Rebirth – City Cultivation Chapter 1131: The name of Chen Fan (first)

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Chen Fan Yu Yu confirmed that one person wiped out Emperor Shenshan and Liu Grand Dao Unification Heavenly Desolate Bow your head. When this news came out, the whole earth was shaken, billions of sentient beings widened their eyes, could not believe it, even Northern Jade Faction Many disciples looked dumbfounded, opening their mouths Great Power Can’t accept this message after swallowing duck eggs.

“Really? Chen Heavenly Monarch actually flattened Heavenly Desolate star? Is n’t Legend, Heavenly Desolate star is the most powerful ancient star in the entire abandoned star field? Above Great Power came out, Primal Infant is like rain.”

“Yeah, I have also heard about cultivator outside the domain. The general planet, up to three or five Primal Infant Old Ancestor is enough, but there are several Primal Infant Old Ancestor sitting in the sect of Heavenly Desolate stars, the most powerful Emperor Mountain, the inside Boundless, there are more gods and Elder(s) grades, and their gods have always been known as the first powerhouse in the world. Who thought that such a powerful Heavenly Desolate star was flattened by Chen Heavenly Monarch. “

“Chen Heavenly Monarch is too scary.”

Northern Jade Faction boiled.

Countless Northern Jade disciples are overjoyed and have a lot of discussion. Kunlun Burial Grounds all the immortals were so scared that their faces were pale. Chen Fan walked away from Heavenly Road and completed such a feat. It was terrifying. Even in the ancient times when Central Mainland was the most prosperous, Qi Heavenly Monarch, Divine Monarch Jiang and others could not be so grand.

Teacher is so good.”

Qi Xiu’er, Lu Yanxue, A’Xiu, etc., the little faces are all flushed with excitement.

In contrast, cultivator on the Internet and outside the domain, there are disputes. Many people expressed their disbelief. The four disciples of Amber Heavenly Monarch must be bullshit. There are hundreds of Heavenly Desolate and Primal Infant. How can the six immortals Dao Lineage be flattened by a Chinese teenager.

“When Chen Heavenly Monarch went to Heavenly Desolate, but ten years ago, it was said that he was not even Golden Core, and he could even wipe out Heavenly Desolate alone? Did His Highness hear the wrong thing, what rumors were wrong?” Qin Dongmu questioned.

He replaced the cardigan in green silk satin and wore a plain black coat. Now that the Supreme Beginning Temple and Promise Dojo are destroyed, the Qin family plummeted in Imperial Capital. Qin Dongmu was also careful to be a man with his tail in place, but he still occasionally appeared a few words of sour Chen Fan.

Correct Correct, I believe that Chen Heavenly Monarch can compare with Amp Heavenly Monarch, but it is too scary to kill nearly a hundred Primal Infant by one person. How could there be such a horrible powerhouse in this world? At that time, the Supreme Beginning temple lord was very different from this “” Many Imperial Capital disciples also crooked.

Imperial Capital eight family.

The Qin family declined, and the Meng family, Long Family, and Lei family were dependent on each case and were uprooted by Northern Jade Faction. However, they have operated for many years in Imperial Capital and naturally have deep connections. Nowadays, Northern Jade is in full swing, they naturally dare not say anything, but the arrival of extra-territorial cultivator , the remnants of these major families, began to move around.

High Baisheng, Chen Jiuyang, Eight Pole Old Ancestor, etc., naturally give up to refute.

More than them, including Japan, Korea, United States, and practice in Europe, there are also many questions.

Gold Clan, Dark Blood Clan, Wolf Clan, Huǒ sāng stars and many other planet Old Ancestor have not spoken, but their disciples and followers of under tutelage also spoke. In the main hall, many Primal Infant Heavenly Monarch also looked suspiciously, looking at the four disciples with a trace of suspicion.

Wearing a green robe, she looks young and beautiful and handsome, named ‘Zhang Qihao’. Similarly, Primal Infant cultivation base, claiming to be the first in Amber Old Ancestor under tutelage, Innate Skill / Gift, became Primal Infant less than a thousand years old. Facing these doubts, naturally sneer :

“This is what I saw on the Heavenly Desolate star. What you saw and heard with your own eyes. If you don’t believe it, just cross Universe Star Ocean and go to Heavenly Desolate to see it.”

