Rebirth in a Perfect Era Chapter 1425: Go to America again

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On the day before traveling to the United States, Li Mu specifically confirmed the progress of several tasks.

Gubei Water Town has reached a cooperation agreement with Huaqing Brigade. The Yanjing municipal government guarantees the Gubei Water Town project at the Yanjing bank. The fund problem of Gubei Water Town has also been fundamentally resolved. Support, all approval documents give a green light, and even in order to accelerate the normal launch of the Gubei Water Town project, the Beijing-Chengdu Expressway Yanjing under construction is required to speed up the construction period. It must be opened to traffic before the Gubei Water Town is completed and officially opened for business. The municipal government and the transportation department jointly bear the cost of nearly 100 million yuan incurred by accelerating the construction period.

At the same time, the film and television base project is also being actively promoted. The aerial survey company has begun to carry out aerial survey mapping of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Great Plains. When Li Mu returns from the United States, the aerial survey maps will definitely be ready. The map first scientifically enclosures, and then go to the local government to discuss cooperation.

The outdoor reality show variety show “Longing for Life” created by Muye Pictures and Xiangnan TV is about to start shooting. The shooting location selected by Miyun has basically been renovated, and the recording of the program can begin soon. Li Mu promised to be an episode guest on this show, but this must also be realized after he returns from the United States.

As for the Muye Science and Technology and Taobao networks, the Li Mu does not need to worry at all. The Muye Science and Technology is like a spaceship flying fast in space. In this unique environment, it has no resistance at all. If it is not its own initiative to slow down If it does, its speed will not be affected at all;

The Taobao network, after SARS, has become a beast of internet + warehousing + logistics. The government highly recognizes the efforts made by the Taobao network during the SARS period. Not only has it given a series of public praises and rewards, but also A lot of practical support has been given in many aspects, such as taxation, land use, transportation, approval of various qualifications, and various policy subsidies. This series of support not only helped the Taobao network to reduce many burdens, but also provided a stronger Taobao network. Before the action.


More than ten hours of flight, plus a midway landing to refuel, Li Mu and the core members of his acquisition of Apple project division finally set foot in the United States again. The last time I came to the United States was only the initial to go on stage of Li Mu in the United States. This time I came to the United States. Li Mu is already An influential heavyweight.

At the moment when the charter flight from Li Mu took off at China, the US media, especially Silicon Valley media, began to clamor for the news that Li Mu was going to the United States. internet companies and capitalists of entire US were wondering what strategic intentions Li Mu had in the US this time. Is it to expand, or to find funds, or to prepare for an IPO?

At this moment, Li Mu has almost attracted the attention and attention of entire US.

From the popularity of YY, to “Paradise Town”, “Plant War Zombie(s)online”, and now to YYtunes, Li Mu has deeply penetrated the American internet life and brought their internet life Great innovation.

So far, YYtunes has been online for more than ten days.

In just over ten days, YYtunes, like an unprecedented storm, swept across the West, especially the United States.

There has never been a music software that can bring people such an incredible experience. On YYtunes, music is no longer simply appreciation, it has become a link connecting music lovers around the world.

The current YYtunes is like the Instagram that came out in the era of the smartphone. YYtunes is a social based on music, and Instagram is a social based on pictures.

In more than ten days, YYtunes submitted an answer that shocked the American internet counterparts: According to the survey analysis results issued by the three-party survey company, currently entire US uses internet to listen to music or download(ing) music users, more than 90% of users are using YYtunes.

That is to say, as soon as YYtunes goes online, it forms an almost absolute monopoly.

In addition, the rapid popularity of YYtunes has also made the list on YYtunes the wind vane with the highest gold content in the entire music circle.

There is no list that is more credible than YYtunes, which has hundreds of millions of users, and has more traffic pulling effect. After a song or an album is on the list, it will get a lot of traffic from the list. , And the traffic has been greatly transformed into singles and the paid download(ing) of the album. All the popular singers started to pay attention to this list at once, and regarded the list of YYtunes as a new goal. .

When Li Mu came to the new headquarters of the Muye Science and Technology Silicon Valley branch, Lin Qingya had been harassed by a group of record companies’ person in charge for a whole morning. In her words, it was really annoying.

When I saw Li Mu, the first thing about Lin Qingya was to complain to him. She said helplessly: “Chief Li, recently all the record companies of entire US are staring at YYtunes, and all the popular singers are the same. These companies come every day to ask Talk to us about in-depth cooperation and ask us to help their singers improve their rankings. I ’m really annoying. ”

Li Mu smiled and said: “You can hire a Director specializing in music affairs, or set up a music project division, you do n’t need to do it yourself.”

Lin Qingya said: “Music career has just started. In order to ensure that these copyright parties work closely with us, all the copyright owners who have come to the door are personally received by me. After all, you attach great importance to YYtunes, and I ca n’t take it lightly.”

