cannot pull out a long-term stable growth line, the price will be higher and higher, and it will continue to shrink sooner or later.

Now, what makes Larry Page and these Google shareholders depressed is this.

The stock price has skyrocketed, but it will have nothing to do with yourself at one and a half times.

Want to set aside cash to live a good life? At least another one or two years.

However, for those investors who have subscribed to Google shares in advance, today is really a binge, as long as they want to sell, they can be cashed at any time.


Later, the upward trend in Google‘s stock price has slowed slightly.

At 11 o’clock in the morning, one and a half hours have passed since the opening, the stock price of Google fluctuated up and down, all the way to the 170USD line.

At this time, the stock price is close to 192.8USD, an increase of more than 140%;

The difference between Nasdaq and China is that there is no rest in the middle, so the stock price has been climbing slowly in volatility.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, the stock price exceeded 200USD, an increase of more than 150%;

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the stock price exceeded 220USD yuan, an increase of more than 175%;

The entire Wall Street is crazy, and the American media is crazy. All media are broadcasting the stock price of Google. At this time, the market value of Google has gone from 48 billion USD to 132 billion USD.

Even Li Mu is a little dumbfounded.

If Google can stand more than 100 billion USD, then the market value of Muye Science and Technology listed First Day can at least break 500 billion or even 600 billion USD.

However, in the view of Li Mu, the stock price of Google is certainly unlikely to stand at the high of more than 100 billion USD so early.

The reason why today ’s stock price is high is the concept, Muye Science and Technology, endorsement by itself, and the fuel behind the capital. The stock price will tend to calm down soon.

Sometimes, Wall Street ’s gameplay is like this. A stock that can tell stories and play concepts is listed. They are desperate to attract funds, stir up the stock price first, and then attract retail investors to chase up. When retail investors chase in, they slowly Shipped, when they shipped almost, the stock price naturally began to fall, and then put the retail investors into it.

The ideal value of Li Mu‘s market value for Google is about 70 billion USD. This still has the effect of his own blessings. If he does not support himself, it is estimated that it will be at most 34 billion USD.

The same was true for the interesting headlines. First Day rose nearly 200%, and the stock price surpassed the high of 20USD. As a result, it fell to more than three blocks in a short time, which is terrible.

But the stock price of Google is stronger than Li Mu expected.

Originally thought that the stock price will start to fall near the close, but didn’t expect, the stock price still maintains an upward trend.

As of half an hour before the close, the stock price reached 232.8USD, an increase of 191%!

The market value of Google, from 48 billion USD, has skyrocketed to 139.7 billion USD all the way, leaving only a little distance from breaking through 140 billion USD.

At the close, Google‘s stock price ushered in another wave of gains.

At this time, the stock price stayed at 248USD, an increase of more than 210%!

The market value exceeded 148.8 billion USD and the First Day was listed. The market value growth reached 100.8 billion USD!

Larry Page was even a little unbelievable and whispered to Li Mu: “Chief Li, this stock price is too ridiculous …”

Li Mu smiled slightly and said: “This big battle is an excellent opportunity for those who participate in advance to make money, and of course they will help.”

As he said, Li Mu said: “Fortunately, the market value before the IPO is relatively high, and the larger the volume, the more difficult it is to lift it up. If the market value was 30 billion at the time of the IPO, it can rise to 3% today. One hundred. “

Larry Page smacked his mouth and said: “It seems to be very beautiful. Only talented people know that the money is earned by those capitals and institutions. I don’t own any outstanding shares in my own …”

Li Mu laughed and said: “I guess with the urinary nature of Wall Street, their gang of media serving the capitalists will continue to promote Google after the close and do their utmost to blow the Google bubble even bigger, which will make it difficult for the stock price tomorrow. It rushed to a new high of 250USD, and at that time, I do n’t know how many retail investors will be scammed and caught in to take orders. “

Larry Page nodded.

The level of stock price is not so related to the company’s performance.

If the company ’s performance is closely related to the company ’s earnings report in the first quarter, the stock price should fluctuate once a quarter.

In fact, the stock price is supported on the one hand by the basic performance of the company ’s performance and on the one hand by external capital advocacy.

External capital advocates a company, its fundamental purpose is not to make this company develop better, but to collect money for itself.

They hold stocks of Google, and naturally hope that these stocks will bring them the greatest benefits.

Where do the benefits come from? Shipment is high.

High stock price is useless. You have to sell it when the stock price is high to earn real money.

First use the media to tout Google crazy, let people feel that Google is simply the internet company in the world after Muye Science and Technology, let people feel that the future stock price of this company can reach 300 billion USD or even higher.

At this time, out of the investment mentality, the public will come in to take orders, and then wait for the stock price to double.

However, after the capital is shipped at this price level, the stock price will quickly fall back, and at that time, the people waiting to double will realize that Damn it was deceived.

Larry Page also knows the routines of this group of people and is already a little irritable at this time.

It’s like going to the stage to sing on your own. Others fry on the show, fry the tickets, and then take away the tickets.

After waiting for a few performances, and finally being able to collect the tickets myself, his performance is not so high, and the actual value of the tickets has also dropped. , What the hell? I bought 300USD tickets, you sell 50 now?

For some small companies, they can go public by relying on the backing of capital, which is inextricably linked with capital, so they are willing to cooperate with capital to sing operas and let capital first eat a wave of retail investors to make money.

But for large companies, if you let capital engulf retail investors first, it will have a somewhat negative impact on the corporate image.

Li Mu has lived more than ten years for Larry Page, and it is considered to be well-informed. He has seen a lot of “devil stocks” in the US IPO.

For example, IPOFirst Day soared by more than 250% or even 300% of super abnormal stocks, so I have also seen a lot of particularly interesting CEOs. When they faced a stock price surge, they were not only unhappy, but seriously warned investors. With investors, their stocks are not worth so much money, please buy carefully.

This kind of thing did n’t happen once or twice on Nasdaq,

As mentioned earlier, during the IPO, the company ’s shareholders are not allowed to reduce their holdings. They ca n’t cash out even if the stock price rises sharply. If the stock price rises too high, they will definitely take the high position when they fall back. Nested in, that way, it will affect the company’s reputation.

Take Google as an example. It rose to 248USD today, and if it falls to 160USD tomorrow, how many people will take the losses today.

At that time, they will spread their anger on Google.

But Google also suffered a loss. It did n’t make any money. Before it went public, it sold 50 million shares to the underwriters at the price of 80USD. The underwriters resold them. client.

Now, the stock price has risen to 248USD, which basically has nothing to do with Google.

The current carnival, on the one hand, is the market ’s recognition of Google, on the other hand, it is that others are borrowing their stocks and their market, preparing for a planned wave of looting.

Li Mu reminds Larry Page: “When you are interviewed by reporters, remember to remind you that the Google share price is not worth such a high price, let everyone treat it rationally.”

Larry Page froze for a moment, then blurted out: “Is this going to offend the capital?”

Li Mu asked him: “Is it wrong?”

Larry Page said embarrassingly: “It doesn’t, but I think … it might be a little inappropriate …”

Li Mu said: “I see this trend. In case entire US media today advocates the skyrocketing of Google, the market confidence is full, and the stock price will soar tomorrow. What will you do then? Google‘s current business scale and revenue The market value is more than 130 billion USD, and the price-earnings ratio is several hundred times that of the mother. If it does not fall back, there will be ghosts. “

Larry Page thought for a moment and pleaded: “Chief Li, would you like it? Shareholders believe you a little more!”

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