Rebirth – City Cultivation Chapter 1104: Regret for previous life (second more)

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Five hundred years is very long. It is a mortal life for more than five years. Chen Fan lasted only five hundred years, and it became Tribulation Transcendence. It pushed All Heavens all over the world and became ‘Northern Profound Immortal Exalt.

But five hundred years is also very short.

Dao Fusion True Immortal lived tens of millions of years, a Great Power ancient retreat, maybe five hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. Especially the number of Dao Fusion True Immortal is extremely scarce. The entire Universe is basically thousands and tens of thousands of years before a Dao Fusion True Immortal is born. When Chen Fan previous life went from practice to the summit, there were indeed other Dao Fusion True Immortal born in 500 years, but that was not Human Race.

The entire Universe.

In Human Race Immortal Cultivator, those who have built Dao Fusion in 500 years.

He is Chen Northern Profound alone!

“Is Immortal Infant me?”

Chen Fan froze himself.

Recall his previous life experience. Hundred years old and built into Divine Transformation, two hundred years Void Return Dao Fusion, three hundred years Tribulation Transcendence, known as the most promising ascends since ancient times It’s barely a bit like Immortal Infant. It’s just that this early practice time is a bit long. As a dazzling ‘Immortal Infant’, once genuine starts Awakened practice, it should be Divine Transformation for a maximum of ten years.

Other people ‘Light Holy Child’ but one step Divine Transformation!

Of course, this is related to the potential of Light Holy Child itself. Light Holy Child is the bloodline of the ancestor of the founding ancestor of the Light family. Once born, it is Primal Infant level. The Divine Transformation is a natural and easy to build. If he didn’t die, he might even hope to impact Dao Fusion True Immortal, but unfortunately he was finally killed by Chen Fan in the Light family ancestor.

“But wrong, if Immortal Infant is me, how could Cang Qing Immortal have let me go, must take me back to True Martial Immortal Sect. For this reason, even fighting with other Dao Fusion True Immortal is not hesitant. How can I leave me left behind At Heavenly Desolate? “

Chen Fan shakes his head.

From a logical source, this is unclear.

Also, although the previous Chen Fan last practice was not as fast as Immortal Infant. But in late stage, he was Tribulation Transcendence for three hundred years, and went deep in the Tribulation Transcendence period in the next two hundred years. He also boarded Nine Heavens several times to fight against Wan Xian, and he won the title of Northern Profound Immortal Exalt. This is far from being explained by a ‘Immortal Infant’.

The so-called ‘Immortal Infant’.

Is the child of Immortal, the son of Immortal!

Born as a fairy, he will automatically upgrade to Dao Fusion True Immortal in adulthood, and even hope that Tribulation Transcendence will become a fairy, so he is sought after by the nine major Immortal Sect. Don’t hesitate to set up a fairy array, nourish and nurture with an ancient taboo demonic qi Demon God. But it is only hope, not 100% ‘Tribulation Transcendence’. The Tribulation Transcendence period and Dao Fusion Stage are completely two concepts. Otherwise, Universe will not have only one Chen Fan built into Tribulation Transcendence.

“Besides, in my last life, not only Tribulation Transcendence can be described? Even Immortal of genuine above Nine Heavens, I have killed more than one. Even if the Demon God repressed under the fairy soil is resurrected, it is not much harder to kill it than killing chickens. What ’s more, is it a ‘Immortal Infant‘ cultivated by a hint of demonic qi? “

Chen Fan sneered.

But if ‘Immortal Infant’ is not him, who is it?

In the five hundred years of previous life, those who have completed Human Race to become Dao Fusion True Immortal can receive only one Chen Fan.

“Unless … that Immortal Infant does not have entered the world, or, she died early.” Chen Fan lowered her head and said softly. At this moment, there was a trace of sorrow in his eyes.

Chen Fan has vaguely guessed the answer, but he is unwilling to believe or dare to believe it.

If the truth is this.

That means that Chen Fan owes her too much, too much to pay off in Chen Fan‘s life.