As I said, the mysterious whisper of Lin Qingya ’s pretense: “I ’m talking about exclusive cooperation with these copyright parties recently, and the number of active users of iTunes has plummeted. For them, there is not much room for profit, so I Exclusive licensing is being promoted in private, allowing these copyright parties to exclusively authorize all music online copyrights to us. If it goes well, we can sign the first exclusive licensing agreement this month. “

Li Mu was surprised for a moment, said with a laugh: “You are going to give Apple a trick to get paid.”

AppleiTunes ’s core service is online music audition and paid download(ing), but the United States is not China at that time. China at that time, even a small individual Webmaster, dare to openly pirate the world ’s music on the Internet, but In the United States, even individual download(ing) piracy is a crime, and no company will do such a thing, so if iTunes does not have copyright authorization, it is basically equivalent to a supermarket without goods, and the future is even more bleak.

Lin Qingya smiled slightly and said: “After the bottom of the kettle is paid, you can just walk away, otherwise you will get hot.”

Li Mu laughed, looked at her new office, and said, “This building is in a good location, show me to visit?”

Lin Qingya nodded with a smile and said, “Then I will introduce you to you while visiting.”

Li Mu took Li Ziwei and followed Lin Qingya to visit a newly rented office building of Muye Science and Technology Silicon Valley branch.

Lin Qingya introduced that this building has four floors above ground and two floors underground, with a total area of ​​16,000 square meters, a building area of ​​9,000 square meters, and an office area of ​​30,000 square meters. It can accommodate up to 4,000 people and provide more than Two thousand parking spaces.

Leasing such a large new office building is a decision made by Muye Science and Technology ’s senior management. As the company ’s internationalization process becomes faster and faster, Li Mu needs to build the US branch into the largest headquarters of Muye Science and Technology outside China, which can accommodate The office building of 4,000 people is just the beginning. If the IPO is completed, the staff of Muye Science and Technology in the United States will probably exceed 10,000.

And even in the hinterland of Silicon Valley, it is not crowded at all. The building density is low, the green area is large, and the height of the floors is generally not high. Almost every shoe building is a small park with sufficient internal depth. It is large and very far away from other office buildings, and the internal environment is very quiet.

In contrast, the intensive sense of Zhongguancun, where a large number of reinforced concrete buildings are madly stacked together, is always accompanied by a feeling of noisy, rush, and high pressure.

The gap between the two is like the gap between the high-end affluent villa area and Tiantongyuan, the largest community in Asia, even larger than this.

However, Li Mu knows clearly that this kind of thing can’t be envied. The land resources of the United States are much richer than that of the country. The entire land area of ​​the United States is similar to China, but more than half of the United States is plain, but the flat area of ​​China only accounts for 12 %, The plain area is only a quarter of the United States, and the population of the United States is 300 million, which is less than a quarter of China. In this way, the per capita plain area of ​​the United States is sixteen times that of China.

At present, all employees of the US branch of Muye Science and Technology add up to about 1,000 people. The vacancy rate of this building is still relatively high, so the company directly uses the fourth floor as an employee activity center, lounge, restaurant, The gym has it all.

According to Lin Qingya, the largest company closest to Muye Science and Technology is Google.

Lin Qingya also said that when the branch moved, the founder of Google, Larry Page, personally came over to congratulate and gave her a box of French champagne.

Li Mu laughed: “How many flower baskets did Larry Page not give?”

Lin Qingya smiled and said, “Americans don’t have this custom. Most of them like to give some small gifts to person in charge as congratulations.”

Li Mu nodded and mentioned Larry Page. He remembered that he had had a dinner with him when he last came to the United States. At that time he also helped Sequoia to convince himself to accept the investment of Sequoia .

As for Google, it is not listed yet, but from their last round of financing and the current valuation of the capital market, he is more than an order of magnitude worse than Muye Science and Technology.

Thinking of Google and the determination to acquire Apple, Li Mu couldn’t help but think of a great god, that is the founder of Android, Andy Rubin.

If you remember correctly, Andy Rubin founded Android in the second half of this year. Two years later, Android was acquired by Larry Page ’s Google. It is said that Andy Rubin and Larry Pei Qi had personal contacts before Android was established, so Li Mu believes that they know each other now.

Apple is already determined to get it. Do you want to bring Android founder Andy Rubin to his camp in advance? In that case, can I basically monopolize the smartphone to operate the system market in the future?

After all, in the future smartphone market, Saipan is like a IQ. It will never exceed the intellectual disability of five years old. Adult competition will slowly lag behind itself; BlackBerry ’s own bottleneck is that it ca n’t resist itself. As for the powerful Microsoft in the field of smartphones, if the IOS and Android have entered their pockets, then the smartphone market is really one that can not be played …

As soon as I thought of this, Li Mu couldn’t help being excited and said to Lin Qingya: “Help me contact Peggy and meet for a working hour. I will meet him at Google.”

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