“Do n’t be angry, Brother Four, we do n’t dare to believe it. Then the Northern Profound rumor is only Golden Core cultivator . Ten years ago, it was n’t even Golden Core. How can a person calm down the whole Heavenly Desolate? Hundred Primal Infant, Emperor God Mountain was suppressed by Divine Treasure Divine Array. “Xing Hu hurriedly rounded the field and eased it before asking carefully.

“Yes, 70,000 years ago, my ancestor of Blood Clan, known as half-step Great Power, was only half a step away from the Divine Transformation. I thought I was invincible, went to Heavenly Desolate to challenge, losing the Emperor God Mountain powerhouse, but in the end The “Divine Treasure” was sacrificed by that generation of God Lord, and the Yuanzu was seriously injured in a single blow. After the Yuanzu returned to my star, he sat in less than a hundred years. Then Chen Chen Northern Profound He De He Neng, can it be stronger than my Blood Clan Yuan Zu? ” At the head of the hall, those who resisted the court with Amber spoke.

‘It’ was shrouded in black mist, and the skin was pale, both pupils red light greatly rises was about to bleed, and the breath was incredibly powerful, which moved everyone. When mentioning the name of Chen Fan, the tone with a hint of hatred is exactly the first ancestor of Blood Clan. At that time, die was under the sword of Chen Fan, it was the fifth ancestor of Blood Clan.

“Emperor God Mountain Divine Treasure and Divine Array are said to have been taken away by the Mingyang Son of God, so Chen Northern Profound only easily leveled Emperor God Mountain.” Zhang Qihao, wearing a green robe, explained.

The crowd suddenly.

But even so, it is still unacceptable.

Without the Divine Treasure Divine Array, Heavenly Desolate and many Primal Infant powerhouse, the lords of the past generations claim to be the first Heavenly Desolate, which is not too much compared with the first ancestors of Amber Heavenly Monarch and Blood Clan.

“There must be something wrong with this. Without Divine Transformation, it is impossible for one person to wipe out hundreds of Primal Infant. Doesn’t it mean that if Chen Northern Profound is there, one person can beat me and all other Heavenly Monarch outside the domain to join forces? I absolutely don’t believe it.” A figure of Wolf Clan The tall wolf ancestor spoke.

Correct, I don’t believe it.” Golden family Old Ancestor hummed.

The Primal Infants of the Magic Human Race, Hai Clan, and Dragon Clan cried at the same time.

Even Amber Old Ancestor had a trace of doubt on his face. Zhang Qihao is his disciple, and he shouldn’t have doubted it, but this ‘fact’ is too scary. Amber Heavenly Monarch itself, facing up to seven or eight Primal Infant, have to retreat. Chen Fan wiped hundreds of Primal Infant by himself. Doesn’t it mean that he can beat him ten with one hand?

Although the hundreds of Primal Infant are definitely not swarming, this thing is too exaggerated.

“You guys!” Zhang Qihao’s sword frowned.

No matter what he says, these Primal Infant Old Ancestors in the hall just don’t believe it. They each lived for 10,000 or 20,000 years, and their total age added up longer than Cangqing Immortal. The self-confidence of cultivation base is extremely extreme, and the self-thinking is slightly weaker than the Son of God of Star Ocean great sect. Who believes that there are Primal Infants in the world that can sweep hundreds of cultivator s of the same order, not to mention that Chen Fan is not Primal Infant, only Golden Core cultivation base.

Not only quarrels in the hall.

At the same time on the entire earth network, they are too noisy.

Northern Jade Faction and China people are naturally willing to believe that Chen Fan travels far beyond Heavenly Desolate, rises in a foreign country, and climbs to the top of the world ’s first powerhouse, one person can overwhelm countless cultivator outside the domain. This is an epic glorious scene that can be inscribed in the annals of history, surpassing those who are alone in history.

Especially Chen Jiuyang, Gao Baisheng, Su Family, Lu Family, Gu Family and others who are close to Chen Fan are extremely convinced.

But in comparison.

Japan, Myanmar, Korea, United States and other practice circles are not very willing to believe. Especially those big chaebols, although they fear the extraterritorial cultivator , but also hate the cruel and overbearing Chen Fan.

