Realms In The Firmament Chapter 4: Why do n’t I lend it to you …

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Zuo Wuji suddenly lighted up, and then suddenly said: “Where is it so easy … I only know now, that thing is very precious, a small Profound Jade Ruyi, it can be worth two thousand dollars … Poor old man You were urged to steal it and sell it, and only sold a thousand tael of silver, losing a lot of money … “

Speaking again, I gritted my teeth and felt anguish: “Your two souls make me a No.1 black sheep in the world … It can’t be said yet, only Knocked out teeth and blood swallow … Now there is, But what can I buy back? “

Ye Xiao lowered his voice and said, “Hehehe … isn’t it money … isn’t it easy to say? I just ask you, do you want to buy Profound Jade Ruyi back?”

“Think! Bunny doesn’t want it! Then I can take off my ‘Chen Sovereign Country No.1 black sheep‘ hat … God knows how much I want to take off …” Zuo Wuji nodded again and again, gritted his teeth: “Just since the last time After that, my pocket money was deducted. The original monthly silver of three hundred and two months became five or two every month … Five tael of silver, enough to fart! “

“You want to take off the hat of this Empire No.1 black sheep … It’s actually very easy, but … you will soon be‘ Universal Promise No.1 black sheep ’from now on…”

Ye Xiao murmured in his heart, laughed, patted his chest, and said boldly: “As long as you want to buy it back, I can lend you money first …”

“Really?” Zuo Wuji was shocked. Not only him, but also Lan Langlang was a shock!

Today’s sun could it be that is from the north? !! When did Ye Xiao become so generous.

“Really!” Ye Xiao definitely nodded, solemn and solemn.

“What’s your plan?” Zuo Wuji looked at him suspiciously, thinking in his heart: This guy, won’t he hit me again? could it be that really fancy me?

“Miscellaneous account!” Ye Xiao was righteous, and his kindness was regarded as donkey liver and lungs, and he said distressedly, “Zuo Wuji! What did your boy say? When you are a good brother, I can help you, but I’m taking a chance. Big risk, who knows when you will be able to repay me as a prodigal? You still doubt me, okay okay, I will let you die! “

“Don’t pull it down! Isn’t it okay for me to keep the money picking up … Lan Langlang! Let’s go!” Ye Xiao stood up angrily and walked away: “Let’s ignore this unloving guy!”

Lan Langlang is the guy who is most adept at coaxing. How can I let it go? “Shua” stands up and roars cheerfully: “Let’s go! Ignore this **** that doesn’t treat us as friends!”

“Don’t … don’t don’t … Brother Ye, Brother Lan please wait please wait! Ouch my brother …” He said time and time, Zuo Wuji stepped forward and hugged Ye Xiao‘s waist firmly, his face Mei Mei apologized again and again: “Oh my god, did I just say something wrong … oh, we are good brothers, a good brother for a lifetime, you are really angry … oh hurry up please wait! Housekeeper, tea! Good tea! Best Quality good tea! Best Quality Royal Tea given to my grandfather by His Majesty! Hurry up … “

After repeated orders, respectfully let Ye Xiao sit on the Imperial Tutor chair in the middle of it, and the dog’s legs usually bent over and laughed: “hēi hēi …… Brother Ye, hēi hēi, Young Master Ye, wow , Brother my good brother … that money, you really lend me? “

Ye Xiao swayed Erlang’s legs, dangling: “I really wanted to borrow …”

“That can’t be changed …” Zuo Wuji almost knelt down.

How can I let go of the opportunity to make atonement for my sins? God knows how many days I have been in these months … This is my own home, I ca n’t escape.

“Huh, okay.” Ye Xiao was blowing the tea leaves in his hands, a little helpless: “Blame myself for speaking fast … Since this is the case, then you write a note, and then take a random mortgage on me, I also I lent you 15,000 taels gold … first explain, this money, you still have to pay me back in the future, this has not been discussed! “

“This is of course!” Zuo Wuji frowned, and then frowned again, with a sad expression on his face: “But what do I want to mortgage to you?”

“You can understand human language. Just find something. My brother, what good things can you really ask for?” Ye Xiao rolled his eyes and said heartily, “You hold the ornaments in your home and give them casually. I’ll take one … will it be fine? “

Zuo Wuji breathed a sigh of relief: “This is a way … I think, what should I steal this time to go out?”

Eyeballs move around, apparently he has made up his mind to be a thief again.

“Oh …” The Ye Xiao hate iron and steel is induced: “Can you be more optimistic, just take me one in this hall, you don’t have to buy anything valuable, anything …”

Under the obvious and explicit hint of Ye Xiao, Zuo Wuji finally ‘Moussetonkai’: “This … can it be mortgaged?”