“In the last life, Teacher took me away, but my talent was too dull. I didn’t have practice Innate Skill / Gift at all. I was barely able to touch the cultivation to Profound Opening period in my thirties. I didn’t even touch the edge of the Divine Sea period.” Chen Fan opened his eyes gently, eyes The pupil is full of memories:

“And when I met that year, Little Qiong was already in the Golden Core period. In three years, three years later, she became Golden Core. And she is the top of the Divine Grade Golden Core. She as a whole, as if born for practice, in that generation True Martial disciples are among the top ones. “

“After meeting, Little Qiong did not abandon me at all, but always helped me and encouraged me. We even swear each other to be married and never separate. But my talent is so bad that cultivation base is far behind her.

“One year Innate, three years Golden Core, five years Primal Infant!”

“Even the teachers of True Martial Immortal Sect believe that Little Qiong can be cultivated into Divine Transformation for up to 30 years. The future is the seed of Void Return Dao Fusion, and I was at that time? Reluctantly Divine Sea period. If she is not to protect me, in the end die is in The enemy’s hands. It is her, not me, who will surprise the entire Universe in the future! “

Chen Fan slowly closed its eyes.

Thinking of the ‘previous life enemy’, an unforgettable memory and hatred suddenly appeared in Chen Fan ’s mind. A pair of sub-pictures reappeared. He thought he had forgotten long ago, but in fact, the memory became fresher and clearer, making Chen Fan clenched his fists tightly. A distant and aura of breath was deeply imprinted on Chen Fan, so that his whole figure was lingering, as if it were Universe like Aloof.

Previous life.

A lot of things that you can’t figure out and understand are suddenly bright at the moment.

Previous life.

Many details that have not been noticed and ignored have now appeared again.

Previous life.

All kinds of missed, regretted, lost, forgotten, hatred, at this time have to think, can not forget!

“In the last life, Teacher took me and Little Qiong away from the earth. He took Little Qiong to True Martial Immortal Sect, and threw me to a corner to stay slowly. If Little Qiong found me, maybe I would have been there An unknown corner, under the claws of a certain monster, and under the Flying Sword of a Innate cultivator , died silently. “Chen Fan looked blurred.

“In this life, Teacher also passed by the earth, but he took Little Qiong, but did not take me.”

Immortal Infant is not me … it’s you.”

Fang Qiong.!”

Chen Fan whispered, a wry smile appeared on his face.

He was wrong from the beginning. He thought he was the arrogant of heaven, destined to land on Extreme Powerhouse above Nine Heavens. But in fact, ‘Immortal Infant’ cultivated by hundreds of thousands of years of raising the earth ’s greatest chance is Fang Qiong, not him. So in the early stage he bumped into trouble, and he could not cultivate Innate for many years, and Fang Qiong landed on Primal Infant in five years.

“I was still wondering why my Innate Skill / Gift suddenly exploded after the death of Little Qiong, cultivation base was a thousand miles away, any Merit Law repair would be possible, and any Divine Ability would be refined into 90%. Now I want to come, before Little Qiong will die, Transfer her ‘Xianyuan’ to me. “The smile on Chen Fan‘s face grew bitter. In the end, regret and regret in the eyes were gloomy.

“You stupid girl.”

At this time.

Chen Fan has thought about everything.

The earth is a place for raising immortals, and the ‘Immortal Infant’ raised is Fang Qiong. So the Innate Skill / Gift of Fang Qiong is so powerful. His Chen Fan previous life is nothing more than an obscure, ordinary person without practice Innate Skill / Gift. Before the death of Fang Qiong, it must be transferred to Chen Fan through some kind of secret technique or special opportunity.

Although this transfer is necessary, most of the damage must be lost, and it may even be only one-tenth.

But it still made Chen Fan cultivation base skyrocket, Innate Skill / Gift surged, cultivation jumped by leaps and bounds, and just Divine Transformation and Void Return Dao Fusion in two hundred years.