On CIAUnderworld Chatroom.

Even the Sacred Eye stood up and said, “Chen Heavenly Monarch is powerful at this time, but then, when I saw it with my own eyes, he played with a Golden Core class Anubis, and it was still a bit difficult. One person is equal to hundreds of Primal Infant. This news is absolutely unbelievable. “

It’s when the entire planet is in a heated debate.

The second meteor flashed into the night sky.

The Black Haze star has Primal Infant powerhouse, driving the Occupy Bed and crossing the starry sky. Black Haze is not far from Heavenly Desolate. When Chen Fan returned, it passed by this planet.

Primal Infant named ‘Black Mist Old Ancestor’ came, and everyone cultivator naturally welcomed it into the hall and hurriedly asked about Heavenly Desolate.

“I’m on the Black Mist Star, and I do hear that Heavenly Desolate has changed dramatically. Now the ruler of Heavenly Desolate, and not Emperor God Mountain, is Northern Jade Faction. The person who stepped on Emperor God Mountain seemed to be Chen Northern Profound.” Heiwu Old Ancestor hesitated. .

“Really Chen Northern Profound?”

All Primal Infant‘s eyes widened, and they still didn’t want to believe it.

But then.

The third and fourth meteors, one after another, are the Immortal Cultivator of Zheyuan and Longya stars, crossing the starry sky to reach the earth, they are closer to Heavenly Desolate, all openings confirm the black mist Old Ancestor said.

When everyone is in a state of confusion and confusion, when they are suspicious.

Sky Jupiter Primal Infant, riding a thousand-foot warship, crossing the distant galaxy and driving to the earth. Jupiter is the closest planet to Heavenly Desolate, so it is the latest to arrive. The top three Sect, Pastor Sect, Lei Jiyuan, and the ancient demon sage’s top powerhouse are all here. The two great demon Zhang Family Old Ancestor, Optimus Heavenly Monarch and Fu Haitun Mountain that Chen Fan had seen had all arrived. It turned out that they also received an invitation from Zhang Qihao to come to the earth to join in the grand celebration.

But when everyone asked about Chen Fan, Zhang’s Old Ancestor widened his eyes:

“Of course, all this is true. Chen Heavenly Monarch wiped out Heavenly Desolate by himself, and wiped away dozens of Primal Infant from Emperor Shenshan from top to bottom. Even the first **** who followed the Heavenly God king, Mangya Awakened, was also Chen Heavenly Monarch hunted for life. Now planet around Heavenly Desolate, who does n’t know the name of Chen Heavenly Monarch. It is said that there are already many Sects preparing to hold the “Prime Ceremony” for Chen Heavenly Monarch, pushing it to “Divine Monarch“. “

The Great Seal of God.

It is one of the most solemn ceremonies among the many abandoned star fields, even the entire Xiaonan heaven and even the Universe. Like the rank of the ancient emperor, it was pushed by everyone, and it was called ‘Divine Monarch’.

Generally, only Divine Transformation Great Power, or very close to Divine Transformation, and nearly Great Power, such as Divine Monarch Jiang, can be granted such titles. The title of ‘Divine Monarch’ is extremely noble. For hundreds of thousands of years, no more than ten people have won this title in the entire abandoned star field.

Once Chen Fan is crowned as ‘Divine Monarch’, then genuine Vega will deter the entire abandoned star field by hundreds of planet and become the well-deserved first person in the abandoned star field!

“Strange, Chen Heavenly Monarch should have arrived at Central Mainland already, he is much earlier than us. Have you not seen Chen Heavenly Monarch yet?” Optimus Heavenly Monarch asked.

The whole hall was silent.

Whether it is the first ancestor of Xing Hu, Blood Clan, or Amber Heavenly Monarch, everyone’s mouth is tightly closed, and their eyes shine without saying a word, their faces are extremely extreme. The Wolf Clan, Blood Clan, Hai family, Golden family and other Alien Race powerhouse who have hatred against Chen Fan are even more ashamed.

One person’s name, pressed hundreds of Primal Infant bowed.

This is the majesty of Chen Fan!

PS: The first one is served, and the author continues to write the second one ^ _ ^

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