“What does it mean to mortgage or not? We are brothers!” Ye Xiao 泱泱 The kindness of the heart is long.

Zuo Wuji couldn’t stop smiling, the big rock finally dropped, and smiled: “Although it’s all my grandpa’s stuff, I like it very much … but it doesn’t matter if there is less one and a half … brother, You said, which one do you like? I’ll send it to you directly! What is the mortgage? I will return the money, and this decoration will send you! “

Zuo Wuji is really a proud cloud.

Ye Xiao frowned, and righteousness suddenly said, “What do you call me, who do you think I am? I’m helping you. Is could it be that still trying to get you a little bit of things … You can send me after you’re done, then It’s your mind, courtesy is light, but if I accept it now, it’s a bribe! “

Bribery? !!

Zuo Wuji twitched fiercely.

What you say is like a big official.

“Well, your ink is strong, just this one, I like the feeling of spreading wings.” The Ye Xiao‘s fingers were a little careless, and the point was the Heavenly Crystal Spirit Essence.

“This … isn’t this too much?” Zuo Wuji moved with heart. It seems that Ye Xiao is really helping me this time. He filled the hall with the treasure, he actually chose the next one, good man, why didn’t he find it before …

“Okay, you know what I want.” Ye Xiao said gravely, “Who and who of us should … good brothers should help each other … by the way, you in this matter But keep it secret, in case anyone knows that I have lent you so much money … come to me to borrow money, and borrow this and not that, I will be troubled. “

“You must rest assured, I must be tight-lipped!” Zuo Wuji banged on his chest: “Am I the kind of person …”

“Otherwise … you can take it now.” Zuo Wuji fears that there will be more night dreams, and strives to be realistic.

“Stupid!” Ye Xiao whispered: “Can you say you can grow your brain? So many people are watching me move things from your house? How can it be kept secret?”

“Yes, yes.” Zuo Wuji was next to Ye Xiao‘s ears: “Then it’s dark at dusk, I’ll take it out again?”

“This is a great idea!” Ye Xiao praised: “At that time I was waiting for you in the alley around the corner, and by the way, I brought you the golden ticket.”

Zuo Wuji asked for this sentence, and immediately smiled: “Thank you brothers this time … As long as I can restore my original status at home, I will immediately start to collect silver repayment from the shop, rest assured, I Speaking of it! “

“Okay, if I don’t believe you, I can still lend you so much money?” Ye Xiao and Zuo Wuji are side by side, extremely affectionate, and they are very kind.

Seeing this scene with Lan Langlang on one side, the eyes are almost falling out.

After all the things are settled, Ye Xiao and Lan Langlang are among the gratitudes of Zuo Wuji. After Young Master Zuo‘s respectful farewell, they leave Minister Zuo’s House.

“Don’t forget it at night.” Both of them have gone a long way, and they can hear the emotional shouting of Zuo Wuji from behind.

“I said, do you really want to lend him money?” Lan Langlang looked at Ye Xiao in disbelief: “Well … you don’t look like such a kind person, don’t plan to repent and put the kid together Right … “

“What’s your name? You really use the heart of a villain to save me as a gentleman! Do you think I’m the same kind of unbelievable person like you?” Ye Xiao despises Looking at Lan Langlang, he said, “Go back and prepare me a 12,000 gold ticket, I will be useful!”

It ’s not enough to lend Zuo Wuji to your family …

“You are useful, okay, wait … what, what are you talking about? You asked me to prepare a 12,000 gold ticket, and then you lent it to Zuo brat? Why? Give me a reason first!” Lan Langlang instantly exploded.

Are you a good person and let me pay for it?

Why! ?

“Reason? You can’t figure it out! If you don’t prepare enough gold tickets, what will I lend to Zuo Wuji? Isn’t this a blatant thing! What a truth!”

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes, seemingly casual and slow threat: “Lan Langlang, if you don’t bring me a gold ticket, it will break my trust, it doesn’t matter, at most I will jealous of you and Zuo Wuji fighting in the blue house last time If you have naked buttocks, tell your grandpa your dad, your mother, your aunt … If it is not exciting enough, I will give you a poster on the street! Make sure that it is a household name and let the entire Capital City know your Lan Langlang name Let you be known as Capital City together with Zuo brat, Megatron! “

“Ah? You!” Lan Langlang didn’t breathe out of breath, almost fainted, and the mad cross-eyed turned into normal eyeballs, crying and crying: “Is this too poisonous? You want my life … “

“Well, what old age do you have when you are a little old, so no nonsense! In the end, your three melons and jujubes will be indispensable, and I will ask you, take or take?!”

“I’ll take it! Do I still have a choice?” Lan Langlang almost cried: “I can’t take it …”


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