Even in the last life, Cang Qing Immortal came to the earth to take away Fang Qiong, Chen Fan was just soaked. Perhaps Fang Qiong personally asked Cang Qing Immortal, and finally took away the drunk 30-year-old middle-aged uncle Chen Fan.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan only has a bitter smile on his face, but there is a slight pain in his heart.

“Why are you stupid girl so stupid? You gave me so much to make me pay off my life?” Chen Fan sighed.

Although the achievements of Chen Fan‘s previous life are far beyond the scope of ‘tenth of Immortal Infant’, it is the complete ‘Immortal Infant’, and it is far from the height of Chen Fan. Pressing ‘Northern Profound Immortal Exalt’ across All Heavens ’s world, even if it ’s the highest point in Wanxian, not to mention a ‘Immortal Infant’?

But it still can’t change Fang Qiong‘s help for him.

He is like supreme talent hidden in the crowd, True Dragon trapped in the shallows. Fang Qiong gave him the first money and the first capital. Then he can transform himself, with the help of this shareholder style, soaring above Nine Heavens and becoming the Northern Profound Immortal Exalt of the world.

There is no Fang Qiong.

Maybe Chen Fan has to wait a long time. Difficult to break through Innate, break through Golden Core, break through Primal Infant. I do n’t know how many millennia it will take, or how many tens of thousands of years later, he may reluctantly open his own way, and will eventually reach the height of ‘Northern Profound Immortal Exalt’. But looking back, it is estimated that 100,000 years have passed. At the same time, it is also possible that before Chen Fan was promoted to Innate, it might have fallen into a stinky ditch fish pond and silently died under the mouth of an unknown monster.

The journey of Life varies greatly.

Do n’t even be sure about Chen Fan, what would happen in the last life without the help of Fang Qiong?

But it will definitely not be short of five hundred years. It will climb to the top of Universe, overlook the world, and even turn back into Heaven’s Gate. Immortal above Nine Heavens will not be peaceful.


Chen Fan waved his sleeves, dispelled the golden light of his pupils, all the different phases in front of him disappeared, and restored the vast space storm of the Primordial Chaos outside the extreme north of the Kunlun Burial Grounds world.

He sat cross-legged in the extreme north, without practice, but looked up lazily, looking at the starry sky.

Through the sky of the space, you can see the night sky, a bright galaxy running across the sky. There, the central galaxy is located, and Fang Qiong is also located. He doesn’t know how many miles from him, billions of light years.

Chen Fan just stared blankly.

Do n’t let the battle turn, the Years will pass, and the time will wave away, as if it did n’t matter.

After three days.

He just patted the dust on his body and got up slowly. At the moment Chen Fan, when I look at him again, I feel like he is like the most ordinary and ordinary mortal without any trace of breath. All sharpness and brilliance are introverted, without any traces.

previous life is a mortal, and this life will eventually restore mortal.

But at this time Chen Fan‘s eyes, but unprecedented confidence, shining a firm Light Glow, as if to push everything.

“In the last life, I relied on Little Qiong‘s” Immortal Infant “to build Dao Fusion Tribulation Transcendence. But in this life, I came back from rebirth. With this pair of hands, I reentered Dao Fusion Tribulation Transcendence, and it was easy to get back into the palm. It is not difficult to return to Nine Heavens!” Chen Fan Speaking softly, the whole body Light Glow is more and more radiant, turning into a gorgeous rainbow rising into the sky:

“In this life, I want to make up for all the regrets and mistakes of that year. I want Little Qiong I to be safe and happy, and I want everyone who respects and loves me to be happy and happy. I want to make all the enemies pay the price. .. I want this Nine Heavens and hear my name again! My ten thousand immortals tremble when I hear my name. I want to go back to the top of the All Heavens world and let the name of Northern Profound Immortal Exalt become the only world! “

His voice grew louder.

At the end, almost half of the Kunlun Burial Grounds circles sounded, and countless people were horrified.

Twenty years after I entered the world, I will recertify Nine Heavens Immortal today!

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